August 2, 2012, - 3:26 pm

Gore Vidal, Child Molester: Helped Found, Was Active in NAMBLA

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, I wrote about the death of the America-hating, far-left, anti-Semite extraordinaire, Gore Vidal. It was necessary, given the avalanche of drool over this schmuck by the mainstream media. Since then, reader and friend Matthew Scholnick drew my attention to the mention of Vidal on several sites about NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, founded by gay pedophiles to defend their rapes of kids. Apparently, Vidal was involved in the founding of NAMBLA and helped the organization fundraise, appearing at some of its events. I did some further research and it checks out. In fact, Gore Vidal supported the rape of kids by gay child molesters.

Gore Vidal & Jerry Sandusky: Two of a Kind

The book, “Sex and Isolation: And Other Essays,” by Bruce Benderson, published by the University of Wisconsin Press notes:

Today’s assimilationist gay liberationists are loathe to admit it, but a benchmark of the gay movement occurred in 1978, when a group of gay men formed the Boston/Boise Committee to combat a conservative district attorney who was exploiting a homosexual case of child molestation as a reelection strategy. Gore Vidal was involved in a fundraiser for the committee, which eventually sponsored a conference on man-boy love and the age of consent. An Episcopal Bishop, some social workers, and a psychiatrist participated in this conference, a caucus of which led to the founding of the North American Man Boy Love Association.

The book, “Legends of Winter Hill: Cops, Con Men, and Joe McCain, the Last Real Detective,” by Jay Atkinson notes that Vidal supposedly made appearances at a trial of NAMBLA defendants–gay men on trial for raping young boys in Boston–in support of those defendants.

And there are several other books that say essentially the same thing about Vidal, his involvement in the founding and early years of NAMBLA, and his support for the child molesters on trial for raping a young boy.

If you google “Gore Vidal” and “NAMBLA” many, many results will come up, most of them identifying Vidal as an early supporter of NAMBLA. And then, there’s his defense of director Roman Polanski’s rape of a drugged 13-year-old girl. In 2009, he told The Atlantic:

“I really don’t give a f–k. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?

So, clearly, Vidal had no problem with the rape of children. Given that and the fact that he was gay, it’s no surprise that he helped give birth to NAMBLA. Jerry Sandusky is kicking himself for not having been a “respected” neo-Marxist author and playwright.

Now, we know. Gore Vidal wasn’t just a Jew-hating, far-left, anti-American piece of crap, he was also an advocate of child molestation (whether in heterosexual forms with Polanski, or the gay form with his friends at NAMBLA).

Not surprising at all that these things went together so well for him.

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29 Responses

I HATE that they showed him with a kitty cat. I love kitties and this one looks like my Rafi. Poor little thing being raised by that monster, probably as a lure for the kids.

Italkit on August 2, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    And no, I’m not a “cat lady.” I have one inside and one who lives in the garden but I also have a husband and a dog, and friends.

    Italkit on August 2, 2012 at 3:48 pm

Jerry Sandusky need merely “see the light” in prison, learn to quote Marx, Alinsky and the koran — and he then would be the hit of school graduation lecturers like Mumiya and Obamer.
(Sorry, I always use a kennedy pronunciation, Obamer, Afriker,
Jessiker ….)

Otto Schaden on August 2, 2012 at 3:52 pm

Gore Vidal was a perverted hack.


As Goes... on August 2, 2012 at 4:19 pm

Vidal’s bio on Wikipedia needs to include the NAMBLA era of his depraved, ignominious, and pathetic life. What a shocker that it does not.

BTW, he appears to be a 9/11 Truther too.

I’m glad he and Mailer are dead. If Carter would just take a dirt nap (trifecta!), 2012 will have been a good year regardless of the election.

FrenchKiss on August 2, 2012 at 4:29 pm



    I know Clinton is still alive because he needs to help in the Obama re election bahahahahahahaha

    Dirt naps all around, please!

    As Goes... on August 2, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Gore Vidal is mentioned on Wiki at this article Talk:North American Man/Boy Love Association/Archive 1

    The article is carefully written. You can tell there have been legal threats levied.

    As Goes... on August 2, 2012 at 6:04 pm

Wow… a kiddie pervert!

And to think brain-dead MSM schmucks are gushing all over him and mourning his well-deserved passing!

One more reason he’s bound for hell – good riddance to this Gore (pun intended) the very worst of human filth ever to walk the earth.

That along with his visceral Jew-hatred and loathing of America marks him out to be a truly depraved scumbag.

Debbie, good investigative reporting and do keep up the good work!

NormanF on August 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Just the sort of white-washing and “secretive” crap that gays (especially political ones)try to hide because they don’t want to be judged on either liking such gross pedophilia or not caring about it. I see from his kicky little quote that he was quite the misogynist. Many gay men are. It’s kinda funny that during my feminist years (where I was also a gay apologist) that I never noticed how badly some gay men see women. It took me years later to see it all so clearly, when I was no longer a feminist. Life can be strange.

I saw it in the 90s with swishy gays in the hairdressing or fashion industry and saw it in all it’s glory on “America’s Next Top Model” (sometimes I would watch the marathons). I have also said many times that Tom Ford gets away with his rank misogyny like a pathological bandit because he’s gayer than a goose. Google-image his perfume ads and you’ll see. Google-image the EUROPEAN ones and you’ll really get some hardcore porn.

In 1992 I was working at a posh salon right off of Newbury Street where the “Gay Pride Parade” would pass by. I was excited and asked if I could take my break and watch. I climbed on top of a rubbish receptacle and clapped for the parade…then the record scratched and my mouth fell open not for the “dykes on bikes” (although it did when I saw them, too!) but for the NAMBLA section. I knew what NAMBLA was in 1992 and I was HORRIFIED. I wondered and wondered why the gays would let them into their parade? THAT was the first time I had to check myself and see if I was giving gays too much leeway.

They are no longer allowed in the parade (and I HATE the parades now…gays are much more than those tawdry and cheap displays) but even I knew it was WRONG!!! Took a lot of hemming and hawing for the gays to do the right thing.

Soon after I saw the HORRIBLE first film by Christine Vachon and I KNEW it was time to look at the gays with a more objective eye.

Skunky on August 2, 2012 at 6:01 pm

    Like the current gay/lesbien movement in our country, the school children are being prepared to accept perverted everyday mannerisms by the perverts in government, and the public education systems! Then when these children have been indoctrinated for 12 to 13 years in public schools, they are now of legal age and properly prepared for a life of perversion that our Supreme Court of misguided judgement ruled legal, and enforcible in the United States! How do we form respect for the highest appointed judges in the land called America,who sanction sexual perversion of children from kindergarten to high school? Loathsome is a feeling I connect with the highest court of supposed integrity, in America, over sexual deviance decisions! I hate being critical of the people in the judicial system! They are supposed to be our anchor in the storm of criminal intent, by others! on August 3, 2012 at 7:14 pm

      Oh my, Wally.

      skzion on August 4, 2012 at 1:56 pm

Deb…..if my memory serves, a certain NASA-endorsed religion follows the “Way of Prophet Vidal”…..

Nick Fury on August 2, 2012 at 6:02 pm

If hell is real, he is there right now. Pretty profound if you think about it. Imagine what it must be like. I’d hate to be Lucifer’s punk.

isaac on August 2, 2012 at 6:33 pm

Gore Vidal was a thuggish individual in his personal and professional life. His literary output was as odious as his life. If you want to sample his tripe, try his novel “Julian”.

Worry01 on August 2, 2012 at 6:51 pm

I had forgotten about Vidal’s NAMBLA affiliation. There are so many reasons to despise him, and so little reason to think of him, I guess.

As I’ve said before, though, John Simon believes that Vidal was important, not as a novelist or playwright, but as an essayist. However, that incarnation was many years ago.

skzion on August 2, 2012 at 10:32 pm

But really, I remember in my activist days how unpopular NAMBLA was. Queer Nation and ACT UP would have nothing to do with these guys, and these were hardly assimilationist groups.

Vidal was filth.

Note that Vidal rejected the word “gay,” insisting on “homosexual.” You may applaud this, but it shows he was way out of the activist mainstream.

skzion on August 2, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    S K ZION wrote:

    “Note that Vidal rejected the word ‘gay’, insisting on ‘homosexual’. You may applaud this, but it shows he was way out of the activist mainstream.”

    S K Zion, Et Alii:

    I always use the epithet, “homosexual”, and refuse to call them, “gay”.

    All I know about Gore Vidal is that he was famous for something or other, although I’m not sure what.

    I don’t know if I ever read anything he wrote.

    Many years ago, I had a telephone conversation with an FBI agent, because I was suspicious of a fellow Mormon who was using an Internet discussion group to solicit children for adoption, at which time, I expressed my doubts to other group members, warning them not to have anything to do with that individual, who I intended to report to the FBI.

    During the course of our conversation, I mentioned “NAMBLA”, and the agent wanted to know how I knew about NAMBLA?

    I told him that I’d read about that organization many years earlier, and that I thought the existence and purpose of NAMBLA was common knowledge.

    In fact, I think I may have first read about NAMBLA in an issue of the “READER’S DIGEST” magazine.

    I’m a member of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints, and one of my fellow church members was a notorious predator of young boys, operating orphanages under different names in different countries.

    But, I think he finally got caught and sent to prison.

    Another Mormon was eventually executed at the Utah State Prison for his murders of young boys that he’d sexually molested.

    As an amateur singer/songwriter in Salt Lake City, I picked up a local newspaper to see if I could find any audition and/or performing opportunities listed in the want ads.

    What I saw in those want ads was an advertisement for a “gay” youth social club for ages 14 – 25 (I might have the ages wrong – – – it was a long time ago).

    Well, that sure got me going, for age 14 is a child, but age 25 is an adult.

    So, I started writing letters and making telephone calls to every individual, agency, media, politician, et cetera, that I think of.

    Can you believe it?

    NOBODY in that allegedly Mormon town was willing to do anything about this!

    I remember seeing a whole big bunch of militant homosexuals having a rally on the steps of the Utah State Capitol, after which they marched down Main Street, escorted by the Salt Lake City Police.

    I could go on and on and on, citing so many examples.

    In a way, the militant homosexuals are doing the rest of our society a big favor by openly flaunting their wicked deviance.

    As you might guess, I am NOT one of those folks who agrees that we must “celebrate diversity” and be “tolerant” of homosexuality.

    Contrary to what we’re constantly being told by the status quo powers that be, sometimes, violence IS the solution.

    Thank you.

    John Robert Mallernee
    Armed Forces Retirement Home
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

    John Robert Mallernee on August 3, 2012 at 9:51 am

I first heard about it on Wikipedia few years ago. I didn’t know if it was true in his case until I did a Google search. It was true in writer Allen Ginsberg’s case since Wikipedia had more proof to backup Ginsberg’s case (google it yourself). On the Facebook post yesterday, I wrote ” I was disgusted when they made a movie in {Allen Ginsberg’s} honor starring James Franco. Some of my friends have Allen Ginsberg’s books. I tell my friends “ew. Just looking at the covers of his books makes me nauseous!!! Get that thing away from me!!!!”. The movie “Milk” starring Sean Penn also left out one very important thing. At that time there actually were HOMOSEXUAL pedophiles that were molesting kids (note: I HATE the word “gay pedophile” b/c there’s nothing gay about violence towards children. I would rather that word be used to describe effeminate men:). . That’s why Anita Bryant was so passionate about combating gay rights. She really did want to “Save Our Children”!!!!! She got a bad rap for linking homosexuality to pedophilia. In this article I linked ,this gay writer expresses regrets that the BIG MISTAKE the mainstran gay rights movement made by not rejecting NAMBLA early enough. This is why there is still prejudice and activism against homosexuality to this day.

Matthew on August 2, 2012 at 11:09 pm

The noted mob doctor said he can cure pedophiles with 2 pills. His respected treatment is known as ” 2 in the hat”.!

Bobby99 on August 3, 2012 at 1:25 am

Satan was at my place last night dropping off a big can of bedbug spray – the Halifax Regional municipality is rife with these filthy bastards – when he received the news that Gore Vidal died.

Needless to say, he was that pissed, he went to the pharmacy across the street and loaded up on extra-strength anything-in-sight. Apparently, he saw “Caligula” and “Myra Brekenridge” and knew of Vidal’s incessant pontificating. He told me that there could only be one sick, evil bastard in the Underworld, and it ain’t gonna be Gore Vidal.

He soon left to pay a visit to the Other Side: he had an appointment with Vidal Sassoon (Senior’s discount, y’know) and a jam session with Johnny Thunders, John Bohnam, John Entwhistle and latest addition Jon Lord. Goddamn, that would have been sweet.

Jon Lord. RIP. The smoke will always be on the water.

Now, what was everyone bitching about?

The Reverend Jacques on August 3, 2012 at 1:45 am

i’ve made this argument many times that now that homosexuality has been mainstreamed, pedophilia is next. of course, everyone scoffs at the suggestion as if it’s universally known that pedophilia is immoral, perverse and just plain wrong (the same as homosexuality, ironically). but it’s coming now that culturally, we’ve let the left erase the line of biblically-based morality.

i had an english professor once- a radical black lesbian man/white-hating lesbian- who absolutely loathed the hetero, white student-athlete (aka- me) when i denounced the subject matter of the ‘spartan code’ during a class discussion. she had daggers in her eyes and was spitting mad that i DARED to even suggest that the bond between the spartan boy-warriors and the male-instructors was reinforced with pedophilia; the books premise was that “love” between the spartan warriors made them more viscous in battle because they fought to protect their loved ones. effing sick. anyway, she was enraged that i never backed down from challenging her and i’d worked my ass off in that class… she ultimately gave me a B.

kirche on August 3, 2012 at 8:48 am

Gore Vidal was one sick puppy. It stands to reason that this pervert help found that dirtbag organization NAMBLA. Once again the MSM is lauding a repobate who had no problem with the likes of Roman Polanski. You can always count on them to never get it right. Vidal was the type of guy who would visit that clown Sandusky in jail to give him a pat on the back. You know what they say about it takes one to know one.

Ken b on August 3, 2012 at 10:04 am

I first heard it years ago through Wikipedia. I heard that he and Allen Ginsberg were famous supporters of that execrable and monstrous group. They had more backup links for Allen Ginsberg. So I wasn’t sure about Gore Vidal until I did a Google search for myself (where I emailed Debbie some links). Moreover, a big reason why there is still prejudice and activism against gay rights today is that it took them time to reject NAMBLA.

Matthew on August 3, 2012 at 10:54 am

Another article that you don’t find anywhere else. Sick bastards. Not that it’s politically correct to say that.

samurai on August 4, 2012 at 11:49 pm

The original problem with the mainstreaming of homosexuality beyond the constant in your face and thuggish power in Washington and throughout the media, schools, books and just stealing the word GAY from the English language. Gay did not mean homosexual. Now it does. Anyway, between Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent study of sex and removing Homosexuality from the psychological list of mental diseases we’ve all had our sexuality corrupted with an oversexed society. Chastity is a virtue. Marriage is under constant threat. Children’s innocence and naivete is no longer respected. The internet must have a billion pornographic sites. Another important crusador in this arena is Dr. Judith Reisman. I’m surprised this little fan of Debbie Schlussel (meaning me) is the first to mention her. She’s had an amazing career for decades addressing the filth that has been pumped into society.

andrea405 on August 6, 2012 at 11:44 pm

Dr David Kenneth Cochrane and Dr Brian Neil Talarico, have and continue to cause inreversible life threatening harm to Woman, Children, and the Vulnerable… They are paid by governments to Kill people for Profit… Please participate in bringing these two people to jusitice however you see fit… They both work at the new Hospitals and Clinics in North Bay, Ontario, Canada,

Kayla, Supervisor of Registored Nurse’s

Kayla on August 11, 2012 at 8:31 am

You guys are disgusting. Using religion as a cause for your hate.

Homosexuals don’t want children anymore than straight people. Pedophiles do.

Brock on March 14, 2014 at 3:12 am

I lived in Guatemala, in Antigua, for about 3 years from 92-95. One day I was meeting with an artist I had heard about and met at a friend’s home in Antigua. I had never been to his home so I hired a man to take me there, a Guatemalan man. As we approached the block the house was on the man refused to go forward toward it. I asked him very politely in Spanish, why he wouldn’t go near this home. He told me that Gore Vidal used to live there and that many young boys were raped by him in that house, horribly, and that he was one of them. That he never ever went anywhere near this area of Antigua since it had happened. I didn’t really know much about Gore Vidal, but I was doing some research and found this article about him, and had to add this information. According to what I discovered while I still lived in Antigua, many of those boys never grew into men because they killed themselves. He was just a piece of shit. He deserves nothing, no honor and really, the truth about his disgusting treachery against defenseless children should be published across the world.

Robin Scheff on September 15, 2014 at 2:49 pm

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