December 22, 2008, - 3:40 pm
Barack Obama Racist “Typical White Person” Granny Memorial Watch; Releases Real Birth Certificate
By Debbie Schlussel
Hmmmm . . . so, Barack Hussein Obama’s “typical White person” racist granny, Madelyn Duham, has been dead for almost two months. And still, not a single act of memorial for her. Not a special trip to Hawaii. Nothin’. It tells you a lot about him–he doesn’t give a whit (or is that . . . White?) about the person who raised him. After he threw her under the bus when she was alive, he clearly didn’t feel any obligation to attend any sort of funeral.
And don’t expect him to any time in the next four to eight years. He has far more important things to do, like interview for Baba Wawa’s “Most Fascinating People,” help Mrs. Hussein Obama pick a designer ball gown, and find those kiddies a nice dog and an exclusive snobby school for rich kids.

Now, though, Obama is back in Hawaii–not a special trip to remember “Typical White person” granny. Oh, no, we can’t have that. You see, the Hussein Obamas go to Hawaii every year for the holidays. Granny had nothin’ to do with it. They have a gazillion dollar mansion to hang at.
And has he gone to pay his respects to her in any way (supposedly her body was cremated; a memorial was held–but he didn’t attend)? No. He’s doing the more important things in life . . . .

By the way, it appears that finally, Mr. Obama has–once and for all–released a real copy of his birth certificate. This should put all questions and lawsuits regarding his birth to rest, once and for all. Don’t blame me for the somewhat racist looking babies that are posted on the document. I didn’t make this, and I’d prefer it without the photos. The point I wish to make is in the text of the birth certificate. Looks just as real as his “real” Selective Service Registration.

And now, when is there going to be a memorial for Granny? Don’t hold your breath, or you’ll soon be as expired as she is. Tells us a lot about the “character”–or rather, lack of one–of our new President to be.

It tells us a lot about Americans who put this empty suit into the White House. Not that they care this man won’t honor his grandmother or that he embraces infanticide as a practice. Judge a person not by what he says but by what he does or doesn’t do. And in Obama’s case, its enough to keep me from embracing him as my President. Character matters!
NormanF on December 22, 2008 at 4:27 pm