August 23, 2012, - 11:19 am
Jordanian Paralympic Team Molests Irish Girls; Charged w/ Sexual Assault
Remember when faux-conservative Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby lectured us about how Muslims’ adherence to modesty is greater than that of any other religion and greater than American national security needs with regard to Islamic terrorists seeking to murder us? Well, here’s the gazillionth example of Islamic modesty: Jordanian Paralympic Team members were charged with sexually assaulting several girls in Ireland, where they are training. Remember, two of these guys are in wheelchairs, and yet, they still found a way to assault and molest “infidel” girls. I know, I know–all those stories about Islamic attitudes are just Islamophobia, right? Memo to the world: a phobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred. Um, there are plenty of reasons. And this is just a drop in the massive bucket.

Jordanian Muslim Paralympians Omar Sami Qaradhi, Motaz Al-Junadi & Trainer Faisal Al-Hammash Charged in Sexual Assualt of Irish Girls
The king of Jordan is taking a personal interest in the case of three members of his country’s Paralympic team accused of sex offences during pre-Games training in Northern Ireland, a court heard today. . . .
Two wheelchair-using power-lifters – one a bronze medal winner at the Beijing Games – and a trainer have been accused of a series of charges, including sexual assault and voyeurism, following complaints by two girls and two women in Antrim. . . .
Power lifter Omar Sami Qaradhi, 31, lives in Barbados. He faces three charges of sexual assault, two against a child, and one of voyeurism after allegedly entering a women’s changing room at the Antrim Forum leisure centre.
Police said he was identified by a girl aged 14 who claimed that on August 18 she posed for photos with him before he groped her between the legs in Antrim town centre.
The same day, a girl aged 16 said she was walking along the river path beside Antrim Forum, one of Northern Ireland’s largest multi-sports centres, with a friend when their path was blocked by the three accused.
Police alleged that the girl was pushed by one of the men towards Omar, who placed his arm around her waist, tightening his grip, but then she ran away. . . .
Trainer Faisal Hammash, 35, is accused of inciting two girls to engage in sexual activity. . . . Power lifter Motaz Al Junaidi, 45, who won bronze at the last Paralympics in Beijing, is accused of sexual assault.
Oh, and as for King Abdullah’s “concern” over this, PUH-LEEZE. This goes on every day with impunity in his kingdom, where his hand-picked legislators voted down laws outlawing honor killings. Here’s his real concern, according the lawyer hired by the Jordanian Embassy to defend these al-pervs:
Jordan was concerned and embarrassed by the allegations and was anxious to ensure that the athletes were permitted to participate in London.
The games must go on, right? These sickos were released on bond and allowed to leave the country, provided they return for trial. Do you really believe they’ll come back to face these charges?
Doubtful. King Abdullah will probably work some deal with Irish authorities and get the whole thing dropped. Maybe he’ll pay off the accusers, too. This is how they operate, despite Jeff Jacoby’s ignorant lectures to the West about “Islamic modesty.”
Remember, THIS. IS. ISLAM.
Despite the tidal wave of stories like this about how Muslim men treat women, I got this e-mail today:
From: adel salman
Date: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 2:51 AM
To: . . . According to our peaceful religion, women are not humiliated as in the case of your civilized countries where millions of women are gang raped, raped, sexually abused or maltreated. . . . The woman in western countries could be maltreated by ten men before she could have a sacred bond, I mean “marriage” while she is well-respected by the Muslims who love them and have a happy life with them. The women play a critical part in Islamic life while she is seen as chick, sexy or p*ssy in your filthy communities.
[DS: Asterisk added by me.] Uh-huh. Ask any sane Western woman (and I don’t mean the desperate fat chicks who will marry any Muslim that pays her the attention she never got from anyone with eyesight) if she wants to trade her Western life of freedom and dignity for a life as chattel and a slave to Islam and Muslim men.
Only moronettes would answer in the affirmative. And they’d live (or die in an honor killing) to regret it.
Tags: Antrim, Antrim Forum, Antrim town centre, Faisal Al-Hammash, How Islam treats women, Ireland, Islam, Islamic treatment of women, Jihad, Jordan, Jordanian Muslim Paralympians, Jordanian Paralympians, King Abdullah, Motaz Al-Junadi, Muslim, Muslim treatment of women, Northern Ireland, Omar Sami Qaradhi
A Muslim must be spayed or neutered prior to entering a non-Muslim country. If you act like an animal, you should be treated like one.
Worry01 on August 23, 2012 at 11:35 am