August 30, 2012, - 1:51 pm
Paul Ryan’s Speech Terrific, But Amnesty Babble From Condi Clueless Rules GOP
Paul Ryan could not have given a better speech than that which he delivered last night at the Republican National Convention. It was the kind of speech a lot of conservatives were waiting for. A few things he said–like his pledge of a rebirth of the Republican Party–were not backed up by the fact that Mitt Romney (Gerald Ford revisited and just as boring) is the nominee. And, as we all know, he’ll be Vice President if the ticket wins, NOT President, so none of the policies he said he wants to pursue will actually happen. He’ll be busy at awards ceremonies and cutting ribbons. Still, it was a great speech and delivered like he knew what he was talking about–which he did and does–in stark contrast to utterly-out-of-her-league Sarah Palin. That’s what people want in the guy who is a heartbeat away from the Presidency, that he’s competent, knowledgeable, and serious and mature enough to assume that job if needed. And Paul Ryan delivered the message that he is, and that he’s conservative . . . the conservative we should have had AT THE TOP of the ticket.

Paul Ryan & Condi Clueless: A Conservative & a Liberal Speak at Last Night’s GOP Convention. Sadly, Only One of Them Has Mitt Romney’s & the GOP Establishment’s Ear
But we were reminded of the real identity of those who run the Republican Party of today with the dull, boring, cheerless speech given as the warm-up, that delivered by Condoleezza Rice a/k/a Condi Clueless, a closeted, intellectually-cross-dressing Democrat in Republican’s clothing. The speech she gave last night was NOT what rank-and-file Republicans–most of whom have conservative values–needed to hear. It was the same old immigration amnesty pap and inner city education baloney that is the lingua franca of the left.
In her not-so-veiled lecture about the need for amnesty, Condi Clueless went on and on about the virtues of immigrants–that some magical greatness is in their being. But she forgot about many immigrants with other not-so-great qualities. Nineteen of them we met on September 11th. We met several more at Fort Hood, Times Square, and so on and so forth, as they tried–and sometimes, succeeded–to murder more and more Americans.
And then there are the many aliens Condi Clueless also didn’t mention in her verbal multi-orgasms for immigrants, last night: those who commit countless crimes–murders, rapes, drunk driving injuries. Go to Dearbornistan, and you’ll see a city with a large percentage of Muslim immigrants abusing welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps entitlements, while they own successful all-cash restaurants and gas stations and drive around in expensive Mercedes Benzes and BMWs. That’s their American dream. Live the good life and have everyone else subsidize it. But those are the immigrants Condi Clueless didn’t talk about. Immigration is a status. It’s not a virtue, despite what Condi Clueless wants you to believe. Some immigrants are good. Some are bad. And some are very bad and dangerous. We have to secure our borders and get rid of the bad ones–the 20 million who shouldn’t be here. But she didn’t say a thing about that because she doesn’t believe in secure borders or immigration enforcement.
Condi Clueless told us that she can predict the education and, thus, success (or lack thereof) based upon the zip code where the kids live. That’s a common talking point of the left, often used in playing the race card and pumping up the false self-esteem of urban America. But, in fact, in America, you are a victim only of your own creation in response to the cards you are dealt. You can choose to work hard in school and try to learn, as some kids do. Or you can aspire to ghetto hip-hop culture and values and reject the ethics of hard work and achievement. That’s not about zip code. It’s about state of mind. And that state of mind is a function, more than anything, of the kind of parents (usually, that’s only parent–singular–in these communities) and how they raise their children–the values (or lack thereof) they impart to those kids.
It’s also about elected officials chosen by the voters in those areas–school board members who care more about themselves than actual education. Far more money is spent, for example, per public school student in Detroit and neighboring Black suburb, Southfield, than in much wealthier school districts such as Bloomfield Hills and Birmingham. And, yet, the kids from those wealthier schools do better and have a greater likelihood of attending college and grad school. It isn’t about zip code. It’s about the parents who choose to live in those zip codes and, more importantly, impart discipline and work ethics and appreciation for learning to their kids. None of that–all of it conservative philosophy–was spoken along with Condi Clueless’ boilerplate comments about education and zip code (comments we could hear from the mouths of Joe Biden or Barack Obama).
Condi Clueless didn’t mention foreign policy in her speech, last night, despite the fact that this is what she’s known for. And that’s because her foreign policy was a disaster–a disaster that keeps on giving in the form of the Arab Spring that she and George W. Bush pimped on the world and which Obama has continued to pimp. On this, she is even to the left of Obama, claiming the world doesn’t respect America on foreign policy because Obama hasn’t yet taken out Assad (the Assad she endlessly pandered to and hung out with) and installed the Al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood animals who make up the Syrian rebels that Obama is, in fact, supporting. Hmmm . . . why wasn’t that in her speech last night? Maybe because most Republicans–and definitely MOST Americans–oppose this BS and think we should stay out of Syria. Condi Clueless actually said the world is unstable today because we haven’t taken Syria out. Um, here’s a tip Condi Clueless: the world is less stable everywhere today because of the Arab Spring democracy baloney you and George W. Bush pimped for eight years. Condi, herself, was behind the push for “free” elections in Gaza. But that–putting HAMAS in power–didn’t destabilize the Middle East? PUH-LEEZE. Obama is doing the same in his Arab Spring crap, but we expect that from him. We want something different from the Republican Party, like an actual clue that “democracy” in the Muslim world brings despotic Al-Qaeda/HAMAS/Hezbollah radicals to power.
There’s nothing conservative about this chick . . . except that because she’s Black, she could pretend to be a conservative and get endless promotions and lucre as a two-fer minority in the GOP, whereas she’d be a nobody–one of many–in the Democratic Party.
Sadly, Condi Clueless’ views are the establishment views of the Republican Party. They ignore the rank-and-file conservative views as enunciated by Paul Ryan.
Remember, Mitt Romney, the guy at the top of the ticket, is a Condi man. Not a Paul Ryan guy. The official Republican Party positions are hers, NOT his. Sadly, Paul Ryan’s pledged “rebirth” of the Republican Party just isn’t happening.
It’s more like a botched abortion.
Yes, his speech was terrific. But talk is cheap.
Tags: amnesty, Condi Clueless, Condoleezza Rice, Education, foreign policy, Gaza, Hamas, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, liberal, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Syria
A guy like Paul Ryan should have been nominated at the top of the ticket in the first place! Mitt Happens picked him to throw an ideological bone to conservatives not happy with him but it doesn’t change at all the fact’s he’s a liberal as is the GOP establishment.
I was watching ABC’s convention coverage in prime time last night and Condi Clueless was so boring they gave her only a few minutes of airtime. Mercifully with the trimming of convention coverage to an hour per night, this means the most horrible speakers are never seen by the country.
Tonight is Mitt Happens’ night and this is the only chance he will get to convince the American people he deserves to be the next President of this country. If he shared the values of the man he picked, I’d think he’d be a great choice for the country. The truth of course is we’d have to live with the Mitt Romney we have rather than the Mitt Romney we all we wish that he could be.
Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts about last night’s convention proceedings.
NormanF on August 30, 2012 at 2:36 pm