October 18, 2012, - 2:35 pm

Is Your Gas Station Funding Hezbollah Via Tax Fraud? Convicted MI Station Owner Cousin of Hezbo Chief Nasrallah

By Debbie Schlussel

Several years ago, I told you about the Safiedine family (also spelled Safieddine). Shi’ite Muslims from Lebanon, they own gas stations throughout the Detroit area and are related to Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. They are also related to Hachem Safieddine, who is Iran’s designated successor to Nasrallah and currently heads Hezbollah’s seven-member governing council, the Shurah Al-Karar. This is one of the many reasons I tell readers not to buy gas at Muslim-owned gas stations. You don’t know where the Safiedines are sending their money and you wouldn’t want to support proud relatives of Hezbollah’s leadership, would you? Yesterday, Elsayed Kazem “Tom” Safiedine, one of the owners of many of those gas stations, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for his second tax fraud incident. It’s a light sentence, given that the man did this before in the 1980s.



Hezbollah’s Girlieman Leader Hassan Nasrallah is Related to Michigan Gas Station Tax Defrauder

Nasrallah Girlie Man by (David Lunde/Lundesigns)

Safiedine defrauded the federal government of more than $1 million, by concealing $845,000 in income from Sunoco and $175,000 from a sale of a gas station. It appears, though, that the feds, failed to take into account, Safiedine’s prior similar tax fraud from the 1980s, when he spelled his first name “Kaszam” (Muslims spell their names in several ways to evade U.S. law enforcement authorities–and clearly it worked here). In that case, in the mid-1980s, Safiedine was convicted of seven counts of tax fraud for under-reporting income at three of his gas stations. He was sentenced to five years probation (11 months of it in jail) at the time, but had the chutzpah to appeal it (and lost). The sentencing memorandum filed by the IRS in his latest conviction, requesting 33 months of imprisonment, failed to mention that. As I noted, Federal Judge Patrick Duggan, yesterday, sentenced Safiedine to just 21 months in the big house.

The amount of money Safiedine defrauded from the government is unknown. This is only what he was actually caught doing. How much money did he siphon off to his relatives in Hezbollah? Of course, Safiedine’s close connections to the top leadership in Hezbollah weren’t even mentioned by the feds. Also of note, Safiedine’s relative, Yousef Safiedine, was charged in 2006 with tax fraud for under-reporting tens of thousands of dollars of rental income on his tax prep, so it runs in the family. But Yousef Safiedine managed to get his indictment dropped by pleading mental illness, with government acquiescence. So mentally ill, yet so cunning. Hezbollah members and their relatives aren’t mentally ill at all. They know exactly what they are doing. How sad that not all of us succeed in figuring that out, especially those in authority. One other thing: another relative, Jim Safiedine, who owns Safiedine Oil and a number of other Michigan gas stations, is a major donor to Michigan Republican Congresswoman Candice Miller. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].


U.S. District Judge Patrick J. Duggan sentenced Elsayed Kazem “Tom” Safiedine to 21 months in prison and Mary Fawaz to 12 months and one day in prison for tax fraud, the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced today. Safiedine and Fawaz were convicted by a Detroit jury of conspiring to defraud the United States by impeding and impairing the lawful functions of the IRS.

According to evidence at trial, Safiedine was an officer and member of multiple business entities that operated and leased gasoline stations in the Detroit area. Fawaz was an officer of JSC Corporation, a business operated by Safiendine, and also served as a bookkeeper and office manager for several of Safiedine’s businesses. The evidence established that from 1998 through 2001, Safiedine and Fawaz arranged for third parties to negotiate checks from Sunoco Incorporated made payable to JSC Corporation. The checks from Sunoco, which totaled $845,000, were not properly reported to the accountant for JSC Corporation and as a result, were not included as income on JSC’s corporate tax returns filed with the IRS.

Further evidence presented revealed that Safiedine and Fawaz participated in the sale of a gasoline station owned by one of Safiedine’s businesses, MTK & KLC Partnership, during which Safiedine and Fawaz advised the accountant for MTK & KLC that the gas station sold for $175,000 less than its actual sale price, thus resulting in an understatement of income on the MTK & KLC partnership income tax return.

Is your gas station funding Hezbollah? If you don’t know who owns the gas station, you don’t know where the profits from the pump are going. And odds are good it’s not going to a good place.

Know who owns the gas pump.

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24 Responses

I’ve mentioned this before on Debbie’s articles on the same subject, but if the name of the station owner isn’t plainly stated on the gas station, I’ll go in and ask if is muslim-owned and even verify it from 3rd-party sources.

Here in Simi Valley, CA, all of my local stations were muslim-owned until finally a Sikh bought one that had previously been closed due to being bankrupted by its muslim owners and the Sikh owner gets 100% of our gasoline business.

And in light of the tragic, recent Sikh Temple shooting by an idiot, neo-nazi, skinhead (redundant, I know), please everyone: learn the difference between Sikhs, muslims and Hindus. Sikhs and Hindus are the “good guys.”

DS_ROCKS! on October 18, 2012 at 3:05 pm

Deb… any hints / guidance on finding out this info on who the owners are??

grog on October 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm

Remember the good old days when “you could trust your car to the man who wears the star” (Texaco jingle for those who are too young)? Well, now that star is next to a moon, and you can’t trust the man wearing that emblem.

Jonathan E. Grant on October 18, 2012 at 4:12 pm

In NJ, the deal is the same. Seemingly overnight, all the White gas station owners and pumpers were replaced with “foreign” owners and pumpers. Not claiming a conspiracy here, but something is fishy. Maybe some enterprising, inquisitive journalist could make a name for hm/herself by finding out how this happened so quickly.

JeffT on October 18, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    You are a close minded and ignorant. Just like Debbie if you were smart what so ever you’d know all her story’s are FAKE just like her.

    Debbie is an idiot racist on October 18, 2012 at 7:03 pm

      Oh please. Debbie does what’s called “investigative journalism.” The only fake is you.

      skzion on October 19, 2012 at 1:21 am

Seems to me that it this would be time to bring in Mossad for a little executive action. Time for these bloody savages to fear us instead of us fearing them.

Drakken on October 18, 2012 at 9:49 pm

Too many Arab/middle eastern owned businesses in south east Michigan have been caught supporting the enemy for this not to be a concern. For years I never paid attention to who owned the stations and stores I did business with, even though I had friends that tried to wise me up about it. At one time, I was doing business at a local liquor store, and bought a couple cars from the guy who owned it, he claimed he had relatives in Detroit that had a car dealership. I hate to think about it, but some of the money I paid for those cars probably financed the enemy. Well, no more. Things have gotten out of hand.

RT on October 18, 2012 at 10:06 pm

Several points:

1) Even by patronizing businesses owned by the fantasy “moderate” muslims could be funding terror– muslims are required to give “zakkat” (their rip-off of Jewish Tzedakkah- charity)- and many “non-radical” muslims do so, often giving to foreign islamic “charity” organizations, some of which are tied to terrorism, but the givers may not know that.

2) It seems like all “cash” businesses these days are owned and run by foreigners– middle eastern or asian. Seems like these businesses are ripe for IRS audits… how many times have you patronized a business run by foreigners who don’t accept any cards– cash only, be it a dry cleaner, liquor store, newsstand, convenience store, motel, restaurant, etc.? Typically family run (which means they probably don’t have “employees” on the books, and therefore pay no employment taxes or withholding of any kind), yes, we know many are hard working, working for “little pay”, and often in bad neighborhoods… but please, they all seem to end up driving mercedes’, living in $600K houses, and send their kids to Harvard…

And why aren’t the businesses in “poor” neighborhoods owned by people who live there… where’s the programs to help with that kind of small business? Politicians? Obama? Romney? Anyone?

SDF on October 19, 2012 at 8:25 am

Several points:

1) Even by patronizing businesses owned by the fantasy “moderate” muslims could be funding terror– muslims are required to give “zakkat” (their rip-off of Jewish Tzedakkah- charity)- and many “non-radical” muslims do so, often giving to foreign islamic “charity” organizations, some of which are tied to terrorism, but the givers may not know that.

2) It seems like all “cash” businesses these days are owned and run by foreigners– middle eastern or asian. Seems like these businesses are ripe for IRS audits… how many times have you patronized a business run by foreigners who don’t accept any cards– cash only, be it a dry cleaner, liquor store, newsstand, convenience store, motel, restaurant, etc.? Typically family run (which means they probably don’t have “employees” on the books, and therefore pay no employment taxes or withholding of any kind), yes, we know many are hard working, working for “little pay”, and often in bad neighborhoods… but please, they all seem to end up driving mercedes’, living in $600K houses, and send their kids to Harvard…

And why aren’t the businesses in “poor” neighborhoods owned by people who live there… where’s the programs to help with that kind of small business? Politicians? Obama? Romney? Anyone?

Oh- also, they rarely, if ever, hire anyone but their “own kind”… example: Hudson News claims 500 outlets in the USA and Canada– can anyone tell me of any location, anywhere in the USA or Canada, that has anyone other than Indians working there?

SDF on October 19, 2012 at 8:27 am

u r sick.

Michigan man on October 30, 2012 at 7:44 am

This is so disgusting to me. Were Jewish people not discriminated against in the very way that you are trying to discriminate against Middle Eastern people? As someone who has grown up with Jewish AND Muslim family members, I find this repulsive and ridiculous. My mother grew up as a young Jewish girl going to a school that saw Jews as the minority. She was constantly discriminated against with the very stereotypes that you, a Jewish woman, are trying to pass onto Middle Eastern people. Have you not learned anything about stereotypes growing up?! My mother has learned from her experiences and would NEVER pass the hate that was put onto her onto other people from any race or religion. You people call yourselves Americans? You are using the very mentality that allowed the Holocaust to continue, that allowed slavery in America, and that is now harming innocent people coming to America for a better life. You call these people “foreigners?” Where do you think you came from? Your grandparents and great grandparents came from Russia, Poland, etc. How would you feel if your grandparents’ businesses were being harmed because of ridiculous stereotypes? You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but you should do more “investigation” in your investigative journalism before slandering names and accusing them of horrific crimes. I would hope those who visit this website do not take what Debbie says as fact, because if you believe everything that she is saying, then you are acting like those who discriminated against your family members when they came to America 50-100 years ago to create a better life for you.

Disgusted By Discrimination on May 10, 2013 at 1:54 pm

What a bunch of bullshit lol….who are you people sitting here on this site this lady is a joke.

Dickie on September 24, 2015 at 11:32 am

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