March 23, 2012, - 1:38 pm
HUH? Hillary, Barack Waive Democracy Requiremts to Give Billions to Muslim Bro’Hood Egypt
All hail the Egypt “democracy” movement. Oh, wait, there is no democracy there. Just Muslim Brotherhood control of the country. No matter, not to Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Cankles, who’ve decided that doesn’t matter, even though it’s a requirement to get foreign aid. If we’re gonna give foreign aid to these Islamo-cretinous fascists no matter what they do, then we have no sway with them and there’s no point in giving them our money, is there? Hussein and Cankles don’t care. They’re givin’ it–$1.3 billion in U.S. aid–away anyway. So much for our votes for Members of Congress, who imposed this law. The Hussein Cankles foreign policy (and domestic, too) doesn’t listen to the democratic exercises here, so I guess it’s only fitting they waive the same for Egypt.

The Obama administration on Friday formally released $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt despite Cairo’s failure to meet pro-democracy goals, saying U.S. national security required continued military assistance.
Uh-huh, and a healthy diet requires arsenic.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waived congressional conditions imposed late last year that tied U.S. aid to progress in Egypt’s transition to democracy following the ouster of longtime President Hosni Mubarak.
Yup, that Hussein-Cankles-imposed ouster was just terrific for America!
“These decisions reflect America’s over-arching goal: to maintain our strategic partnership with an Egypt made stronger and more stable by a successful transition to democracy,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.
Clinton’s decision, which has been criticized by some U.S. lawmakers, took note of Egypt’s progress since last year’s street revolution, including holding parliamentary elections and preparing for a presidential election in May.
But a crackdown on pro-democracy forces – including some U.S. groups – over the last several months infuriated lawmakers in Washington and caused the Obama administration to warn Egypt that its aid might be in peril.
Speak loudly and carry a toothpick!
Political analysts said the U.S. move showed that Washington still hopes to maintain its influence with Cairo, although they said these hopes may be misaligned with the political transition occurring in the country.
Um, no. It showed the U.S. has no balls and can’t be taken seriously. It shows we are more than willing to fund the jihadists who hate us. They are laughing at us all the way to the bank … and the mosque.
“They keep banking on the military as our partner in Egypt, and that does not comport with the reality in Egypt now,” said Michele Dunne, director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council.
HUH??? Um, the military was Mubarak, you morons. The military is the “anti-democratic” force the Muslim Brotherhood and the others are trying to overthrow and will soon. If you wanted the military as our partner, you’d have kept Mubarak in power. G-d, these people are idiots.
And the moronism gets worse:
U.S. officials said the decision to release the aid also avoided disruption of existing defense contracts, which could have led to expensive termination costs that could have exceeded $2 billion.
Ah, yes, we need to continue those weapons shipments to the Muslim Brotherhood. Are these people insane?! Sadly, yes.
Clinton further certified that Egypt is meeting its obligations under its peace treaty with Israel, an additional requirement for U.S. aid to flow.
WTF?! No, it isn’t. The border with Israel is as unpeaceful as ever, with Muslims constantly blowing up pipelines and threatening neighboring Jews’ lives, including fomenting terrorist attacks, like the murderous hit on a schoolbus, last year, that killed a teen boy. Incredible.
Even uber-liberals, like Patrick Leahy, think this is crazy!
Some U.S. lawmakers have criticized the move, saying it was inappropriate to waive conditions on military aid while the Egyptian government’s transition was so uncertain.
Senator Patrick Leahy, the Democratic chairman of the Senate subcommittee on foreign aid who wrote the law imposing conditions on aid, said the United States should release no more money than is “demonstrably necessary.” . . .
The law still requires Clinton to consult congressional appropriators before any funds are actually transferred to Egypt, and U.S. officials said they would be keeping a careful eye on Egypt’s political development.
“We have the flexibility to adjust what is being disbursed out of this assistance and we obviously … will be watching the situation on the ground to decide if we need to exercise that flexibility at any time,” one senior U.S. official said.
“Flexibility?” What is this–a gymnastics routine? There is no “flexibility” needed. Anyone with a brain is rigid on this: no aid to the Muslim Brotherhood. Period.
Will Etchy Sketchy Romney be different? Don’t count on it.
Tags: $1.3 billion to Muslim Brotherhood, Barack Obama, Democracy, democracy requirements, Egypt, foreign aid, Hillary Clinton, Islam, Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama, Patrick Leahy, State Department, U.S. waives democracy requirements in Egypt
And if we’re going to give aid, we should at least condition it on the Muslim Brotherhood proving it is changing and sincere about democracy.
The point being, they are the ones who should change and not us. That’s the way any normal self-respecting country conducts its foreign policy: to advance its national interests.
So we’re throwing away what little leverage we have over Egypt by giving an unreformed MB a blank check! That’s insane.
But in the world of President Obama and Secretary Clinton what America needs is completely unimportant and its more important we throw Israel by extension, under the bus. Yup, the Islamists are laughing at us all the way to the bank… and the mosque!
Being a good dhimmi is not a good day for America.
NormanF on March 23, 2012 at 1:49 pm