October 4, 2012, - 5:14 pm

CyberPogrom: Polish Nazis (& Muslims) Hack Site Again, Trying to Silence Schlussel; WHAT YOU CAN DO

By Debbie Schlussel

As you probably know, this site was down for a few hours, today. That’s because it was under attack from the same old sources: Jew-hating Polish Nazis and their Islamic friends who’ve been attacking me ever since I wrote about Polish complicity in the Holocaust (and the Muslims have been attacking me ever since I can remember). As you know, we’ve been through this before, several times. They cannot handle free speech, facts, and truth, so they try to silence me. Those responsible for taking down this site announced it on Twitter (follow me on Twitter) via an account they just set up to note their attack and are tied to the group, “Anonymous,” the ally of Wikileaks. Check out the tweets sent out, today. And also note that the same Twitter account was worried about an Islamic account for someone named “Dr. Waheed,” a Muslim former UN employee and activist in the Maldives. Yup, that’s the attitude of these schmucks: Silence the Jews! Help the Muslim extremists! The last time this same group hacked this site, they also threatened my life. (Note as you read the tweets, below, that PL stands for Poland, and that we’ve been forced to block Polish IP addresses from this site.)



Seems Like Old Times – The Twins Are Back, Trying to Silence Me

We’ve taken steps to prevent this from happening again and are still working on it, but it’s costly. And I really appreciate your support. If you want to respond to the hackers and attackers, the best way you can is to donate to the continued operation of this site by clicking the Paypal button on the upper left-hand side of this page. (Or you can prevent the PayPal fees by going to PayPal and sending it directly to: writedebbie@gmail.com.) No amount is too small. Your support is appreciated. And it’s the best way to tell those who try to silence me and you on this site that they aren’t the arbiters of who can speak out and who can post news and information online. My Holocaust survivor grandparents learned the hard way how those, including Poles, who hate the Jews resort to mass murder to shut up those they don’t like. Now these “philo-Semites” are trying to shut this site down because the ovens are out of service. Let’s show them they can’t shut us down or silence us.

Thanks for your support.

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74 Responses

Ms. Schlussel,not every Pole is an anti-semite. You’d do well not to categorize ALL of them as such.

Ghostwriter on October 4, 2012 at 5:20 pm

    Hi Ghost// U are correct, especially those Polaks who just lately discovered their Jewish roots, joined the Chabad movement, & a local Synagogue.

    Nomis101 on October 4, 2012 at 6:08 pm

    Ah, who said all? However, you do seem to be conveying a threat. So, Ghost, how are you different from Broken Finger(I suspect it is referring to something other than his pinky)? In fact, how are you different from any Muslim posters who show up here? Do you have something up in the attic you would like to share with us? An old uniform, or maybe some collaboration related documents? Or, are you as much of a plucked chicken as your emblem?

    Worry01 on October 4, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    Wrong. Pretty much all Poles are Jew-haters. I’ve been there. Wearing a Magen David. They hate Jews. All of them.

    FrenchKiss on October 5, 2012 at 2:36 pm

The Poles were eager to help the Nazis in WW2. Some things never change! Hang in there, Debbie.. you have our support.

CyberVegan on October 4, 2012 at 5:37 pm

Feh… Pollacks. The trailer trash of Europe.

sirandred on October 4, 2012 at 5:38 pm

@Ghostwriter…I’m sure everyone knows that Debbie didnt mean ALL Poles…what’s the matter? Feeling a tad guilty? Americans are generally classified as all bad…but not all of us are.

Beloved Infidel on October 4, 2012 at 5:39 pm

Well, ghostwriter, where are the Poles who are not anti-Semitic? Why don’t they sign their names and write in support of Debbie?

At the end of WWI, the Poles slaughtered tens of thousands of Jew.

In WWII they aided the Nazis in the roundu of Jews, and refused to arm the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in their uprising against the Nazis. Fair play came when the Soviets refused to arm the Polish when they rose up against the Nazis.

After the war, Jews returning to their homes were slaughtered (Kielce comes to mind).

Oh, and please don’t give us the line that the Poles were killing Jews because they were commies. The Polish Communist government drowe 90% of the remaining Jews (300,000) out of Poland.

Lech Walesa (Lech min tuchus is more like it) used to utter anti-Semitic garbage.

Even the Wall Street Journal ran an article “Anti-Semitism without Jews” noting the anti-Semitic nature of Poland even though there are practically no Jews left in Poland.

The Polacks are weaned on anti-Semitism from their mother’s milk.

In Chicago, there are websites for Polack whores, called “Polish princesses.”

The last two good Polacks were Madame Curie (who lived in France) and Copernicus. The rest of you aren’t worth the bullet to put you out of your misery.

Jonathan E. Grant on October 4, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Yes, Jonathan, you are correct. Plus, where ARE those elusive Poles who are not Anti-Semitic? Are they like the “moderate” muslims?

    Anastasia Klein on October 4, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    Chopin too, JEG.

    skzion on October 4, 2012 at 6:48 pm

      And Liberace, although he was half Italian.

      Italkit on October 5, 2012 at 4:52 am

    “The Polish Communist government drowe 90% of the remaining Jews (300,000) out of Poland.”

    Saving their lives, lol!

    Jaws on October 5, 2012 at 10:36 am


    PhillipGaley on October 5, 2012 at 11:44 pm

DS – Because these slimy poles and muslims have the ability to hack your site, just how safe is my personal credit card and personal information on your site? This is what I want to know and one of the reasons I have not financially supported you due to these security concerns.

USA1811 on October 4, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    You donate through Paypal which is secure, not to Debbie over the phone or directly.

    DS_ROCKS! on October 4, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Hi USA 1811, U may elect calling Debbie over the phone & doing it Privately…only a suggestion….

Nomis101 on October 4, 2012 at 6:17 pm

Please… block IP what, hahaha…. Obviously you even don’t know how to wipe your own ass

HAHA on October 4, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    Oh ha ha, are you going anal on us again? Is that how you and the boys spend your spare time? Just like Ernst Rohm, eh?

    Worry01 on October 4, 2012 at 8:25 pm

    Shows more of your ignorance. IP’s can be blocked by country or if they are using a proxy. Silly twit.

    Jonathan Gartner on October 5, 2012 at 1:52 pm

Oh my. Not another round with the Polaks. (BTW, I am referring to the Poles who were born and raised in Poland. I assume that Poles in America do eventually become Americans.)

skzion on October 4, 2012 at 6:50 pm

    On October 24, 1795, Poland ceased to exist as a kingdom. After two previous partitions in 1772 and 1793 failed to do the trick, Prussia, Russia, and the Austrian Empire in their wisdom decided that Poland was more trouble than it was worth. The Third Partition of Poland on October 24, 1795 eliminated a major migraine.

    So, remember October 24th, and mark it on your calendar. It is Polish Partition Day. Be sure to play the appropriate Prussian, Austrian, and Russian anthems of the period if possible. Also, divide the plucked chicken in three in remembrance.

    Worry01 on October 4, 2012 at 8:43 pm

      “After two previous partitions in 1772 and 1793 failed to do the trick, Prussia, Russia, and the Austrian Empire in their wisdom decided that Poland was more trouble than it was worth.” says someone who’s a bit of a worry.

      From “THE PROBLEM OF JEWISH SELF-DEFENSE. The Crisis of 1933” at http://www.hirhome.com/israel/leaders0.htm – “Many Jews took refuge in Eastern Europe, in the 16th and 17th c., from the anti-Jewish mass killings, forced conversions, and expulsions that took place in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Thanks to the autonomy that the Polish kings allowed, the Jewish comunity in these lands came closer than any other to a complete realization of an Orthodox Jewish society, a full expression of its compendium of Talmudic laws.[33] The beginning of the end came at the end of the 18th c., when the Polish state was dismembered and divided between Prussia, Austria, and Russia (it would not be recreated until after WWI).”

      The “Major migraine” our Worry speaks of was a tolerant Poland where Jews flourished, and those we should be celebrating are the antisemitic forces of Prussia, Austria, and Russia.

      Like I said, a Worry.

      Nigel on October 4, 2012 at 11:11 pm


        Worry01 on October 5, 2012 at 12:02 am

          Quite why Worry01 has posted these 2 links is a bit of a mystery. They basically confirm that the forces of antisemitism, which he or she was cheering for, were overwhelmingly successful.

          Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 1:39 am

        You’re using that clown an hirhome as a source?!

        skzion on October 5, 2012 at 12:14 am

          (Referring to Nigel’s post.)

          skzion on October 5, 2012 at 12:16 am

          Skzion’s response is, of course, ad hominem.

          A seemingly pointless response to.

          Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 1:44 am

          No Nigel. I am saying you are using a crummy source. I’m not going to bother to untangle Gil-White’s nonsense.

          I am also not going to waste much time with those who defend groups who are trying to take down Debbie’s site.

          skzion on October 5, 2012 at 2:32 am

        Nigel, you first claim that Poland is and was a tolerant place for Jews. When you are confronted with evidence that contradicts this premise, you try to do the twist:

        “They basically confirm that the forces of antisemitism, which he or she was cheering for, were overwhelmingly successful.
        Unfortunately.” Cheering for? You are indeed a duplicitous individual. I took your comments as honest confusion, and that was my mistake. Go play with Broken Finger, Ha Ha, and Ghostwriter. They are your sort of company.

        Worry01 on October 5, 2012 at 3:01 am

          “Nigel, you first claim that Poland is and was a tolerant place for Jews.”

          I don’t know where the notion that I claimed that Poland *is* a tolerant place for Jews came from – perhaps Worry01 can enlighten us. Furthermore, I was claiming that Poland *at the time in question* was a tolerant place for Jews. As far as I’m aware, this isn’t really disputed.

          “Cheering for? You are indeed a duplicitous individual.”

          Hmmm. Worry01’s comment which I originally decided to respond to said something about “in their[ie: Russian, Prussian and Austrian] wisdom” and “So, remember October 24th, and mark it on your calendar. It is Polish Partition Day. Be sure to play the appropriate Prussian, Austrian, and Russian anthems of the period if possible.”

          Safe to say that that’s cheering.
          Is Worry01 going to claim that the Prussian, Austrian and Russian forces of the time *don’t* represent the forces of antisemitism?

          Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 3:51 am

Thanks for the tip DS, and I didn’t know your blog was hacked by Polack assholes and muslim freaks, Debbie, we all know that computer/internet hacking is illegal and I hope the authorities arrest these Polack and muslim asshats for what their trying to do, by hacking your blog, this is prosecutable to the fullest extent of the law what these scumbags are doing to your blog.

And this is why I’m doing my own personal-profile on such people, the muslims (I have a few muslim friends just like Debbie has a few muslim friends herself) and now Polish people (yes I have a few polish friends), because their behavior towards you DS is making me more and more wary of these people.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on October 4, 2012 at 9:57 pm

Glad the site is back up.

Little Al on October 4, 2012 at 10:26 pm

Re Chopin, there is suggestive evidence, although no smoking gun, that he was anti-Semitic, even though he had Jewish collaborators. But there is absolutely no question that George Sand was anti-semitic. Her prejudice against Jews was blatant and revolting.

Little Al on October 4, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    Little Al, do we know Copernicus’s attitudes toward Jews? How about Curie’s?

    My point was just to add one more name to the Poles who were at least very accomplished. Significantly, they never seem to stay in Poland.

    skzion on October 4, 2012 at 10:39 pm

      skzion, I have no idea what Copernicus’s attitude towards Jews was, nor Curie’s. I saw the old movie about Madame Curie not too long ago, but of course it didn’t go into that question.

      Little Al on October 4, 2012 at 10:50 pm

      “No Nigel. I am saying you are using a crummy source. I’m not going to bother to untangle Gil-White’s nonsense.”

      Describing something as a “crummy source” while failing to even attempt to “untangle [its] nonsense” is – quite clearly, I would have thought – ad hominem.

      “I am also not going to waste much time with those who defend groups who are trying to take down Debbie’s site.”

      A seemingly pointless statement.

      Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 2:50 am

        Did I say that Russia, Prussia, and the Austrian Empire were philo-semitic? Please find that spot. I thought that it was poetic justice that Poland, which really outclassed those kingdoms in terms of antisemtism and built up its nationalism upon such poisoned soil, faced the dissolution that they so fervently wished upon the Jews. Its main purpose, which you did not grasp, was to demonstrate to the Poles who like to bully and threaten with death that their own existence was dependent upon luck and the charity of others. Between 1795 and 1918, there was nothing one could call an independent Poland, despite some puppet entities created by Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I respectively. The idea of Poland coming back into existence was a scheme of the Central Powers during the final year of World War I. It was more of an act of desperation than a well thought out policy. Occupied Russian territories that had an identifiably Polish majority would have formed the basis for this new puppet state. Aside from permanently depriving the new Soviet Union of these areas, the hope arose that a grateful Polish people would furnish a division or two for the Western Front. Obviously, these plans never came to fruition. However, the idea of a Polish state remained, and was understandably pushed by Poles during the negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. With the cession of former German and Austro-Hungarian territories, Poland grew beyond the rump originally envisioned by the Central Powers. When Poland clashed with the Soviet Union over its boundaries, its territory grew to encompass areas that were more Belarusian and Ukrainian than Polish. Poland went from being a modest state to one that had the potential of becoming a major regional power. Weimar Germany, with the military restrictions imposed upon it, actually feared that Poland would help itself to East Prussia, or worse. The new Polish state’s democratic period vanished by the early 1920’s. Marshal Pilsudski and later his camp followers effectively turned Pol

        Worry01 on October 5, 2012 at 7:23 am

          “Did I say that Russia, Prussia, and the Austrian Empire were philo-semitic?”

          This is a red herring. Of course, Worry01 didn’t make that claim, nor did I claim or imply that he/she had.

          I fail to see how the destruction of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the hands of Russia, Prussia and Austria, and the consequent implementation of antisemitic policies is something worth celebrating.

          Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 11:14 pm

        Gang, we’ve seen Nigel before, I expect, under a different nick. No point in feeding the Pollak troll.

        skzion on October 5, 2012 at 9:49 am

          “Gang, we’ve seen Nigel before, I expect, under a different nick. No point in feeding the Pollak troll.”

          Pollak? OK.
          Anyone clicking on the link I provide every time I post (I’m an irregular commenter here) would be able to see where I’m from.
          “Troll” would more seem to describe what skzion is about. One wonders which “gang” skzion is referring to – do they stem from Langley, Virginia?


          Nigel on October 5, 2012 at 11:21 pm

        Nigel, dear, you do you even know what an ad hominem argument is. For example, if I said that your claim regarding such-and-such were wrong because you were an annoying Pollak with a prissy, pseudo-sophisticated writing style, THAT would be ad hominem. Note also that an insult is not necessarily an ad hominem argument.

        skzion on October 6, 2012 at 11:53 am

          “One wonders which “gang” skzion is referring to – do they stem from Langley, Virginia?”


          Was that clever, Nigel dear? With Muslim Monkey banned, there has been a cleverness deficit here.

          I watched part of one of your videos, and it was as pretentious, verbose, and annoying as your comments here. And boring! You seem infatuated there and here with the bizarre Gil-White, who lacks any background in history or political science, but who writes about both as if he were expert in these areas.

          So, you are not an annoying, pretentious Pollak; you are an annoying, pretentious Aussie.

          skzion on October 6, 2012 at 12:34 pm


          Nigel on October 7, 2012 at 11:35 pm

It’s a damn shame a bunch of inbreds have to take another crap in a public way. Talk about proving a point for somebody. I’m glad Debbie is not accessible to the barbarians.

samurai on October 4, 2012 at 11:35 pm


Everything I can find on Curie says she had been born RC but lapsed into agnosticism and was actually mistaken for and persecuted as a Jew after Pierre died. I saw nothing about her personal beliefs regarding this situation.

Italkit on October 5, 2012 at 5:11 am

    Interesting, Italkit.

    skzion on October 5, 2012 at 9:51 am

And yet, in the world we live in, more ink is given to a certain car loan fraudster (who shall remain nameless) who put up ads on New York subway stations referring to “savages,” and the “controversy” surrounding them (with the usual suspects charging “hate speech”). Go figure. In some ways, this hacking case (coming as it has after Iran’s hacking of some bank websites) is a far more serious free-speech issue.

ConcernedPatriot on October 5, 2012 at 7:02 am

Which leads to this query: Shouldn’t Iranian IP’s also be blocked?

ConcernedPatriot on October 5, 2012 at 7:07 am

IP block only means they´ll figure out how to divert their attacks throught a third country, prolly better to have several backs-up ready to roll.

“No amount is too small. Your support is appreciated.”

Look, like all jews, she is greeeedyyyy!

Jaws on October 5, 2012 at 10:43 am

First of all i get sick from reading this crap. Second, it wasnt some dark Anonymous cyber-terrorist group that DDOS’ed ur site. It was ME. One single guy with his laptop. And im neither Polish nor Muslim. And it had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with You being Jewish. It had everything to do with this site spreading historical as well as current lies and hate. Shalom to all /

BrokenFinger on October 5, 2012 at 10:52 am

    Well if it were you who attempted to hack DS’s blog, then I hope Debbie read your message, contacted your local authorities and arrest your sorry ass for trying to hack her blog.

    Dumbass (if your the guilty party?), don’t you notice that hacking people’s website is criminal? Just because Debbie has a different viewpoint than yours doesn’t give you NO damn phucking right trying to silence her and hacking this blog of hers. Since she’s a practicing attorney, I hope she presses charges against you and prosecute you in court and Debbie will win her lawsuit against you (if your the one who did it?).

    I may the conservative-right, and you don’t see or hear me going around on cyberspace trying to hack left wing websites/blogs such as Huffington Post, Democrat Underground, Daily Kos, Wonkette, Loon Watch, LGF, Mondoweiss, Think Progress, Media Matters, etc., had I god-forbid tried to do something like that, I’d be arrested on the spot! And your side (the far-left) are the one’s spreading lies, & hate you fascists scumbag, and enough with your phony jewish slogan, and if you happen to be jewish, your more likely a JINO/Kapo?

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on October 5, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    You Lie, Finger.

    skzion on October 6, 2012 at 12:37 pm

Just yesterday I watched a film In Darkness about Warsaw Ghetto
Jews hidden in the sewers until the liberation by a polish man
who was after his death years later commended by the Israel Government.

Rochelle on October 5, 2012 at 2:38 pm

Why this site doesn’t have registration for U.S. IPs only is beyond me. Then little pricks like these pollacks can NEVER post. Oh they can try DOS attacks but that’s easily stopped. Really DS, you have to be more pro-active. Require registration or stop comments.

FrenchKiss on October 5, 2012 at 2:43 pm

hey debbie….that sucks but keep on doing what your doing……the world is full of nut jobs…..

Rich Czarniecki on October 5, 2012 at 3:05 pm

What I was saying that not every Pole sided with the Nazis. It’s wrong to paint people with such a broad brush. I’m sorry but that’s the truth.

Ghostwriter on October 5, 2012 at 5:34 pm

French Salafists reside in the heart of a Catholic majority, but its members only target Jews. Unless this Jew hating cult is destroyed by the French police Jews might have to leave France. Islam has entered a new phase, it is unleashing a more powerful Jihad against world Jewry, and Holocaust 11 is their goal.

chowching on October 6, 2012 at 2:18 pm

You should stop all comments, this is pure hatred from all sides.

Lars on October 7, 2012 at 1:05 pm

America had nothing to do with any of this evil. Why bring it here?

Lars on October 7, 2012 at 1:10 pm

So Debbie what kind of response do you think you are going to get from Poles when you accuse them of being Nazis when their country was the first country to be attacked by Nazi Germany?

Also why did most Jews CHOOSE to live in Poland for 1000 years? Why would Jews CHOOSE to live in Poland for all these years if Poland is as anti-semetic as you say? And what about all the anti-Christian anti-Polish Jews in Poland who took for granted living in Poland for all these years when they were rejected from virtually every other nation?

USA view on October 8, 2012 at 6:40 am

Debbie, Its not right for Poles to hack into this site to bring it down……but I mean come on…..you have been demonizing the Poles in a parrallel way to how the Nazi Germans have demonized the Poles…..so what do you expect?

The interesing thing about the Holocaust today…is that there is an element of the Jewish community like yourself…..who are gradually putting the blame of the Holocaust on the POLES and NOT the Germans. Its just a matter of time before we hear that Poland started WWII and not the Germans

USA view on October 8, 2012 at 6:48 am

USA view, if you are well meaning, which I doubt, you should just review the previous back-and-forths that led to the banning of Polish IP addresses. All of your so-called arguments have been addressed repeatedly and often in depth.

You make three preposterous and malicious statements here. First, you suggest that Debbie demonizes Poles the same way that German Nazis demonized them. But Debbie isn’t “demonizing” anyone. She is simply telling the truth about the long history of mass Polish Jew-hatred, mostly kept at bay by political elites, but always there in the mass. No one here is saying that all Poles should be murdered either. Second, you assert that Jews like Debbie (and those here) are using Poles as scapegoats, gradually turning them into the real cause of WW2. How sinister of you. Nobody here has ever said or implied anything like that. It’s just that today’s Germans (excluding the Muslim immigrants) are not known for involving themselves, en mass, in pogroms HERE or IN GERMANY. Third, your suggestion somehow that the Jews of Poland were anti-Christian or anti-Polish is indeed Nazi-esque. If you have a mass public that is full of anti-Semitism, you should not expect the average Jew there to be welcoming of this public.

Oh, and forth: What do I expect from Poles, but hacking? Nothing, of course. I now expect exactly this, and I expect you to defend it. Those who hack web sites should not be whining when their attacks are prevented or defeated.

Enough! I criticize myself for taking you seriously enough even to respond.

skzion on October 8, 2012 at 8:24 pm

“USA view” response to “skion”

USA view, if you are well meaning, which I doubt, you should just review the previous back-and-forths that led to the banning of Polish IP addresses. All of your so-called arguments have been addressed repeatedly and often in depth.

USA view response:

No all of my arguments (and that of many Polish Americans and fair minded non-Poles) have not been addressed not to mention many other unfair ONE SIDED attacks on Poles by a certain element of the Jewish community like Debbie.

You make three preposterous and malicious statements here. First, you suggest that Debbie demonizes Poles the same way that German Nazis demonized them.

USA view response:

When Debbie puts the Polish flag and identifies it as being Nazi….that is unquestionably hateful againts Poles. If you can’t see that….then that shows you are not well meaning. Not to mention how she makes it look like for 24 hours day, 7 days a week for the 1000 years that Jews were in Poland….all Poles did is persecute Jews. And yet they not only STAYED in Poland for all these years…. but Jews across the world continued to CHOOSE to live in Poland.

That defies logic. And yet even anti-Polish…Jewish newspapers themselves will say how Jewish culture thrived in Poland for much of their existence. So HOW can this be? How can Jewish culture thrive in Poland for all those years yet according to the Debbie Schlussels of the world…..Poles 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 1000 years were persecuting Jews?? You don’t see the irony here?

But Debbie isn’t “demonizing” anyone. She is simply telling the truth about the long history of mass Polish Jew-hatred, mostly kept at bay by political elites, but always there in the mass.

USA view response:

So tell me. Overall, for the 1000 years Jews lived in Poland….were the Polish mostly anti-semitic…..or was it just a criminal minority in Poland that persecuted Jews?

If the answer is that Poland was a predominately an anti-semitic nation like Polish-Haters at the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post have said……then Poles deserve a full explanation as to why Jews were insane enough to CHOOSE to live in Poland for HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of years!

Why didn’t the Jews LEAVE Poland when they were being persecuted by Poles?? Its not like the Poles forced them to stay in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS.

No one here is saying that all Poles should be murdered either.

USA view response:

Well Gee I hope not LOL

Second, you assert that Jews like Debbie (and those here) are using Poles as scapegoats, gradually turning them into the real cause of WW2. How sinister of you. Nobody here has ever said or implied anything like that.

USA view response:

Are you kidding me??? Debbie is screaming about how the Nazi German death camps are “POLISH” death camps…NOT German… and got angry when Obama apologized for saying “Polish death camps”. Its a blatant falsehood and there is NO Nazi documentation found showing the Poles built the death camps. If this was true mainstream Jewish groups would have said this. And these mainstream Jewish groups are hardly sympathetic to Poles.

There has been for years a certain element using the term “Polish Death Camps” to purposely slander Poland and make people ignorant of history (most people) think the Polish and not the Germans built and ran the Nazi death camps.

Do you know that the FIRST people put into those death camps (2 years before Jews were put in them) were POLISH CHRISTIANS?? Like Michael Preisler.

It’s just that today’s Germans (excluding the Muslim immigrants) are not known for involving themselves, en mass, in pogroms HERE or IN GERMANY.

USA view response:

I didn’t know Poles today or in the past 60 years have committed pogroms on Jews in Poland. And what about all those Polish and Soviet Jews who killed in mass Poles and other E. European Christians? 39% of the Soviet NKVD which gave the orders to kill Poles and other E. European Christians….were of Jewish ancestry. This is according to Jewish sources.

Third, your suggestion somehow that the Jews of Poland were anti-Christian or anti-Polish is indeed Nazi-esque. If you have a mass public that is full of anti-Semitism, you should not expect the average Jew there to be welcoming of this public.

USA view response:

Its a two way street.

Jews at one time wanted to take a chunk of Poland and make it into their own personal land…..that was a large slap in the face to Poles considering Poles were kind of enough to let in Jews for 1000 years when virtually all countries rejected them. Jewish culture expanded greatly in Poland….Jews had more opportunities and freedoms then any other country for all those years…..yet instead of Jews appreciating it…they always took it for granted because they were so ethno-centric. This is why they thought they could get away with having a chunk of Poland for themselves. Jews saw Poles as “pushovers” and they started to get more cocky and arrogant in Poland.

What people like Debbie fails to see is that there is good and bad in all people including Jews and Poles. Debbie thinks virtually all Poles are devils. Afterall she never talks about anything GOOD the Poles have done for the Jews…..like giving them a place to live….which is the greatest thing you could give anyone. Its a shame that a persecuted people takes this for granted.

But not all Jews took for granted being allowed into Poland to have a place to live despite it being inperfect.

As the great rabbi Moses Isserles said…”IF it were not for Poland, the existence of the tribe of Israel would have been UNBEARABLE”

USA view on October 9, 2012 at 4:16 am

    USA view, I did you the courtesy of responding at length to you. In response, you have not reviewed the archives here as I asked you to. If you had, you would have found your arguments and claims addressed and, in my view, handily debunked or defeated. I see no point in engaging you further.

    Also, like nearly all Poles, you are extremely long-winded, whiny and boring.

    I strongly agree with Debbie’s banning of Polish IPs. One just has to shut down those evildoers (such as yourself, and nearly all Poles). One cannot argue with you reasonably. This is why any Jew now living in Poland is a complete fool. You are, and will always be, specialists in the art of the pogrom.

    skzion on October 9, 2012 at 4:58 pm

USA view thanks for writing that.

Bart on October 9, 2012 at 9:23 am

    Dear Bart,

    You’re welcome.

    Also thank you for providing your input on this topic.

    I also want to thank Debbie Schlussel for allowing people like us to provide our opinion on this matter…..even though she may disagree with it.

    USA view on October 10, 2012 at 4:42 am

From http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/are-we-guilty-of-gross-prejudice-towards-poland/ by David Jacobson

“… everything I saw and heard convinced me that Poland has been unfairly portrayed by the global Jewish establishment. This has created dangerous prejudices and stereotypes (generalisations of an entire people); ironically these stereotypes are of the very same ilk that was the thought-generators of the rampant racism that laid the foundation for the genocide that took place during the Shoah. We brand the Polish people as ‘brutes’ and ‘eternal antisemites’ and we send tour after tour of young Jews to the death camps and they march defiantly through Poland, blinkered to the multitude of memorials to Jewish history and Jewish life and legacy that literally litter the streets of Warsaw and Krakow. By doing this, we are not only perpetuating a cruel bigotry, but we are also cheating these young Jews of a remarkable opportunity for Jewish growth and regeneration.”

Bart on October 9, 2012 at 3:31 pm

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proform ab glider on January 25, 2013 at 9:04 pm

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