December 12, 2012, - 2:54 pm

OUTRAGEOUS Video: The Syrian Savages Obama Just Recognized (But Canada Smartly Won’t)

By Debbie Schlussel

There are many days–pretty much all days–when I wish we could trade Barack Obama to Canada for Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister who has major cojones in a good way. And we should probably change the lyrics from “Blame Canada” to “Blame Obama.” Yesterday, Barack Obama formally recognized the group of savage terrorists known as the “Free Syrian Army” a/k/a the Syrian National Coalition a/k/a Syrian Opposition Coalition. There is nothing “free” about them, other than that they freely torture and take the lives of their fellow Muslims on whim. In contrast, Canada, under Harper’s leadership, refused to recognize the FSA because of its savagery and said it won’t recognize the group until it rejects extremism (though we all know that’s just a matter of uttering BS, done every day in the Muslim world).


Whatta Country!: Our Preferred Syrian Islamic Terrorists v. the Assad Syrian Islamic Terrorists

While I’ve been a major critic of Bashir Assad and the Assad regime that’s run Syria via the same torture and murder for decades, the FSA is not just as bad, but probably worse. And handing over Syria to them–which is what will likely happen soon because the U.S. and other Western nations backed the FSA–will further destabilize the Middle East. The only good thing that could happen here is if the Assad/FSA war could go on forever and both sides would lose.

Check out this video below–which I’ll admit is propaganda from the pro-Assad side, but jibes with reports of FSA tortures and murders and it’s too vivid to be phony. I warn you that this is a very graphic video. It is not to be viewed while eating or if you have a weak stomach. And remember, this isn’t just a video of the behavior of America’s favored Syrian Islamic terrorists, the FSA (and the other ever-changing names the group goes by). Nope. It’s not just them. THIS. IS. ISLAM. . . .

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were to the left of even Obama in supporting these animals, attacking Obama in the debates for not aiding these monsters more heavily and earlier (the same absurd position they also took on Egypt and Libya).

This stuff is happening on both sides and we shouldn’t be playing favorites nor should we be involved at all. Let them kill each other. And let allah sort it out. The Shi’ite (Assad is backed by Iran, allied with Hezbollah, and is an Alawite, a mostly-Shia offshoot) versus Sunni (the FSA is the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood band of terrorists) terrorist war is a centuries old conflict in which we have no interest in the winner. They all stink. We already made this mistake when we went into Iraq and handed it from a Sunni dictator to Iranian-backed malefactors. We should have learned our lesson then.

Sadly, that’s not the path we are taking.



Canada told the Syrian opposition Tuesday it must reject extremism and embrace minorities before Ottawa will recognize its legitimacy as a successor to President Bashar Al-Assad, according to a federal official.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird explained Canada’s preconditions for official recognition at a meeting with representatives of the opposition Syrian National Coalition in Morocco on Tuesday, the official said.

“He outlined the importance of rejecting extremism, the inclusion of minorities, and the importance of the role of women in a post-Assad era,” said the official, who did not want to be named.

Unfortunately, these conditions are not enough and merely demand lip service. There are plenty of women in the Muslim Brotherhood’s ruling thuggery in Egypt. Doesn’t make a difference. The biological inner plumbing ain’t the problem.

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39 Responses

For the record Debbie, over the weekend, the civil war occuring Syria reached south into Lebanon, in which 4 people where killed,

And we shouldn’t go into Syria and help the so-called rebels and the FSA, yes Al-Assad is a terrible leader/dictator in Syria, but those who want to take over Syria are 100 times worst than Assad’s regime. The one’s who wants to take over Syria are al-qeada, Muslim Brotherhood and/or hezbollah in which they want to set Syria even more backwards into medievil times by imposing sharia-law on the Syrian population, etc.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on December 12, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Sorry debbie we were right to go into Irag. Read the Third Terrorist plus he did have WMD. The Russians sure knew he did How we handled Irag after winning against saddam is another story.

Beeman Scott on December 12, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    Actually, Debbie has read and recommended that book.

    skzion on December 12, 2012 at 7:52 pm

This is what America wants by voting Obama. He fully approves and watched similar treatment inflicted on our Libyan ambassador and soldiers. And, the American public looked the other way.

And, you don’t think judgment is coming to this nation and every one of us living here?

Think again.

As goes, so goes... on December 12, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Oh, and yes, this is coming to America.

The Saturday people first, then the Sunday people…

It is a matter of time. It is inevitable because Americans don’t think outside their noses. They want healthcare and what goes on over seas “stays over seas.”

Guess again…

As goes, so goes... on December 12, 2012 at 3:21 pm

I actually enjoyed watching the muzzie-on-muzzie violence because the more that die, the less of them Israel has to kill. I’d like to see this continue for centuries if not millenia.

FrenchKiss on December 12, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    My post was edited by Schlussel because I questioned whether she actually believes that Mitt Romney supports these savages. I also said that Mitt Romney NEVER specifically supported the FSA. Her removal of my statement without answering it speaks volumes.

    FrenchKiss on December 12, 2012 at 5:32 pm

      Oh please, FK, we both know that what you actually wrote before was full of hysterical and abusive language.

      skzion on December 12, 2012 at 7:54 pm

Well, we should think about the situation in Syria next time we (used rhetorically) attack our fight against the Indians for civilization in this country. Granted the Muslims are worse than the Indians because of their ideology, but the general level of savagery is not that different.

It used to be that we fought this savagery on an international basis, but this stopped by World War I.

Now we always look for ‘moderates’, moderate Communists, moderate Sunnis, and moderate Shi’ites. Moderates in Cuba, and Venezuela. In all of these social movements, the worst elements usually ‘rise’ to the top.

Little Al on December 12, 2012 at 3:50 pm

What a great President we have.

The fact of the matter is the West is in real trouble if our only real leader is the Prime Minister of Canada.

I_AM_ME on December 12, 2012 at 3:58 pm

Sorry, no video visible on mobile.

Barb in TX on December 12, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Obama’s backing of the “Free Syrian Army” is actually perfectly umnderstandable. Obama would have much preferred to back the “Symbionese Liberation Army,” but that group is no longer operating at any significant level. Remember, Obama’s a very practical person, so he’s only going be backing the best-running leftist terrorist organizations.

(Note: The Symbionese Liberation Army was an American self-styled left-wing revolutionary group active between 1973 and 1975 that considered itself a vanguard army. The group committed bank robberies, two murders, and other acts of violence.)

Ralph Adamo on December 12, 2012 at 4:04 pm

And one of their members, at one point, was Patty Hearst.

ConcernedPatriot on December 12, 2012 at 4:33 pm

Just remember, Obama’s ultimate goal is the elimination of Israel. Most of my Christian friends know this; unfortunately, the American Jews haven’t woken up and won’t until it is too late and their daughters have to wear chadors.

Jonathan E. Grant on December 12, 2012 at 4:39 pm

The truth is that this kind of thing has been going on for several decades now, in both Democratic and Republican parties, especially since the suicidal “peace process” was implemented in 1992. Since that time, no matter who has been in office, the U. S. government has been supporting the creation of a mini-terror state on the border of tiny Israel. The CIA was training the “Palestinians” in all kinds of combat and our country was helping to arm them even though these miscreants were still committed to wiping Israel off the map. It didn’t take long for these thugs to use their expert training to turn it agains Israel, the Jews and the U.S. as well. They even went into Iraq to attack our soldiers during that war.
They made “suicide bombing” popular. So if we want to blame Obama we should, but as Debbie has always said, we also need to blame, Bush! Happy Chanuka Debby and thanks for your wonderful blog. It is the first thing I run to check out after a long day at work in order to get accurate news and information!

Rebecca on December 12, 2012 at 5:28 pm

    Actually, Rebecca, we should blame the Israeli political elite, who have pushed the idea of kicking Jews off their land and giving said land to foreigners (which we now called Fakestinians) since Israel first recaptured the land.

    The stability you see in American foreign policy mainly derives from the stability of Israeli policy.

    skzion on December 12, 2012 at 7:59 pm

This is what Allahu Akbar really means to millions of Muslims around the world.
You can basically watch Syria turning into Afghanistan here, this is no joke, don’t think because it’s happening in some country far away that it won’t affect you because it will.

Frankz on December 12, 2012 at 6:46 pm

I’m gonna gear myself up to the watch the video. It may be disturbing but it’s something I must do. We must watch these violent things so we know the truth and can fight back in the right measure. I think I have the emotinal currency for it.

I must agree with DS on Canada. I have always been loathe to even like Canada but these days, under the regime of Obama-Putin, it really is not fair or truthful to rage on the Cannucks. We are worse than they are now!

A Canadian Newspaper I have read has been the most REAL Conservative take on politics lately these days (other than this site, of course). They have a fascinating 3 part article on Benghazi that strikes me as credible (and believe me…I have read many not-so-credible crap takes on Benghazi…) and talks about Syria’s hand and how the whispers of chemical weapons is just a canny ruse to get us involved in the Syrian civil war. It also touches on the probable proxy war that the Syrian War may actually be (Saudi Arabia (with USA on that side) vs Iran (with Russia and China on that side). I can’t say definitively but it is sounding feasible to me. I’ve posted it on my Twitters feed yesterday.

Because I come here I know that we should keep out of the conflict. I am grateful to know that (thanks to this site). I don’t hear others speaking so knowingly and truthfully as they should these days about Syria and Islam as a whole.

What a mess if we get involved! But we already are and Obama-Putin is helping the MB “rebels” all the while the State Dept is labeling groups on that side as “terrorists”. It is indeed a Cluster you-know-what!

You better keep an eye on what is happening in Syria. It’s gonna get wicked messy!

Skunky on December 12, 2012 at 7:10 pm

I’m sick of this world police crap that the USA always gets in the middle of. We have cities that can use all the money being spent to rebuild those countries and to fund them with weapons and food all sorts of other aid. We have our own problems over here that we need to take care of. That entire region is nothing, but a waste if time, resources and energy. Whether it be Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia or even Israel, not a single one of those places has benefited any of us positively (other than the trillions of $$$ they’ve put in the pickets if the very few). Nothing ever changes over there and it never will!

Kershaw on December 12, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Ok, I watched it and while graphic, I was easily able to get through it. Thank goodness.

Beeman Scott, DS has definitely read “The Third Terrorist” (I think that’s the Jayna Davis book…look in her archives for her mentions of that book) and I don’t think we should have gone into Iraq AT ALL because the way we fight wars is dopey and stupid. When I knew LESS about the conflict I remember reading in Michael Savage’s books that going into Iraq would be deadly if it fell to Iran…and that’s essentially what happened. At the time I hoped he wasn’t right but of course at the time I had no clue of the facts (which would have made it elementary and self-evident) or read this blog.

French Kiss, I vividly recall listening to the second and third debates and Romney was indeed to the LEFT of Obama-Putin on the ME. I was thunderstruck by his idiocy and I was on twitters during both and even before I read DS’ tweets on how pitiful it was I was able to see it myself BECAUSE I come here. If I could see it…it goes without saying DS would know it through and through. And even before the election many here alluded to and flatly said that Romney would hardly be better than Obama-Putin on the ME.

Instead of Hollywood movies, videos like above should play in Cinemas to get the American people clued into how brutal and savage Islam is. But our work is even more delicate because a most important point in this thread is DS’ point on us NOT feeling bad for either side because that is what these beasts do. BUT we must be privy to the savage brutality inherent in these savage pigs first.

The American people are NO WHERE close to even understanding what these monsters are about. That scares me before I even process to what these savages do to each other.

Skunky on December 12, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    Skunky, I’ve read The Third Terrorist (at Debbie’s strong recommendation).

    It was terrific to defeat Iraq so easily. The great–the extraordinary–error was to rebuild it. Similarly, it would be terrific to defeat Iran (and it would be easily). We should restore the balance between Sunni and Shiite Islam. This is what the “vacuumers” (i.e., those who fret about power vacuums) never seem to consider.

    Frankly, it’s quite inexpensive to defeat these jokers militarily. Further, it will encourage them to keep killing each other. Eventually, some group will try to do what al-Qaeda did in Afghanistan. This is no problem, as it is inexpensive to blow up these people as well. Or, we can just destroy areas containing these people and soon enough no areas will contain these people. We can also assassinate all mullahs/imams in the area and destroy the mosques. These are the nerve centers of unrest.

    I’ve said it before: we need to keep our eyes on a clear objection: the elimination of Islam. That means we must create a situation in which Muslims will revert to a real religion or just have them killed.

    I don’t see why this is unrealistic.

    skzion on December 12, 2012 at 8:09 pm

      Yep Skzion, I agree with you 100% with the “rebuilding” of Iraq.

      If we can’t go in and destroy the enemy to pitch and then leave we should not be fighting wars. These Liberal PC wars are for the birds and hurt America in the long run. Like “Quinn’s First Law”~ Liberalism generates the exact opposite of it’s initial stated intent.

      Skunky on December 12, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Here is another great book you might be interested in.

Canadian Steve on December 13, 2012 at 1:38 am

Debbie, fully agree w/ ya. The things that Canada is demanding are things that the Assad regime already does – have Christians, women and other groups in the government. Doesn’t detract from their Hizbullah alliances.

Syria is the one bright spot in this Arab spring – unlike Egypt, Libya & Tunisia which folded, Syria has plunged into a full scale civil war. Sunni terrorists from all sorts of places, such as Pakis from UK, are converging there. The Iranians and Hizbullah should maximize their involvement there, as should the new Iraq regime.

As far as Western support goes, they can recognize the FSA all they like, but if they’ve been supporting the FSA, the Russians and Chinese have supported Assad, since that’s their last customer of military hardware, which they don’t wanna lose. So hopefully, this Syrian civil war will last as long as the Lebanese civil war did. It’s important to note that this is not a mere anti-government uprising – why would Alawites or Christians or Druze be opposed to democracy if that meant that the policy would be live & let live? It’s an all out war b/w Sunnis vs the rest.

Now, if only that would break out in Bahrein as well, so that the Saudis are totally preoccupied on their border and can’t fund dawa activities worldwide.

Infidel on December 13, 2012 at 6:47 am

    Infidel, I knew you wouldn’t be tricked by the MSM crap they are slinging on the issue in Syria. You know what the people who don’t know (or understand) are not saying.

    I am hoping that it WILL go on forever but the chemical weapons ruse is the siren sound that tells me retarded USA is gonna mess this issue (and more) up than it can or should be. It’s not looking good.

    Skunky on December 13, 2012 at 4:11 pm

Barak hussein continues to buy his terrorist allies with US taxpayer funds. Hios street armies around the world are multiplying. But never fear, Speaker Boehner, the incompetent wimp, will kowtow to and prostrate himself before the Holy One and help fund the new caliphate.
After Pearl Harbor: on to VICTORY.
After 9/11: SURRENDER, and meekly at that!

Otto Schaden on December 13, 2012 at 8:26 am

Notice how Kershaw can’t begin to defend her “ideas.” This is why I am so impatient with her ilk.

I am certainly willing to change my mind. For example, I have changed my mind very much regarding Islam. The data roll in. These data make certain ways of viewing the world increasingly dubious. Rational people finally abandon such ways.

The brain dead, though, keep cooking up auxiliary theories (Lakatos) so as not to change their theories.

Kershaw, dear, what sayest thou?

skzion on December 13, 2012 at 10:12 pm

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