September 17, 2012, - 12:01 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Homeland Security Agents Forced to do Muslim Sensitivity Training on Eve of 9/11
While Muslims around the world were planning coordinated attacks on our U.S. Embassies around the world on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Homeland Security’s top New England official, Bruce Foucart, was busy forcing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to attend Muslim sensitivity training. ICE agents were outraged that Foucart, Boston’s ICE Special Agent in Charge, was forcing them not to remember 3,000 Americans targeted for death by Muslims, but instead, to honor the religion that inspired the massacre. Last week, on September 10th, Foucart sent all of ICE’s New England agents e-mails (see below) telling them they are required to attend the course, “Improving Cultural Competence: Engaging and Building Relations with American Muslims.” (Note that American is merely an adjective. They are Muslims first, always, and only.) It’s mandatory.
You’d think that Americans learned plenty about Islam from the events of 9/11, the Fort Hood massacre, the attempted shoe bombing, underwear bombing, and Times Square bombing, the U.S.S. Cole, Khobar Towers, and Beirut Embassy and Marine barracks bombings, and the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Iran and hostage-taking for 444 days. And that’s not to mention Yasser Arafat’s brutal murder of Cleo Noel and George Curtis Moore, our two diplomats in Sudan (in which they were so badly beaten and tortured that authorities could not tell which of them was Black–at the time Moore was the highest ranking Black U.S. diplomat–and which was White). But not for Bruce Foucart, who thinks agents need to know the cuddly, tender, sensitive side of Islam (you know, the one we saw in the four dead bodies coming out of the U.S. Embassy in Libya, last week!).
CLICK ON THE IMAGE to read the whole thing . . .
Here is what rightfully disgusted ICE agents who work for Foucart are telling me:
On the eve of September 11th, an email was sent out to the employees and agents of the Boston Office of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the investigative arm of Homeland Security, making attendance mandatory for all employees and agents to attend “Improving Cultural Competence: Engaging and Building Relations with Muslims”. The Special Agent in Charge of the Boston office, Bruce Foucart, made the training mandatory and ordered this email sent out to all personnel.
The timing, tone and subject matter of this email couldn’t be more inappropriate considering several employees of this office were in New York City on 9/11 and intimately involved in the tragedy and recovery effort.
Employees who have attended this training before have stated it has nothing to do working together, but instead, consists of Muslims instructing ICE agents and employees how to address them with respect, telling them that law enforcement has created all of the negative persona and that we need to learn their culture and language.
This story needs to be told, morale has reached levels never seen before in this office thanks to the local management.
It’s disgusting. Did we have German sensitivity training during World War II, taught by the German-American Bund? Hell no! And, yet, the Nazis were pikers compared to the Muslims and the murderous savagery and instability they’ve wrought around the world. We defeated the Nazis in only a few years, and the Muslims have been after us for centuries, attacking America for decades.
No federal law enforcement agency ever had Italian sensitivity training for the La Cosa Nostra (though most Italian-Americans opposed the Mafia, and only a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of Italian-Americans were involved in the Mob, unlike the majority of Muslims who openly support Islamic terrorism and murder), Irish sensitivity training for bootlegging during the prohibition (and, again, unlike Muslims in America, only an invisible fraction of a fraction of Irish in America were involved in this and most opposed it, whereas most Muslims openly support Islamic violence, including Hezbollah and HAMAS), or Jewish sensitivity training for the Purple Gang (which lasted only a few years and involved less than a couple hundred people, as opposed to several million hard-working, law-abiding Jews who opposed them and their activities). They just went after them, and yet, none of these groups targeted innocent civilians or murdered even a fraction of the Americans (and other innocent civilians around the world) that Muslims have.
Partners in Islamo-Pandering: DHS Chief Janet Napolitano & Flamboyant ICE Chief John (Moron) Morton
It’s ridiculous. Whether we want to believe it or not, Islam–and Muslims–are at war against the West. You don’t win a war by forcing your soldiers–which include federal agents–to sit there and be demoralized by the enemy on American soil. You don’t win a war by forcing federal agents to hear how bad they are and how they must treat the enemy with respect.
Bruce Foucart might win some awards from the unindicted HAMAS co-conspirator CAIR for trying to emasculate his employees and demoralize them at the hands of Muslims and Islam. But he is doing America no favors.
Back in the 1940s, his behavior would be considered treason. And that’s exactly what it is now.
By the way, while this is easy to pawn off on Obama, this went on for 7.5 years under Bush, and it will continue under Romney, too. Sadly, the only leaders in this country who have the cojones to speak out against this crap are Allen West and Michele Bachmann.
Shukran [Thank You in Arabic], Honorary Brother Bruce Foucart, for Doing allah’s Will! . . .
Sexy Palestinian Muslim on Ramallah Street Cheers 9/11 Attacks
Tags: Boston, Bruce Foucart, Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Homeland Security, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Improving Cultural Competence: Engaging and Building Relations with American Muslims, Islam, Jihad, Muslim sensitivity training, New England
I have said it a million times, that these elites are only interested in wealth and power. They can make any decisions they like, but they do not have to live with the consequences. They have armed bodyguards and private security. I have great respect for law enforcement, but also many of them are more than willing to go against the regular public from whenst they came. Fame fortune and money knows no class.
The elites support the immigration of the savages, so they can say how compassionate they are, but do not let the savages live near them. They hire Mexicans at slave wage rates or hire White Europeans to tend to their children and homes. Their children never go to public schools yet they support public schools just like the Narcissist in chief and his Goon in Chicago.
I think that is great that people can go fron poverty to great wealth, but when they forget where they came from and become elitists we have serious problems.
Most Hollywood actors are not even high school graduates but feel that they are qualified to comment on society and particulary on a society that they are physically protected from.
May the Perptual Rage Boy arrive in Hollywood fast and soon and also in D.C
disgusted on September 17, 2012 at 1:06 pm