September 25, 2012, - 4:18 pm

Sarah Silverman: This Crazy Bitch Does Not Speak for Me – Jew In Name Only (VIDEO)

By Debbie Schlussel

Can we please send Sarah Silverman (and her grandmother, too) for a vacation at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi?

Tonight, Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, begins, and Jews are supposed to have asked forgiveness from those they’ve slighted. Silverman needs to ask forgiveness (but she won’t) from the entire Jewish people for invoking our religion in each of her disgusting, pro-Obama videos produced by a far-left Super PAC that also pretends to be Jewish. Below is her latest lowlife video screed, which, sadly, was last week’s top political video on YouTube. Each time she invokes my religion, remember that a Jewish American with far more class and at least 100 more IQ points, Sheldon Adelson, has already spent $70 million to get Romney and other Republicans elected and has pledged to spend up to $100 million. For that “crime,” he’s also been a target of Silverman’s sickening crap. This sleazebagette, Silverman, is what I call a VaJINO – a female Jew In Name Only. She does not speak for me. And many of us Jews find her beyond embarrassing.


Watch the video [which is NOT SAFE FOR WORK or IQ] . . .

Does Sarah Silverman ever go shopping? When they ask her for ID when she used credit cards, was this discrimination against her because she’s Black, old, a college student, and a military veteran? How about when she was asked for picture ID each time she’s flown?

Remember, Sarah Silverman may be Jewish (in name only) by an accident of birth. But she’s a crazy bitch by choice.

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54 Responses

When I saw Silverman’s routine on Comedy Central, I was actually revolted. Bed wetting and marrying your dog are not things I would expect a supposedly mainstream comic to use as part of their material. The woman is bizarre and in need of help, and should not be doing political ads.

Worry on September 25, 2012 at 4:31 pm


    That dog would really have to be slumming to marry her.

    Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 4:38 pm

I’m not so sure that Adelson’s support for Mitt Romney is the counterpoint that I would make – as Schlussel acknowledges, Romney is in many ways like Obama. For all his storied “flips,” Romney has been a FORTRESS of strength in supporting the individual mandate. His support for that horrible policy is stronger than steel, and he won’t walk it back an inch.

Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 4:34 pm

I am actually a fan of Sarah Silverman even though I disagree with a lot of her politics. I have often found it interesting (and somewhat hypocritical) that she gets away with a lot of racist humor because she presents it not as herself but as her comedy persona.

George on September 25, 2012 at 4:47 pm

Well, I guess she’s doing this stuff because she’ll never make it as a singer, even as bad as modern-day singers are. One of the most unpleasantly shrill voices I’ve ever heard.

And aside from the obscenity, opposition to anti-voter-fraud laws as a civil rights issue? Anyone who believes that these laws suppress people’s civil rights also has an IQ 100 points less than Sheldon Adelson.

And unfortunately she is just one of a long list of JINO who have proven embarrassing. The loudmouth teachers union hacks are also Jewish, even the Cornell graduates who can’t add 1/3 and 1/4 in their head. And then the Congressional hacks who are criticizing Netanyahu, and helping the rest of us perish.

ONe of the worst things about her is that she thinks being a vulgar loudmouth is good, an asset, and something to be proud of. I suppose she thinks it is a way of asserting her freedom from oppression to be rude and boorish.

Little Al on September 25, 2012 at 4:49 pm


    FrenchKiss on September 25, 2012 at 4:53 pm

Honestly, I have read these articles before and thought everyone was entitled to an opinion about everything. I mean, I am from the US and the Bill of Rights does guarantee that, within reason(first amendment for anyone who forgets).
However, I am really just beginning to believe that these articles, and this writer is just full of vitriolic critiques for anyone who in her opinion does not share her view of any amount of issues.
I have my own political leanings which I will take to the voting booth to exercise come election day. I have heard the arguments from all sides and the critiques that the opposite sides have of each other, and while I feel the truth of everything is somewhere dying in the middle. I see no issue why people cannot openly endorse or express their consent of any candidate. Rockstar, Comedian, Ex-Senator, President, etc. If they want to spend their money to endorse a candidate then fine. I have also always believed in exercising this one essential thing, if I do not like what I am watching on Tv, I change the channel. If (and I am not saying how I feel about this commercial) you do not like what they are saying, don’t listen.
Finally, and I am sure anyone who responds to this will say nasty things about me expressing my right to an opinion on Debbie Schlussel’s opinions, Debbie, you do not speak for me, or all the Jews I know either, so please do not pretend to. Do not for a second believe that any of us do. I speak for myself and maybe if I am lucky a few of my friends. My rabbi does not speak for me, Netenyahu does not speak for me either. I speak for me.

Joshua on September 25, 2012 at 4:59 pm


    The problem here is that you apparently think all opinions are equal, and that the truth can be found approximately midway between conservatism and socialism. Rush Limbaugh (someone for whom you undoubtedly have PROFOUND respect) asked an interesting question: what is a reasonable, middle-of-the-road amount of poison for you to take tonight? Only one side in the debate is touting poison, and it isn’t the conservatives. What a shame that they don’t have a candidate running this year.

    Romney only wants you to take half the bottle of poison, whereas Obama wants you to down it all. By some sketchy mental gymnastics, Romney has convinced himself that half the poison might somehow benefit you – in the long run. Obama basically just wants you dead.

    Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    Ugh, Joshua. I could not get through your post because it was so bloody boring! I have no time for boring!

    Skunky on September 25, 2012 at 8:24 pm

      I seriously doubt that you could “get through” a coloring book, Skuzzball.

      Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 9:23 pm

      Skunky, I spent a few minutes going over Joshua’s post, for your convenience I’ve broken down what he said with a few less words. Here it is:

      1 Debbie often critiques people who don’t agree with her.

      2 Everyone has a right to voice their own opinion on who to vote for and what to watch on TV

      Jay on September 25, 2012 at 11:00 pm

I genuinely feel sorry for S.S.; more so for her parents and grandparents.

Listening to her reminds me of a college professor’s response to a really wacky answer given by one of his students. The prof told the student, “That’s not right; that’s not even wrong.”

Poor pitiable Sarah.

lee, of the lower case "l" on September 25, 2012 at 5:08 pm

Joshua, I have nothing nasty to say about your right to express an opinion. It’s just that your IQ is around 50, given the stupidity of your comments.

What kind of exercise do your political leanings benefit from? Aerobics, weight training? Unnecessarily pretentious language such as this almost always is used to suppress vacuous thought. “Truth dying in the middle?” Come on now.

And like most brainless liberals, you ignore Debbie’s content, and try to pose this as a ‘right to speak’ issue. Debbie didn’t say that SS didn’t have the right to speak. She just said that SS’s video was tasteless, and not representative of Judaism.

Think of Jewish traditions, the great rabbis of history, the great Zionists who sacrificed to form Israel, the great entertainers and athletes of the past who invoked Jewish traditions. Can you possibly imagine what they would think of this crap?

And, of course, no one speaks for anyone. Another obnoxious example of postmodern relativism– everything is as good as everything else, all values are equal. No, Joshua, they are not equal. Part of having an IQ above 100 is the ability to make distinctions.

Little Al on September 25, 2012 at 5:11 pm

One Little Al, my IQ is actually 160, but thank you for the insult. I believe quite simply that if someone wants to pay they can make a political commercial. I guess part of my education (and if you want to attack my university education I will even tell you where my alma mater is, much past that I guess you can say I was accepted by accident, or some other ridiculous comment).
By the way, because I said, “truth dying in the middle” you believe that be suppressing vacuous thought, and that my language was pretensious? I think using the word, “vacuous” (and I did not need a dictionary before you try that statement) is just as pretensious as me using “flowery language” or any other use of an extended vocabulary or poetic language.
Sorry that I did not believe in the great traditions of Rabbis who did not eat at one anothers homes because of fear of it not being Kosher enough, or the Satmars and Hassids who openly fought each other. Or the Haredi Jews who are not usually found in anyway to be anything more than a drain on Israel’s economy.
You do realize historically that Judaism has always had a plethora of opinions (was that word pretentious of me to use also?). That in fact, as a community historically, we have basically never agreed on anything through and through. If you truly want I can unload an entire dissertations worth of examples?
But no Little Al, my IQ is well above 50, or 100 whichever numerical value you want to use, since you used two different ones. Being able to read your writing, understand that you are just as pretentious as I am, and knowing that unlike you, I bear no ill feelings towards Debbie or Sarah Silverman, or any Jew who does not agree with me, is the true distinction.
Now, I must go, for the sun is getting ready to set and I am an observant Jew and must prepare for Yom Kippur.
Gmar Hatimah Tovah, have an easy fast and quite frankly I gave my opinion and knew that someone like you would attempt to belittle me.

Joshua on September 25, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    So all opinions being equal in your eyes, Joshua, I guess you have no problem with someone having the opinion that Jews don’t deserve to live? Liberal Jews like you make me sick, because you ludicrous extension of liberalism is destroying not only Judaism, but America and Western Democracy.

    Somehow I think you are the smug form of liberal who believes your intellect places you above religion. Two great intellects, William F. Buckley and Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have disagreed. You see, you are a pseudo-intellectual. Talking through your nose does not make you smart or sound like a Harvard grad, although talking through your ass does make you sound like a modern liberal fraud.

    Jonathan E. Grant on September 25, 2012 at 6:38 pm

Sarah Silverman is an Obama loving Reconstructionist.
Her Lesbo Rabbi taught her to play Kol Nidre with a
Shofar shaped dildo.

Debbie Luvs Shiksas on September 25, 2012 at 5:27 pm

and @statusmonkey, I actually do not have profound respect for Limbaugh.
I like your analogy with the poison though, I think it does work depending on how you feel about what each candidate says.

Joshua on September 25, 2012 at 5:28 pm


    I didn’t think you did – I was being sarcastic. And it’s his analogy, not mine.

    Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 6:51 pm

“I see no issue why people cannot openly endorse or express their consent of any candidate. Rockstar, Comedian, Ex-Senator, President, etc. If they want to spend their money to endorse a candidate then fine. I have also always believed in exercising this one essential thing, if I do not like what I am watching on Tv, I change the channel. If (and I am not saying how I feel about this commercial) you do not like what they are saying, don’t listen.”

Who ever said that they did not have a right to express an opinion? That right does not extend to being free to express an opinion without criticism. Also, it is not just a matter of turning to another channel when the matters under discussion affect vital aspects of society, the economy, or national security. Sarah Silverman has injected herself into the political arena voluntarily. What she says and does in the arena is fair game for criticism as well as support. Free speech is not a one way street.

“Honestly, I have read these articles before and thought everyone was entitled to an opinion about everything. I mean, I am from the US…”

Honestly, I rather doubt that you are a native of the United States. Your syntax is not what a normal English speaker would use.

I would cite this as proof of your foreign extraction:

“I have my own political leanings which I will take to the voting booth to exercise come election day. I have heard the arguments from all sides and the critiques that the opposite sides have of each other, and while I feel the truth of everything is somewhere dying in the middle.”

A little honesty about who you are would go a long way towards bolstering your credibility.

This annoying bit of self-pity pretty much seals the deal:

Finally, and I am sure anyone who responds to this will say nasty things about me expressing my right to an opinion on Debbie Schlussel’s opinions. ”

Yes, the very Islamic whine is coming out now.

Of course, this leads to the taqiyya/kitman phase of this diatribe:

Debbie, you do not speak for me, or all the Jews I know either, so please do not pretend to. Do not for a second believe that any of us do. I speak for myself and maybe if I am lucky a few of my friends. My rabbi does not speak for me, Netenyahu does not speak for me either. I speak for me.

Yes Mustafa, we both know that you are not a Jew. When you start off with a very transparent deception, you taint the rest of your message in the process.

Worry on September 25, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Well, I think most people with an IQ of 160 would realize that “someone” and “they” do not correspond, because one is singular and one is plural. You also need to learn how to spell “pretentious.” “Anothers'” is possessive which you did not recognize. And it is “my” using flowery language, not “me”. Or do people as smart as you get an exemption from learning English.

You have a tendentious writing style, especially that convoluted sentence near the end.

And your reading comprehension is also lacking. I said you had an IQ of 50, and then, later, discussed the attributes of an IQ above 100. No contradiction between having an IQ below 100 and an IQ of 50. I was just indicating that you have a long way to go to get to 100. Of course, your claim of a 160 IQ is hogwash.

And you were too dumb to see that Statusmonkey was being sarcastic.

It also seems clear that you are narcissistic, since your second comment is all about you, and not about the actual contents of Debbie’s post, or Silverman’s garbage, either the form, with all the obscenity and vileness, or the content, a defense of voter fraud.

Little Al on September 25, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    Little Al, you are dealing with someone who is neither a U.S. native or a Jew. His syntax is that of a foreigner who has half learned his English, but really does not have that language’s syntax down. As for the claim of being Jewish, it is practically a throw away taqiyya/kitman line for a Muslim who is pretending to be someone other than who they actualy are.

    Worry on September 25, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    Little Al, you are dealing with someone who is neither a U.S. native or a Jew. His syntax is that of a foreigner who has half learned his English, but really does not have that language’s syntax down. As for the claim of being Jewish, it is practically a throw away taqiyya/kitman line for a Muslim who is pretending to be someone other than who they actually are.

    Worry on September 25, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    Worry and Little Al have established two facts about our friend Joshua: (1) he’s not a native speaker of English and (2) he’s not very bright. Good grief, leaving aside the weird syntax, the grammatical errors, and the odd diction, Joshua has one tiny, inane point to make: “Silverman has a right to say what she wants, but Schlussel has no such right.” What kind of a genius fills pages with such twaddle?

    Joshua’s obvious lie about his IQ suggests he is a Muslim, as this is the sort of lie Muslims tell. He does know some rather insider jargon (e.g. “Satmars”), but he messes up in implying that Satmars are not Hassids. Additional evidence of his Muslim status comes from the first word he used: “honestly.” This is a very Muslim, indeed a very Muslim Arab, thing to say, as are equivalents like “believe me.”

    skzion on September 25, 2012 at 6:32 pm

According to sources, Sarah Silverman “considers herself ethnically Jewish, which she has frequently mined for material, but says she is agnostic and does not follow the religion,” claiming, “I have no religion. But culturally I can’t escape it; I’m very Jewish.” I think her perspectives on her Jewish heritage would fit most Leftist-leaning Jews. Certainly they would apply, for example, to Woody Allen as well, who, although he also will surely be voting for Obama if he votes at all, at least has the sense to stay out of the public spotlight on his political views. (Allen once quipped in response to those who accused him of being a self-hating Jew, “Yes it’s true, I do hate myself, but not because I’m Jewish.”)

Like Debbie has in her article, Jackie Mason has also criticized Sarah Silverman when she first started campaigning for Omama in the 2008 election, and for much the same reasons. Now, Jackie Mason, like many of the world’s greatest comedians of all time is also Jewish, but he has been outspoken about those Jews that he feels are traitors to the Jewish people; most of which are, of course, Leftists, and carry all the usual baggage that goes with that, including pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel sentiments.

Here is a clip of Mason talking about Silverman and the 2008 election: Please note that when Jackie is speaking on his website about various topics, he is not usually doing so in his comic persona. In other words, he is just telling you what he’s thinking and how he feels about certain subjects, and any comedy that comes out of that is just a bonus. So don’t look for a lot of laughs in his video blogs.

But I can tell you that I saw Jackie Mason perform in Los Angeles a few years ago at the Wadsworth Theater to a packed hall, and he was simply sensational; a true master comedian. For about and hour and half, Mason had me and the rest of the audience laughing hysterically. That’s something Sarah Silverman could only do in her dreams.

Ralph Adamo on September 25, 2012 at 5:49 pm

According to sources, Sarah Silverman “considers herself ethnically Jewish, which she has frequently mined for material, but says she is agnostic and does not follow the religion,” claiming, “I have no religion. But culturally I can’t escape it; I’m very Jewish.” I think her perspectives on her Jewish heritage would fit most Leftist-leaning Jews. Certainly they would apply, for example, to Woody Allen as well, who, although he also will surely be voting for Obama if he votes at all, at least has the sense to stay out of the public spotlight on his political views. (Allen once quipped in response to those who accused him of being a self-hating Jew, “Yes it’s true, I do hate myself, but not because I’m Jewish.”)

Like Debbie has in her article, Jackie Mason has also criticized Sarah Silverman when she first started campaigning for Omama in the 2008 election, and for much the same reasons. Now, Jackie Mason, like many of the world’s greatest comedians of all time is also Jewish, but he has been outspoken about those Jews that he feels are traitors to the Jewish people; most of which are, of course, Leftists, and carry all the usual baggage that goes with that, including pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel sentiments.

Here is a clip of Mason talking about Silverman and the 2008 election: Please note that when Jackie is speaking on his website about various topics, he is not usually doing so in his comic persona. In other words, he is just telling you what he’s thinking and how he feels about certain subjects, and any comedy that comes out of that is just a bonus. So don’t look for a lot of laughs in his video blogs.

But I can tell you that I saw Jackie Mason perform in Los Angeles a few years ago at the Wadsworth Theater to a packed hall, and he was simply sensational; a true master comedian. For about and hour and half, Mason had me and the rest of the audience laughing hysterically. That’s something Sarah Silverman could only do in her dreams.

PS: I like the clever Va-Jino moniker.

Ralph Adamo on September 25, 2012 at 5:49 pm

I don’t understand how any American with at least an IQ in the triple digits could stomach – let alone advocate – for Obama.

DS_ROCKS! on September 25, 2012 at 5:56 pm


    That is why a big block of Odummer voters are below IQ retards who watch the View in the morning and ABC Nightly News in the evening.

    Ken b on September 25, 2012 at 6:32 pm


    No argument there, but could you not say the exact same thing about Romney? He’s not exactly running a “campaign of ideas,” is he?

    Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 7:33 pm

The morons will hang her every word.

Dtom on September 25, 2012 at 7:38 pm

P.S. if you’re up for a challenge, try watching dingleberry Romney’s features when he laughs about you running out of options. The video is only 1 minute:

Did John McCain ever scoff at you like that? If you can make yourself bite into this turd sandwich that you’ve been served, then good on you. I just have no appetite after watching this spoiled dump in action.

Statusmonkey on September 25, 2012 at 7:42 pm

Oh wow. I did not know that “Fire Marshall Bill” was Sarah Silverman’s Nana! How cool is that?

I’d love to see her abandoned in Benghazi. Another useless tw** suffering deeply from mental illness. She’s so far gone she can’t even understand the concept of self-respect. Even Jimmy Kimmel wouldn’t marry this 3 O’Clock bag of slop.

If we are going to be cursed with Serial Killers may one find Sarah Silverman and take her out to save a truly innocent victim. She should shack-up with Mel Gibson because she is just as disgusting to Jews as Mel Gibson is to Catholics.

Skunky on September 25, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    Sarah Silverman was too much even for Comedy Central.

    Worry on September 25, 2012 at 9:04 pm

If the rabbis went back to the patrilineal rule still followed by Islam – Jews wouldn’t have so many problems. Being a Jew shouldn’t an entitlement due to sliding out of the right womb. I think that makes sense.

And the Sarah Silvermans of the world wouldn’t embarrass the Jewish people with unwanted shenanigans.

NormanF on September 25, 2012 at 8:49 pm


    It would be nice if you and Debbie would get off this “you’re embarrassed by this Jew who gives Jews a bad name” garbage.

    You both said the same BS the last time Debbie posted a blog about the moronic Silverman.

    What the hell are you “embarrassed” about? You think Protestants are embarrassed about the limitless number of bad and stupid things said and done by people who happen to be Protestant? Of course not. And few people expect them to be.

    It’s too bad when some Jews,blacks,and other minorities feel they have to “reassure” white Christians that these “bad Jews” are anomalies, and don’t represent the vast majority of Jews who are “good”.

    What you don’t get is good people don’t need to be reassured, because they know bigotry is evil.

    Scott on September 26, 2012 at 3:45 am

Benzilla, so what if DS made a little sentiment of “Sarah Silverman needs a vacation at the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya” what DS did was gave her opinion, that’s all stupid. Another thing buddy, Debbie didn’t say that Sarah Silverman can’t speak or give her views/opinion, she’s calling out Silverman’s inane video on somewhat degrading judiasim, etc.

PS, keep it classy jackass on saying that DS can’t find a husband, what business it’s yours whatever Ms. Schlussel does in her private life? It’s none of your business dumbass, I guess your one of those stupid liberals who say that people should mind their business and not get involved in other folks life, but here you are bringing up DS’s life during a discourse, I find it very disgusting and vile of you Benzilla! Hypocrite!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on September 25, 2012 at 10:37 pm

Wow, page upon page of hateful vitriol.. But no one even bothered to explain what it was about SS video that they disagree with. Her message is simply to mobilize people to get voter IDs, in the states with voter ID laws. Is that the crime for which she must be sent to Libya to be murdered?

And by the way.. You rightwing mouth breathers do no get to decide who is or isn’t a Jew. Just so we are clear.

And one last thing.. Worry – yes I am into bed wetting humor. What are you going to do about it?

AlexR on September 26, 2012 at 12:22 am


    This great country has a Bill of Rights,so the bloggers on this board can “decide” anything they want,including who they feel is a Jew or not.They may or may not be mistaken in their views,but they have a right to their beliefs.

    There’s no shortage of Jews(mainly on the left),who sometimes identify themselves as “cultural Jews” and engage in extreme Israel-bashing, and go a step further into vicious anti-Semitism by invoking hateful garbage such as talking about the power of the “Jewish Lobby” in this country.

    This “cultural” Jewish thing is used by Jewish anti-Semites as a shield against being called self-hating anti-Semitic Jews.

    Scott on September 26, 2012 at 4:04 am

    AlexR…the R must signify the sound of your brain hitting the floor…no one is upset with Skanky Sarah Silverman and her (dumb) opinion. We don’t expect more from a self-hating D-bag…what is annoying is that her facts are all WRONG and she is spreading bad information to idiots more dumb than she is.

    If your brain hadn’t fallen out you’d know that. Stop gas huffing. It’s not good for your empty Gulliver!

    Skunky on September 26, 2012 at 10:13 am

If it loo0ks like trash, dresses like trash and talks like mtrash…..guess what? It’s trash! My question is, however, why continue to give this walking piece of offal publicity by even mentioning her name. Here is an example of the current
“Culture” in our country……..and a prime example of the base obama voter.

herbster on September 26, 2012 at 9:26 am

Silva-man is trashy. I do find some of her stuff funny & irreverent, but obviously has her head up her sweet ass politically or as a social commentator. Her BS about voter ID is so weak & insepid, pandering to the liberal agenda allowing anyone to boogie right in and vote, a right reserved for citizens, not ghosts, dogs, dead peeps etc etc…..Please take Barbara Streisand with you to Starbux and have a tall glass of shut the F*ck Up!

Steve Epps on September 26, 2012 at 10:15 am

Debbie is spot on. SS has a capacity for vulgarity that is quite without equal. The unimaginable depths of her depravity, which is the calling card of her professional persona, would normally invite the attentions of a mental health professional were it not masquerading as humor. Personally I wouldn’t have given it any mind. But that had proved impossible when she weaved her folksy, homespun yiddishkeit so prominantly into that grotesque persona.

Arn on September 26, 2012 at 12:08 pm

yeah between this piece of Chit and madonna, Gets me energized

Billy on September 26, 2012 at 3:41 pm

Scott, clearly. Anyone can spout opinions and make absurd claims on the Internet. For instance, I could make a claim that Debbie Schlussel is a reactionary c.unt and embarrassment to her people, because her best example of an aspirational Jew is Sheldon Adelson.. the man who is as corrupt as a Nigerian traffic cop, and a walking stereotype of greed.

Skunky – you have mastered the art of Internet insults. Well done. Now, do tell what specifically is “wrong with her facts”, that apparently puts her into your favorite self-hating-jew bucket? So far, the amount of smoke coming out of your (and Debbie’s) ass greatly exceeds the amount of any substance.

As to SS comedy shtick – I find her a riot. It doesn’t surprise me she offends all you bunch of uptight rightwing sphincters. In that vein, shouldn’t the term “VaJINO” be considered vulgar and deeply offensive to a nice little bunch of pure Jews like yourselves?

AlexR on September 26, 2012 at 4:09 pm


    What are you smoking, dude? The Skuzz has DEFINITELY not “mastered the art of Internet insults” – unless calling your enemies big fat poopoo-heads is now considered some kind of devastating zinger, LOL.

    Statusmonkey on September 26, 2012 at 5:30 pm

      I see the monkey concerned about his status wants so badly to be read by Skunky and me that he now omits the “@”. Skunky’s insults are quite pointed, actually. But monkey’s feelings of low self-worth require him to lie about what others say so as to make himself look clever. Monkeyscum is not smart enough to be witty against real opponents.

      If one wastes his time paying attention to monkey–and I admit that I haven’t bothered for several weeks, so perhaps he now has a new brain–one will find almost no substance. So far as I can tell, he has made only one point that does not relate to personal attacks: Mittens has NO chance to win (he insisted on ZERO chance), and it’s good that he loses in a landslide, rather than in a closer contest so that we don’t get a Mittens again. I repeat, he has nothing more to say. As for this nugget, if Mittens has ZERO chance of winning (which is mathematically impossible, as there is no such thing as zero chance), he could only lose in the greatest landslide in history. So, whether we vote for him or not makes no difference whatsoever, as our effect on the outcome is zero as well. In other words, the only point monkeyscum has ever made here is utterly incoherent. There can be no basis for criticizing Mittens voters if one already posits that Mittens will certainly lose in the the greatest landslide in history.

      skzion on September 27, 2012 at 2:37 pm

        @@@@Gay Obama with Major USI@@@@,

        As I said, my rejoinders are for everyone on the site. Everyone.

        If I actually cared about whether you two dingleberries read them, I’d just email them to you.

        And LOL, your “silent treatment” gets funnier every time you respond to one of the comments that you swear you never looked at. Maybe this time it’s for reals, though?

        As for Romney, your confusion is not very convincing. But feel free to donate your meager savings to him if you actually think he’s got a shot. How much is that, anyway, like a buck twenty-five?

        Statusmonkey on September 27, 2012 at 11:35 pm

to AlexR: Hey fella, no argument. You and SS were made for each other. Your loose tongue and frothy drool in the right place would surely be this lady’s most exhilarating inspiration. And what you’ve given us so sharply etched is a portrait of her target audience. So your contribution is not without some value.

Arn on September 26, 2012 at 5:06 pm

Debbie Schlussel is right as in ‘correct’.

Last word on September 26, 2012 at 11:01 pm

SS looks like a rodent.
I don’t know–something about her nostrils and upper lip…
She looks like Mighty Mouse.

lexi on September 27, 2012 at 12:16 pm

I think she is cute and would share my Kasha Kinishes with her any time.

Samurai Shonan on January 2, 2013 at 1:39 am

I gotta say, her behavior seems pretty consistent with other jew women i’ve known. Debbie, I’d say your self-righteous and all-knowing attitude is just as much of an embarrassment to your people as this silverman chick.

teddy on September 23, 2013 at 8:12 pm

I actually found this article by googling, “shut up sarah silverman you trash mouthed ho” because I was SURE somebody else feels as I do.

How people can make a career of being completely obnoxious and then expect that somehow people are going to make a vote-choice based on their opinion is just ridiculous.

But according to Silverman, her DAD is responsible for training her to be the attention-starved, neurotic bitch that she is. Every time she let loose cuss words as a three year-old, he thought it was cute. The more she could shock her built-in audience, the more laughs. She became addicted to shocking people. That’s nothing more than child abuse.

Ruth on October 25, 2016 at 9:51 pm

Sarah Silverman is quite racist and sexist. I wonder why she still does not dare to crack “jokes” about muslims …

Baruch Pogeruch on November 27, 2016 at 8:26 am

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