January 31, 2013, - 3:43 pm
ABSURD: HAMAS/Hezbo Arabs Upset Over Coke Ad; “Why Can’t We Vote for Arab on Camel?”
In case you haven’t heard, the Hezbollah/HAMAS-supporting Arabs at the deceptively-named American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) are up in arms about a Super Bowl ad by Coca-Cola (video below), featuring cowboys on horses, scantily-clad showgirls on a bus, and Mad Max-style warriors on motorcycles racing against each other in the desert. The beginning of the ad features an Arab in a keffiyeh riding on a camel. And that’s offensive, apparently, ‘cuz there have never ever been Arabs in keffiyehs, on camels, in the desert, or all three. Quick, someone arrest the director of “Lawrence of Arabia”! Frankly, given that our experiences with Arabs (most of whom are Muslims–most Christian Arabs don’t like to be called “Arabs”), especially our experiences with the Islamic terrorism-supporting ADC, they should be happy with this innocent portrayal.

Let me tell you a little something about the ADC. As I’ve told you over the years, its Senior National Adviser and Midwest Regional Director is Islamic terrorist, immigration fraud perpetrator, and FBI award revokee, Imad Hamad. Hamad was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which engages in homicide bombings and murdered Israeli tourism minister Rechavam Ze’evi. Hamad came here on a student visa and never attended classes. Instead, he engaged in marriage fraud, marrying a far-leftist Israeli-American self-hating Jewish bitch with whom he never lived or had sex. Yup, marriage fraud. And, all while he did that, he was caught on FBI and INS surveillance tapes recruiting and fundraising for the PFLP. And, as is always the case, Hamad lied about all of this on various federal documents. The government fought to deport him for two decades, but after U.S. Senator Carl Levin pressured Janet Reno and the Clinton Administration, everything was dropped and he was given citizenship. Thereafter, Hamad openly supported Hezbollah (which murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials) as “the Heroes” and raised money for HAMAS-tied and Al-Qaeda-linked organizations. He also praised as “patriotic” the Palestinian Authority teaching three-year-old kids to become terrorist martyrs and kill Jews. And the FBI revoked a planned award to Hamad after I exposed him in the New York Post and an FBI check on his name in government databases found over a dozen terrorism and immigration fraud cases involving him. Hamad was about to be stripped of his citizenship and charged with crimes relating to a good deal of his terrorist activity, when the Obama feds shut the whole thing down.
The ADC, itself, was headed for years by House check-kiting scandal queen, Mary Rose Oakar. And ADC is on the forefront of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hatred, as well as aiding and abetting Arab illegal aliens, many of them tied to Islamic terrorism. ADC heavily lobbied against Bill Clinton’s counter-terrorism package, which made it illegal for U.S. residents to donate money to Islamic terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and Al-Qaeda.
Given all that about Hamad and the ADC, it’s kinda funny to read Hamad’s close buddy, ADC President Warren David (whose livelihood is sensitivity training about Arabs and Muslims) whine about the Coke ad and say:
Why is it that Arabs are always shown as either oil-rich sheiks, terrorists, or belly dancers?
First of all, um, the Arab guy in the Coke ad is neither of these three, so I guess they aren’t always portrayed that way. If the dude was an “oil-rich sheik,” he’d be driven around in a Rolls Phantom, not riding in the desert on a camel, hot and thirsty. But he’s right. Arabs should not always be portrayed as belly dancers or oil-rich sheiks (which are actually a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of the Arab world). We can just stick with terrorists.
Also, it’s funny to hear another ADC complaint–that at the end of the ad, viewers can vote for whom they want to win the desert race, but the Arab on the camel is not among the choices. Hmmm . . . so let me get this straight. First, they hate the guy because they think he’s a “racist stereotype,” but then, they’re mad that they can’t vote for him to win an irrelevant fictional desert race in an ad for a soft drink? Um, would an Arab on a camel win a race against a bus or a motorcyle or even a cowboys on horses? Not likely. But I think they should include the ad in the choices, since most Americans wouldn’t vote for him. Then, we’d all be “raaaaaciiiiiiistttttt!” for not picking him, right?
An extremist Muslim imam complains that the ad shows the Arab as a “backward” and “foolish camel jockey” and that Arabs “can’t win in the world.” Huh? Does it really show that? Only if you are an insecure Arab and think of yourself that way–as backward and foolish (which I think beheadings, torture, and perpetual outrage on every little thing does kinda demonstrate in spades – just sayin’). It shows a guy on a camel. Period. And that guy, by the way, could be a Jew or a Christian, as all of them wore keffiyehs and rode camels at some point back in the day. But Arabs, particularly Muslims–who are the ones who usually identify as Arabs–are always the “victims” even though they are generally the perpetrators. They have to be perpetually outraged or it’s like they don’t exist. Everything is about them. And yet, if Coke were truly accurate, it would show the guy in the back of a car pushing the number on a cellphone to blow up an IED under an American soldier or an Israeli pizza shop. The Arabs claim the ad is “racist,” but Arabs are not a race, despite their efforts to be recognized as one in the U.S. Census.
The thing is, this sudden “outrage” by the ADC and Muslims is meant to shake down Coca-Cola. The company already spends millions of your Coke dollars to give to Muslim organizations in the Arab world. Coke’s partnership with Injaz El-Arab helped Muslim Arab women in Beirut win an ad competition sponsored by FOX in December. Expect their American counterparts to get millions more after Warren David, Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, and the rest of the forever outraged and “victimized” Arab and Muslim communities in America get down with Coke.
And it’s only a matter of hours before Coke decides to either pull the ad or delete the Arab from the video. Or, maybe, Coke will ad the Arab to the voting, and he’ll magically win. In any event, expect Coca-Cola to capitulate, one way or the other. The company has no cojones and it believes the usually empty Arab threats. A lotta Coke money is gonna change hands, and Warren David will soon be running the company’s “sensitivity training” and “multi-cultural awareness.” Cha-ching!
Boy, am I glad I stopped drinking Diet Coke. Can’t wait ’til some dumbass Obamanik says that the Coke ad will inspire Islamic terrorism and makes a Benghazi-style apology. 3-2-1 . . . .
When I was a kid, my parents would not allow any Pepsi products in our home, just Coke. That’s because Pepsi abided by the Arab boycott of Israel, and Coke didn’t (which for a time locked Coke out of the Arab world). I have several Hebrew Coke bottles that I bought in Israel. But that’s all changed now. Thus, the millions of dollars Coke has given to Muslim groups throughout the Arab world . . . as repentance money.
So, I’ll skip both Pepsi AND Coke.
Tags: ADC, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Arab, Arabs, camel, Coca Cola, Coca-Cola Anti-Arab, Coca-Cola Racist, Coke, Coke Anti-Arab, Coke racist, Coke Super Bowl ad, Warren David
I haven’t had any Pepsi products since they adopted the Obama style logo after Obama first got elected.
I only drink tea or off brand rootbeer.
ebayer on January 31, 2013 at 3:58 pm