July 16, 2012, - 2:43 pm

“Fifty Shades of Grey”: Not “Mommy Porn,” Just Porn; Disgusting, Violent Fantasy of Middle-Aged Unhappy Women

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday and previously on this site, I told you that “Fifty Shades of Grey,” “Twilight,” and “Magic Mike” are the fantasies of unhappy middle-aged women who need fantasy because they don’t appreciate the real men in their lives. Today, Rush Limbaugh said almost the same thing on his show. I recently read the mindless “Fifty Shades of Grey” book, the first of three installments in a trilogy by pudgy, disgusting middle-aged former BBC producer Erika Leonard a/k/a “E. L. James.” And I was appalled. A young virgin college student is deflowered by a billionaire in his late ’20s who is the son of a crack whore (and was tortured as a young kid with cigarette burns) and insists that all women in his life agree to bondage and sado-masochism as his victim. The girl decides to assume this role because, hey, he’s rich and handsome. For the privilege of spanking her, slapping her senseless with a belt, tying her up and cuffing her to grids and bedposts, and then having sex with her, he gives her a Mac laptop, a Blackberry, a new Audi car, and a closet full of fancy designer clothes. And this crazy lady who wrote this thinks this is romantic. Sadly, too many American women do, too. And that’s why this crap is a big hit. They are drinking it up like sweet wine, intoxicated and turned on by the idea of being beaten senseless by a handsome man with money. Where I come from we have a name for that: “ho.” But, instead, “The View” has had several segments on the book, including one with sex toys and whips “inspired by Fifty Shade of Gray.” Yup, this is the kind of stuff Islamic terrorists are talking about when they recruit suicide bombers based on our “decadence.” They should just make this book part of the jihadist recruitment package.

E.L. James: Warped, Zhlubby Chico’s Victim Author of “Fifty Shades of Grey”

It’s not just that the book is filthy, vulgar, low-class, and every other word is the F-word. It’s that it’s crap. It’s poorly written (reads like it was dictated verbatim from a fourth grader), involves zero thought, and has the vocabulary of a Valley Girl. The repetitive lines will drive you nuts, and they’re not the words of a young college grad. “Oh, my”–the expression of a 70-year-old PBS-viewing cat lady (and probably E.L. James)–is the most common phrase in the book, followed by a gazillions repeats of “Holy crap,” “Holy s–t,” “f—” (and other forms of the F-word), “he frowned,” “I frowned,” “his mouth was in a straight line,” “he runs his hands through his tousled hair,” “my just-f—ed hair,” “my sex,” and constant repeats of he exact lines about how handsome this guy is, the same outfit he always wears, and how pants hang on him. Even the sex scenes are exactly the same, repetitive, filthy, and stupid, not to mention gross (period sex and blood all over–believe me, I’m even more embarrassed and disgusted writing about this on my site than you are reading it, but you need to know how depraved America’s women are becoming in their preferred “class” of entertainment and how low we’ve sunk as a society). There’s no difference between this and the trash in the Penthouse Forum. It’s ridiculous and could be the basis for a juvenile drinking game. The book is an illicit time bandit. Valuable seconds, minutes, hours you’ll never get back. It’s empty carbs. And it’s filled with Britishisms that Americans don’t use, yet it’s about Americans. But, hey, it’s wrapped in pretend culture. Christian Grey, the “sick but sexy” billionaire in the book, listens to classical music and can play it on piano (just like Condoleezza Rice!). And now there’s even “Music of Fifty Shades of Grey” compilation, so that Bach and Beethoven’s ghosts are also unwillingly enslaved in this farce of pretentiousness and weird sex and violence.

When I was a kid, they had a name for this: Harlequin Romance. Only stupid, idiotic women, whom no one took seriously, read them, then. And that’s who’s reading and enjoying this horrible book, now. Unfortunately, the marketplace is taking these idiots seriously because the only bottom line is the almighty dollar. (Plagiarist, faux-conservative Monica Crowley of FOX News, by the way, is one of the mindless middle-aged connoisseurs of this crap.) They won’t appreciate real, masculine men, who try hard every day, working and putting food on the table. They’d rather be feminists, berate their husbands and boyfriends, and then writhe in enjoyment in this S&M whips fiction. It’s sad, pathetic. And as I noted yesterday, it’s beyond sick. You gotta wonder what kind of women are into the young teen boys of “Twilight” and so on. If the gender roles were reversed, we’d call them pedophiles and pigs. And that’s what these women are. The women who read this garbage are upset that the book is often derided as “mommy porn,” and they’re sort of right. There’s nothing “mommy” about it. It’s just porn.

Limbaugh got it wrong on the “Fifty Shades” books. He says feminists wouldn’t like it. Au contraire, mon frere. This is the new feminism. Bored, unhappy feminists need more, and for these sick women, this is the more. They know about these books and deliberately haven’t said a thing about it. In fact, as I e-mailed a friend last night, “Where the heck are Gloria Steinem and the feminists on this book, which advocates violence against women and sex slavery as romance?” As I noted to my friend, they are strangely silent, just as they are about Islam. I also noted to my friends that the same feminist women who were up in arms about Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a whore seem to have no prob with this book that advocates agreeing to become a victim of violence. That’s because the “Fifty Shades” is the full circle of feminism and it’s hypocritically acceptable to feminists the same way Islam’s treatment of women is. It’s also because these women have now beaten and degraded men in every forum: college and grad schools (where women dominate the student bodies and men are falling behind), the workplace (where women are taking a lot of the jobs, due to affirmative action in hiring and other reasons), the home (where women are now the ones in many cases bringing home the larger paycheck and, therefore, have the power), and in entertainment (where movies with topless, writhing men, like “Magic Mike,” are big hits; and even the kids’ movies are feminist, anti-male animations, like “Brave”). You even have women coaching men’s football teams. They run everything, and, for them, the only way to feel rewarded, in our incredibly spoiled and unsated country, is to seek the more exotic and deviant: to be dominated by men in just one arena, where they sickly believe they are really calling the shots by agreeing to this bizarre sexual violence. Since women now have much of the power, the only way–as delusional as it is–for them to feel feminine is to be part of or fantasize about being beaten.

I’d hate to be this woman’s husband, Niall Leonard, because this deranged “Twilight” fan–yes the 49-year-old is an extreme fan of the movies and books meant for young adults–clearly wrote about what she wishes her husband was but isn’t. Despite the fact that he’s a successful writer of UK TV shows, it’s clearly not enough for her. And now, by dint of her porno book’s success, he’s gotten his first book contract, to write a young adult book. The problem is that young adults are reading his wife’s BDSM porno books. And that his biggest success is on the coattails of his schlubby wife’s disatisfaction with him and daydreams and fantasies of some sick fairy tale. That he’s still with her tells us where his testicles are: long ago separated from him, never to return. He’s joined the lowlifes panting at his slovenly wife’s every word. Today’s women are coarse, and they’ve made this slob-ette a god, to the point that their worship at her alter-of-the-fantasy-of-older-fat-chicks got her named to the TIME Magazine list of the 100 most influential people. Sorry, but my G-d isn’t an unsatisfied, overweight fashion victim of Chico’s. And my religion’s gospel isn’t prurient crap intended to dumb down the world through salacious fertilizer.

Remember that the majority of people in America who bought this book also elected Barack Obama. BDSMs for Obama. (How ironic that the letters are so similar to the BDS group attacking Israel and trying to put the Jewish state out of biz. How further ironic that this authoress of dung, E.L. James, was a producer at the British network, BBC, which is trying to do the same.)

Fifty Shades of Grey is an IQ test for American women. If you liked it, you failed. You’re common. And you have no class.


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66 Responses


Nothing wrong with the Harlequin Romances. Every woman dreams of falling in love with a successful, happy and masculine man. That’s human nature.

The difference is today’s stuff is far more depraved than the romantic novel genre was for women readers in an earlier generation.

As for the diff between the sexes, men prefer just doing it – screwing a woman and women have always liked to imagine what its like to be in love with a man.

But given your review of “Fifty Shades Of Gray”, that is one that is disappearing faster than melting ice cream on a cone in the summer. The new raunch culture, where women can be pigs like men is everything to lament and nothing to celebrate.

NormanF on July 16, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Betcha “E.L.” was throwing her granny panties on stage at Barry Manilow and Michael Bolton concerts!

Alan on July 16, 2012 at 3:35 pm

What if a man wrote this? Would it be as popular or would be considered sexist crap? I’m going with it would be considered crap and on the the porno book shelf not the bestseller list.

Eddie Baby on July 16, 2012 at 3:41 pm

Dear Debbie, thanks so much for reading it for me; it is exactly as I feared. It is classic Lib-porn, they love a bit of sado-masochism, as they are completely warped in every way.
BTW, I remember a joke we had at school; there was a sadist with a whip and a masochist. The masochist cried ‘please whip me, whip me!!’
The sadist paused for a moment then said: ‘No’.

cassandra on July 16, 2012 at 3:45 pm

Debbie if it makes you feel better men don’t care about feminism or how wrath women are. We would rather date a penniless, boring 20 year old with a nice caboose than a fat, wealthy hag who writes books.

A1 on July 16, 2012 at 3:51 pm

Romance is one genre I read, and I don’t mind A BIT of kink, but these were nonsensical to the max. The Red Room of Pain was simply ridiculous. I will not lie though. I read them like I admit to watching a train wreck. I felt I just had to know why women were going insane for these books. It does make me sad that there was pretty much no romance and all BDSM. If that’s what women fantasize about, then they have pretty much missed out on the meaning of life, love and great sex with one’s husband. The thing that has shocked me to the core (not much does anymore in this screwed up country) is the fact that every common store like Target has them on the end caps for any kid, tween and teen to pick up and look at, let alone purchase. This stuff is not soft porn; it is hardcore porn and should be sold with all other porn behind the red velvet curtains in some back alley shop. The world is upside down when women would rather read this disturbing, dysfunctional crap than actually work at making REAL magic in their relationships.

Laura Phillips on July 16, 2012 at 4:11 pm

    Yup. Male porn will never be a New York Times best-seller!

    I’m always amused at feminists who denounce men for viewing centerfold pictures and watching porn videos of couples having sex and then they go around and remain silent on this kind of stuff in the popular culture.

    Why is it considered socially acceptable for women to consume filth but men are told its “objectifying” women? Hey, no one one thinks there is anything amiss with women objectifying men as sex objects!

    The hypocrisy and anti-male slant of this fem-dom porn is why the culture has gotten so bad. But the real irony is unhappy women who have done everything to get rid of the traditional family headed by the husband, have willingly embraced male domination, including being whipped and abused by a man to feel safe with him.

    Islam does exactly the same thing as Debbie pointed out but then again Muslims don’t pretend to be feminists who set out to make men an endangered species.

    NormanF on July 16, 2012 at 5:05 pm

I was going to read it just to see what all the hype was, but I just do not have any interest in it. True romance is being married to a man who has seen you at your absolute worst. Migraine, vomiting profusely over bad avocados, hospital stays etc. That is true romance.

sharon on July 16, 2012 at 4:22 pm

I too used to read my mother and my aunt’s Harlequin Romances. Back in the day, you had writers like Grace Livingston Hill who wrote for them. Unfortunately, the formula Harlequin began using to increase their readership was more sex and more confusing love matches. I’m married to a biker and I would think that most biker chicks today would cry bs on any woman willingly allowing someone to beat them senseless and then expect to have sex with them. LOL Perhaps women that like this kind of stuff should hop on a bus and fly to Egypt. I’ve heard Egyptian men love American women over there.

Kristy on July 16, 2012 at 4:59 pm

Ms. Schussel,

My grandmother used to read that stuff a lot. I’ve never been a fan of it. Being a writer myself,I find stuff easy to make fun of and parody. This stuff deserves to be ridiculed.

Ghostwriter on July 16, 2012 at 5:29 pm

I am personally disgusted by this type of lifestyle. I don’t partake in it for that reason. I do think it is wrong for you to be so harsh on everyone else. Mind your own business. Be mature, don’t read the novel, ignore the lifestyle involved, and continue to do what you believe makes you who you are. Senseless attacks get you nowhere. No one is shoving this book down your throat. You have the power to not purchase the book, or turn off the television when The View talks about it. For that matter, no one is forcing anyone to live a certain way. This is America. Learn to respect other peoples’ interests and they will respect yours. You may not agree with the BDSM or things in rated-R movies but get over it. You can choose what to include in your own life. Grow up.

John on July 16, 2012 at 5:53 pm

    Uh John, Debbie has every right to criticize this symbol of depravity and hypocrisy. She does it on her own blog. You should take your own advice. Rather than criticize Debbie, why don’t you just vamoose?

    skzion on July 16, 2012 at 7:33 pm

Say, what the scoop on conservative columnist Monica Crowley getting deep into “Fifty Shades of Grey?” She’s supposed to be an upholder of traditional values.

Seek on July 16, 2012 at 6:51 pm


    If you do a search of Debbie’s archives, you’ll find out Monica Crowley is a plagiarist.

    She’s not exactly a female role model for traditional values.

    NormanF on July 16, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    Seek, Monica has a tendency to promote “pop” culture on her show. Her theme song is a Lady Junk-Junk one. I can easily see her trying to shill this crappy book because it’s what everyone is talking about. Not very Conservative (or sane) if you ask me.

    Plus her new book has a stupid title. I’m sure she could have picked a better title for her non-plagerized tome. I won’t even read it because if she didn’t take the title (and issue) seriously I will not take her book seriously.

    Plus I already know what her dumb book is talking about. No thanks Monica! Share it with your good buddy Kirsten Powers (the “Luckiest Girl In The World”).

    Skunky on July 16, 2012 at 8:30 pm

Pretty generalized assumption on your part. My wife is reading it. We’re very much anti liberal, we’ve been married almost 20 years, and still have a sex life most people only dream of (that’s not an exaggeration) It’s a romance novel that cut through the barriers and went to a place where many people want to imagine, but won’t admit it. Women (the ones I know anyway) are every bit as sexual and adventurous as men, and like a little over the top fantasy sometimes. It certainly doesn’t make them whores, anymore than bashing people on the internet for having a different viewpoint makes you a journalist. We just think you’re a boring prude who needs a little excitement in her life, but hey that’s just our opinion.

Dave on July 16, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    No, “Dave” you’re just an unhealthy pervert who doesn’t like others to point out that what you like is unhealthy and perverted. FAIL. You’re stupid and perverted.

    As I stated, there are BILLIONS of better written and “sexy” romance novels written for women to enjoy. I bet if they read those long-forgotten tomes and treated their husbands like the manly men depicted in them they would have a better relationship all around.

    The SM in BDSM stands for Sado-Masochism. How nice for you to publicly promote that both you and your “wife” love each other so much you engage in SADISTIC behaviour that is not only demeaning but also SELF-degrading. You both reek of healthiness!

    Part of the problem with the dummies reading the book is that they love the book and crave to be in it but in real life don’t pick their men well and then mistreat them. Oh, that’s so sexy all right! Why indulge in the fantasy when in real life you pick the total opposite?

    Also, as I previously mentioned, it’s not written well and is a bandwagon-esque thing. For f**ks sake when I worked at a book store in 1989 Anne Rice was writing her erotic novels (garbage BTW) under her silly slut-o-nymn “Anne Roquelaure” and the people who bought them were the opposite of sexy.

    I bet all the silly bitches loving FSOG would enjoy Anne Rice’s filth that is over 20 years old than the “book everyone is talking about” FSOG. I don’t think AR is a good writer but I assume it’s better than the Brit dork who badly wrote FSOG~

    Skunky on July 16, 2012 at 7:42 pm

    You got it spot on Dave!

    Debbie, If only “stupid, idiotic women, whom no one took seriously, read” these types of books, and you are saying that your read this book, … Should we apply law school logic?

    I bet she dreamed about it at least once

    Liveloveforgive on July 21, 2012 at 12:33 am

Thank you DS! Brilliant review. One I have been waiting for since I found out about this vapid piece of sicko pornography. Bravo. I will never read it because I know it sucks and I have an aversion to things not written well. I don’t have to read this time-bandit piece of crap to know the writing sucks.

Amen. Women are very sick in America now. That I know. The other thing that bothers me about this POS book is that I know (other than it’s nasty content) is that what is driving it is the lemming mentality. A mentality I have detested and hated since I was 13. I cannot stand doing what the “in crowd” is doing. I reject it and hate it.

I would be embarrassed to be into this inept and unsexy filth. As I stated before, people abused as children will not wanna “go with the crowd” and all the sudden think BDSM is sexy. It’s not. And if it is than serial killers should be the cheerleaders for the (bowel) movement. Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish are NOT sexy. They treated their innocent victims like they didn’t have souls. Sorry, I am not gonna get off on filth like that freshened up with a gorgeous face and big bank account.

DS hit the problem RIGHT. ON. THE. HEAD. If women would treat a man like she SHOULD be treated and understand that once married one is obliged to have fun sex with their husband (instead of ignoring him and not showing him love and nagging him and taking his masculinity away) in a mutually happy and healthy way they would not need this stupid book to get off on. What do they do instead? Get lost in this pathetic nonsense of a book and pay more attention to sicko fantasies than real life.

I don’t care if the protagonist looked like Eduardo Verastegui, to find out he had a childhood like that and as an adult can only have BDSM sex I’d run away from him and FAST! Unhealthy at ANY speed.

Only in “monkey see, monkey do” America can dumb females hop on this disgusting bandwagon and giggle and wallow in it.

As I said before, this culture has been around since before Marquis de Sade and as a teen in the 80’s I would go to a store that sold punk rock clothes and accessories that also sold bondage stuff downstairs. I never went downstairs because I didn’t want to even look at that retardedness. The store is still in business and I won’t buy even the rock n roll stuff because I don’t want to sustain a store that caters to a sicko lifestyle. It’s not cool to me but I bet the store is making big bucks now due to the new zeitgeist of stupid interest in BDSM.

Also, as an above-average reader as a youngster I found out early about both “Anonymous” books and romance novels (and like the store, censored myself on both). The “Anonymous” books have been around for hundreds of years so the silly bitches getting all ga-ga over this 50 Shades crap are late to the nasty party. The “Anonymous” books were written for perverts and are disgusting and graphic and extactly how I imagine crappy FSOG is written. The romance novels are more on target for females and there are BILLIONS of them out there collecting dust that are prolly WAY more sexy and written better for the silly girls who wanna get their sex on via a book but are not being read because it’s not bandwagon-esque enough. Sorry, that’s what I think about when I see silly bitches reading FSOG. All the unknown romance novels that would be a better fit for all these dumb broads. Better written and more sexy.

But even better than silly books it’s high-time females started treating their husbands with love and care and they would not ever need to get lost in such horsesh**. The book makes me sad for men and highlights the many, many ways women have gotten lost.

Skunky on July 16, 2012 at 7:25 pm

Well put, Skunky.

In general, I don’t care if someone is into the bondage, etc. But Debbie has pointed out that this is way beyond that. That it is a phenomenon shows us how much the emasculation of men has deranged women. Otherwise, this book just wouldn’t sell so well and certainly would not be lauded by supposed highbrows.

Debbie’s criticism of this book as literature is devastating as well.

The real female porn traditionally has a female being swept away by a high-status man who, ideally but not necessarily, is good looking, and who loves her (so he won’t cheat) and devotes his resources to her and her offspring. Before feminism, this porn was at least honest.

skzion on July 16, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Porn. That’s all it is.

Feminists and liberals don’t mind if it’s feminists and liberals degrading the women (and men, TBH) in their porn fantasies across ink, music, and film.

They like to pretend that it’s not degrading if they are doing the degrading themselves. They are in “control” of destroying their morality.

Seems that it achieves the same end result. And how does that advance women’s rights?

PitandPen on July 16, 2012 at 7:46 pm

Wow…a woman with a brain..you do not see that much any more. Well here is a book that will tell you a LOT Debbie. I usually tell women they should not read it as it will fry their brain…it is only for young men 16 to 30…..but maybe you are a woman who can handle the truth, eh?


Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c) on July 16, 2012 at 9:15 pm

“It’s also because these women have now beaten and degraded men in every forum: college and grad schools (where women dominate the student bodies and men are falling behind)”

The NY Daily News Online reported earlier that for the first time in 100 years, women’s IQ scores have exceeded men’s by 5 points. I guess nurture does count. Not saying that’s good, the way it was achieved but sorta confirms what Debbie said in the above quote.

Italkit on July 16, 2012 at 9:48 pm

I have to love how you are like “this is why the terrorists hate us! This is filthy filthy shit filth! Women need to be in the kitchen, not in schools or jobs or making more money than men!” Yet you are supposedly an enemy of radical Islam? What’s that quote about he who fights monsters looking into the abyss? I think that applies here.

Linus on July 16, 2012 at 9:53 pm

    “Linus” go back to your blankie & thumb. You’re too obtuse to get it and your post proves you’re too dumb to read anything here.

    Skunky on July 16, 2012 at 10:20 pm

Oh, my”–the expression of a 70-year-old PBS-viewing cat lady (and probably E.L. James)–

Debbie, as I’ve told you before, I find “cat lady” offensive.

I never reade a Harlequin Romance. But, as a teenager, I gobbled up Candl;elight Roamnces and Red Rose Romances. Debbie, the heroes were, at least GENTLEMEN.

Miranda Rose Smith on July 17, 2012 at 2:00 am

    Miranda, I’m not that far from 70 and I love cats but there is a certain type of woman who does pour all her repressed maternal feelings into her cat(s). I have a friend like this even now that she thinks she’s found her beshert because they will never have children. It’s not just repressed maternal feelings either. A lot of these woman have repressed or at least constrained sex lives and there really is something pathetic about them because they are usually lovely, kind, gentle women. I don’t get offended by it although I’d like to see Debbie be more gentle but that’s not her style. She probably has a Mastiff or three lying around the house. Miranda, you used to make much more thoughtful comments both here and on that unmentionable Israeli news site. What happened to make you so thin skinned? Save your offense for something really important.

    Italkit on July 17, 2012 at 12:05 pm

      Dear Italkit: I’m sorry if I seemed thin-skinned to you.

      Miranda Rose Smith on July 18, 2012 at 9:22 am

CORRECTION: Candlelight Roamnces

Miranda Rose Smith on July 17, 2012 at 2:02 am

CORRECTION II: Candlelight Romances

Miranda Rose Smith on July 17, 2012 at 2:02 am

Miranda Rose Smith on July 17, 2012 at 2:04 am

But people can’t ignore it! It’s everywhere! Women are reading this in public, talking about it in public, and not respecting that many don’t like to talk about deviant sex in mixed company. It’s even on airplanes where one is a captive audience being profoundly disturbed at the arousal that’s happening to the person in the seat next to you! Why all of a sudden is it ok to read and force this on people? Isn’t porn supposed to be ‘what one does in the bedroom?,’ and a person’s ‘choice’ to read it? Why is that thrown out the window with this creepy book?

Teres on July 17, 2012 at 10:15 am

    Teres, especially when I am in the city I see peeps reading it EVERYWHERE. So to entertain myself I play FSOG Bingo and when I see 5 in a row I yell “BINGO”!

    Skunky on July 17, 2012 at 3:31 pm

Miranda, I find the use of the word “offensive” offensive. Why exactly should anyone care about your internal mental state? Its usage here also derives from the feminist claim that wimmin do not even have the language necessary to express their subjugation to the patriarchy and therefore can only object by unargued negation.

Skzion on July 17, 2012 at 10:43 am

    Dear Skzion: I do not expect the entire world to tiptoe around, worrying about offending me. I offend other people and other people offend me, but when I don’t like something, I say so.

    Miranda Rose Smith on July 18, 2012 at 9:50 am

To each their own when matter of opinion. Why the rant? I read the trilogy and thought it was amazing. A negative person such as yourself would only see negative. I saw a wounded young man love a woman unconditionally. I saw a Savior. A woman who swept a man off his feet and changed him for better mind, body and soul. The scarlet letter was racey in its day as well. Don’t fly off the handle with your rant until you can see every side of the story. This is 2012 not 1902. You wouldn’t believe what’s out there for peoples enjoyment.


Jessica on July 17, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    Hey Jessica. It’s sad that you can’t see beyond your unhealthy and sad mental state AND inability to be a sane individual. Yes, to each their own but your own is sad and unhealthy.

    And it’s sad you get so wrapped up in a FAKE, sick story. Rocking horse crap is more real than your FSOG premise.

    If you don’t get what DS said you don’t get it. At least I can point and laugh at pathetic you and your S&M fantasies!

    Skzion, THANK YOU. You said what i wanted to say!

    Skunky on July 17, 2012 at 3:27 pm

Again with the attacking. I’m not pathetic, Im not mental or insane. I’m a very healthy individual who just so happens to help sick people for a living. Whhe story fake? Sure probably, fake is fiction mu friend. If your saying I can’t enjoy STORY without being judged than your the sick mental individual. I have no fantasies about this story. I’m for surely not interested I’m S&M. I was simply drawn to the character’s and their issues. Don’t be such a naive individual. So back off with your nasty attitude and your derogatory comments. You don’t know me from ass to elbow, who I am or what I’m.about.

Jessica on July 17, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    Jessica, you’re the one waxing poetic and getting “drawn” to sicko, pervert FAKE characters. What, you can’t get lost in a normal story but a sicko, perverted one that has no literary or redeeming value? That’s how YOU are selling yourself.

    Who cares who you work with. You bet I am judging your lame arse because like I judge people by the crap music they listen to (and lack of character) I judge YOU for the lame perversions you are “drawn” to and promote.

    And if you read the whole thread you may have known that if erotica is what you crave there is far better erotica (been written for over 100 years!!!) than FSOG. But you’re just a sad, go-along reject lemming who likes their sh** sandwich sh***y.

    Skunky on July 17, 2012 at 7:38 pm

      And if your gonna hit reply, reply to shesoshort927@aim.com cuz if I gotta see this ugly Debbie twits face one more time I just might fling my phone!!!! I’m up for a good argument … bring it

      Jessica on July 17, 2012 at 10:30 pm

        Sorry Jessica. Not gonna follow you to your filthy hole but my hope is that a whole lot of horny Moooooooslims will be bugging you by e-mail since you’re so stupid to post your addy. They love you as much as you’re non-man stud does! 😛

        HHHHHHHHAAAAA! You’re comic gold and patheticness!

        Skunky on July 18, 2012 at 1:03 pm

Too many woe of men now fail to understand the difference in Men and Males.

SO many of your failing Kind Interpret Kindness for Weakness, not you babe!

Kevin Kehoe on July 17, 2012 at 5:19 pm

This thread has really brought out the hysterics!

brickwood on July 17, 2012 at 7:03 pm

Your an idiot … its as simple as that. You completely overlooked what I said and you deserve to get penis slapped!!!! Hows that for erotic sadistic perversion…f***ing moron.

Jessica on July 17, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    Jessica, you silly bitchie…I am a FEMALE. Maybe you should get your simple mind out of the gutter and be a useful human in lieu of a sad pervert.

    I did NOT overlook what you said. You were defending porno filth and bad porno filth at that. You’re just sad ‘cuz you got served.

    You’re unarmed and dumb…and sadlt perverted!

    Skunky on July 17, 2012 at 9:42 pm

Did I just read that a female says another female needs penis slapped? Now whose penis would a woman use to penis slap another woman? See what that FSOG has done to your mind? Someone lives in Absurdistan.

Gman213 on July 17, 2012 at 8:30 pm

Great article, Debbie! Thanks for keeping us informed!

Dave on July 17, 2012 at 9:54 pm

There you have it. Pure ignorance. Judging me based on what I have on my bookshelf. Like I said you don’t know me from ass to elbow. I am a useful human being with a useful job. One day maybe ill have the pleasure of seeing you in my office, (on my stretcher, in the back of my ambulance) .. I maybe a silly “bitchie” but your flat out ignorant. All I simply said was there was an aspect of the book some people seem to overlook. You act like I’m sitting there with a fuxking vibrator and massage oil. You insignificant moron..that’s not even the case. I found a love story between 2 fictional character who are unconventional in the sack so to speak. As for tshe penis slap..pure perverted sarcasm…idk what your so angry about..if u don’t like it don’t read it its that simple…your probably one of those ignorant people who hate gays too…smh

Jessica on July 17, 2012 at 10:24 pm

    Jessica, you raging, sad, pathetic, perverted moron. You. Don’t. Get. It.

    DS described all that had to be said in her column. You disagree (which means you’re a retard) and I tore your limp defense apart.

    Jessica, the good news is that you’ll be safe from the zombies. They love brains and you don’t have one.

    Skunky on July 17, 2012 at 10:58 pm

Pathetic internet bullies who would dare have the balls to say anything face to face. Your probably a fat nasty old “cat lady” who has never been laid the right way..therefore your and angry sad excuse for a living organism. I’m a pervert. I like sex with my fiance and enjoy a Lil rough play.. get over your self. You ain’t that classy. BITE ME BITCH!!!!

Jessica on July 18, 2012 at 12:52 am

    LOL Jessica. Keep bleeding all over the place what a silly, sick, perverted self-humiliating whore you are. I’d not only say it to your bitchie face, I’d serve it up to you like an ace to your rotten crotch. You’ll like that because you’re a whorey horn-bag that does not know enough to keep certain things private. Did anyone here ask you what gets your sad, pervy ass off? NOPE. But you’re screaming it from the rooftops. TMI and NO CLASS!

    I wouldn’t bite you for for a billion bucks, bitchie. I’ll let the non-man you let bang you without a commitment or love for you do that to you.

    It’s fun to laugh and point at dummies like you who are sick, slutty pincushions for dumb non-men. He’s loving that free and sour milk he gets for FREE from a whore like YOU.

    Skunky on July 18, 2012 at 12:54 pm

Eh, I’m not one for censorship, but just from what I heard as background information I decided that I most definitely would NEVER read “Fifty Shades of Grey”.

I have no issues with erotica and very few with porn (if that’s what floats your boat) so long as the latter only comprises action between consenting adult humans. However, as soon as I heard that this book started life as AU Twilight fanfic, where the names had been changed for the purposes of getting the thing published, I knew it definitely wasn’t for me. I like a lot of fanfic, and a good amount of it is actually very well-written, but knowing the genre and the fact that it was adult rated for kinky sex/BDSM made up my mind for me before I even attempted to read the first sentence.

Still, I don’t consider the women who read it are brainless or even unsatisfied with their own relatinships. It’s pure… or decidedly impure… escapist fiction. I have no interest in it but if others do then it’s not for me to condemn them for it.

Alison on July 18, 2012 at 3:46 am

Still comes back to my point. The ‘if you don’t like it don’t read it’ cannot apply because so many people are forcing it on you, insisting you read it. People in public are graphically describing the acts in restaurants and reading it next to you in airplanes. The morning shows feature the sex toys. It’s a full time job to avoid it. It’s far beyond ‘don’t buy or read it.’ The defensivness of those who you ask to wait till they’re in private is unprecedented. As they defend, they go into the sordid details about why it really isn’t S and M. This has never happened to me before and it’s creepy.

Teres on July 18, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Teres, I’ve managed to avoid it. I don’t really watch the morning shows anyway so I’m covered there. Plus I’m not in the US, so maybe that makes a difference. I can’t tell you how much it’s been pushed on TV since I don’t watch the sort of programmes that would push it.

    Plus, people reading it on public transport… well, the worst that can happen there is I can see the cover and I can more than live with that. I’d have to be reading over their shoulder to get any more than that and I have no intention of doing so. Simply being in the presence of the book has no sullying effect on me or on anyone else. It’s not like the words can actually escape the book.

    Alison on July 18, 2012 at 12:03 pm

I’m proud to say I get 100% what DS’ point on this poorly done filth that is the flavour of the day.

To all the dopes who try to equivocate and act like it ain’t no big thing it’s fun to see how you don’t use your brain and like to follow the stupid off a cliff because you don’t wanna be let out of the zeitgeist.

Skunky on July 18, 2012 at 12:59 pm


True, but you’re in very close proximity in coach and, as Kristin Stewart said, refering to people who read it on planes: ‘eeeewwww get that blanket off your lap, you freak’

(first time I’ve every referenced a quote from her!)

Teres on July 18, 2012 at 3:29 pm

Fair enough, Teres. I really don’t fly that often because I don’t need to. I’ll take your word for it there. Otherwise, though, I just don’t see the need for getting so wound up about it. It’s a book. There are far more important things to stick your neck out over. I’m really sorry that something this – to me – unimportant is affecting people so much.

Alison on July 18, 2012 at 10:44 pm

IDk, I haven’t read the book and Im not gona judge what others are into. But has anybody thought that maybe it is so saught by woman that maybe its not what you all are saying but that maybe it is this woman craving for man to retake the dominate role and once again being subserviant? That makes more sense to me. They crave the role of servant to please a man… Not be dominant. I would stake money on this being more of the case.
Sry for any spell or grammer errors!

CrazyPeas on July 23, 2012 at 12:14 pm

“I told you that “Fifty Shades of Grey,” “Twilight,” and “Magic Mike” are the fantasies of unhappy middle-aged women who need fantasy because they don’t appreciate the real men in their lives.”

Well, then what is porn for men? I am not defending the books but if this is because women don’t appreciate their men, then look at it from a women’s point of view; when their man looks at porn it is the same goddamn thing. So if men can go whack off to some “fantasy girl of their dreams” can’t women have their own “fantasy man”?

Rae on July 23, 2012 at 6:26 pm

it’s just a book dears, calm down

lee on July 24, 2012 at 7:00 pm

Debbie, thanks so much for writing this article. I am actually shocked no other conservative women have commented or written much about it. My wife seemed to be very distant for about two weeks. Later I found out that she read this book. I was absolutely disgusted. It would have bothered my that she was reading porn but BDSM? Really. I didn’t even want to look at her.. That this pure clean and wholesome woman I worshiped and respected so much degraded herself in this way was socking. We went to a therapist who said my feelings are normal. Im one of the apparently few men who thinks porn is disgusting. I would never want my wife to think that she is not enough for me. We have had a very active and healthy sex life. Its a shame that more men and women don’t spend the time working on their relationship instead of looking elsewhere. I am very hurt and hope that we overcome this. We finally had relations and it was fantastic as always, but the second time all I could think about is what might be going on in her head. This is all very sad. I hope others don’t have the same experience.

Disturbed Husband on August 5, 2012 at 2:22 pm

Real man + Real woman = 2 to 3 hours bliss on a regular basis. No pain, no kink, just love making. It’s real, but very rare today.

Dee on August 17, 2012 at 12:56 am

This book is porn k. I’m glad I see someone finally thinks like me. Like wow, the few pudism we had is now goone. I typed ‘fifty shades of grey haram’ & come up to a MUSLIM tumblr girl who was like ‘omg i wish i could finish this book but its full of haram stuffs. i just don’t like puttin a book away’ or something like that.
This generation is full of porn omg.
I wish I was born in the 50’s..There wasn’t so much hate, lies & porn.

I’m 14, french muslim. Please excuse my english.

Marie on September 16, 2012 at 5:36 pm

“Fifty Shades of Grey is an IQ test for American women. If you liked it, you failed. You’re common. And you have no class.”
and not only for american women, but women everywhere.

EL is fucking bad with sex scenes. bet her sex life is crap since the scenes are so repetitive: licking her sex, riding the dude, taking her from behind, spreading her legs using some kind of blah, tying her hands together… i feel sorry for all great erotica writers out there. EL is NOT an erotica writer. she’s a horny old woman with crap sex life who turned her crappy fantasies into crap books that sold millions. plus the leading girl ana steele is a self-insert, dreams she’d never get in her lifetime. yeah. everybody in the book thinks she’s attractive, smart, pretty, hot, etc. too bad she has to continually convince the readers because she’s crap as fuck.

“And now there’s even “Music of Fifty Shades of Grey” compilation, so that Bach and Beethoven’s ghosts are also unwillingly enslaved in this farce of pretentiousness and weird sex and violence.” i seriously agree with this one. fuck you Erika. fuck you and your freaky dream guy who’s still not sexy at all despite he got some 20 boners per day.

nara on October 10, 2012 at 4:02 pm

women would be better off reading Dante’s Inferno – “shades” of hell…where 50 Shades readers are headed…unless the return to chastity/beauty…go to confession…get this filth off your soul…and try to regain some dignity in your life

fred on November 25, 2012 at 6:37 pm

One thing I’ve concluded after reading these comments: Skunky, you seriously need to grow up. All your replies are full of personal attacks that don’t even offer logical arguments. It’s like you’re mad that someone has said something you disagree with yet you can’t articulate why.

Chris on December 9, 2012 at 9:52 am

Consider this a dual comment on both this article and your more recent article on Howard Zinn and JD Salinger’s deaths.

Oh, Debbie. I cannot wait to read the history books in fifty or so years and see people like you grouped with the puritans. No, you don’t have to like Fifty Shades of Grey; yes, you are entitled to the right to rant on your blog; but quite honestly, the claims you make here are ridiculous.
First off, can I just point out (as did another commenter above) that The Scarlet Letter was received with the same frightening extremism you just displayed? As was Voltaire’s Candide, Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath, Hawthorne’s The Crucible, Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, George Orwell’s 1984, Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, and so many more books with one thing in common–they presented ideas outside of the norm. These books, whether you agree with the arguments made and the views of the author, bring to the reader new questions they must work out for themselves. For some, the challenge to their way of thinking solidifies their previously-held beliefs; for others, it prompts further introspection and change. That is what literature does. That is what literature is. That is why writing and storytelling of all genres, ideologies, and types has been such an integral part of the development of societies and cultures throughout history. Perhaps Fifty Shades of Grey is not a well-written work that will stand the test of time. Right now, though, it is bringing to light a legitimate idea and sharing it. This is what the First Amendment is about, right? Allowing people the freedom to express new ways of thinking without fear? Unless you believe everyone must think the way you do and every other idea is wrong/must be silenced, in which case Russia is that way. I hear traces of Stalinism still linger there.
As for your comments on women–I fail to see the problem with women in college and in the workforce. For one thing, women are not dominating the workplac. They still occupy the minority of jobs and are paid an average of 75% what men are paid for the same work. Besides, is it such a terrible thing for women to work, as well? As an example, I’m studying medicine currently. There are 43 females and 67 males in my year. Seven of the ten top spots are occupied by females. It is not because we are female, it is because we are seven of the ten most intelligent or hard-working (or both) students in our class. As another example, one of my professors is a nationally-recognized interventional radiologist. She’s also a woman. If you were on your way to the operating room and needed an IR to save your life, would you refuse her on the grounds of her being a woman and demand a doctor that was far less qualified but was male? I can guarantee, if I ever find myself in that position the last thing on my mind will be the identity of my doctor’s chromosomes.

Aly on April 14, 2013 at 8:51 pm

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