February 29, 2012, - 12:28 pm

Oy Frickin’ Vey: Israeli Prez Shimon Peres on Yenta Hag-Fest, “The View”

By Debbie Schlussel

I’d like to know which teepshee [Hebrew for dummy] at Israel’s Ministry of Public Affairs agreed to book 89-year-old left-wing Israeli President Shimon Peres on ABC’s pro-Muslim yenta hag-fest, “The View,” this morning.

Shimon, Yasser & Baba: Three People “Dr.” Kevorkian Missed

There’s another Hebrew word I have in mind that the Israelis apparently did not:  hasbarah.  It has several meanings, primarily public relations or public diplomacy.  But it can also mean propaganda.  Peres’ appearance on “The View,” this morning did neither.

Baba Wawa thankfully spared us her fellow co-airheads on the show and chose to question Peres–the architect of every failed, murderous “peace” deal Israel has ever had, including the disastrous Oslo Accords–by herself.  Peres, as he always does, spoke with a thick accent and wasn’t too sharp.  He’s no Binyamin Netanyahu in the speech department.  But Netanyahu (whose party is in power, NOT Peres’ Labor Party) is smart enough never to go on this show watched mostly by ditzes, welfare queens, and gay stay-at-home dads. He knows in advance that Wawa will be tougher on him than she is on terrorist host and human rights abuser Bashar Assad.  It’s truly a new low for Israel, and I thank G-d that HRHSBotU [Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe] Oprah’s daytime show is now off the air.

Wawa repeatedly cajoled Peres about a possible Israeli attack on Iran and asked about Israel’s nukes.  She also harped on him that “we don’t want to be pulled into a war.”  Um, who is “we?”  She doesn’t speak for me.  And, in poll after poll, the majority of the American people support Israel in an attack on Iran.  He sheepishly answered, “Well, we don’t want to hurt anybody.”  Oy Frickin’ Vey.  Golda Meir and Menachem Begin and a gazillion Israeli soldiers who gave their lives for this schmuck are turning over in their graves.  Soooo weak.  Um, what about the statements by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that he wants to wipe Israel off the map?  Peres barely alluded to it.  What about Hezbollah and HAMAS–both proxies of Iran that are not only on two of Israel’s borders, but actually all of its borders (HAMAS has a large base in Syria and Jordan and both HAMAS and Hezbollah–which now controls Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades–have a large presence in the Palestinian Authority)?  Never mentioned. Does this guy know anything about what’s happening in and around his own country?!

I was sickened, but I couldn’t decide who made me sicker:  Peres or Wawa.  I say, lock ’em up in a Cairo falafel hut and let some Egyptian/Libyan/Syrian (take your pick) “democracy” protesters finish ’em off.  Then ask their ghosts about the Iran nukes.

Guest co-host and fakest-“Christian”-non-supermodel-who-posed-topless-ever, airhead Kathy Ireland, began the show by telling us how impressed she was with the story Peres told her backstage about how he’s a shepherd and how upset he was as a kid when his parents violated the Jewish Sabbath by listening to war news on the radio.  Um, Kathy, here’s a tip:  Shimon Peres is NOT a religious Jew.  He does not keep the Sabbath, and his biggest “accomplishment” was when he headed the Labor movement public school “education” and stripped most of the kids of Sephardic Jewish immigrants to Israel of their Jewish religious observances, calling them backward.  These kids were also never taught about the Holocaust or the history of the Jewish people and instead reprogrammed to understand the “plight” of the invented Palestinian “people” and their “history.”  Oh, and Kathy, since you don’t read a paper and don’t know much, here’s another tip:  Shimon Peres ain’t a shepherd of anything . . . except mindless appeasement policies that have eroded and destroyed Israel for decades.  At 89, it’s long past time for this “shepherd” to retire and join his grandchildren, most of whom are in America trying to become actresses.

Whatever happened to the good old days, when Kathy Ireland was relegated to scantilly-clad St. Patrick’s Day beer ad cut-outs and forced to keep her mouth shut?  And whatever happened to the good old days when daytime TV was for game shows and soap operas?  Those are Shakespearean classics compared to what’s replaced them.

Attention, Israel:  stay away from moronic ABC personalities who brag about their Fourth of July vacations with the leader of Syria.  It might be a hint.

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22 Responses

Debbie: Here’s a tip—find the MST3K episode where they do “Alien from LA” and rip Kathy Ireland to shreds. Well worth 2 hours of your time on a Sunday afternoon.

Occam's Tool on February 29, 2012 at 12:35 pm

The correct response to WaWa should have been—“imagine the guys who took your embassy over in 1979 with nukes aimed at your trading partners and the Vatican. Good idea?”

Or, my personal favorite: “I know you support child rape and honor killings, but I don’t.”

Occam's Tool on February 29, 2012 at 12:37 pm

And to think, this hag is Russian Jewish. Oy.

Occam's Tool on February 29, 2012 at 12:38 pm

Debbie, just think of this as Israeli PR aimed at the unwell. Also Debbie, I too would like to be a stay-at-home dad. I will require a full time nanny, a maid, and a personal trainer/life coach, but promise to only sleep with women (as is my personal minhag). Deal?

A1 on February 29, 2012 at 1:08 pm

“Watched mostly by ditzes, welfare queens, and gay stay-at-home dads”. ROTFLOLCOPTER!!!!!!

Hollywood on February 29, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Hizbullah now runs al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades? I thought that group was renamed to ‘Yasser Arafat Martyrs Bridades’. Anyway, how does Hizbullah get tolerated, given that Shias in Gaza are now persecuted?

Anti-Semitism only works so far, but after that, already Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad are vying for power – find it tough to see how they’d have any tolerance for Shia Hizbullah.

I: I broke the story here:


And AAMB is in the Palestinian Authority (Fatah), not Gaza. As you should know by now, Shi’ites and Sunnis get along just fine when their common aim is the destruction of Israel, Jews, Christians, the West, etc. Iran (Shi’ite) funds HAMAS (Sunni) for a reason. DS

Infidel on February 29, 2012 at 2:08 pm

“Three People “Dr.” Kevorkian Missed…”

Sometimes you’re pretty funny Debbie! But staying in the lamelight is what keeps Shimon sharp!

Perfected democrat on February 29, 2012 at 2:13 pm

Peres served his purpose. He helped build Israel’s nuclear program. In 1947, he contacted a few Jewish scientists to come to what would be Israel to work on Israel’s nuclear and defense program. If Israel has nuclear weapons, and nobody really knows, it would be because of Peres.

He serves a purpose when this old man of 90 is attacked by the Arabs in the U.S. press. At that point, the public knows that these Arabs have a bottomless well of vitriol and hate.

I disagree with much of what the man has said and done, but he has also worked to build up Israel’s scientific capabilities.

Jonathan E. Grant on February 29, 2012 at 2:45 pm

If any leader has a “Use By” date, it certainly applies to Peres. That’s not to take anything away from his role in building up Israel’s defense industry and strategic forces in the country’s first decades. Nor the role he played in the 1980s in helping stabilize Israel’s then fragile economy. But that was then.

Since 1990 it’s been one failed policy, one failure of leadership, after another. First it was the (illegal) negotiations he conducted with Arafat that led to the Oslo Accords – perhaps the most bone-head strategic blunder of the last 50 years. The activities of the “Peres Peace Center” (which rewarded him handsomely), and the secret accounts he reportedly set up for Arafat’s benefit – a way to bribe him to keep his commitments (which he failed to do). Yet no regrets about any of it, as he demonstrated in an interview with Charlie Rose around 2002 when bombs were going off around the country and Peres insisted he had no regrets, that he wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Occasionally, he offers moments of clarity, as when he started reading the more genocidal passages from the Hamas Charter in a forum at Davos after Cast Lead to show what Israel is dealing with. That led to Erdogan leaving the stage. But then Peres ran after him in full self-debasement mode, like some ghetto Jew seeking the Gentile authority’s favor.

Peres repeatedly touted a utopian “New Middle East”, which never came about. The “Arab Spring” (which many of us never bought into, has lead instead to a dystopian Islamic Awakening. But Peres the dreamer hasn’t given up hope. True believers rarely do.

His role as President is *supposed* to be strictly ceremonial, but Peres continues his freelancing ways even as he’s supposed to coordinate any policy statements with his Prime Minister. One has to wonder how much damage he will do as he meets Obama days before Netanyahu does. Will he convey Bib’s messages, or offer one of his own that only undermines Israel’s elected leader?

Raymond in DC on February 29, 2012 at 3:01 pm

Gosh, how I wish Kevorkian had got to Wawa (and it cracks me up to have her referred to as Baba Wawa (or just Wawa) through any column you do on her). It helps keep my blood pressure down.

Can someone explain if the Israeli Labour Party is like the British/Australian Labour Party? I don’t know that much about the Israeli political system but I know they have many parties.

Infidel, good question on the Shias in Gaza. Hope someone can answer it because I am curious too. I am just learning about the chain and I know when they are not fighting INFIDELS they love to fight amongst themselves and that chain is confusing at first but I WILL get it down pat sooner or later!

Skunky on February 29, 2012 at 3:21 pm

A bit off topic Occam’s Tool, but my favorite MST3K was The Sinister Urge. But the one you mentioned was hysterical too!

sgtvinnie16 on February 29, 2012 at 3:49 pm

Nothing on the View worth watching.

burt on February 29, 2012 at 7:22 pm

Great thread, Debbie and everyone commneting here so far. There is no question in my mind that Peres should have retired from Israeli politics in 1989.

JeffE on February 29, 2012 at 7:49 pm

Kathy Ireland can talk?

Tanstaafl on February 29, 2012 at 7:50 pm

Hard for me to think that this is occurring in isolation. Peres may or may not be a party to it (I suspect he is), but Walters quite likely is collaborating with Obama to try to box Netanyahu in as much as possible, & make it as difficult for him as possible to bomb Iran. This show is occurring in the midst of an unprecedented media campaign, and pronouncements and visits to Israel by Dempsey, Panetta, etc. Perhaps they feel they have to do things like The View in addition, because all the ‘heavies’ in the Obama administration speaking against bombing are recognized lightweights without the prestige of someone like Dick Cheney or George Shultz.

Little Al on February 29, 2012 at 7:59 pm

Shimon Peres was very foolish to appear on that program. Also, why is someone who is so elderly and enfeebled holding such an office, even if it is largely ceremonial?

Worry01 on February 29, 2012 at 9:47 pm

Hey Skunky. I agree with you about Baba Wawa. This ditz should have been Kevorkianized a long time ago. He could have made it a trifecta with Joyless Bahar and Whoopie Goldturd. Anyway Debbie I like how you break things down for guys like me. Because I only know thing that I know about Israeli politics is Netanyahu and the crappy treatment that he has to endure everytime that he has to talk to president jar jar obinks. I read that Israel has told us that when they take out Iran that they will not tell the odummer administration. It will have to come to that because they won’t be able to get any support from our pansy president. You’re also right about Kathy Ireland. She is just another celebutard spouting things out of her piehole that she knows nothing about. Hey Kathy from now on just smile look pretty and please don’t talk.

Ken b on February 29, 2012 at 10:25 pm

Wawa repeatedly cajoled Peres about a possible Israeli attack on Iran and asked about Israel’s nukes. She also harped on him that “we don’t want to be pulled into a war.”

If by “we,” she means the U.S., you won’t be, and she knows it. Israel will pull the world’s chestnuts out of the fire, AGAIN.

Miranda Rose Smith on March 1, 2012 at 3:23 am

Peres told her backstage about how he’s a shepherd and how upset he was as a kid when his parents violated the Jewish Sabbath by listening to war news on the radio.

Perhaps he went through a religious phase. Teenagers often do.

What wae was going on when he was a kid in the ’20s and ’30s? The Nicaraguan uprising? The Spanish Civil War? Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia?

Miranda Rose Smith on March 1, 2012 at 3:32 am

    CORRECTION: Peres told her backstage about how he’s a shepherd and how upset he was as a kid when his parents violated the Jewish Sabbath by listening to war news on the radio.

    Perhaps he went through a religious phase. Teenagers often do.

    What war was going on when he was a kid in the ’20s and ’30s? The Nicaraguan uprising? The Spanish Civil War? Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia?

    Miranda Rose Smith on March 1, 2012 at 3:32 am

    Miranda Rose Smith on March 1, 2012 at 4:08 am

These kids were also never taught about the Holocaust or the history of the Jewish people and instead reprogrammed to understand the “plight” of the invented Palestinian “people” and their “history.”

Is that really being taught in Israeli schools, to kids who will one day have to fight the Arabs and have to know what they’re fighting against? Peres is old enough to remember that Israel never expelled the “Palestinians.” In 1948, hundreds of thousands of JEWS were “Palestinians.” Israel, as Peres knows perfectly well, expelled some ARABS, after five Arab states attacked Israel. Other ARABS left Israel voluntarilly, thinking that the new Jewish state would be defeated in a week and they could come back and loot Jewish property.Peres is old enough to remember when the now-so-called “Palestinians” were referred to, no doubt by him, as ARABS.

Miranda Rose Smith on March 1, 2012 at 3:44 am

The comment about listening to war news suggests a Communist background, or at least a Communist-sympathizer background. The Spanish Civil War had a galvanizing effect on the Commies and on fellow travelers during the 30s, and during this period of time, with the Commie ‘popular front’, they had sympathizers throughout the left, including many in the socialist parties throughout the world.

The Spanish Civil War was seen as a prelude to a wider war, and those on the left ignored the violence and murder incited by the “loyalist” government, including thousands and thousands of priests, as well as many on the left, especially anarchists.

Little Al on March 1, 2012 at 8:57 am

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