August 5, 2012, - 2:00 am

Serena Williams Does Crip Walk Upon Winning Olympic Gold Medal – Classy Chick! (VIDEO)

By Debbie Schlussel

On Friday, I told you about the many Black Twitter attacks–most of them self-hating racism–on Black Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas, criticizing her hair. But I’ll tell you what you won’t see these same Black Twitter users attacking: Serena Williams very unclassy “Crip Walk”–a dance done by Crip gang members, er . . . I mean, “gangstaz.” Yup, that’s what we need representing America, a Gold Medalist who, upon winning, glorifies hardened criminals who murder each other–and innocent Americans–for sport. Watch the Serena Williams video, below, and then watch the video for the rap song “C-Walk” by Kurupt, below it (in which the Crip Walk begins at about 35 seconds in). ‘Cuz, hey, gangsta is in. Gabby Douglas’ classy behavior (and hair) are out. And to those who tell me I have no right to critique Black America and tell it how to behave, fine, then you have no business telling the rest of America how to behave, forcing upon it affirmative action spots in admissions, hiring, promotions, and government contracting, as well as minority set-asides (and that’s not even mentioning decades of Black anti-Semitism). You demand special treatment, but want to avoid the basic scrutiny everyone else endures. When you applaud stuff like this (and the Black culture applauds the Crip Walk, which is why she gets away with doing it at the Olympics and why Kurupt made millions off of songs like “C-Walk”), while attacking Gabby Douglas’ hair and calling her a “beast” on Twitter, I will talk about it. It merits critical notice. I guess if Gabby Douglas had incorporated this into her Gold Medal celebration, she’d be all the rage, rather than under attack for her coif. Gangsta-licious!

Gangsta-pidity: Lowlife Serena Williams Does Crip Walk After Winning Olympic Gold Medal

The Crips have murdered countless Americans, most of them Black. Some estimates say at least 15,000 Americans have been murdered in the Crips-Bloods war. But that’s aside from the innocent people outside of their feud who’ve lost their lives to the Crips’ appetite for bloodshed. Beyond the murders, the Crips are heavily involved in drug dealing and violent crime, primarily on the streets of Black America. You know who co-founded the Crips? Stanley “Tookie” Williams. Remember him? He murdered at least four innocent people and was linked to an additional 20 murders. Shame on Serena Williams for honoring this organized group of thugs just after winning the Olympic Gold Medal.

By the way, as I’ve noted before, the Williams sisters’ dad repeatedly said that the tennis world is racist against his daughters. Um, maybe it’s just because nobody likes a low-class winner who does a dance glorifying mass murderers and drug dealers, after she wins the Olympic Gold Medal for women’s tennis.

Oh, and don’t forget that Serena Williams backed her sister, Venus, when, as a Women’s Tennis Association official, she publicly supported Dubai’s decision to keep Israeli women’s tennis player Shahar Pe’er from competing. After she was roundly attacked for her support of this apartheid, she then got the court Jew Pe’er to thank her and pretend she was somehow a hero through it all. She was no such thing and deserved no thanks, just condemnation for going along with anti-Semitic apartheid.

So to summarize the Serena Williams worldview: honoring gang member killers who bloody the streets of urban America . . . YAY! Israeli Jews who want to be treated equally in playing in tennis tournaments . . . WHO GIVES A BLEEP?!

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187 Responses

Debbie you are spot on with you wrote about this person. This is just more of the same behavior that Serena has exibited over the years. Remember her outburst at the US Open where she threatened to force feed a tennis ball down a line judge’s throat. All because one of her big feet went out of bounds during her match. Sure she is a good player as is her sister but the stupid things she has done like her little dance only make her look like a brain dead fool. It also makes me wonder how she gets a pass from the majority of blacks especially black women for her acting like a dancing moron but they think that Gabby Douglas is retchy sellout. Didn’t they both win gold medals? Oh that’s right one has class and the other doesn’t. And for the idiot poster who said that dear old Serena is young and makes mistakes. She is 30 years old. Time for her to grow up and figure out that being a stupid thugget is no way to act. No matter how talented your are.

Ken b on August 6, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    Racism, pure racism. Like venom spewing from a viper. All of you get over yourselves and take a flying leap. You’re all mad because Gabby Douglas, Serena Williams, and any other African American are the ones bringing home the gold. And your lily white girls in the same sports are pure garbage…nothing but trash. Yes I said it…I’m PRO-AFRICAN AMERICAN and it’s people like you that validate my stance. All of you can go hang yourself.

    Divatude on August 6, 2012 at 1:35 pm

      Divatude, it figures that you would use the old it’s racism card everytime when someone makes an honest critique about a black person. I’m black too ‘tude so your argument holds no water whatsoever with me. It’s good though that your pro “African American”. I happen to be pro American and am happy that both Gabby and Serena got gold medals. The problem here and I’m sure that even you can see it is the double standard not among whites but blacks. Gabby is attacked by other BLACK PEOPLE for her hair of all things and Serena is applauded by the same people for doing her little stupid dance. Now you tell me Divatude who are the real racists? Oh and BTW smuck those same “lily whites girls” that you’re taking about have also been doing just fine racking up gold medals for the USA too. I guess that didn’t factor into your little ignorant diatribe did it. I would say to you to go hang yourself but that would be too much for the rope.

      Ken b on August 6, 2012 at 3:14 pm

        Calling it an honest critique cancels everything you said afterwords Speak on things younknow something about or be quiet!!!!

        Mitchell on August 7, 2012 at 4:26 pm

          Huh, Mitchell?

          skzion on August 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm


    The whole article is based on Serena having fun after she won the gold medal. There are plenty of good things that have come from bad situations includes dances and holidays. Remember Christmas was a Pagan holiday where the pagans had wild orgies and human sacrifices. Christians can’t wait for now (lol) — gift anyone. A lot of dances have come from the hood
    and from hoodsters up to no good — I’ mean what else are they doing. Now if she would have
    dropped it like it’s hot you would have called her a disgrace. But to our culture she is
    having fun meaning yo go girl! I don’t mind you saying those things about Affirmative Action however you failed to mention the number of years black people were in slaved in America. If
    your gonna hate give the full story. Also just because a few knuckle heads talked about Gabby’s hair millions of people didn’t care… In black culture we move, we dance, we party, we cry, we live, we die just like other cultures. By the way if your interested look up the origins of the Dougie. Black kids loved this dance but it started with gangsters. Go figure — man these kids should be getting royalty payments.


    SWFan on August 6, 2012 at 5:29 pm

    Thugget?!! Really Ken b! Bless your stupid heart…

    Rea on August 7, 2012 at 11:06 am

      Rea, believe me if you knew the history of Serenna Williams and her antics I was being nice by calling this person a thugget. It figures that a stupid liberal like you would get the vapors over it.

      Ken b on August 9, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Debbie, you said, “to those who tell me I have no right to critique Black America and tell it how to behave, fine, then you have no business telling the rest of America how to behave, forcing upon it affirmative action spots in admissions, hiring, promotions, and government contracting, as well as minority set-asides (and that’s not even mentioning decades of Black anti-Semitism).”

Debbie, after that Gabby Douglas post of yours, I think criticism of your critique of Black America may warranted. Anybody with at least ONE Black friend knows that 99% of Black Americans were so proud of Gabby. Black folks went absolutely crazy with joy on Facebook when she won all-around gold (and interesting enough, over swimmer Missy Franklin too!). Yet you took some tweets by a few chickenheads and used it to tarnish all Black women, “Black culture”, and all Black people (the backlash by Black folks on social media against those anti-Gabby comments was tremendous!) Should all of “White culture” be painted with the same brush because some loon shot up a theater or another nut went into a Sikh temple and started shooting? NO!!! Who says Blacks “applauded” what Serena Williams did? I saw her dance and had no idea it was a “crip walk”(and I suspect the majority of Black folks around the country viewing the Olympics had no idea either). So after that Gabby Douglas column she wrote, anything Debbie says about Black people, including Serena Williams allegedly doing a “crip walk” is extremely suspect…

D. O'Nay on August 6, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    D. O’Nay, you will never be a deep, individualistic, critical thinker until you can put that defensive black-bias knee-jerk you have to bed.

    I know you know what DS was saying in both threads. But your bias gets in the way.

    You should have a long talk with Ken B. He gets it and he doesn’t carry that stubborn bias that you do. I think it’s because like me, he knows who he is and does NOT want to be the the idiots (or an apologist) that represent the jerky (and dumb) default stereotype.

    When you know who you are and what is wrong and right you don’t NEED that bias that you refuse to shake. I don’t carry anyone on my back but my own actions and I use laser-beam precision when it comes to separating the wrong from right.

    Nicely said (as usual), Ken B.!

    Skunky on August 6, 2012 at 1:24 pm

      Thanks Skunky (BTW girlfriend you rock). Just calling a spade a spade. Oops, I wonder if I’ll get into trouble by saying that from the nitwit Williams apologists that are coming out of the wood work defending her right now.

      Ken b on August 6, 2012 at 2:32 pm

My goodness, I see that there have been a few Serena Williams apologists and hip-hop music culture apologists commenting here, trolling and using NO critical thinking skills whatsoever.

To you GBYH, asshole, your not fooling me or anyone here, and how dare you say that DS has blood on her hands, for starters dumbass, Ms. Schlussel has NEVER killed anyone in her life, in fact, the woman has NO criminal record to her name. And since she’s an attorney, she can trace your IP handle and sue your sorry ass for libel, because slandering anybody can get you into alot of trouble. And I’m glad Skzion, As Goes, etc. held you responsible for all of the crap and garbage you spewed out.

To you Steve, show me any comment here that was anti-black? Lookit old man, I happen to be a black man myself who’s pretty conservative and a fan/supporter of DS herself. And for you to say that she’s young and makes mistakes, rubbish, the girl is 30 years old last I checked and learned, and as my pal Ken B (he’s another black person like myself Steve and all of you dumbass trolls who commented here and made asses of yourselves) an hour ago, it’s time for this girl to grow up and act her age, she’s not some punk 20 year old kid who isn’t mentally developed, etc.

When I came here onto this blog and saw the comment-section reached over 100, I said to myself, “hmm, must be stupid and moronic trolls flooding up the site with their demagogugery, stupidity, idiocy, etc.”, and it turns out I was right all along. You freaking trolls are so predictable it’s not even funny. You morons can’t even debate honestly, but resort to stupid name-calling whenever someone hits you asshats with the facts, I guess telling the truth is a risk to lying liars for you jackass trolls who commented here, you freaks are such wastes of spaces and you trolls better be fortunate that your mother didn’t abort you when she had the chance to make her decision.

And for that poster who said Debbie wants a handout, BULLSH__T! Let me tell you something asshole, the lady works for herself and makes her own income, infact she owns her own business (she owns a law-firm business hows that you trolls?), she’s the target of Obama’s rhetoric by him saying “you didn’t build that”, so no she really doesn’t need our money. And BTW stupid, if you go onto any blogsite on cyberspace, the auther puts up paypal’s for anyone to donate and subscribe to their website, so Debbie doesn’t need your money, she can do without any of you stupid trolls, got it!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 6, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    Bravo, Sean! Bravo!

    Skunky on August 6, 2012 at 1:27 pm

    Sean you da man! Well done sir.

    Ken b on August 6, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Are you SERIOUS???

So, because she did a friggin DANCE after finally winning a gold medal, she somehow supports gang killings? That’s LOOSE *logic* at best.

If you wear a diamond ring, does that mean you support children in Africa getting their limbs cut off? If you like the torch relay in the Olympics, does that make you a Hitler supporter? If you own a confederate flag, does that mean you’re a racist? (The answer to all these questions, of course, is NO–so why are you associating Ms. Williams with gangmembers because of a dance?)

Some people will use anything to hate on individuals they don’t if Serena was thinking: “you know what? I’m gonna do a crip dance to show my support for gang-related activity…I mean, it’s not like I lost a family member to it or anything!”.

Would you have been happier if she had done the Argentine Tango?

You’re one of those folks that probably love to create controversy where there is none.

MoeB on August 6, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Moe/Mohammed, first off, how’s Curley and Larry (and once in a while Shemp) doing these days?

    Secondly, huh, are you really serious or just being moronic and stupid? Where in this article did Debbie say that Serena Williams supports gang murders? Didn’t remember reading anything like that dumbass, DS is ONLY pointing out and explaining the excessive celebration dance that Ms. Williams did, which was a gang-banger dance, that is all. She (DS) didn’t say that Serena Williams supports violent gangs or supports gang killing, etc. You need to improve and work on your reading articulation and comphrension.

    Your another one of these stupid trolls who’s commented here and use NO critical thinking but did the knee-jerk conculsion by either A) reading the headline only and/or B) reading between the lines and only reading one sentence to make your conclusions? Either way, it’s freaking pathetic and sad, then again I’m really not that surprised, because our educational system in this country is ethically bankrupted with our kids learning very little, etc. And if your in this country, Moe/Mohammed, you’re obviously one of the reasons why we have Obama in office today, he panders and appeals to folks of your unthinking ilk!

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on August 6, 2012 at 3:46 pm

Skunky, you said, “that represent the jerky (and dumb) default stereotype.”

Skunky, I hear where you’re coming from and maybe I am too defensive, but isn’t that what Debbie did in that “ratchet” Gabby Douglas column she wrote??? When 99% of Black folks are out there celebrating this young lady, Debbie took some tweets from some chickenhead women and painted ALL of Black America with a broad brush…and of course, the posters on her site took it and ran with it, making all kinds of ill-informed statements about Black people. Then she follows with a column accusing Serena Williams of doing a “crip walk”, and says Black America supports that, as if any Black person over 30 knows what a “crip walk” is (I had to Google it).

Skunky, you mention people being and acting as individuals…I agree!!!. If Debbie doesn’t like what Serena did, then attack her, not all of Black America. If she doesn’t like what those silly chickenheads posted about Gabby, attack them, and don’t make these blanket statements about all of Black “culture” and Black Americans. I and everyone on my Facebook, LinkedIn, and church just love young Ms. Gabrielle Douglas! She represented America well…

D. O'Nay on August 6, 2012 at 1:41 pm

    D. O’Nay you are *almost* there I can taste it. I know personally how hard and what character it takes to look a truth in the eye. You can do it. Don’t be defensive. It’s not getting you (or the issue at hand…or American blacks) anywhere. You’re smart enough to know the truth.

    On Gabrielle…the group that should have *understood* the issues of black hair the most took her to task the hardest. I would not understand these issues myself (even thou’ I have curly hair) IF my Dad did not have an afro and if one of my sisters did not inherit it. If you go by your premise, then the blacks (not just women) would have been more understanding of the gold medal champion issue (which I didn’t see…her hair looked nicely tamed to me.). It’s also not as simple as that. Nuances pepper it with how the critics were raised and their jealousy at a gold medal striver. That is why I agree with DS.

    On Serena…the fact that her sister Yetunde was killed by a gang member should have made her even more reticent to do a low-class move as she did. Instead she didn’t care and acted the fool and did it anyway because, as the Rev pointed out, she had to give her props to the Corporation (Big Ghetto). I reject that. I hate Big Ghetto and will NEVER glorify it.

    Skunky on August 6, 2012 at 6:13 pm

Debbie what a fine thing the right wing brother did at the sikh temple today. He was not in any gang, he just plays crazy music that some of us listen to.
If the crips are dancing that’s a good thing. Remember what they said about hip-hop, now we have kids in the inner cities trying to make money with it.
Is it the Annihilation of sharopova by serena that’s painful to you or the fact that she can dance. I thought she even tried to salsa. Given enough time she might have waltz. I am sure your conduct and behaviour would be found offensive by some culture out there. I believe serena represented the US well and is not given enough credit that she deserves. Remember Michael Phelps smoked pot and we all laughed it off. Gangstas smoke pot too.

johnd on August 6, 2012 at 3:17 pm

Debbie what a fine thing the right wing brother did at the sikh temple today. He was not in any gang, he just plays crazy music that some of us listen to.
If the crips are dancing that’s a good thing. Remember what they said about hip-hop, now we have kids in the inner cities trying to make money with it.
Is it the Annihilation of sharopova by serena that’s painful to you or the fact that she can dance. I thought she even tried to salsa. Given enough time she might have waltz. I am sure your conduct and behaviour would be found offensive by some culture out there. I believe serena represented the US well and is not given enough credit that she deserves. Remember Michael Phelps smoked pot and we all laughed it off.
Gangstas smoke pot too.

johnd on August 6, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    You again?

    Quick screen name change does not change your ISP address…

    No one is fooled by you.

    As Goes... on August 6, 2012 at 4:45 pm

This is such a stupid commentary. The “c-walk” that Serena did is entertaining and a piece of early 1990s South L.A. culture, which she was undeniably a part of, it’s not only linked to gangs. Hell, even white people do it (which I doubt would be objectionable to you). This dance got a nationwide following, are you seriously going to say that everyone who does it is somehow endorsing gang violence? How is DOING something (like a dance) equal to GLORIFYING it? And do you seriously think that the Williams’ sisters, who have been the victims of gang violence more than anybody on this site (their half-sister was a bystander killed in a gang-on-gang shooting in LA in 2004). Your argument takes things to their illogical extremes and it is definitely motivated by antipathy towards the Williams sisters, not only because they are black, but, because they grew up in Compton, exhibiting traits of black American culture that you despise, preferring instead to cheerlead black athletes who grew up in lily white environments. I am not black but I support the Williams sisters and I think the manufactured controversy over such an INSIGNIFICANT thing as a dance is really pathetic. You should be proud that they brought him the gold. It’s really sad that your sense of cultural superiority gains precedence over your American pride.

Patrick on August 6, 2012 at 3:44 pm

Patrick, your another of these dumbass ass-talk butt-hurt trolls who either read between the line and made their conclusions or just read the headline and made your conclusions?

As I said to another poster, Debbie isn’t saying that the Serena Williams supports gang violence in general, she is ONLY explaining the that so-called immature execessive celebration dance the girl did and NO it’s NOT envy/jealousy!

BTW Patrick, I happen to be black, and since you mentioned “black american” culture, please explain and elaborate it to me, I would like to learn something for once? You mean black american culture where rap and hip hop music is being sold to everyone? Patrick do you think for once moment that all black people such as myself listen to that crap called hip-hop music? I loathe that garbage bro, and what are you going to call me, an uncle-Tom, oreo-cookie, white-wannabe?

Also Patrtick can also define white-american culture, hispanic-american culture, asian-american culture, arab-american culture, persian-american culture, etc.? Are you also saying that black people don’t listen to heavy metal music, alternative music, country-western music, classical music, jazz music, christian music, middle eastern music, etc? No Patrick, your the one who’s being illogical and doing quasi stereotyping into assuming that all of the 11%-12% of black people in this country supports that crap called hip-hop music, etc.!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 6, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    Sean R

    Are you serious? Whether you like or not Hip Hop is part of the African American Culture and I’m black. I don’t listen to all of it but I do have a few jams. If you don’t there no need to diss it — i will never dis what my people created. White folks didn’t like jazz or blues either now they are at every musical festival.

    What’s wrong with Serena doing a dance/jig. Hell James Brown said I feel GOOD! I think if you embrace your culture there are some great things. But Debbie has crossed the line. Her argument is so flawed that it makes her conclusion silly. She rips Serena and evidence brings up Affirmative Action which has helped more white females than any race (hmmmm bet debbie didn’t know that).

    I live in a african american community and I’ll say this when we have events; revivals; carnivals; heavy metal / perisan /alternative is not in heave rotation but you find a lot of blues and r&b. Just pointing out the reality.

    Embrace your culutre and celebrate the good things in it; Embrace Serena as an African American tennis pro that has dared to defined new realities in the ENTIRE SPORT let alone in the black community.

    MJ on August 6, 2012 at 5:52 pm

      “Embrace your culutre and celebrate the good things in it”


      So, MJ, you think that rituals celebrating gangs are worth celebrating? And, while blacks have had great importance in music, you think hip hop is a contribution? Indeed, hip hop is in itself a celebration of gang-like and all around antisocial behavior. (It is also primitive music, being based around a monotonous fragment of melody with nothing going on in the harmony.)

      skzion on August 6, 2012 at 9:18 pm

Hey Debbie Schlussel,
You sound uneducated, please don’t make statements on something that you don’t really comprehend or relate too. This Crip Walk is a DANCE, a DANCE that was developed in America from a small city called Compton, CA. Serena was representing for her city that she and her sister came out from. Who are you to judge her?? This dance was actually popularized by a Hip Hop artist name Snoop Dog, not gangsters or drug dealers. Compton may not be the best city to come from, however, that’s where she came from and it’s as much apart of her as america is, but again who are you to judge?
There shouldn’t be no comparison between Gabby and Serena, they come from two different upbringings.
Now, if I were to judge you on this blog, I would say you’re an idiot or maybe just a small minded individual. You need to do your research on who the individual is before you post outrageous statements about her and america’s culture.. or you could go back to your native country Ms.SCHLUSSEL ,stop judging OUR athletes based off of shallow facts that you possibly don’t understand and also take your followers with you!

Rick on August 6, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    Why do so many of the biggest idiots start out by claiming that Debbie is uneducated?

    skzion on August 6, 2012 at 9:06 pm

if serena is going to make a silly ass out of her self,why can’t walk on her hands?i have only watched mens and womans basket ball.from what i have seen no body is going to beat them because they just get better every game they play.the woman play the game the way it is surpose to be played and while they don’t have their big center but i don’t think the ladies will need team can beat men they are going to beat up on every one.

BRUCE on August 6, 2012 at 5:24 pm


The whole article is based on Serena having fun after she won the gold medal. There are plenty of good things that have come from bad situations includes dances and holidays. Remember Christmas was a Pagan holiday where the pagans had wild orgies and human sacrifices. Christians can’t wait for now (lol) — gift anyone. A lot of dances have come from the hood and from hoodsters up to no good — I’ mean what else are they doing. Now if she would have dropped it like it’s hot you would have called her a disgrace. But to our culture she is having fun meaning yo go girl! I don’t mind you saying those things about Affirmative Action however you failed to mention the number of years black people were in slaved in America. If your gonna hate give the full story. Also just because a few knuckle heads talked about Gabby’s hair millions of people didn’t care… In black culture we move, we dance, we party, we cry, we live, we die just like other cultures. By the way if your interested look up the origins of the Dougie. Black kids loved this dance but it started with gangsters. Go figure — man these kids should be getting royalty payments.


SWFan on August 6, 2012 at 5:30 pm

yea debbie we’ll be left with ppl who make a truly positive contribution to society like the guy who shot up people in the cinema or the most recent the person who shot and killed the sikhs as they worshipped. Ooops forgot hitler.

mercy on August 6, 2012 at 9:57 pm

Carry on, Debbie…I’m old enough to have seen white racism and it was ugly enough, but the last twenty years that crap have swung the other way and it is the ghetto types that are racist and in a far worse way than the KKK ever was…fact, you can multiply the KKK’s crimes by a thousand and you will not equate the evil of the Tookie Williams followers.

Ming the Merciless on August 7, 2012 at 2:37 am

Debbie is an idiot.. She may be educated but she’s an educated fool… And trust me there is a lot of them running around here masquerading as bloggers… She knows nothing about the culture (apparently). This whole article smells of racism Anyone who can’t see it is a fool as well. Tomfoolery and fuckery at it’s finest… I just summed her post up in 2 words…

Rea on August 7, 2012 at 10:51 am

    Yes Rea and I can sum up your stupid post in two words. Epic Fail.

    Ken b on August 7, 2012 at 12:34 pm

In all honesty, anyone who uses “Thugget” in an argument automatically voids any and all forms of subsequent intellectual discourse in said argument.

Sorry, Ken b.

Also, this was just a dance. A DANCE, PEOPLE. I don’t know where you people have been, but the C walk isn’t some esoteric, underground gang tribute. It has evolved into the mainstream and become a very popular aspect of dancing culture (as many aspects of Black culture have overall). I mean, hell, I’ve seen people do it on America’s Next Dance Crew, So You Think You Can Dance, You Got Served, etc. This doesn’t excuse the history or connotations of this dance’s origins, but fuck, neither does it present a glorification of these elements either.

Alice even (inadvertently) did it in Alice in Wonderland (which was friggin hilarious, actually, because it was clearly unintended).

To address another commenter (just cause I have to say this), I’m… actually fairly certain that a lot people (Black or otherwise) knew what this dance was lol. Especially among the black community. It’s a fairly popular dance.

Point is: Get over yourself. Stop desperately searching for something to be offended over. And if you’re going to launch a diatribe, quit being so racist about it. I’m not Black, but recognizing bigotry transcends ethnic or cultural background. I.e., facetiously using the words “gangstaz” or “Gangstalicious” (which Aaron McGruder should probably copyright… lmao) in some patronizingly misguided attempt to ironically “relate” to the black demographic is not simply insulting, it’s also poor writing.

My two cents.

N on August 7, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    “Also, this was just a dance. A DANCE, PEOPLE.”

    Actually, it was a ritual with a meaning that the sistah targeted to her homeys, knowing well that only they would understand it properly. Others would think it was ha-ha or, at worst, inappropriate.

    It’s just that Debbie figured it out. Coded messages should not surprise you. You almost certainly believe that whitey transmits them continually.

    “Alice even (inadvertently) did it in Alice in Wonderland (which was friggin hilarious, actually, because it was clearly unintended).”

    Friggin hilarious to a scum like you, N. Disgusting and reprehensible to normal folk who have not been infected. BTW, on an transcontinental flight, I was stuck watching Alice. Pure shit.

    “Especially among the black community. It’s a fairly popular dance.”

    Of course. And there’s plenty to dance about: welfare, drugs, abundant fornication, abortion, and 70+% bastardy. This subculture is an infection.

    “And if you’re going to launch a diatribe, quit being so racist about it. I’m not Black, but recognizing bigotry transcends ethnic or cultural background.”

    You’re not black–your just a leftist fellow traveler who spreads infection wherever you go.

    skzion on August 7, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Boy N I guess you put me in my place alright. Not! But I know what you can do with your two cents.

    Ken b on August 9, 2012 at 3:21 pm

The fact that you want to villify Serena simply shows your ignorance and/or just all out hateration. it is just a dance!!! It doesn’t glorify or mean anything, it is just a dance!!!! When justin Timberlake does it, where are you????? It is just a dance!!!!! get over yourself!!

Mitchell on August 7, 2012 at 4:23 pm

Why do you need to preface your critique of Serena Williams by pointing out the black response with regard to Gabby Douglas’ hair? If your points are relevant and without bias, why do they need this extraneous and defensive opening?

Further, since when is performing a dance evidence of support of criminality? Yes, the dance was created and initially popularized by the Crips gang. You know what else was popularized by criminals? Baggy jeans. Tattoos. Rap music. “Ghetto” slang. Things that are now ubiquitous, adopted by just about every teenager, regardless of their socioeconomic position or race. I’m not saying it is wrong to be critical of these things, or to hang on to the idea of acts appropriate to the setting, but this critique smacks not only of racism, but a particular grudge toward the Williamses.

(Sidebar: I just learned that the Nazis began the tradition of carrying the Olympic flame to its final destination. Does this mean that globally we’re celebrating Nazism and Hitler’s regime every time we cheer on the flame? A thought for another time, I guess.)

And to the person who brought up her threat toward the line judge, I grew up watching and idolizing John McEnroe for his seeming ability to blow up anytime, anywhere and suffer no repercussions. Name me one match in which McEnroe didn’t break a racket, smash a gallon of water, kick a chair, fling balls, towels or terry cloth headbands to the ground, threaten his opponent or stand toe-to-toe with a linesman and scream in his face. White male tennis players ROUTINELY lose it on the court, from Jimmy Conners to Andy Roddick, but only Serena Williams’ threats are serious. Aight, bet.

Affirmative action was not thrust upon you by minorities, as (1) minorities rarely act together in a concerted fashion, particularly politically and (2) whites maintain the most political and financial clout and have done so since the genesis of this country, including in 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed and following, in the judiciary in which it was ratified and expanded. Only two African Americans have sat on the Supreme Court. When the Civil Rights Act of ’64 was passed, there were approximately 5 African American members of CONGRESS – that is, out of all 535 members (or however many there were at that time), FIVE of them were black. So… who “forced” affirmative action on you? And who, exactly, is “demanding” special treatment?

Plus – affirmative action exists for a reason; it didn’t come about in a vacuum. And you’ve been one of the greatest beneficiaries, as a white woman. But hey, I’ll be glad to go back to the back of the bus if you’re ok with being your husband’s property and having no assets of your own, losing the right to vote, maintain property, to own a business, etc.

But let’s unpack this “avoid basic scrutiny others face.” There is no African American in this country today who has avoided “basic scrutiny.” Generally, blacks face MORE THAN basic scrutiny, as your post here unfortunately proves. Had her celebration been rendered pogo-style as is typical of – let’s face it – excited white girls, no one would have blinked. “Basic scrutiny” is just that – basic. Fundamental. There’s nothing fundamental about the scrutiny of this particular woman doing this particular dance. You yourself have attempted to make it so much more than a basic celebration of a win and into some egregious breach of etiquette.

And there’s a simple explanation about the lack of noise about Serena’s dance in comparison to the greater rumble from black folks about Gabby’s hair. If there is one thing generally agreed upon, it’s that black people can dance. It’s something that black folks can do that doesn’t have to conform to white society’s idea of what is permitted, good, or appropriate because white society – white pop culture “society,” anyway – first envied it and has since embraced it. Everyone wants to break dance, Dougie, robot, krump, Chicago step, bankhead, etc, as evidenced by the current obsession with “SYTYCD” and “America’s Got Talent.” But no one – no one white – wants black hair.

I’ve had various hairstyles and have been subjected to ridiculous and insulting questions about whether it is mine, whether it can be touched, whether I wash it and why I don’t wash it daily (something that is erroneously considered to be dirty by those who don’t realizie that black hair/skin does not produce oil at the same rate as white hair/skin), how I comb/brush it… So yeah, there’s a lot of sensitivity around hair issues in the black community that just don’t exist in the white community. And those African Americans who criticized Gabby Douglas’ hair are, probably somewhat unconsciously, projecting their fears of not being accepted or being insultingly questioned by the dominant white society about a physical manifestation of their race they cannot control.

For the record, I, too, wished there had been at least one girl on the team who could produce a decent french braid because frankly, ALL THEIR HAIR looked a hot mess. But black people were understandably focused on the black girl, and unfairly to her, she carried (apparently unknowingly) many of the hopes and anxieties those of us not Olympic gymnasts thrust on her.

It should also be clear to you that “Black culture” isn’t a monolith. And that the fact that nothing was said is not indicative of approval. You’re silent on Wade Page; is that tacit approval of his rampage against the Sikh temple? You do see how illogical and patently stupid that line of argument is, right?

Jen DC on August 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Jen, dear, I sure hope you haven’t been tenured yet.

    skzion on August 7, 2012 at 4:59 pm

In case anyone else is still reading this item, let me provide some examples of why Jen causes me to blank out in boredom, even though I am an unabashed intellectual.

(1) “Why do you need to preface your critique . . . [words omitted because they would bore you] . . . opening?”

Here, La Jen begins with an overwritten insinuation about Debbie’s motives. The answer to the real question regarding motives is, “Debbie is providing context.” Note that La Jen doesn’t really believe in “motives” unless Whitey will suffer for it. Otherwise, it’s “narratives” that support “readings.”

(2) “Further, since when is performing a dance evidence of support of criminality? . . . You know what else was popularized by criminals? Baggy jeans. Tattoos. Rap music. “Ghetto” slang. Things that are now ubiquitous, adopted by just about every teenager, regardless of their [sic] socioeconomic position or race.”

Talk about sloppy and dishonest writing! While it is true that certain details of today’s dominant black subculture have been picked up by some outside the ghetto, ghetto culture overall is not reproduced in toto everywhere (i.e., it is not “ubiquitous”). Nor is the MEANING of these details, where they occur, the same everywhere. When the sistahs enact rituals from the ghetto–where they originated–the meaning is completely different from some teenaged bozo whose jeans keep dropping off.

Anyway, I won’t continue. I just wanted to show that Jen is truly stupid, dishonest, and unable to reason. There is a pressing need to defund humanities departments throughout academe.

skzion on August 7, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    So bored you were moved to answer? Interesting.

    1. Context. Please explain the connection. To me, the discussion in the black community regarding GD’s hair is irrelevant to the lack of discussion regarding SW’s dance. What I see is a comparison based on a few obvious attributes of both women: Black, winning gold in a traditionally white sport. Unless the context – and DS’s point – is that there should be less discussion of hair and more discussion of dancing in the black community, I’m at a loss as to the connection.

    2. I’ll give you sloppy. But I stand by the point: The subculture that spawned SW’s dance is the same subculture that brought you Lochte’s grill, Phelps saggy pants, every fist bump in evidence, every roof raise, etc. It is, in fact, everywhere. (No where did I say “in toto,” please restrict your commentary about what I said to what I said.)

    3. Meaning. I also did not state that the meaning behind these subcultural acts were universal, however, it is unlikely that any of these habits/fashions would have been adopted WITHOUT the cachet of what they signified in the neighborhoods in which they were born. That is, if they weren’t considered to be cool, if they weren’t meant to imply a certain toughness, to imply that one is “down,” that one “knows what’s up.” They are – were – signals of certain experience, skills, state of mind. Whether consciously or unconsciously, by adopting (appropriating) those symbols, those who adopted them wanted to project all the things, and likely more, that I’ve listed. Otherwise, what would be the point of adopting it?

    4. Meaning, again. Yes, finally, my point. SW gets to decide the meaning of her dance, not DS. I don’t know about you, but the last time I won something big, I broke out into a dance. NFL players dance at touchdowns; basketball players throw themselves into chest bumps; baseball players seem to enjoy a pile on. It is an unthinking expression of extreme joy, elation, celebration… It is, for many, automatic. There is nothing of thought, of consideration, in it. Admittedly, I can’t honestly know what SW was thinking at the particular moment she began to dance, but I sincerely doubt that the fact that, oh, some 40+ years ago gang bangers came up with a dance to annoy and harrass other gang bangers was on her mind. I mean, she just beat the crap outta Maria Sharapova and won *another* gold medal. I think she might have had *that* on her mind, and maybe the doubles match she’d have to recover for… I mean, maybe she’s a massive mental multitasker. We’ll have to ask.

    Oo, schoolyard taunting time! If I’m so all-fired stupid, dishonest and illogical, why are you answering me point by point? I shall retreat to my corner, lick my wounds, and await your next sally.

    Jen DC on August 7, 2012 at 6:22 pm

      Jen, I did not answer you “point by point.” Rather, I used your first couple of points for my demonstration.

      Having done so, I bid you adieu.

      skzion on August 7, 2012 at 10:59 pm

Aw, tired out so soon? I thought it was just getting interesting.

I understand: You, too, have come to the conclusion that defending this POS “essay” wasn’t quite worth it.

Jen DC on August 8, 2012 at 8:23 am

So, Serena can’t do a dance that a gang does because they’ve killed an estimated, o I don’t remember the number u came up w, 14/15,000? Hell let’s say hmmm 100,000! How’s that?
By that same token should America be waving that bloody flag w 50 bullet holes in it? Because over 100,000,000, that’s right, 100 MILLION Hebrews (see Duet 28:68) (I’m sure you call them bywords like negro, African American, etc) were lost.
You and many like you will sink w this ship you call home, America. Your oppression has reached Heaven. Repent. YHWH is the Most High.
And, Gentile, you don’t even know what “black” is, you’ve been enlarged.

Conscious Blackman on August 8, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    I’d say you weren’t really conscious.

    skzion on August 8, 2012 at 6:14 pm

      Who cares what you have to say? I was responding to the post and the devil who posted it. And who said I was conscious? Oppression and affliction. 400 years of it. When will you stop?

      Conscious Blackman on August 8, 2012 at 8:08 pm

        Never. Go back to Africa.

        skzion on August 8, 2012 at 11:17 pm

Oh, and dummy, YOU said you were conscious.

skzion on August 8, 2012 at 11:19 pm

“Go back to Africa.” How do you return to a place you’ve never been? Slick comeback; never heard that one before.,,20612225_20619376,00.html

Beach volleyball third time gold winner dances in the sand! THE OUTRAGE! I’m sure DS will post about this further diminution of the American brand and ghetto-ization of our athletes. I can’t wait!

Jen DC on August 9, 2012 at 6:40 am

    ““Go back to Africa.” How do you return to a place you’ve never been? Slick comeback; never heard that one before.”

    -Madam Jen

    How then can you be an “African American” since you have never been in Africa? Oh, that’s right, America is your country if you want to extort money or a position. In other words, America is not your home, just your banking account.

    skzion on August 9, 2012 at 5:59 pm

I told you Debbie Slutshell (I may have misspelled that) as SickofZion said, I’m not “really” conscious. The author of this blog actually blocked Conscious Blackman, but I’m Still Conscious Blackman. You want me to rant and rave about race, but the Lord goes by nations not race. It just so happens His chosen people are people of color. And everything we touch, Olympics and whites included, we dominate. We have dominion over the Earth. Your recessive traits cause you to feel as if you have to conquer the world…from who or what, I wonder. I’m dusting my spirit off and leaving this blog. But the day IS coming when the man of sin, the son of perdition is revealed. But first there MUST be a falling away, a great rebellion, then our Lord will return. The Kingdom of Heaven draws nigh Devil, I mean Debbie.

Still Conscious Blackman on August 9, 2012 at 1:25 pm

    Ooooh, I get it. SCB is engaging in wordplay.

    If you blacks had more accomplishments, you wouldn’t have to steal other peoples’. As I said, go back to Africa. At least there, it doesn’t take much to stand out from the crowd.

    skzion on August 9, 2012 at 6:02 pm

You’re obviously very removed from popular culture. As many others have said, this dance is just a fun way for someone to express him or herself. If you honestly think it’s a representation of gangster culture, you are very mistaken. Let’s be proud of these young people (no matter what color they may be) for working hard and achieving their dreams. Quit overanalyzing things, you’ll enjoy life a lot more!

R. on August 10, 2012 at 1:01 am

U R simply racist!

marc on August 16, 2012 at 4:08 pm

This is ridiculous. Was Serena Williams’ victory dance really this serious? To cause an unnecessary debate over intentions no one but Serena Williams could justify? I believe it was simply a victory dance, and nothing else. There is no need to add or take away anything from her act. She won, she was happy, she danced. It is just that simple. There is no need for opinion. If you did not like her reaction to winning, then move on with life. Do not create solutions to problems that do not exist.

*This is my opinion.*

Naomi on August 30, 2012 at 3:35 am

I am trying to be a good person of God (and I do believe in one God) and not wish you would go to hell but I sure feel that way right now. What did people do to you to make you the way you are? God will punish the evil doer and slanderer and that is what you are. Luckily, the Serena’s of the world have no idea who you are and how hateful you are – and she probably makes a lot more money and has a much better life than you will ever have. I hope you don’t have children!

Kristine on September 27, 2012 at 5:49 pm

They are expressing their cultural heritage. They are simply dancing a jig. This goes back to the days when their people were enslaved by the wealthy Americans, Arabs, Europeans and the actual blacks that sold them.

To me it is annoying and I do an about face if I see it.

AR on June 20, 2013 at 11:53 am

Stay mad.

SH on December 3, 2016 at 7:25 pm

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