March 14, 2012, - 7:25 pm
OUTRAGE! Obama Denies Visa to Israel Parliament Member; Israeli Legislative Trip to US Canceled
Michael Ben-Ari is an elected Member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. But the Obama adminstration is denying him a visa to the United States. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their minions are calling this man a “terrorist,” even though he’s never been a member of a terrorist group and never participated in a terrorist attack. Instead, he’s a respected elected official in Israel, who commands the respect of members of all parties along the ideological divide. And, yet, this is the second time (2009 was the first) that Dr. Ben-Ari has been denied entry here.

Yet, admitted Jew-killers and terrorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas a/k/a “Abu Mazen,” who was the paymaster of the Munich Olympic terrorists, are welcome guests not only in the U.S. but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Unlike Ben-Ari, Abbas has not faced a democratic election in some time, and if he were to face one today, he’d lose to HAMAS.
So, what is Ben-Ari’s “crime”? What has he done that is so offensive and noxious to the Obama border police who will let all of the scum of the earth into the U.S. but not this man who grew up in liberal Tel Aviv, has a Ph.D., and served in the Israeli Army with honor?
Well, nothing, actually. Ben-Ari, however, is a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, the American citizen who was the first American victim of Al-Qaeda. Kahane believed that Jews and Arabs could not live together in peace, so the Muslims should be deported, just like Muslims deported a million Jews from their countries. While he felt that Muslims should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank–based on their track record of terror, the Obama Administration only welcomes those who believe that Jews should not live in Gaza and the so-called West Bank, based on their track record of repeatedly trying to live in peace. And now Rabbi Kahane’s ideas have been adopted by even the far-left of Israel, with the fence they had to construct to keep the Muslims and their death wishes out of Israel. His ideas were adopted (in the reverse) by the same far-left in Israel that also realized Jews and perpetually angry Muslims could not live together in peace and forced Jews out of their homes in Gaza to abandon it to the HAMAS jungle it has now become. The Palestinians themselves–including PLO Ambassador to the U.S. Maen Areikat, who is allowed to travel here and all around the U.S. freely–say that the “Palestinian State” will be Judenrein a/k/a “No Jews Allowed.”
So, Michael Ben-Ari and the whole Israeli legislative delegation have been forced to cancel their upcoming trip because they are the victims of the Arabist thought police in America. The double standard thought police–the same thought police at the Hillary Clinton State Department who will allow Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder and defender of homicide bombings of Israeli kids, a visa into the U.S. to teach American college students indefinitely. The same thought police who didn’t give a second thought to giving a visa to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to study at an Islamic conference in Texas, after his father had already warned the U.S. government that he was dangerous and going to perpetrate a terrorist attack. The same thought police who then gave him a second visa to travel to the U.S. when he tried to blow up a plane with his underwear.
Yet despite allowing entry to these terrorists, the State Department denied Ben-Ari “based on the State Department’s prerogative to ban terrorists from entering the country.” That language should tell you everything. A prerogative means, “We’ll welcome Islamic terrorists in. But Israeli elected officials who’ve never harmed a fly–well, they are the real terrorists. No entry for them.”
Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, said the Obama move is “an assault on the Knesset as a whole. The United States’ allegation that an MK is a terrorist is unacceptable.”
No, it isn’t acceptable. Sadly, plenty of Jews will continue to support Obama’s clearly anti-Semitic, double-standard laden visa policies. They will donate to his campaign and vote for him. And so he has no reason to reverse course and correct outrageous decisions like this.
Hey, there were Jews who supported the Nazi party, too. But they were sent to the ovens along with all the other Jews.
Oh, and by the way, I know of a certain American elected official who is an acolyte of convicted terrorist Bill Ayres. Maybe he should be deemed a “terrorist,” too, and denied visas to places like Israel, where they don’t allow people who believe in blowing up Capitol Buildings and Pentagons and shouldn’t allow their followers in, either.
Tags: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Israel, Jews, Michael Ben-Ari, Obama, visa
I thought Obama had Israel’s back, no?
Barry Popik on March 14, 2012 at 7:27 pm