January 4, 2012, - 7:38 am

Halal Hack: FBI Hires CAIR-Approved Spokesman (& Plagiarist)

By Debbie Schlussel

Readers of this site will probably be familiar with the name Simon Shaykhet.  A hack Islamo-pandering reporter with the Detroit FOX News owned and operated news outfit at Channel 2, he plagiarized, virtually word for word, an exclusive story I broke on this site about how the security guards at Detroit’s McNamara Building (where the FBI, ICE, and most federal offices are housed) brought in a bomb from outside the building and put it in “lost and found” for weeks.  Well, now, Shaykhet–who is very close to HAMAS CAIR’s Michigan leader, Dawud Walid a/k/a criminal Delano Anthony Willis, Jr.–is the new Detroit FBI spokesman.



Famous But Incompetent’s New Simple Simon is Forever Buttkissing Islam

Normally, the FBI uses its own special agents as its spokespeople (and normally, the FBI employs polished professionals instead of snot-nosed, immature kids, like Shaykhet, in that job).  But the agency made an exception for layman hack Shaykhet, because he is your typical far-left, Jewish liberal who is anti-Israel and has a thing for extremist Muslims and Islam, in general.  I’m told that Shaykhet’s close, positive relationship with and apparently mancrush on Walid was the key reason super-dhimmi Detroit FBI Special Agent in Charge Andrew Arena got the FBI to hire Shaykhet.  He meets with HAMAS CAIR approval, a dhimmi Jew who is vocally anti-Israel and pro-Muslim.  Dawud Walid and HAMAS CAIR were the only religious entities that Shaykhet followed on his Twitter account while he was a reporter at FOX 2, which is, again, owned and operated by FOX News and Roger Ailes.  Now, as the FBI spokesman, Dawud Walid and HAMAS CAIR are still the only religious entities he follows on Twitter.  Other religions and their concerns are irrelevant to Simple Simon, the FBI, and Abu Arena.

When Shaykhet was a “reporter” at FOX 2 News, he repeatedly made anti-Israel commentary and statements when he was supposed to be reporting objectively on such things as local reaction to Israel’s reponse to HAMAS rockets or Hezbollah kidnappings and attacks.  When HAMAS CAIR Action Network filed its lawsuit against me, Shaykhet demonstrated on-air orgasms for Walid and CAIR in his biased report and reported it as if this was the breaking story of the century.  For him, every time any of the brothers in HAMAS CAIR has a papercut, it’s major news.

Don’t be fooled by the Arab-esque spelling of Shaykhet’s surname.  It’s a perversion by his moronic relatives of “shoichet,” the Yiddish word for a kosher slaughterer.  But Shaykhet doesn’t let his Jewish heritage (he is your typical incompetent spoiled brat who is Jewish In Name Only) or his American citizenship get in the way of pandering to CAIR.

As I’ve written, over the years, since 9/11, the Detroit Special Agents in Charge of the FBI, ICE, and other wimpy federal law enforcement agencies meet monthly with Hezbollah’s and HAMAS’ top Muslims in Detroit (including PFLP terrorist,  immigration/marriage fraud perpetrator, and FBI award revokee Imad Hamad), giving them details of ongoing operations and apologizing to them for agents barely being able to do their jobs.  I’m told that Shaykhet will be participating in these “BRIDGES” meetings.

So, you can look forward to yet more tips about and curtailments of federal terrorism investigations in Detroit per the demands of  the most extreme Muslims in town, and Simon Shaykhet will be one of the key dhimmis helping make that happen.

Like I’ve always said, there are good reasons why I call the FBI, “Famous But Incompetent.”  Simon Shaykhet is now reason #785, 294.

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23 Responses

Debbie, that picture of John Banner, accompanying articles on FBI incompetence just isn’t funny any more.

Miranda Rose Smith on January 4, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Debbie, that picture of John Banner, accompanying articles on FBI incompetence, just isn’t funny any more.

    Miranda Rose Smith on January 4, 2012 at 8:06 am

    Miranda Rose Smith on January 4, 2012 at 8:13 am

    Hey, I always want to see a funny picture. Will some one please reply and tell me how to get to the page with that
    funny John Banner photo? I must have missed the column where is is. Thanks

    Wally on January 5, 2012 at 9:46 am

Debbie, don’t listen to Miranda BS. That photo perfectly describes the FBI… “I know nothing!” Its very funny!

Jimmy D. on January 4, 2012 at 11:42 am

Miranda, if the photo is not funny anymore, simply stop laughing at it.

I happen to think it is funny and it’s a reference many use DAILY and for some reason, it never gets old to me.

Skunky on January 4, 2012 at 11:58 am

    No, Skunky Dear, it’s not funny to her because the truth hurts too much. To me,I’m a fan of “pile-on” satire—when you have your opponent perfectly tagged, pile on.

    For example, Ron “Finished Third, Rhymes with Turd” Paul. I’m going to be repeating that to paul bots from now until the end of the race for Paul. With variants: Ron “third turd” Paul; Ron (“groundgame third turd”) Paul—you get the picture. Off to TAS to torture Jack and Clint and Red…toodles…

    Occam's Tool on January 4, 2012 at 3:25 pm

      LOL OT! I do like that myself!

      It reminds me of an local ex-politician. Her name is Cheryl Jacques (but it’s not pronounced “Jacks” but “Jakes”) and Howie Carr always referred to her as “Cheryl Jacques, rhymes with fakes” and it always cracked me up. And that is how most think of her when they say her name.

      And, because of that, I have always wondered if our “Reverend Jacques” pronounces it the French way or the Cheryl “Jacques” way!

      See, a good rhyming flourish CAN stay with someone forever. And Ron Paul deserves yours! Too good!

      Skunky on January 4, 2012 at 7:37 pm

        It reminds me of an local ex-politician. Her name is Cheryl Jacques (but it’s not pronounced “Jacks” but “Jakes”) and Howie Carr always referred to her as “Cheryl Jacques, rhymes with fakes” and it always cracked me up. And that is how most think of her when they say her name.

        You know what “jakes” meant in Shakespeare’s time?

        Miranda Rose Smith on January 5, 2012 at 1:55 am

          Miranda – I had to go look up ‘jakes’ because I didn’t know what it meant. Thanks, it’s something I’ll have to remember and use in the future.

          As to the topic of this post by DS, when any of these muslim groups like CAIR, the muslim bros,… give their seal of approval for someone like this, you can bet your sweet ass that the person who meets with their standards will NOT look out for the best interests of America.

          Jarhead on January 5, 2012 at 10:24 am

      “Ron ‘Finished Third, Rhymes with Turd’ Paul.”

      That’s a good one, Oceam’s Tool. I LOLed on that one.

      I hope that after New Hampshire you can then say, “Ron ‘finished last, hope he gets out fast’ Paul.”

      JeffE on January 4, 2012 at 9:09 pm

      I agree with OT. Pile it on! Spit the venom right back in their face and see how they like it.

      theShadow on January 4, 2012 at 10:46 pm

This is just another example of the FBI doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. Hiring this punk is like hiring an illegal alien to manage ICE… or better yet, hiring a socialist community organizer to run a representative democracy with a capitalist economy. It just doesn’t work!!

Jarhead on January 4, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Miranda, with all due respect maam, Debbie is using “satire” when she posted/linked the picture of “John Banner”, and it’s pretty funny, please have a sense of humor Miranda, you’re almost no different than leftist and muslim fanatics who lack a sense of humor, that’s all!

Now for this reporter at Fox News-Detroit, MI, he’s a “JINO” who’s the equivalent of George Soros who collaborated the nazi’s during the holocaust era. And apparently this dweeb who copied and plagiarised off of Debbie’s work here on this blog doesn’t think Israel should exist and doesn’t also think Israel should be eradicated from civilization with his numerous anti-Israel reporting as DS herself claimed in this article.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 4, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    Miranda, with all due respect maam, Debbie is using “satire” when she posted/linked the picture of “John Banner”, and it’s pretty funny, please have a sense of humor Miranda, you’re almost no different than leftist and muslim fanatics who lack a sense of humor, that’s all!

    The point Debbie was trying to make, when she first posted the picture of John Banner, was that the FBI reminds her of Sergeant Schultz on “Hogan’s Heroes.” Fine, We get the point. But she posts it and posts it and posts it and it just isn’t funny any more.

    Miranda Rose Smith on January 5, 2012 at 1:53 am

      NO Miranda, you are the only pill who continues to complain and complain. Sean had you spot on…you’re like a Liberal.

      This is DS’ blog, not yours. Of course you are allowed to express your easily bruised feelings (as you always do) but it’s time those on here like myself who are sick of your whining to put a lid on it.

      Skunky on January 5, 2012 at 11:37 am

        NO Miranda, you are the only pill who continues to complain and complain. Sean had you spot on…you’re like a Liberal.

        Maybe they agree with me that to post and post and post the picture of John Banner has stopped being funny and they’re just too polite to complain.

        Miranda Rose Smith on January 6, 2012 at 2:00 am

My fault, I just proof-read my last message and I made a little error, I should’ve said:

“And apparently this dweeb who copied and plagiarised off of Debbie’s work here on this blog doesn’t think Israel should exist and also think’s Israel should be eradicated from civilzation with his numerous anti-Israel reporting as DS herself claimed in this article.”

That’s what I’ve should’ve said.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 4, 2012 at 2:33 pm

    Amen, Sean R. (2:29 pm post, with correction at 2:33 p.m.)

    JeffE on January 4, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Simple Simon, professional opportunist, would be better assigned FBI spokesman to Farawayistan.

lee on January 4, 2012 at 4:21 pm

As per OT, from now on we refer to Simon Shaykhet as
“Simple Simon Shaykhet” and see if it catches on in Google.

theShadow on January 4, 2012 at 10:55 pm

Skunky–RE Cheryl Jacques…

I dated her older sister, Diane, back in the early 1970s, and this is the story on Cheryl:

At the time, Cheryl was around 16 or 17 and was a hot little number. Her parents felt that the best way to control the hormones was to get her involved in literally every waking hour with organized athletics.

Of course, organized sports for women was/is a hotbed for lesbians, and this is how she was “converted.” Being an overachiever, she became a big gay activist, no doubt much to the chagrin of her prim Yankee father.

BTW–The real spelling of the family name is Jaques. Not sure when Cheryl changed it.

Red Ryder on January 5, 2012 at 9:41 am

    Red, thank you for your info on Cheryl Jacques (Rhymes with fakess…). Too funny! 😀

    Skunky on January 5, 2012 at 11:42 am


Oh NO!!! I just touched base with Diane (after many years). Cheryl is NOT her sister!!!

Sorry–but it still makes a good story.

Red Ryder on January 5, 2012 at 1:19 pm

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