November 5, 2012, - 3:52 pm
FOX News’ Fake Pollster is Hezbollah / CAIR Activist in Ponzi Scheme, Praised HAMAS, Led Rally for Muslim Blasphemy Laws
All weekend long, the Drudge Report has been linking to a poll showing Mitt Romney leading in Michigan–the ONLY poll showing Romney leading in Michigan. In fact, Obama will win Michigan, and the poll is phony, conducted by a fake pollster, who is actually a former Hezbollah charity employee and a lawyer who was recently removed from his law firm and property firm for engaging in apparent fraud and cover for a major real estate Ponzi scheme. New York Times election prognosticator Nate Silver has also, sadly, relied on polls by fake pollster Tarek Mahmoud Baydoun and the non-existent firm of Foster McCollum White & Baydoun, which no one in the biz has ever heard of.

Tarek Baydoun, at the same time that he was fraudulently parading as an “independent pollster” on Detroit’s FOX News owned-and-operated FOX 2 News, was also organizing and leading Muslim rallies throughout Dearbornistan in support of anti-blasphemy laws restricting the First Amendment in reaction to the anti-Mohammed video falsely blamed for the U.S. Embassy attacks. Oh, and he was tweeting in support of HAMAS terrorism and has participated in events supporting the boycott of Israel. Baydoun also worked for the charity, Al-Mabarat Charitable Organization in Dearbornistan, at the time it was raided by the FBI, and asked his Facebook friends to give money to its Hezbollah parent organization, Al-Mabbarat in Lebanon, for his 25th birthday. Remember, FOX News, the parent of Detroit’s FOX station, is apparently paying this schmuck Baydoun big money.
FOX News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes was made aware of Mr. Baydoun’s activities, as were several FOX News executives in charge of the FOX Television Stations group. Detroit FOX 2 News affiliate’s acting General Manager, Sheila Bruce and Vice President of News, Dana Kennedy Hahn, were also made aware of Tarek Baydoun’s history and lack of actual polling experience. But they’d rather perpetrate a fraud on you and show you phony polls from fake pollsters, so they continue to put Baydoun on the air to perpetrate his fakery.
Baydoun is a lawyer and a Muslim activist for Islamic terrorist groups. He’s not a pollster. At the beginning of October, Baydoun’s name was scrubbed from the website of Allen Brothers Law Firm. (Former partner David Allen was nominated by Barack Obama to be a federal judge but withdrew his name from consideration, and another former Allen Brothers lawyer, Zena Faraj Elhassan was recently hired by the corrupt Wayne County executive, Robert Ficano, to be his county corporation counsel.) Baydoun’s Twitter account and his Michigan Bar Directory entry still identify him as “of counsel” to Allen Brothers. But the link he has on his account is dead . . . for a reason: he was removed. Baydoun’s name was also scrubbed (mostly–there is still a remnant of a press release) from Metro Property Group, where he was General Counsel. Baydoun’s name was removed because of his apparent participation in a mini-Madoff Ponzi scheme ripping off foreign investors.
Metro Property Group buys distressed homes in Detroit and represents to hundreds of foreign investors that the homes have been rehabbed and that they are tenanted with tenant’s paying a relatively high amount of rent for the area. In fact, several of the investors have learned that the homes were never refurbished, that the leases are fakes with fake names of non-existent people. After several months of paying the non-existent and/or highly-inflated rent to the investors back in foreign lands, the investors are suddenly told that the tenant stopped paying and has been evicted. And Tarek Baydoun, as General Counsel of the company, apparently represented in writing to people that he did the evictions of these tenants. The investors were billed for court costs and alleged legal services. Many homes are involved and many investors have been ripped off in the scam, many of them having invested their pensions. Watch the video below, in which Baydoun laughs at Republican Congressional candidate Kerry Bentivolio and what he does for a living. I guess if you aren’t ripping people off like Baydoun, you’re to be laughed at, right?
Baydoun also blamed America for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and didn’t believe that Muslims perpetrated them. Listen to the audio. In 2010, Tarek Baydoun was behind a political campaign on behalf of extremist Muslims against Sharron Angle, who was the GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate in Nevada. Journalist, author, and corporate crisis management consultant Fred Taub of Boycott Watch did his own investigation of Tarek Baydoun and found that Baydoun recently used his Twitter account to support HAMAS terrorist attacks on Israel (including tweets to his buddy, HAMAS CAIR Michigan chief Dawud Walid a/k/a Delano Anthony Willis, Jr.). He also used his Twitter account to defame me and falsely claim I support Al-Qaeda. Boycott Watch contacted News Corp and FOX News about Tarek Baydoun, with several questions about Baydoun’s status as an “independent pollster” and got no response. Read Boycott’s investigative piece on Baydoun.
FOX 2 News repeatedly misrepresents Baydoun’s polls as coming from a non-existent company, called “Foster McCollum White & Baydoun,” when there is in fact no such entity. There is only “Foster McCollum White & Associates.” The company’s address of 2844 Livernois Road, #4712, Troy, Michigan 48099 is actually the Troy Post Office, and its phone number is actually the cellphone number of Eric Foster. It appears that Mr. Baydoun’s name is only tacked onto the polls because he is a Muslim Arab and that this mysterious firm was hired by FOX 2 News and News Corp because Eric Foster is Black. Neither has any polling experience to speak of, at least not that Mr. Foster could identify to me. After I noted these things to FOX News and FOX 2 News executives, last week, the Foster McCollum White website was “souped up” to make the elusive company look more legit. But it just isn’t. It’s a fly-by-night operation. No one even knows if “McCollum” or “White” even exist.
I managed to finally get Eric Foster on the phone after several phone calls, and he could not describe any polling experience that either he or Tarek Baydoun has. He could not provide the polling methodology used in the “polls” that are broadcast on FOX News. And the only thing he would tell me is that he has “many African American clients,” none of whom he would name. When I asked him why he has a Hezbollah activist who organizes rallies to restrict the First Amendment parading as an impartial pollster, Foster told me that he is involved with many controversial people, including people associated with the Detroit Water Department. When I asked him if he really thinks that Hezbollah, which murdered over 300 U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy officials and countless more Americans in joint operations with Al-Qaeda (such as the Khobar Towers attack), is the same as the Detroit Water Department, Eric Foster threatened to sue me if I quoted him and wrote about his firm (clearly he has as much respect for the First Amendment as his fellow con artist Tarek Baydoun). Then, he played the race card and hung up on me. One wonders how much FOX 2 News and News Corp are paying him for his phony polls.
Clearly, Mr. Baydoun has no business being on FOX 2 as a pollster. Since he’s not a real pollster, it’s no surprise that he’s frequently seen on the air reading from papers. He just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Instead, he is an activist and openly advocated for Muslim liberal Democrat Syed Taj (who is supported by HAMAS CAIR and got money from its California PAC) on a FOX 2 News report because, he said, Dr. Taj is an “Asian Muslim.” A real pollster is independent and doesn’t engage in activism on the air. A recent alleged poll by Baydoun and Foster, which was broadcast on FOX 2 News, showed the race between Taj and favored Republican Kerry Bentivolio as “tight,” when even the Democrats know it is a sure Republican seat and aren’t putting any money into the race. Bentivolio is predicted by all other polls to crush Taj, and he will, despite Baydoun’s fake poll, which is apparently as real as the evictions he claimed to do for investors who bought Metro Property Group homes.
The next time you watch FOX News, which oversees FOX 2 News, you’ll have to remember that it may be as credible as Tarek Baydoun, his phony polls, and fake evictions.
The only thing real about this guy is that he’s a strong supporter of Hezbollah and HAMAS and restricting your free speech rights when it comes to Islam.
That he’s on the air at FOX 2 News with the blessing of top FOX News execs, instead of facing criminal charges, is the biggest joke of all.
But after tomorrow, I doubt Tarek Baydoun’s TV career will last long. He has a lot of questions to answer from angry investors.
E-mail the following individuals and ask them why the heck Hezbollah activist, fake pollster, and apparent defrauder Tarek Baydoun is still on the air:
* Jack Abernethy, President FOX TV Stations–Phone: 212-301-3544; Email:
* Brian Lewis, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, FOX News & FOX Television Stations–Phone: 212-301-3331; Fax: 212-819-0816; E-Mail:
* Irena Briganti, Group Senior Vice President, Media Relations, FOX News–Phone: 212-301-3608; Fax: 212-819-0816; E-Mail:
* Claudia Russo, Manager, Media Relations, FOX News & FOX Televison Stations–Phone: 212-301-3997; E-Mail:
* Sheila Bruce, Vice President and Acting General Manager, FOX Broadcasting and FOX 2 Detroit–Email:
* Dana Kennedy Hahn, Vice President of News, FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX 2 Detroit–Email:
Tags: Anti-Israel, Dana Hahn, Dana Kennedy Hahn, Foster McCollum White, Foster McCollum White & Associates, Foster White McCollum Baydoun, FOX 2, FOX 2 News, FOX News, Fox News Channel, FOX News Hezbollah pollster, Hezbollah, Israel, Jews, Nate Silver, News Corp., Roger Ailes, Sheila Bruce, Sheila Bruce FOX 2 News, Tarek Baydoun, Tarek M. Baydoun, Tarek Mahmoud Baydoun
Wow. I was wondering how could Romney possibly be ahead in Michigan, with all of the Muslims and union thugs, er, auto “workers” in that state?, But then again, if this state had been competitive, Romney and Obama would have been campaigning their butts off there, but both knew that Obama had the state sewn up. Too bad Fox did not know.
Terek Abeenalying basically told Fox News what they wanted to hear.
Jonathan E. Grant on November 5, 2012 at 4:11 pm