November 20, 2012, - 11:34 am
PHOTO of the Day: HAMAS Did What?
The photo below shows exactly why Israel will never be able to live peacefully with HAMAS. HAMAS terrorists on motorcycles drag a fellow Muslim Arab man’s body, parading it through the streets of Gaza City, and yelling that the man is a “collaborator with the Jews.” This is how they treat their own people. They accuse them, murder them, and drag and mutilate their bodies on parade in celebration. Though, it’s not necessarily in that order. We don’t know if this man is dead or being tortured to death via the dragging. These are savages. They will never act like humans, not even to their own people. You cannot deal with them like humans. Once the world finally understands and faces up to this fact, then we’ll have made some progress. Ironically, the photo is from–of all people–the Crescent News Network’s Anderson Cooper of CNN (who, himself, would be dragged via motorcycle by HAMAS for being gay). Thanks to my Twitter friend, Mike W., a pro-Israel Christian conservative and U.S. Army vet, who originally saw the man being dragged live on video and pointed out the photo (follow me on Twitter). Remember . . .
THIS. IS. ISLAM. (body dragged behind motorcycle on the right):
When they talk about “disproportionate response,” they deliberately ignore this savagery by HAMAS. Um, if that ain’t disproportionate response, I don’t know what is. But you’ll never hear the mainstream media call it that way.
Any ceasefire–and one has reportedly been worked out to begin later today–will not stop this behavior, which is par for the course in the Islamic world on a daily basis.
*** UPDATE: From Fred Taub of Boycott Watch – Spot on!:

That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: Anderson Cooper, Boycott Watch, collaborator, Fred Taub, Hamas, Hamas dragging body, HAMAS savagery, HAMAS torture, Islam, Israel, picture, spy for Israel, Twitter
Hamasocracy & izz ad-din al-qassam are simply doing what they self-proclaimed to do best; being “head smashers”. And the international community actually expect them to sit at a civilized table with pen & paper to sign an agreement (or keep their word.)
Roni on November 20, 2012 at 11:56 am