May 15, 2012, - 6:28 pm
Breastfeeding & Attachment Parenting Militants: Theirs – Jamie Lynne Grumet & “Ours” – Michelle Fraudkin (VIDEO)
Well, TIME Magazine got what it wanted–temporarily. The magazine was at death’s door (and still is), but for the first time in ages, it got attention because it put a topless chick, Jamie Lynne Grumet, getting her breast (if you can call that a breast) sucked by a far-too-old boy. At this rate, TIME is going to have to put a man (or woman) getting oral sex on the cover, or it’s still gonna die an ever-impending death. Check out the insane, New Age gobbledygook video, below, about Grumet, who was nursed by her mother through age SIX! Notice what’s missing anywhere in the video: a man. I thought she was another one of those single moms. But I was wrong. She has a wimpy beta-male as an accessory and a Mr. Mom. Brian Grumet–that guy’s testicles were checked at the door years ago. It’s obvious.

Grumet & Fraudkin: Their Militant Feminism About Breastfeeding Is All Too Similar
But, to me, the cover isn’t just about attachment parenting–that weird lifestyle being pimped by bizarros, like actress Mayim Bialik. Per this weird lifestyle, she sleeps with her six-year-old kids in the same bed, while she’s having sex with her husband (called, “co-sleeping” – new lesson: in general, whenever a normal word has “co-” incongruously slapped onto it, the perpetrators are usually liberal nutjobs who need to take their meds because they are co-insane, co-crazy, co-trashy, and just plain co-annoying). They also don’t put their babies in diapers, allowing them to pee wherever and whenever. Her ancestor, the great Israeli writer, Chaim Nahman Bialik is turning over in his grave.
The cover is about the militant feminists who insist that we see them whipping out their breasts at whim and feeding their kids (at whatever age) in public, and that if we object to this, we are somehow backward or warring on women. If you want to nurse your kids, do it in private. Don’t insist on subjecting me to it. That’s selfish. And, attention Michelle Malkin, it’s NOT conservative. It’s liberal, feminist, self-absorbed (all the things she is). That Fraudkin and Grumet–both of whom are obvious egomaniacs and assume the alpha male role in their marriages–think we must see their breasts (or, in both of their cases, lack thereof) because they are too lazy and inconsiderate to go into a bathroom, is ridiculous.
Yes, a few years ago, Baba Wawa complained on ABC’s “The View” that she was forced to see a woman nursing on a plane. And Fraudkin went nuts. She wrote a column and a blogpost defending the La Leche League nutjobs who stage public breast-feeding sit-ins at establishments like Target. She said she feels sympathetic to them. On her site: “The militancy of some of these ‘lactivists’ is . . . understandable.” And she called people who don’t want to see her breast-feeding in public, “snobby people.” (I’m not surprised she said that, since she also defended anti-Semitic threats against me, too. Her sense of “understanding” is interesting, to say the least. Only attacks on and threats to her matter because, as she says about herself, she is a “conservative woman of color.” Hilarious.) She said about the breastfeeding terrorists, ” I completely sympathize with their outrage.” She also called breast-feeding “selfless.” Um, no, being a good mom is what’s expected, Michelle. It’s the bare minimum, Fraudkin. It doesn’t make you a saint or selfless. In fact, doing it in public and forcing us to see it, imposing your will on us, is selfISH. Period. It’s no different than people making out in front of us. We don’t want and shouldn’t have to see it. Get a room. It’s only a fake conservative–who spouts liberal feminist selfishness–that will make me agree with Wawa.
And so that brings us back to the TIME cover of Jamie Lynne Grumet, feminist and alpha male of the left, just as we have our faux-conservative feminists and alpha male “chicks” of the right who aren’t very different. Yes, one feeds her kids until four or six. But both attachment parenting and breastfeeding in public have the same feminist militancy at their core. And their respective left- and “right”-wing supporters are both exhibitionists and me-me-me chicks who couldn’t care less about everyone else. And both of their husbands are mere accessories with a long-ago psychologically-castrated appendage.
And no matter what anyone tells you, that’s feminism. Radical feminism. NOT conservatism. Period.
We don’t want to be forced to see you breastfeeding your kid in public . . . at any age, on a magazine cover or live.
More Public Breastfeeding & Attachment Parenting Nausea-Inducement From Mayim Bialik . . .
Tags: attachment parenting, breast-feeding, breastfeeding, Brian Grumet, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Chayim Nachman Bialik, Feminism, Haim Nachman Bialik, Hayim Nachman Bialik, Jamie Lynne Grumet, Mayim Bialik, Michelle Fraudkin, Michelle Malkin
[Debbie – … the La Leche League nutjobs …]
My best friend is a pediatrician and he calls them “breast
Feeding terrorists”.
On the other hand they are not all bad. My son was born premature and no matter who we took him to he would not breast feed. It was only after we brought in La Leche that he was able to breast feed.
I_AM_ME on May 15, 2012 at 7:26 pm