March 1, 2012, - 4:14 pm

Robbery: Michigan GOP Changes Rules to Give Santorum Delegate to Romney

By Debbie Schlussel

The Mitt Romney “victory” in Michigan really wasn’t one.  It was a tie in terms of delegates.  The operant word here is “was.”  That’s because, last night, a few liberal Michigan Republican Party officials changed the rules last night in order to deny Rick Santorum a delegate he won fair and square.  Anytime anyone tells you that Santorum is “dirty,” remember this and ask yourself what isn’t dirty about this story, below, sent to me by former Michigan Republican State Senator Jack Hoogendyk, now a Congressional candidate.  And note as you read this that multi-millionaire Michigan Republican Chairman Bobby Schostak is actually a Clinton/Gore/Pelosi donor of big bucks, NOT a Republican, much less a conservative.  And also note that Saul Anuzis, when he was Michigan Republican Chairman, personally recruited an open Hezbollah supporter, Nasser Beydoun, to run for the U.S. Senate and told me in an e-mail, he would campaign and conduct “outreach” to Hezbollah supporters and seek their support for the GOP (all this while demanding that Ron Paul be kept out of the Presidential debates–I don’t like Paul or his views, but he deserves to be in debates). I give credit to the usually sleazy, pan-Muslim former Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox for finally locating a conscience and doing the right thing.



There has been some question as to what happens with the two “at-large” delegates from Tuesday’s primary election. Under the rules, two delegates were awarded to the candidate that won each district. There are 14 Congressional districts; Santorum won 7 and Romney won 7. So, they each received 14 delegates.

There are also two at-large delegates, which under the rules previously put in place, were to be awarded based on the split of the total vote. Using a mathematical formula, because the vote was so close, both Santorum and Romney were to receive one at-large delegate.

The Credentials Committee met last night to vote on the assignment of the delegates. For some unknown reason, they changed course, overturned their own rules and awarded both delegates to Mitt Romney. As a result, instead of a tie at 14 each, Romney now has 16 to Santorum’s 14.

The credentials committee members are Bobby Schostak, Holly Hughes, Eric Doster, Saul Anuzis, Sharon Wise and Mike Cox. Perhpas an email to Mr. Schostak or Mr. Anuzis, asking for an explanation would be in order. I am sure they have a good reason for why they changed the rules after the game was over.

Mike Cox, who is a supporter of Mitt Romney, voted against the rules change. He was quoted in MIRS as saying, “I supported Mitt, but the vote was clearly wrong. It’s kind of like Third World voting. We published rules and then we voted to change the rules.”

Spot on. It’s exactly like the Third World. I would like to know where the Santorum lawyers are because I think they have a great case here. While the Republican nomination won’t come down to one delegate, in a backroom convention deal, one delegate could mean a lot.

If Mitt Romney’s gang of thieves will do this, is there anything they won’t do in their quest for a Romney Presidency? And if Romney’s people will do this to voters before he’s in the White House, it’ll be much worse once they’re in. Count on it. The guy cannot be trusted.

22 Responses

This is being reported on Fox News right now. You scooped them!

Tanstaafl on March 1, 2012 at 4:32 pm

The only way for the Republicans to make it any easier for Obama to get re-elected is for the nominee to have sex with his mother live on national television.

All have acted disgracefully or stupidly. And Deb, did you read where today Governor Tub-o-Lard from New Jersey criticized the NY Police Department for monitoring Muslims in New Jersey, even though no law was broken?

JEG: Yup, good ole’ Chris Chrispie Creme. DS

Jonathan E. Grant on March 1, 2012 at 4:41 pm

This is going to come back and bite the GOP. The fix is in.

john on March 1, 2012 at 5:08 pm

changing the rules of the election
after the election violates
the 1965 voting rights act

prestigio on March 1, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    3 women anecdotally don’t make a trend.

    BTW, the Voting Rights Act only applies most of its provisions to the South, not the North.

    LindaF on March 2, 2012 at 10:55 am

      to lindaf

      i was unaware that equal protection
      did not apply to the voting rights act

      prestigio on March 2, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Debbie, I hope you remembered that Santorum earlier this week send “robo-calls” to liberals in Michigan who vote Democrat to elect him as the candidate and not vote for Romney (don’t get me wrong DS, I am NO way a Romney supporter), to me that’s kinda filthy and it’s no different than what the left does during a election cycle. I hope you’re aware of it DS, and I agree with you in the middle of you’re article about Nasser Beydoun emailing you that he’ll campagin for anyone to reach out the hezbollah supporters (if you’re in this country and you support any type of terrorism, you’d ought to be investigate or kicked out of this country) who’ll support a Republican.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

SR: There’s nothing wrong with phoning and seeking the votes of the Dems. Remember how Reagan won? By campaigning to Reagan Democrats. Isn’t this the same guy they said wouldn’t win b/c he won’t attract Dems and moderates? Now, he’s a criminal for seeking their votes openly and honestly? DS

Sean R. on March 1, 2012 at 5:19 pm

The fix is indeed in. If the leftist Republicans like David Brooks and these liberals in Michigan usurp the will of the voters and see to it that Robaba wins the nomination to challenge the de facto dictator in the White House, the GOP is done. The Tea Party IS the base, and the liberal RINO democrat saboteurs’ need to get out or be forced out by whatever means necessary.

If there is any hope left for this country (and I have my doubts — especially after learning of the murder of Andrew Breitbart at the hands of Obama’s henchmen), Gingrich and Santorum have got to team up so as to stop dividing the vote between them. R.S. should offer Newt whatever it takes to get him out of the race. Everyone who is voting for Newt would vote for Santorum if Newt was not on the ballot.

Is Romney keeping Newt and RP in the race to sabotage Santorum?

Why has the military failed to uphold its sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution from ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC?

The nation’s founders would have already initiated a civilian uprising against the government if they were alive today. Unfortunately, they’re rolling in their graves while Rome burns…

Peter Egan on March 1, 2012 at 5:22 pm

it was mitt who fought for the open primary in michigan.

john on March 1, 2012 at 6:14 pm

I hope all good Conservatives are watching the Republicans like hawks. If you haven’t, you should and you should start TODAY…even though it may be too late.

Start with 2010 and the Republicans taking over the House. If you’re UNimpressed by or with their leadership you are on the right track. Let’s face it, Democrats today are practically Communists (especially if you’ve been watching them since the New year) and I am calling them Commies from now on. The Republicans only care about their power and haven’t taken ANYTHING to ZerObama. This is why I say IF Romney wins, we have our work cut out for us and it will be utterly Sisyphisian . Gerald has also tackled this issue recently too.

By now, even those that could not see the *establishment* wheels working in 2004 HAVE TO have seen ’em working by now. The best unkept secret IS that the Establishment Republicans don’t care if they lose (they already accept that Obama will have four more years). They are trying to tend to their power with another 4 years of Zero. Trouble is, if that happens, it’s balls out Communism in the USA. We won’t like it. Michael Steele former head of the RNC did NOTHING when he had plenty of work to do and even Reince Priebus has done LESS.
That should say it all. If either were serious, they would barely have time to sleep since they would be doing all they can to hit the Republicans and general public with all the Dem/Commie/Obama shenanigans AND getting all involved to work against Obama regime. What a sick, sad joke!

Most importantly, MaObama KNOWS that the eunuch Republicans will NOT challenge him when he continues to stomp on the Constitution so he is moving ahead, laughing while he drives the steamroller. If he is not held to account that means the store can be looted. And that is what he is doing.

If you think I am not correct, then you’re not paying attention. And I point out how (mindbogglingly) successful the Commie/Dems have been with the bait-and-switch on the Catholic Institutions and the birth control controversy. And they are winning. I have not only seen and heard Liberals spew the “Republicans hate women having contraception line” but I have also seen and heard so-called Republicans and Conservatives crying about Santorum and his obsession with birth control in lieu of taking it to the Administration. Yep, that’s right, those effing dopes have been spoon-fed and fooled and it makes me sick when I hear it. Never forget that it was that Commie hack, itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny George Stephanopolous who started the stealth “women’s contraception” meme. It’s sickening for me to watch so many freaky dopes take the bait because the more they do, the closer we get to open Communism.

And it looks like the Republicans in Michigan, giving Romney the delegates that Santorum rightly deserves are trying to be as shameless with voting fraud as the Russians are. I know we have our own issues but if one has time they should really keep an eye on Russia and the strong-arm of Putin and his United Russia Party. I know it’s hard because with one eye on our own disrobing Commies and Jihad there are no eyes left!!!

And also look at what the Republicans in Florida are trying to do to knock out Allen West.

Skunky on March 1, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    “…are trying to be as shameless with voting fraud as the Russians are”
    Skunky, you misspelled Democrats. As you said, not much difference. CommieRats perhaps?
    Excellent points all around and so true about Allen West.

    I’d love to see an honest poll among Democrats, minorities, women and especially Reagan Democrats: Obama/Biden vs. Santorum/West?
    …or O/B vs. Santorum/Bachman?

    theShadow on March 1, 2012 at 8:41 pm

Mitt Romney is a fool if he had anything to do with this. Nothing turns an activist off more quickly than a rigged game. Also, going to all of that trouble to award two more delegates to Mitt Romney, who is already way ahead, is overkill. If Romney keeps this up his image will be quite tarnished at the end of the primary season. He will be a crud as well as a dud at the end of the game. How will the general electorate view such a person this fall?

Worry01 on March 1, 2012 at 9:21 pm

Funny how the media (right and left)keep talking about the mitt landslide(?) in MI. Guess when 59% of the vote was against mitt, it is a landslide. Winning by a couple of points and having more people voting against you, in your own home state, should tell you something.

Ender on March 2, 2012 at 1:04 am

I’ve been wondering about the constant media adulation of Romney, and the constant twisting of facts about him & his supposed ability to beat Obama in spite of his support of Obamacare in his home state, with Obamacare being the most important issue in the campaign.

I remember a few years ago some ‘conservative’ commentators were exposed as having taken money from the Bush White House. Is it impossible that Romney is involved in activities like that? Given his other underhanded tactics such as those discussed above, I wouldn’t put it past him.

Little Al on March 2, 2012 at 2:33 am

    You just have to go back to John McCain in 2008 for another example of this. He received relatively favorable coverage from the mainstream media until he had wrapped up the primary season. After that, the coverage got quite sour. The left is always more than happy to pick its opponent, if you allow it to. Senator McCain was viewed as a perfect opponent for Obama, due to his age, inarticulate speech, and uninspiring commitment to his own party. I rather doubt that any Republican could have won the Presidency in 2008, but McCain was the least likely of the mainstream field to succeed in doing so. Senator Bob Dole was another example of the left’s preferred candidate in 1996. President Clinton would have probably lost to just about any other Republican, but Bob Dole. When you hear a Republican being praised as a centrist, moderate, bipartisan, and other such blather, it is best to be extremely cautious. Dole and McCain were given such poison praise in their time, and Mitt Romney is being handed that poisoned chalice as well. For those who still dream about Ronald Reagan, it is best to remember that he did not run as a moderate to liberal Republican in 1980. Such a candidate would have been practically indistinguishable from President Carter at the time, and would not have had much of a chance of ousting him. Ronald Wilson Reagan, quite amazingly, was the right man at the right time. He did not embody the gloom of a Barry Goldwater or simply offer a watered down version of Democrat policies. In short, Ronald Reagan was not the candidate of stagnation or managed decline. Unfortunately, he is dead, as is the coalition he managed to put together. Mortality and demographics wiped out the World War II veterans, white blue collar workers, and the old Reagan Democrats that he relied upon for his victories in 1980 and 1984. The left, which was to some extent weakened after the 1960’s, has come back with a vengeance. This can be seen in Gay Marriage’s very rapid progress, as well as in the Democratic Party’s willingness to kick the Roman Catholic Church in the face over issues ranging from gay adoption to contraception.

    Worry01 on March 2, 2012 at 8:23 am

Regarding stealing the delagate from Santorum and giving the delegate to Romney AFTER the votes, thus changeing the rules AFTER the game was played, that is dishonest and a violation of fair voting. If Romney does not protest this dispicable act, he proves even more that he does not deserve the nomination.

Regarding Santorum’s supporters’ robo-calls to Democrats; Romney pushed for an open voting process in Michigan, and it was and is an open voting process in this primary, hence Democrats were welcome to come to the polls and vote for Romney, Santorum, Gingirch, or Paul, whosoever they wished.

Santorum followed the rules of the game. He did nothing wrong.

Should Romney give up all the democrat votes HE received in this primary?

Regarding the claim that Santorum does not address the economy, US security, etc., but that he only focuses on “Social Issues,” such as Abortion, Contraception, etc., that is a FLAT OUT LIE!!!!

I’ve followed the stories and debates. George Stephanopolis, Clinton’s man, was in the pocket of the Democrats and Obama, and, while monitoring the Republica debates a few nonths ago, previewed the Obama-Dem administration’s intention to force contraception on people. Stephanopolis brought up Contraception during the debate, something that NO Republican had discussed as part of their platform.

It was the dominant, dishonest, leftist media, Democrats, Obama and his soldiers, and the entertainment industry leftists who pushed the Contraceptive, abortion, Social issues meme, something, again, the Republicans never did, and then, after the Dems-Obam, et al, stired the pot, they turned around and accused Republicans of doing so, when, again, they did not, the Dems-Obama-Media has been the ONLY ones who did.

Obama’s on-the-job training has failed. He should be fired, and perhaps put on trial for treason and intentionally violating the US Constitution and his job and oath as President of the USA.

He has turned people against one another with his race mongering, hate mongering, class envy, surrender and kow towing to Islam, insulting Christians and Jews, insulting and betraying US Soldiers, Israel, pro-lifers, and more.

He is and was an over rated, unqualified, underwhelming, inexperienced, emperor has no clothes phony. He is not bright or smart as people and the media try to push on the public to believe, and he does not really seem to care about the US or US security.

He does support embryoicide, fetucide, and infanticide, in his vicious support of abortion, and lack of concern for protecting post birth babies from being butchered by abortionists.

He has sold Israel down the river, and sold the US down the river before a host of Muslims, insulting US Citizens, and the nation itself, before the world, encouraging the rest of the world to join the chorus of insults against the US, Christians, Jews, etc., and the US military.

He lies, deceives, and is in denial.

Due to the ovewhelming influence of the media, entertainment industry, unions, and education system, Obama will be reelected, for the aforementioned act as information and propaganda wings of Obama and the Democrats-leftists.

Santorum might not be perfect, but I’d prefer HIM to Obama and Romney, and, although Obama has lots of help, and lots of friends in low places, Santorum can actually beat him in an election, regardless of what those pundits who claim, “Santorum cannot beat Obama in a general election.”

Obama will have, and does have, plenty of help in continuing to keep people brainwashed and giving them their marching orders, telling them who to vote for, why abortion is so great, why the US is so awful, why the US military is so bad, and so on, but Santorum still should receive the support of the people against Obama the false Messiah.

William on March 2, 2012 at 2:37 am

    Excellent post, William.

    JeffE on March 3, 2012 at 10:29 pm

I think I see where Sean is coming w/ this. Yeah, it’s an open primary, but in 2000 and 2008, people were upset @ Dems spiking the GOP primary by voting for McCain.

It’s a double edged sword. If there is a Liberal enough candidate, Dems can cross over & vote for him, like they did McCain. Other option – those who think Santorum is easier to malign could try to spite the GOP primary for him, so that he can be demonized once he’s the nominee.

But if Mitt pushed an open primary in MI (why did he do that if he’s the Conservative candidate? Doesn’t have confidence in GOP voters electing him?), his supporters (I know Sean ain’t one) have no business blaming Santorum for the robocalls.

Infidel on March 2, 2012 at 3:41 am

I was with 3 friends and their wives this weekend and we all sat at the table talking politics , of course. All of them Republicans BTW, all 3 woman said they were solidly for Romney, all 3 of them said they have alot of lady friends who would not vote for Santorum, all 3 said none of the people go either way, but that if Santorum is the candidate, they will not vote Republican if he has the nomination. It was just that easy. One of my friends wife said her plant she works at they all were talking and that they pretty much were a majority against Obama, but he would narrowly probalby win if Santorum were the candidate over Romney. Be careful what you wish for Republicans, this in fighting of principal just might be feeding the beast. And no one wins at all.

Mike C on March 2, 2012 at 10:10 am

    William, your post was excellent. Obama is very happy with his first term because he has accomplished so many things (the ones he can’t be *exactly* about but we know what they are) he wanted to. He’s also going over Congress so it’s great to be king (despot!)!

    Mike C., it sounds like all those Republican women are listening to the conventional wisdom of the Obamamedia. This makes me crazy. Those women don’t know or understand the issues. They are hearing and buying into the Obamamedia meme. That Media has used the contraception bullsh** as the bait-a-switch and when they run down the clock asking Santorum to explain his Catholic beliefs, it looks as if HE is obsessed with it. Shame on any dope who falls for that stupid game (and it is stupid). We are being taken down by the lazy who are suppose to be on our side.

    There are PLENTY of reasons to not be gaga for Santorum. It would be nice if the hypnotized so-called Republicans would wake the eff up and get a clue!!!

    Skunky on March 2, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Hey, Debbie, corruption is contagious, like a disease taking advantage of a weakened body this ever present herpes like bug breaks out in a weak econmomy, and look how close Michigan is to Chi-town, were practically sister cities.
I kind of get a kick out of Sharpton’s blueberry pie on face analogy in his critisism of the GOP, however the GOP is not in control of Detroit, or Pontiac where they have it in… well I
just realised that noun is no longer a pc word, but you know what I mean. Anyway Sharpton’s pulling down good money these days on the government tit(mostly to keep his mouth shut), dresses just as sharp as Romney who is in his own world of gated estates and Cadillacs.
Go out and vote, sure, there is as much choice here as there is in Iraq, or Putin’s Russia.

Ron Wolf aka "Columbo" on March 2, 2012 at 12:45 pm

The Republican RINO Establishment makes me sick to my stomach. We are about to have foistered on us a weak, wobbly, and corrupt candidate in Mittens Romney. It looks like this man will do anything to win the nomination. But what people don’t get is when that happens he will not take it to Obummer in the general election. I agee with you Skunky. The RINOs are only interested in keeping their power. Michael was a joke who loved the perks of his office as RNC head but was a total incompetent. The bozo who took over for him also has no “grapefruits” to counter that harridan Debbie Whatshername Shultz. Crybaby Boehner is a dud who summed up his Speakership by croaking that “We are only one have of one third of the goverment.” He should just give the gavel back to Nancy Piglosi. At least she has more testosterone than he does. William I so agree with your analysis of Obummer. We have one of the most destructive, radical, corrupted president in my lifetime so far in the Oval Office. His recent treatment of the Supreme Court(again) shows how much this man needs to be defeated. Oh and one more thing. What’s up with Ann Coulter? She is so far in the tank for Romney that someone should get her some SCUBA gear. She needs an intervention STAT.

Ken b on April 4, 2012 at 10:57 pm

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