December 24, 2012, - 1:12 pm
Merry Christmas, Love Egypt’s Muslims: Christians Intimidated, Threatened @ Voting on New Sharia Constitution
Over the weekend, on Christmas Eve Eve, Egypt’s Muslims declared victory in a vote overwhelmingly approving the new sharia constitution. But that’s because Christians were threatened, harmed, and otherwise intimidated by mainstream Muslim thugs. And if you think this can’t happen here, you are on crack. We won’t see it in our generation, but in a few generations, when Muslims gain enough of a population foothold–a critical mass–this is what they will do here to your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, their children, and so on. We’re already seeing signs of it–the mild symptoms when a body first manifests cancer. and the prognosis is very bad in the long term.

Remember that this is George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s legacy, since Bush called for and began the push for Muslim “democracy” all over the Middle East (and got it in Iran-back Shi’ites ruling Iraq and HAMAS ruling Gaza), and Barack Obama pushed out Hosni Mubarak to make it happen in Egypt (which Bush praised in a Wall Street Journal column). And, as you read this, keep in mind that none of this is about “Islamists” or “Islamism,” phony terms coined by politically correct cowards. THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .
On Friday, the day before the referendum vote, Al Gama’a Al Islamiyya members rode on flatbed trucks mounted with flags and speakers while shouting anti-Christian slogans.
Many of Egypt’s Christians say they were intimidated by Islamists. At polling stations, some Christians said they found their names weren’t listed. In other cases, they said, poll managers wouldn’t let them in.
“In the beginning, after the revolution, we all went out to vote,” said Maged Fawzi Farweez, a Christian who voted “no” in the second round of the referendum on Saturday. “But over and over, we feel as though our voices go to waste. That’s why many of us don’t go anymore.”
Mr. Farweez lives in Bayadaya, one of a constellation of small, almost exclusively Christian villages that surround the southern Egyptian city of Minya. . . .
Egypt’s revolution has been hard on its Christians. Sectarian clashes, the abrupt rise of Islamist politicians and the mainstream perception that the Christian community supports former President Hosni Mubarak have frightened the once apolitical community. Many Christians say they feel that they can’t speak out for fear of being labeled as traitors.
The handful of Christians present on the constitution-drafting committee joined about two dozen other secular-leaning delegates in withdrawing last month, shortly before the document was passed. Their absence allowed Islamists to push through the controversial document, whose passage was all but guaranteed Sunday.
Even the relatively moderate Muslim Brotherhood contributed to sectarian tensions recently. Mohammed Al Biltagi, a widely respected Brotherhood reformer, sparked outrage when he told television audiences that 60% of the draft panel’s opponents were Christians. . . .
In Minya, the Christians’ clout is eclipsed by hard-line Islamists who have grown in power since the fall of Mr. Mubarak and his secularist regime early last year. Minya is the birthplace of the former militant group Al Gama’a Al Islamiya, and some of the group’s leaders returned there after their release from prison following the revolt. During moments of heightened political tension, the organization has staged thousands-strong rallies in a show of force.
On Friday, the day before the referendum vote, Al Gama’a Al Islamiyya members rode on flatbed trucks mounted with flags and speakers while shouting anti-Christian slogans.
Many of Egypt’s Christians say they were intimidated by Islamists. At polling stations, some Christians said they found their names weren’t listed. In other cases, they said, poll managers wouldn’t let them in.
As I’ve noted before, most of these “Christians” in Egypt are Coptic Jew-haters who supported Muslim extremists every step of the way until Mubarak was pushed out, so I don’t feel too badly for them and their karma-laden current state. Their Pope, Shenouda III, was a rabid supporter of HAMAS and urged pogroms against Jews (and these are the same Copts who had no problem vilifying the Jews and Israel, falsely claiming that Jews and Israelis were behind the Mohammed video, in yet another of the historic Coptic blood libels against Jews). But it’s the Christians (and the Jews and other non-Muslims) in the West, who will be future victims of this, that I fear for.
It’s not like this should be news. The handwriting has long been on the wall that this is what Muslims do to non-Muslims whenever the Muslims take power. They don’t discriminate between the dhimmi Christians who kiss their asses and the others who rightly see the Islamic threat and fight against it.
Hey, let’s hear it for yet another example of Islamic “tolerance.” They want you to bend over backward (and forward) for them. But when it comes to “tolerating” you, their answer is the sword and beheading.
Tags: Al Gama'a Al Islamiyya, Christians, Christians in Egypt, Coptic Christians, Coptics, Copts, Egypt, Egyptian Christians, Islamic intolerance, Maged Fawzi Farweez, Minya, Mohammed Al Biltagi, Muslim Intolerance, Nabil Gameel, sharia
As goes, so goes... on December 24, 2012 at 1:54 pm