June 18, 2012, - 5:25 pm

VIDEO – “Religion of Peace”: Saudi Shi’ites Cheer Death of Sunni Saudi Prince Nayef

By Debbie Schlussel

As I always say, these–the Muslims–are the people Israel and we in the West are supposed to make peace with, and yet they are constantly killing each other and cheering each others’ deaths. And so it goes with the death of Saudi Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud over the weekend. Prince Nayef oversaw the muttaween, the Saudi religious police who recently kicked a woman out of a shopping mall for wearing nail polish ‘cuz it might turn on one of the nation of Saudi savages. He was hailed by Western phonies as fighting terrorism in Saudi Arabia, which means he carefully pretended to do enough to please Western leaders seeking future lucre in Saudi-sponsored speaking engagements and Presidential libraries and did as little as possible, so as to please a country full of Wahabbi Bin Laden supporters and keep the precarious Saudi royals in power. Prince Nayef died as a “man of the Arab people” in the Saudi royal satellite resort state of Switzerland. And upon hearing news of his death, the Shi’ite Muslim minority in Saudi Arabia’s Qatif Peninsula cheered and partied over his death.

Once again, the Sunnis and Shi’ites of Islam have only one thing in common: their hatred of us–of Jews, Christians, and the West. Other than that, they comprise an endless war I only pray goes on forever and that both sides lose. Check out the video and photos of Shi’ites cheering, parading, setting off fireworks and uttering their banshee-esque “l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l.” They were, of course, threatened with arrest for celebrating, as they are the Hezbollah/Iran revolutionaries who seek to destabilize the nation of Bin Laden. Not that I care. Again: last forever, both sides lose, please. Check out the anti-Semitic graffiti (the Jewish star) in the second video. And how they pass out candy–like they did in honor of the 9/11 mass murder of 3,000 Americans–in the third video. All of this will be the scene in America before too long. Heck it already is. Try Dearbornistan, Hamramckstan, Minneapolistan, and so on.

Watch more video . . .


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29 Responses

Yuck! I am sick of most people being clueless to how dangerous and backwards these sicko Moooooooslims are. I get it.

It just turns me off. Once you know what they are all about it is hard to take them seriously…but many dopey peeps in power do. And the Moooooslim threat is seriously dangerous.

The truth is very much out there. People just have to want to see it.

Skunky on June 18, 2012 at 6:57 pm

Such despicable people. So tired of hearing the crapola about how islam is a religion of “peace.” It’s a religion of intolerance, violence, and oppression. May they all kill each other. The world would be a better place.

Jeff on June 18, 2012 at 8:14 pm

Well said Jeff and Skunky, and with regard the situation in Syria, we should NOT get involved there, let allah or islam sort it out. Now at the sametime in Syria, from what I’ve heard and read, Assad (yes he sucks and is despicable, etc.) is protecting the christians and jews over there from the islamists who wants to take over the country.

And in the past we all heard in the muslim crescent-world that muslims from different sects of islam kill eachother, if they want to kill off eachother, then let them, as long were not involved it, and at the sametime I’m not calling for the death of muslims either and NONE of us on this blog (including DS, she’s NEVER called for the death of muslims in general) have ever advocated for such stuff!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on June 18, 2012 at 9:16 pm

    I agree, let them all kill each other. It just saves us the trouble of having to do so when they come for us (which is ultimately their goal).

    Jeff on June 18, 2012 at 9:45 pm

I also agree. I especially hope that in Syria Hamas and Hezbollah fight each other there and wipe each other out.

JeffE on June 18, 2012 at 10:16 pm

Another laugh until you cry example of Muslims broadcasting their jaw dropping cluelessness. They just can’t help exposing the darkness they live in.
“Get Dead Soon” cards to be sold in Muslim countries is a sound business idea waiting to happen.

lee, of the lower case "l" on June 18, 2012 at 11:52 pm

You cold hearted cruel bastards! Hoping your enemies would kill each other, just so your sons and daughters won’t have to die fighting for their cause?! How could you!
What kind of…Americans…are…y…

whoa!…wait a second there…
My enemies…..fighting…my enemies.
Hey, what a concept!
Maybe, I should just sit this one out.

Heck, if they have a pig roast with beer I just might join the party!

theShadow on June 19, 2012 at 12:10 am


Please add this to your Alien vs Predator files. If you haven’t already 😀

Infidel on June 19, 2012 at 3:27 am

    Add the murder of Pakistani singer Ghazala Javed and her father to the list.

    Singing modern songs and being “Western” can get you killed in the Muslim World.

    The things Islam can’t or won’t tolerate just keeps growing daily.

    NormanF on June 19, 2012 at 8:59 am

Also, in Newsweek, Niall Ferguson has been advocating that China save Syria


Reading that article, I agree w/ one aspect of what he advocates – that the US avoid spending blood & treasure on any more Middle Eastern projects (as usual, he doesn’t use the other M-word), and in that respect, what he advocates is good. My only question – why should the Chinese get involved in their civil war any more than us?

I agree w/ him from a more cynical perspective – more likely than not, China will do what it can to prop up the Assad regime, since they are one of their last customers in weapons, and there is nothing to indicate that a new regime will continue to buy from China (it may, given that there are few others). Incidentally, the identical arguments apply to Russia as well. Unlike during the Cold War, when countries like Syria, Iraq & Libya were actually close allies of the Soviets, in the post Cold War, the interests of Moscow & Beijing are more mercenary.

Or the other thing China can do to hedge its bets – liberally supply both sides w/ weaponry, and pocket as much of the cash as it can from both the Saudis and the Iranians, who are supporting opposing sides in this conflict. I’d rather see Muslim petro-dollars go to Beijing, rather than get used to build mosques in TN, or MI, or MN, or CA.

Who knows, the Chinese may even use some of that money to pay some Mandarin speaking Jewish men to just sit in their offices & look smart 😉

Infidel on June 19, 2012 at 3:42 am

For a country which makes so much money on oil sales, it looks pretty damn grungy.

Jonathan E. Grant on June 19, 2012 at 7:55 am

    Jon, the House Of Saud is bad. I’m not defending them but I’m taking note of the fact that there are Islamic extremists even worse than the Saudis in that country.

    Personally, I’d be happy if they all killed each other and left the rest of us alone. If it wasn’t for the oil, that’s exactly where their tribal hatreds and feuds should belong.

    Which never forget, resulted in the mass murder of 3000 Americans a little more than a decade ago. That’s a lesson in danger of being forgotten.

    NormanF on June 19, 2012 at 9:10 am


I totally agree with you, Jeff and Sean. I too am so sick of hearing about the so called religion of peace. Debbie is right about the only thing that these babarians have in common is that they hate Christians and Jews guts. Now like Sean said we on this blog don’t condone the death of muslims in general but I’m not going to lose any sleep over these fools killing each other. On another note. Would someone please tell me why that scumbag Nidal Hasan hasn’t been shot, uh I mean tried and convicted yet? I hear on talk radio this morning that this clown has grown a full beard claiming religious reasons that he can do this. Once again the Army is bending over backwards trying not to offend these people. Also I’m just waiting for the first troll to show up here to tell us again how badly Debbie is talking about Islam.

Ken b on June 19, 2012 at 8:50 am

Debbie illustrated the basic pathology: the advocates of Islam and Sharia tell us to shun Islamphobia and learn to embrace Islam as a fellow creed.

But the fact remains Muslims hate each other and they can’t live peaceably together. Now why should the rest of us be their targets?

That’s a good question the shills for Islam never seem to get around to answering.

NormanF on June 19, 2012 at 9:04 am

Does anyone know if there are enclaves or sections of our US cities, like Dearbornistan, that are just shi’ite, just sunni,… ? I would hate to see our cities turn into sectarian terrorist war zones with these jackwagons fighting each other.

Jarhead on June 19, 2012 at 9:20 am


Its a matter of time before they begin killing each other here. As we know from Europe, Islam doesn’t get mainstreamed even if they have lived there for generations. In fact just the opposite. What you see in Saudi Arabia’s Qatif Peninsula is a preview of our future. Maybe not now but in ten, twenty or thirty years time. It will happen.

NormanF on June 19, 2012 at 9:24 am

of course we will never see this in the state controlled media who just love their muzzies.all people have to do is read the history of pisslam to see that it is not a religion but a criminal enterprise which would inslave us all.i love it when ragheads kill ragheads.

BRUCE on June 19, 2012 at 9:32 am

Actually, I’d love for there to be Shia-Sunni taqfir (i.e. Islamic crackdown on wayward Muslims, where each side claims to represent true Islam) battles in Dearbornistan.

Cheaper than the movies, and more educational than anything that the media could be bothered to tell us.

Infidel on June 19, 2012 at 9:56 am

Infidel, are you friggin nuts? I know I don’t want to wake up some day and some ragheads are killing each other in a running gunbattle on our streets. We all know how little they care about their own women and children, you might as well put a target on all your average American infidel. We wouldn’t be just collateral damage, we would also be in their sights.

Jarhead on June 19, 2012 at 10:15 am

Death in our country(U.S.A.) comes in many ways! Terrorism is not a main cause of death here! It does happen, it’s just not widely practiced as it is in the Middle East! We have domestic criminals! Street gangs,bullies in general,family violence,but somehow, Americans are not inclined to be political suicide terrorists! If I lived in Isreal? What kind of inner strenght would I really have? If I lived in Syria? What kind of inner strenght would I have? The people in Isreal are in my opinion, trying to live peacefully, and strike back at attackers! There are times that Isreal strikes premptively! In the Arab world there are leaders who invoke policies that cause their people to do harm to others,and if they don’t,then the leaders send people to harm those who refuse! Catch-22! Damned if they do! Damned if they don’t! I am favored by my birth occurring in the U.S.A., where the perils of political choice are not usually deadly! Everybody is dragged into troubles of some kind or another! How to educate others that using death for political gain is not the answer!

williamwalter wallyworkswell@yahoo.com on June 19, 2012 at 10:39 am

There are Muslims loyal to Israel who do get murdered working on its behalf.

On Monday, Islamic terrorists murdered Saeed Farfashe… a father of four who lived on a kibbutz in Haifa, who was working on finishing Israel’s border fence with Egypt.

They probably thought they killed a Jew. But they don’t exactly love their fellow Muslims, especially when he works for Israel’s Defense Ministry.

And don’t expect anti-Semites and Israel haters to get torn up over his murder. The death of Israeli Arab citizen at the hands of Islamic terrorists is of no consequence to them.

That is what happens in that part of the world every day of the year.

NormanF on June 19, 2012 at 11:09 am

And we continue to allow muslims to invade our country because politically correct elites on both sides of the political spectrum won’t bar muslim immigration and will never admit that islam and its followers are inherently evil. They would rather destroy America than to be called bigots.

Laura on June 19, 2012 at 5:11 pm

Waite, why shouldn´t they rejoice? Isn´t this “crown prince” a scumbag through and through?

Drug overdose and STDs took him to a warme, cozy place with 72 mutated clones of Betty Friedan just for him.

Jaws on June 20, 2012 at 10:07 am

Damn this blonde is stupid! No muslims do not hate jews! im jewish and i know many muslims and they respect my religion as i respect theirs. I mean the judisiam and islam are basically the same type of religion, but we just pray diffently and we have more rules to follow.

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