September 6, 2012, - 6:20 pm
Slick Willie/Bill Clinton’s Highly Overrated Speech & My Tweets
I don’t get what everyone’s raving about with regard to Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, last night. It was long, boring, and a waste of an hour of my life I’ll never get back. And, um, isn’t this guy an accused rapist who was impeached? Just sayin’. They needed a more interesting backdrop to keep me attuned while I listened to the Chief Justice of the Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Contest Court drone on and on and on as if he were still Prez, as he fantasizes he still is. My choice of backdrop, which I kept envisioning as he spoke: Slick Willie posing with the three porn stars in Europe. Or a photo of a blue Gap dress, stain et al hanging on a door. Hey, Bill, you know you’re a redneck when . . . .

Anyway, here are my tweets that I posted on Twitter (follow me on Twitter), as I listened to Monica’s ex-boytoy go on and on and on and on:

More Tweets . . .

Tags: Bill Clinton, DNC, DNC 2012, Monica Lewinsky, Slick Willie
It is rather embarrassing when you need a former president to bolster your credentials. When do Barack Obama’s training wheels come off?
Worry01 on September 6, 2012 at 6:27 pm