September 27, 2012, - 3:28 pm

Arash Durrani: “Model/Actor” Disrupts Cross-Country Flight; Guess the Religion

By Debbie Schlussel

A creepy-looking model/actor, named Arash Durrani, disrupted a flight from Chicago to California’s Orange County and had to be held down for three-hours by SEVEN male passengers. Oh, and did I mention that Arash Durrani is usually a Pakistani name and that almost all Pakis are Muslim? Well, none of the news stories did. So, I have to. But don’t worry, they are already working the “he was drunk” angle, as if Muslims never drink to hide their real plans. Yup, Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 hijackers nevah evah took a sip of “the infidel juice” while they were ogling and sleeping with strippers and prostitutes (same difference) at “The Pink Pony” and while in Vegas, right?

Flight Disrupter Arash “Ash” Durrani

Here’s a tip: he wouldn’t be the first “model/actor” Muslim involved in a sinister plot. Durrani’s Internet Movie Database bio (which, it appears, he wrote) says he was born in Virginia, went to a fancy prep school, and interned at the U.S. Court of Appeals. So what? Look at the history of some of our other homegrown Islamic terrorists, such as Nidal Malik Hasan. I’d love to know who this guy’s parents are and what they taught their son. Or how many trips any of them has taken back to Pakistan. Below is one of several cheesy bikini videos he directed (none of which has had a lot of viewers).

Here’s more on the adventures of Ash Durrani, who looks like he just auditioned for the Bollywood version of the Chippendales:

Several people on board a United Airlines flight from Chicago to Orange County had to restrain an unruly man who was reportedly threatening fellow passengers, the FBI said.

FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller identified the man as 26-year old Arash Durrani, 26, also known as Ash.

According to Eimiller, Durrani was taken into custody when the plane landed and will be charged with interference with a flight crew, a federal offense.

The incident began about 45 minutes into the flight from O’Hare Airport to John Wayne.

Passenger Nona Pitts told KTLA that Durrani appeared to have been drinking heavily and wouldn’t leave her alone.

“He pulled me back and goes, ‘Nona, give me a kiss,’ and I said, ‘Listen, you’re really drunk. Get away from me,'” Pitts, the owner of Salon 5150 in Brea said.

“He was on something. And a lot of alcohol that they probably shouldn’t have given him, because as soon as you got on, he was already drunk,” she said.

Pitts said that Durrani had prescription drugs in his backpack and was drinking heavily.

That’s when he started yelling and walking up and down the aisle, confronting passengers and flight attendants.

“He gets up and starts pacing back and forth, getting in people’s faces,” Pitts said. “People are telling him to sit down. He’s bugging the flight attendants, wanting more alcohol.”

“Now he’s getting belligerent, he gets up in front of a couple guy’s faces and they tell him to sit down,” Pitts recalled. “They escort him back, and he gets back up.”

Eventually, Durrani’s verbal and physical outbursts got so bad that seven male passengers had to subdue him.

“People were taking their belts to try to tie him up, and it was still hard to restrain him,” Pitts said. “He was very, very strong.”

Another passenger, David Truong, a jeweler from Westminster, sat on Durrani for much of the flight.

“He was trying to punch us, kick us,” Truong related. “He broke a chair.”

According to, Durrani is an actor, model and founder of GROW Clothing, a company geared toward promoting awareness of social movements and charities.

He is believed to have residences in both Virginia and California.

Hmmm . . . a Z-movie actor no one ever heard of, and yet he has enough cash to have residences on both coasts. Where did he get the money? And what was he really doing on that plane? If you believe the “prescription drugs/drank heavily” BS, think again. Sometimes–many times–it’s all part of the ruse . . . and the plan.

These guys aren’t complete idiots. They test the system and do dry runs on a regular basis. And this certainly looks to be one. Funny how there are such a high percent of “he drank too much/he has mental issues” Muslims who engage in this behavior on planes. On this basis, if it’s not the religion of terrorism, then it’s certainly the religion of the completely insane.

They are less than two percent of the U.S. population and yet they are over 80% of the disrupters on flights. That’s not a statistical anomaly. It’s the fruition of a religion that preaches and perpetrates hate. Plain and simple.

Video Directed by Arash “Ash” Durrani . . .

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82 Responses


He did what Nidal Malik Hasan did before his homicidal spree – drink lots of alcohol, supposedly haram in Islam.

As for the YouTube he seems to have directed, more Muslim hypocrisy – nearly naked women? I mean doesn’t Islam prize female modesty?

Of course Arash Durani is a hypocrite just like the rest of them. At least the passengers on the United Airlines flight had the guts to put him down before he could do real damage!

Again, in cases like this one, its the Islam, stupid.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    NORMAN F —-Absolutely Islam has lots of hypocritical followers.

    Doesn’t Christianity too? Look at what the British did to the Irish during the potato famine. And what the British did all over the world during their empire building days. Vicious horrible things to native people.

    Yes, they were long ago – today, companies that cannot sell faulty products in the USA sell them to third world nations. “Christian countries” sell infant formula to third world nations knowing they don’t have fresh water to mix it with and breast milk is better anyway.

    What about charging of interest? The Bible forbids it. But some credit cards charge 36% interest.

    Personally I’d rather live in a Christian country than a Muslim one, but we have a lot of improving to do before we throw the first stone. That’s in a famous book too.

    Jaroslaw on September 27, 2012 at 6:21 pm

      “Personally I’d rather live in a Christian country than a Muslim one, but we have a lot of improving to do before we throw the first stone. That’s in a famous book too.”

      That last book is famous mainly among Christians, methinks. Nevertheless, apparently you are saying that we have to make sure that baby formula is not sold by “American” multinational corporations before we can criticize a “religion” that advocates planes flying into buildings and stop it from implementing like ideas.

      skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:37 pm

        “and stopping it”

        skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:38 pm

      What do multinational corporations have to do with Christianity? Also, the U.K. was not run by a theocracy in the 1840’s, so your Irish Potato Famine example is not only old but irrelevant. Talk to the Queen Elizabeth II. Finally, I do not see Presbyterians, Methodists, or Catholics putting out bounties on people who say nasty things about the Bible today, or even in the last century. Islam cannot make the same claim. Nor do I see these Christians beheading people on video or exterminating missionaries in Afghanistan. Also, your trying to draw a an equivalence between Islamic countries and secular states tells me of your ignorance, which is a sign of your falsity. More Taqiyya/Kitman my friend?

      Worry01 on September 27, 2012 at 10:09 pm

      today, companies that cannot sell faulty products in the USA sell them to third world nations. “Christian countries” sell infant formula to third world nations knowing they don’t have fresh water to mix it with and breast milk is better anyway.

      Who told you that?

      Miranda Rose Smith on September 28, 2012 at 5:56 am

      Hey ‘jars of coleslaw’ I percieve that you are totally INSANE!!

      Last word on September 29, 2012 at 12:26 am

      Hey ‘jars of coleslaw’ I percieve that you are totally INSANE!!

      Last word on September 29, 2012 at 12:28 am

“They are less than two percent of the U.S. population and yet they are over 80% of the disrupters on flights.”


DS_ROCKS! on September 27, 2012 at 3:38 pm

I’d call that a statistic of significant difference.

But its going to get ignored because Muslims of course nevah, evah intentionally do such things to advance the Religion Of Peace, right?

That’s true only if you’re an idiot.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    “They are less than two percent of the U.S. population and yet they are over 80% of the disrupters on flights.”

    NormanF, for you, I quickly calculated the probability of 80% of the perpetrators coming from 2% of the population. I assumed that there have been 50 such disruptions, then I reduced the number to 10 (absurd), just to demonstrate my point:

    . bitesti 50 40 .02

    N Observed k Expected k Assumed p Observed p
    50 40 1 0.02000 0.80000

    Pr(k >= 40) = 0.000000 (one-sided test)

    In other words, the probability of observing Muslims perpetrating 40 out of 50 disruptions (80%) if in truth Muslim involvement were only 2% is … too small to register even when carried to the millionths place.

    Now assume only 10 disruptions occurred, total:

    . bitesti 10 8 .02

    N Observed k Expected k Assumed p Observed p
    10 8 .2 0.02000 0.80000

    Pr(k >= 8) = 0.000000 (one-sided test)

    Same result.

    skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:29 pm

      (Sorry for the formatting.)

      skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:31 pm

      @Gay Obama,

      Now calculate the odds that you will ever post something that is relevant on this site (or at least interesting). Without clogging teh tubez with a bunch of gobbledygook, I will simply put those odds at roughly ? to 1.

      Statusmonkey on September 27, 2012 at 11:58 pm

        And that “?” mark was an infinity symbol before I clicked “Submit.”

        P.S. @

        Statusmonkey on September 28, 2012 at 12:00 am

          Infinity to one AGAINST. Obviously.

          Statusmonkey on September 28, 2012 at 1:39 am

        Muslim Monkey sez:

        “Now calculate the odds that you will ever post something that is relevant on this site (or at least interesting). Without clogging teh tubez with a bunch of gobbledygook, I will simply put those odds at roughly [infinity] to 1.”

        What’s “teh tubez”? Muslim Monkey is understandably touchy when it comes to probability and statistics, as this is yet another area in which he is utterly–and I mean utterly–ignorant. He could not be expected to get my tie-in to NormanF’s comment (“I’d call that a statistic of significant difference”), as Muslim Monkey doesn’t know what statistical significance is. That of course was why my calculation was relevant. But MM the guy who was very certain that Dole would be the mystery guest at the Republican Convention, and the guy who has determined that the likelihood of Mittens winning is “ZERO,” which is not even defined in probability.

        What a moron.

        skzion on September 28, 2012 at 2:58 pm

          Oh, and “roughly infinity to 1” is again nonsense. A value can be roughly zero, but it cannot be roughly infinite.

          skzion on September 28, 2012 at 3:01 pm

Model? huh? That is one scary looking muzzard I kid you not.

Dilbert Delaney on September 27, 2012 at 3:45 pm

WHY do we let these people on airplanes?

RT on September 27, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Non-Muslims get drunk and cause problems on planes all the time – yesterday there were problems with flight attendants fighting. Did you check their religion?

    Kristine on September 27, 2012 at 5:59 pm

I hope the guy who sat on him was a quarter tonner with no underwear on.

Dilbert Delaney on September 27, 2012 at 3:52 pm

The funny thing is no bikini-clad woman could appear in any Islamic country. But that’s alright – they can consume porn and they do voraciously – its a different thing looking at half-naked women on TV than on the streets.

Its a Muslim thing – behind closed doors they can break every rule in the book and even in public they are seldom truly pious. They drink like there’s no tomorrow.

Much of the “rules” in Islam are strictly for show.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 3:55 pm

People should contact the sponsors shown toward the end of the video and let them know of this guy’s rude conduct, so in the future, they won’t do business or sponsoring with him again.

Bob on September 27, 2012 at 3:57 pm

My understanding is that the false prophet, Mohammed, was heavily into porn.

Dilbert Delaney on September 27, 2012 at 4:05 pm

Arash Durrani – either a Paki, or more likely, an Afghan name. Ethnically, a Pathan/Pashtoon. But yeah, one look @ the name Durrani tells one that it’s a Muslim name.

Norman, I’d love to see a Muslimah get recorded like that, and him knowing that she’s Muslim only after the fact. It would be funny to see him get as unhinged as he was on the plane.

Infidel on September 27, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Or even Iranian.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they make sex tapes of Muslimahs. Remember “Islamic modesty” is a form of taqiyyah.

    There are no more sexually promiscuous societies than the Islamic ones. We all know how they treat women.

    Western men who watch porn at least they know they’re living out a sexual fantasy and that’s just human nature. Muslim men don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality.

    Western men can control their sexual urges. Muslim men can’t. Durrani almost did the same thing Debbie reported back in the summer a Turkish man did to a female passenger on another cross country flight.

    In every case like this one, we’ve seen Muslim men make inappropriate moves on infidel women. Its unheard of for that kind of behavior to occur with a Western male passenger on a domestic flight.

    In fact, the true heroes of male chivalry are the seven American men who stopped this creep! I think Debbie has to partly take back her view we don’t have real men in this country cuz it looks like we still do have them.

    Not every American male is a new woman. Seven cheers for American manhood!

    NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 4:55 pm

Ol’ Mo was a lecher and the Koran conveniently gave him permission to satisfy himself with as many women as he desired.

Islam sanctions prostitution through the peculiar Islamic institution of “temporary” marriage. Sex slavery in all its forms is an open secret in the Muslim World.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 4:42 pm

Peter Tong,

Keep it up with those classy comments of yours – I’m sure that’s not your real name. Can’t get laid?

You need to shut your filthy mouth and your mother gave birth to someone who can’t connect his brain with his mouth.

That kind of language will carry you far in life – son, indeed!

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 4:59 pm

These artsy types, you know, under lots of pressure, having to fly with the muggles in business class, their apt to do anything to plug these films too.. etc. BS

Yeah, Debbie, he may be casing the joint to see what happens. I am pleased that passengers are involved in holding him down.

But there will not be as you say, any mention he is Muslim, in the press.

NYT may report him as a “white Pakistani”?

Panhandle on September 27, 2012 at 5:03 pm

They’ll just say he’s an American actor.

We can’t identify perpetrators as Muslim. Its like in the famous Sherlock Holmes story – its the dog that doesn’t bark.

Its a double standard and one that’s not going away any time soon.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 5:10 pm


    That’s pretty typical these days. Just like the tv networks will only air shows that portray gay characters in a positive light. Chances, for example, that the zany gay goofball next door will turn out to be a child molester: ZERO, just like in real life, LOL. Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term “character shield.”

    Statusmonkey on September 28, 2012 at 11:42 am

      Muslim Monkey, can’t you keep to the topic? Of course not, because you actually like Muslims and boo-hoo about darling suffering Fakestinian “children.”

      skzion on September 28, 2012 at 3:03 pm

This Mactor (model actor) failed to take the plane. Don’t think for one minute he wasn’t intending GREAT harm to everyone.

But, somehow, he will end up with a $ubstanial $ettlement…

As Goes... on September 27, 2012 at 6:02 pm

This is exactly the problem with white Americans. Deep down you (and not all) but the dumb bitch who write this racist article can sick my balls. You fucking republican, tea party supporting cunt. Know the facts before opening your Dick suckin mouth. Cracker ass Cracker

crazy bitch who wrote this dumb racial atricle on September 27, 2012 at 6:16 pm

    Thank you for that enlightening comment, Mohammed.

    skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:41 pm

      @Gay Obama,

      In all seriousness, I consider your many, many, many comments approximately as informative as the one you just responded to.

      Statusmonkey on September 28, 2012 at 12:03 am

        Muslim Monkey sez:

        “@Gay Obama,

        In all seriousness, I consider your many, many, many comments approximately as informative as the one you just responded to.”

        And anyone here is supposed to care about what a pro-Muslim slacker with delusions of heroism considers informative? Still Waiting for Dole.

        skzion on September 28, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    Ok stupid, since you assume everybody on this blog is white and of European linage, I’ll have to disappoint you Mohammed/Mostafa/Khalid, but I happen to be a “black” person and guess what dumbass, I happen to be a conservative politically! I happen to be the type of conservative who’s a worst nightmare for your race-mongorering ilk. And thanks for exposing yourself for the racists you are, your the one who’s the phucking racists you lunatic nutjob.

    BTW, DS might be a registered Republican, but guess what, she’s NOT a tea party memeber or a speaker, Debbie is NOT apart of NO organization or group. Plus, the woman is VERY independent and an indiviualist, so next you open up your godforsaken pie-hole, think before you react, use what god (if he exists) allegdly gave you. Assclown!

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture

    Sean R. on September 27, 2012 at 10:22 pm


      Debbie Schlussel “is VERY independent and an individualist.”

      I just wish you could say the same thing about some of her fans – two of them in particular.

      Statusmonkey on September 28, 2012 at 12:11 am

        Was that clever, Muslim Monkey? How many sites have you been banned from?

        skzion on September 28, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Debbie doesn’t have enough time in the world to delete all the offensive posts on here.

    I guess she left yours up so people can see the kind of idiots she has to deal with on a daily basis.

    Son, control your inner rage or you’re liable to hurt someone. If you don’t, someone will do it for you!

    That’s not a threat, simply an observation. Keep it in mind!

    NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    Well, isn’t that special?? Is that YOU ASH… hole?

    Alabama Pride on September 28, 2012 at 1:43 am

The SECOND dry run to Orange County, on United Airlines, in two years. The one last year was from Denver. This sucks for those of us that fly to Orange County, as the FBI is almost certainly NOT on the case.

Get ready for a ‘who coulda known’ attack.

CK on September 27, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    I pray that we have no more attacks and that if these are dry runs… SOMEBODY in law enforcement finds the contacts that these “testers” have to terrorist groups.

    Alabama Pride on September 28, 2012 at 1:40 am

I never have any fun like that when I fly. It is ME they would have arrested on that flight for showing him the way to unconsciousness. We used to call it ‘physical interrogation’….Religion? sorry, it is a mental illness.

#1 Vato on September 27, 2012 at 7:26 pm

This is absurd. The kid doesnt even practice Islam he just has an alcohol/drug problem. Hes american who happens to be of Muslim roots who doesnt even practice his own religion. Debra you a a hateful, spiteful, person who has some major bad karma coming your way for all the shit you talk about people. youre beyond racist. its very sad. and norman is debra sitting behind the internet hiding like a coward.

felicia on September 27, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    “felicia” … I notice that, like “crazy bitch,” your post does not have one of those blue icons on its upper left corner. Might you by chance be the same “person”?

    Imagine a world without Islam!

    skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:43 pm

      I’m sorry, I must correct myself. The missing blue icon seems to affect others as well.

      To the inaptly named felicia: you seem to know an awful lot more about this “person” than is publicly available. Do you go to the same mosque?

      skzion on September 27, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    Yes your right this guy was born in this country and a muslim, so what, let me ask you a question sweety, do you think for a minute that all muslims in this country are loyal and patriotic, freedom loving americans? As a matter of fact, a good number of muslims in this country are NOT pro-american, they hold their alliegance to their cult/faith, that is a fact.

    Another thing dumbass, could you tell me, Debbie and all of us who commented what race/ethincity is islam? Muslims come all colors, races, national groups, etc. Are you saying that middle eastern people are muslims? Wake the hell up, I have some friends who are of middle eastern lineage (arabic, persian/iranian, pakistani, etc.) and born and guess what Felicia, MANY of them are NOT muslims. And BTW since you falsley accused Norman of being Ms. Schlussel can you prove it to us and show anytype of evidence? Prove it or get lost for good! Jackass!

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on September 27, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    Hilarious… I’ve been called a lot of things but a transgendered Debbie Schlussel is a new one!

    Thanks for the comedic relief – pious Muslims are the most irreligious people on earth. There are atheists who do G-d credit. How well one follows organized religion is no prediction of how conscientious/ethical a human being might be.

    Belief in G-d is not enough to make us a righteous person. It takes a lot more. Faith alone for the lazy, the mentally challenged and the idiots – and of course is also reserved for the fanatics who know the Absolute Truth.

    Life isn’t that simple and neither is our relationship with G-d.

    NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 10:48 pm

His video sucked. I think I could put together a better one than that and I’ve never done it before. The music was irritating, the film jumped around. Nice looking girls in the film but this no skill director wasn’t doing them any favors. I can’t believe anyone sponsored this crap.

RT on September 27, 2012 at 8:29 pm

Of course,it would not be a true Islamic attack without this: “He pulled me back and goes, ‘Nona, give me a kiss,’ and I said, ‘Listen, you’re really drunk. Get away from me,’ Pitts, the owner of Salon 5150 in Brea said.”

Molesting any woman within range seems to be a default practice among Muslim males.

Also,Debbie is really on to something with the apparent wealth of this person.

Finally, why do passengers have to deal with these sorts of people all of the time? Are there still Air Marshals around? It would be nice to see lethal force used in some of these situation,rather than the usual catch and release.

Worry01 on September 27, 2012 at 8:39 pm

“Finally, why do passengers have to deal with these sorts of people all of the time?”

Now that is a very good question, isn’t it?

skzion on September 27, 2012 at 9:01 pm

If he was “testing the system” he may actually have been drunk and on prescription meds and had a handler or two on the plane with him to observe the action or reactions.
And then let him get arrested while they record and report their observations.

ebayer on September 27, 2012 at 9:35 pm

There needs to be a drop box on commercial airliners for turds like this. Stuff them in and open the door…plunge to earth and done!

Gman213 on September 27, 2012 at 9:36 pm

If only we could toss Islamic terrorists out of a plane at 30,000 feet, they wouldn’t be trying so many “dry runs” in our skies! Would serve ’em right.

NormanF on September 27, 2012 at 10:54 pm

wow theres alot of hate and racism on this website. this debbie woman is a total racist. there are good and bad people in every religion and for you people on here to have so much hatred in your hearts over a religion is really sad. this is america and there are alot of muslims who are proud americans and wouldnt do terrorism activities. this is a case of a kid whos obviously got a drug problem.

steveq on September 28, 2012 at 1:39 am


    Islam isn’t a race, a nationality or a culture. Its a hate cult. And Islamic terrorism is in the news virtually every day of the year. Muslims commit their crimes in the name of Islam.

    Therefore we are justified in being against it and their warrior prophet. As Debbie observed, its either the religion of terrorists or the religion of the insane.

    Either way, its not good for the West.

    NormanF on September 28, 2012 at 4:02 am

    this debbie woman is a total racist.

    Dear Mr. Q: Didn’t your first grade teacher ever teach you about capital and small letters?

    The ESSENCE of racism is a belief in INNATE differences. Where does Debbie say that Arabs, or any one, is born any way?

    Miranda Rose Smith on September 28, 2012 at 5:53 am

      The ESSENCE of racism is a belief in INNATE differences. Where does Debbie say that Arabs, or any one, are born any way?

      Miranda Rose Smith on September 28, 2012 at 5:59 am

    Notice that steveyq started his post with “wow.”

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 1:52 pm

Okay first of all who ever wrote all that B.S about islam is beyond ignorant. Second off he is not Pakistani, he’s from Afghanistan. Not all Muslims are bad people. Most religions are against alcohol, sex, and drugs, does that mean everyone follows what their religion says. Unfortunatley society itself does not allow that. This article made me sick to my stomach. I know the kid and he comes from money, his father maanged two high end spots in Arlington, VA. Arash came out to Cali to pursue a career in acting. He resides in VA with his family (parents & siblings). The kid was born and raised in VA & his family has been here for about 30 years. So I’m guessing every time you see a muslim person committ a crime on TV it means it’s a hate crime against America. Seriously you sound so pathetic. Educate yourself before you decide to write a stupid ass post like the one above. Thanks come again!

Angelina on September 28, 2012 at 2:29 am

    Huh, I see that overnight as I and all of slept, this article has attracted a few trolls here and there, whether they’re muslim-trolls or useful idiot dhimmi-trolls.

    To you Angelina sweety, if you think Ms. Schlussel is lying about this story and making things up, you would learned by now that this Arsh Durrani and his family would’ve contacted DS and sued her for libel! Furhtermore, Debbie is a practicing attorney, she knows when NOT to slander anyone, and she’s NEVER slandered or defamed anyone before in her life. Secondly, why are you quasi condoning this guy’s behavior on the plane during the flight? If you’d known him (I think your faking it and BSing around) you would’ve condemned him for his acts, if this guy was my friend or relative member, I would condemn him rather condoning and endorsing his motives like a moronic rube.

    Third, do you know ANYTHING about islam and what it stands for? You haven’t been here long enough stupid, but just about all of us who comments here know what islam is and still studying this cult/faith today and it’s NOT peaceful or respectful. Do you what the meaning of islam means, it means “submission to god/allah”! Maybe you need to educate yourself instead of listening to propaganda from the media and the propaganda crap your left wing marxists professors taught you in college (that’s if you went to college).

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on September 28, 2012 at 11:01 am

The truth is the Durrani family are not Muslims. They are Jewish and Debbie just trashed a fellow Jew. Google it. “Bani Israel Pashtuns” the Durranis are Nephtalis they are Jewish and are hated even in Afghanistan for being “Yahoodi” that the family was kicked out of the country. They are not Muslims sorry but undercover Jews who do not respect their own race. Long live Israel!

JRivka on September 28, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Yeah right, JRivka. And that “undercover Jew” who’s trying to make it as actor/model is mysteriously able to afford two homes?

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 2:04 pm

Hmmm . . . a Z-movie actor no one ever heard of, and yet he has enough cash to have residences on both coasts. Where did he get the money?

Maybe he has rich parents.

Miranda Rose Smith on September 28, 2012 at 4:04 am

Good question…. how does a guy like that have that kind of lifestyle? And here’s another question: why the f*ck would he ever need to fly coach?

Another question to which we don’t have a good answer yet.

NormanF on September 28, 2012 at 4:14 am

    Dear Mr. F: Either his parents paid for his residences and told him he was otherwise on his own or….well, all kinds of very rich people have all kinds of pinch-penny habits.

    Miranda Rose Smith on September 28, 2012 at 4:40 am

“The ESSENCE of racism is a belief in INNATE differences.”

Better come up with a new definition of racism then as genetic science is proving otherwise. There are innate differences between me and my own brother. But of course, never believe your lying eyes on these things. No difference between a <a href=""Pygmy and a Russian.

Culturally Enriched on September 28, 2012 at 7:32 am

    Enriched: no one is INNATELY Muslim. Have I clarified the point for you?

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 2:08 pm

Obviously most people on that flight are still somewhat sheep. It isn’t difficult to subdue an intoxicated person if they are dealt a series of very painful strikes to certain parts of the body. Even a drugged, assaultive person. The after effects last long enough to then bind a maniacs wrists and ankles, then knees for an extended period of time. I haven’t flown in years, but if I did and this drugged idiot, who was putting lives at risk, would have been dealt with much faster and effectively. Keeping him face down for the remainder of the trip, with a knee in his back, could’ve also stopped any other monkey business. It’s a shame we must endure these conditions. Sheepdogs should request to be seated near the rear of the plane. Near the bathrooms and better to monitor shit heads like this animal.

samurai on September 28, 2012 at 10:35 am

A couple of observations that have nothing to do with the religion of the offender:

First, clearly there were no air marshals on this flight.

Second: Why did PASSENGERS have to be the ones to subdue this bozo and SIT on his for the duration of the flight? This was HOURS, people!

Third: Why did the pilot not choose to land the plane somewhere in the heartland so the authorities could get this guy off the plane and let the rest of the passengers fly in peace? I thought that was a policy among the airlines.

Fourth: With all of the anti-terrorism “security” crap that the PASSENGERS have to tolerate just to get ON an airplane, why aren’t the flight attendants given some kind of self-defense training so we don’t have to rely on having male passengers who have the balls to take charge? Why aren’t the flight attendants given stun-guns or something? Good heavens! They have defibrillators on the planes so they can zap people having heart attacks. Why not stun-guns so they can zap unruly passengers? I’ve read that, used in moderation, stun guns will certainly take the fight out of am a__hole without causing permanent damage.

If the airlines are worried about lawsuits (and you know they are) aren’t they as likely, if not more, to be sued for NOT shutting down a violent passenger in the event that passenger hurts someone?

And last, after 9/11 Gavin DeBecker, a security expert, said we will be unlikely to have another 9/11-type attack because the PASSENGERS will not tolerate it. This example shows what he was talking about.

DG in GA on September 28, 2012 at 10:46 am

    Samurai and DG, interesting posts.

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 2:11 pm

Wow this page is pathetic! Debbie Schlussel you are obviously extremely ignorant and uneducated. You promote hate and are a disgrace to this country. I hope you find happiness and love in your heart one day.. P.S you are just assuming hes muslim.. There are other religions in that region.. why don’t you educate yourself

Mike on September 28, 2012 at 1:15 pm

    Why is that scoundrels like “Mike” (Mohammed) tell those like us who know about Islam that we must educate ourselves about it? I mean, it’s a kind of “diversity talk,” so I assume that’s how they all came to use the same language.

    skzion on September 28, 2012 at 3:11 pm


He won’t condemn jihad, Islamic terrorism and Durrani.

But he will blame the victim. Typical Muslim taqiyyah.

NormanF on September 28, 2012 at 6:44 pm

    NormanF: yup.

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 2:12 pm

I did a Google Image Search for douche-bag and got repeated hits off Durrani.

Guy must be a douce.

Jack on September 29, 2012 at 1:10 am

Well, I am a racist and hate Muslims and anyone from the Middle East. I hope all you Muslims and Arabs die. I think Hitler should come back from the grave and kill every Muslim, shoot the babies and rape all the women. I think Debbie should go out on a date with me since I stalk her website so much. I have a small penis but I am good with my hand. Norman

NormanF on September 29, 2012 at 1:40 am

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