September 4, 2012, - 9:08 am
Best Anti-Obama Ad I’ve Seen – VIDEO of a Broken Record
Absolutely terrific and spot on. This is what the Romney campaign should be running on TV. It kinda reminds me of then-Michigan liberal Democrat Governor Jennifer Granholm (a featured speaker at this week’s Democratic National Convention) telling us, “In five years, you’ll be blown away.” Obama in his own words, then and now – gee, we’ve heard that before.

Check out the video . . .
Tags: Barack Obama, Campaign ad, Republican National Committe, video
I wish they included the clip of Obama saying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and comparing it to the administration’s stance today.
Z: Huh? They’d have to do that for both Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Mitt Romney. You clearly missed my post on how every single major party nominee for Prez has uttered that BS when campaigning and has each taken the same stance as Obama, once in office. I mean, can you please tell me when Bush moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem? If you think Romney will, I have some land to sell you in Syria. Wake up. DS
Zsuzsi on September 4, 2012 at 1:12 pm