January 25, 2013, - 3:26 pm
HILARIOUS! Muslims Claim Jabba the Hutt Lego is “Anti-Muslim, Racist,” Call Jabba a “Terrorist”
Even if you are not a “Star Wars” fan (I am), you’re probably familiar with Jabba the Hutt, the giant blob of a character who enslaves Princess Leia in “Return of the Jedi” and kidnaps and freezes Han Solo. Well, now, apparently Jabba and his palace are anti-Muslim and racist, according to the followers of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage . . . and “Peace.” Muslims want an apology from Lego, the Danish toy company, because they say that the Lego Jabba the Hutt Palace resembles two mosques and is therefore an abomination to Islam. My only question is: do mosques come equipped with a leashed woman in a metal bikini and a strange braided hairstyle? Might liven things up if they did. Just sayin’. On the other hand, no Muslim ever had a harem or a scantilly clad chick perform a belly dance for him, right? Just askin’. Even more hilarious is that these people call Jabba a “terrorist” and are upset that he likes to smoke a hookah. Um, look in the mirror, Muslims. Just sayin’ #2.
Oh, and note that one of the mosques that the Muslims believe is being imitated by Jabba’s Palace was originally a CHURCH (but, per usual, forcibly taken over by Muslims and converted into a mosque). Helloooooo . . .?
Austria’s Turkish community said the model was based on Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and that the accompanying figures depicted Asians and Orientals as people with “deceitful and criminal personalities.”
The Turkish Cultural Community of Austria released a statement calling for Lego to apologise for affronting religious and cultural feelings.
The anger was provoked by “Jabba’s Palace”, a model of the home of Jabba the Hutt from Lego’s Star Wars product range based on the blockbusting series of science fiction films. . . .

Jabba’s domed home and accompanying watchtower bear, according to the statement, an unwanted resemblance to Istanbul’s great Hagia Sophia, and another mosque in Beirut.
A picture posted on the Cultural Community’s website includes the box for Jabba’s Palace with arrows pointing out similarities to a picture of the Hagia Sofia mosque.
A converted Christian basilica and famed for its massive domed roof, the Hagia Sofia is one of the most famous mosques in the world and served Istanbul’s Muslim community for over 500 years before becoming a museum in 1943. It is also regarded as one of the finest, and largest examples, of Byzantine architecture.
The Jabba case came to light after an Austrian Turk complained to the organisation after his sister had bought his son the box set.
Austria’s Turkish community also took issue with the figures that went with the palace, including Jabba.
“The terrorist Jabba the Hutt likes to smoke a hookah and have his victims killed,” said the statement posted on the organisation’s website.
“It is clear that the ugly figure of Jabba and the whole scene smacks of racial prejudice and vulgar insinuations against Asians and Orientals as people with deceitful and criminal personalities.”
The crimes associated with the figures, the statements adds, include terrorism, slavery, murder and human sacrifice.
Taking into account that many of the Lego figures carry weapons, the Turkish organisation also urged parents “not to buy toys of war or toys of discrimination” as the model goes against the “peaceful coexistence of different cultures in Europe”.
As an indication of the anger felt over Jabba’s Palace, the organisation said it was considering taking legal action against Lego for inciting racial hatred and insulting human dignity.
Bleepin’ High-larious. Um, it’s a science fiction movie, Muslims. A science fiction movie. Unbelievable. Marhaba [“Welcome”] to Lego Jihad
By the way, I heard that the wrapper from my sandwich at lunch resembled one of the 99 names of allah, after I crinkled it up. And, therefore, my throwing it away was an affront to Islam. Also, I once threw away a poster of Lando Calrissian, which might have resembled the oft-beaten slave of Prince Mohammed Atta Bin Malik Shabazz Al-Saud, 5,724th in line for the Saudi throne. And, finally, somebody told me that my pet rock might resemble a miniature version of the Kaaba. I apologize!
One last thing: I think it’s time to blame the U.S. Embassy attacks on Lego’s intolerant, offensive Star Wars toys and put its executives in jail for “some minor parole violation” and inciting Islam. I mean, that’s what free societies, like America, do.

Tags: Beirut, Hagia Sofia, Hagia Sophia, Hagia Sophia mosque, Islam, Istangul, Jabba the Hutt, Jabba the Hutt anti-Islam, Jabba the Hutt's Palace, Jabba's Palace, Jihad, Lego, Lego anti-Islam, Lego Islam, Lego Jihad, Lego racism, Muslim, Muslims, Return of the Jedi, Star Wars, Turkish Cultural Community of Austri
The Turks have gone nuts!
Not a surprise with their slide into obscurantist Islamism!
Kemal’s secular Turkey is now little more than a historical memory.
NormanF on January 25, 2013 at 4:48 pm