December 22, 2008, - 11:38 am

Three Cheers for Andy Kennedy: Ole Miss Basketball Coach Fights Back Against Muslim Cab Driver

By Debbie Schlussel
On Thursday, Cincinnati Muslim cab driver Mohamed Moctar Ould Jiddou claimed that Ole Miss men’s basketball coach Andy Kennedy assaulted him and made anti-Muslim slurs against him, including calling him “Bin Laden” and “Saddam Hussein” (which authorities are calling “racial slurs”–hmmm, they’re the same race as Kennedy). Because authorities generally take everything Muslims say as the gospel, Kennedy was charged and could face up to six months in jail. He pleaded not guilty.
I don’t believe Jiddou’s story for a second. And I’m glad Andy Kennedy is fighting back. On Friday, Kennedy filed a lawsuit against both Jiddou and a valet and said that what actually happened is that the Muslim cabdriver yelled racial slurs at Kennedy’s Black assistant coach, Torrey Ward. All four of Kennedy’s assistant coaches were with him at the time and back up his version of events.


Ole Miss Hoops Coach Andy Kennedy Fights Off Litigation Jihad


In his first lengthy statements to local media since being arrested and charged with simple assault in Cincinnati, Ole Miss men’s basketball coach Andy Kennedy said he was grateful for the university’s support and explained why he countered the charges with a civil lawsuit.
“A man takes his whole life to establish credibility,” Kennedy said. “And I cannot stand back and allow my credibility to be (ruined) based on false allegations. That was the purpose of what I had to do yesterday.”

What we have here is a case of yet another Muslim using the system to soak people and/or silence them.
Attention Muslim litigation jihadists: Some Americans actually do fight back against your attempts to use the legal system to destroy them.

8 Responses

America on the Brink
( I think we are already there)
The first thing that Socialists do when they gain power is try to silence free speech. Conservative Talk radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Laura Ingram, Lou Dobbs,Debbie Schlussel etc. are already being criticized by ìProgressivesî in Congress. There is a serious effort underway right now to bring back a failed law, the oxymoronic “Fairness Doctrine,” in a bold, open attempt to silence opposing political views. Internet news sites such as,,, and many others will be silenced along with talk radio. In order for darkness (lies) to prevail, light (truth) has to be snuffed out.
Public scrutiny and criticism of elected officials will be forbidden. Any person exposing political corruption will be labeled anti-government. If they persist in attempting to correct that political corruption, they will be called a terrorist! All police departments around the country will be required to have terrorist units.
[In a communist country of my birth I remember that one could criticize any capitalist country one wishes as long as it wasn’t yours or another communist country. Criticism of any official brought police in black uniform to your door usually at night when everyone was asleep.]
Religious Persecution and Sharia Law
Traditional churches will be attacked by Socialists, Feminists and Homosexuals. Christians will increasingly be ridiculed and called bigots because of their religious beliefs. Church services will be regularly disrupted. Under pressure, many church leaders will give-in, capitulating for the sake of peace. They will give up their moral principles, or face the anti-discrimination laws that will be passed to force churches, organizations and people to comply with the immoral doctrines of the socialist, secular humanists.
Since Christians are extremely apathetic today anyway, Islam will begin to become ìacceptableî as an alternative to Christianity in America. Itís already spreading like wildfire in Americaís prisons. Islamic (religious) Sharia law has gained a foothold in Great Britain and other European countries, with little or no opposition from Christian leadership. Sharia Law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution or America’s concept of religious freedom.Forced Vaccinations
Forced vaccinations are on the horizon, as part of a national health plan that will ìbe neededî to address a national health crises. Forced vaccinations by the police for all citizens will follow, regardless of your objections. There will be no recourse to their possible deadly side effects. You will not be able to sue. Laws protecting the government, drug manufacturers, doctors and county health official from liability and lawsuits are already on the books. You will be stuck with the medical bills.
Over the last 20 years and at great expense, I have been paying for ads in the local newspaper and writing letters to the editor alerting the public to the dangers that are emerging locally and nationally. I make no claim to being the brightest star in the sky, but I can surely see what is coming.
The courthouse good-old-boys are not stupid. They also know what is coming, yet they do nothing to inform the public, instead, they assassinate the character of those that do. Why are they keeping this information from the public? Because an enlightened informed public can not be controlled, only the ignorant can. Some local officials have tried to discredit me by assassinating my character.
They are afraid youíll learn the truth, and THAT scares the HELL OUT OF THEM.
Over the last 20 years and at great expense, I have been paying for ads in the local newspaper and writing letters to the editor alerting the public to the dangers that are emerging locally and nationally. I make no claim to being the brightest star in the sky, but I can surely see what is coming.
The courthouse good-old-boys are not stupid. They also know what is coming, yet they do nothing to inform the public, instead, they assassinate the character of those that do. Why are they keeping this information from the public? Because an enlightened informed public can not be controlled, only the ignorant can. Some local officials have tried to discredit me by assassinating my character. They are afraid youíll learn the truth, and THAT scares them.
Over the last 20 years and at great expense, I have been paying for ads in the local newspaper and writing letters to the editor alerting the public to the dangers that are emerging locally and nationally. I make no claim to being the brightest star in the sky, but I can surely see what is coming.
The courthouse good-old-boys are not stupid. They also know what is coming, yet they do nothing to inform the public, instead, they assassinate the character of those that do. Why are they keeping this information from the public? Because an enlightened informed public can not be controlled, only the ignorant can. Some local officials have tried to discredit me by assassinating my character. They are afraid youíll learn the truth, and THAT scares them.
By Paul Walter

Johnny V on December 22, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Islam = The Religion of Perpetual Murder

Thee_Bruno on December 22, 2008 at 1:07 pm

Muslims have become superbly assimilated in their understanding of Western guilt and in how to manipulate the West’s legal machinery to suppress all debate about the great questions of the age concerning Islam and its ambitions to dominate the world and extinguish infidel freedoms. In country after country, the liberal institutions of the West are being hijacked to serve an illiberal agenda. Fortunately, some people like Andy Kennedy are not taking that lying down. The war at home is even more important than the war abroad. This is a small victory in a much larger picture where most of the lights all over the West appear to be going out with people not fully aware of the extent of what we’re up against.

NormanF on December 22, 2008 at 1:16 pm

Jiddou is obviously making this up. From
“Jiddou, a 25-year-old native of the northwest Africa country of Mauritania, told reporters that the altercation broke out after Kennedy hailed him and then asked him to pick up his friends. When four other people tried to get in, Jiddou said, he told them he couldn’t take that many because he only had four seat belts.”
When was the last time the number of seat belts mattered in a cab?

i_am_me on December 22, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Okay, don’t spread this around but for one of the very few times in my life, I, a Mississippi State University alum, am supporting someone from Oxford Junior College…er…Ole Miss.
Please don’t let anyone know.

Carl on December 22, 2008 at 5:44 pm

Once again, correct me if I am wrong, but the “Islam” that is prevalent in America’s prisons is “The Nation of Islam” and not Sunni or Shii’a beliefs.
Secondly, the “Nation of Islam” was founded in Detroit and widely used within the Black population during times of struggle and growth during assimilation between the white population and black population in this city.
Thirdly, is this group “identification” any more threatening than, say, the Aryan Nation?? Lots of people find what they think is God in prison. Whether it be Allah or something else. Personally, I would rather be doing the Hajj then be whisked off to outer space in a flying saucer.. But then again, that’s just me!!!

Leilani on December 23, 2008 at 2:13 am

“Once again, correct me if I am wrong, but the “Islam” that is prevalent in America’s prisons is “The Nation of Islam” and not Sunni or Shii’a beliefs.”
It’s’re wrong. Islam is islam. Indonesia has the world’s largest muzlum population, and I don’t see many shiites and sunnis.
“Secondly, the “Nation of Islam” was founded in Detroit and widely used within the Black population during times of struggle and growth during assimilation between the white population and black population in this city.”
What difference does that make?
BTW you used the words; “….Detroit….in this city.” You live in Detroit. Detroit also has a large muzlum population…lots of black muzlums, too.
“Thirdly, is this group “identification” any more threatening than, say, the Aryan Nation??”
Both groups are crazy. However, unlike the Aryan Nation, islam has deep roots in local and national politics, it’s well-funded, and has its special interest groups doing its bidding, such as CAIR.
Also, the 9/11 terrorists weren’t members of the Aryan Nation. The Fort Dix Six aren’t members of the Aryan Nation. All of the terrorists we’re fighting today are MUZLUM!
“Personally, I would rather be doing the Hajj then be whisked off to outer space in a flying saucer.. But then again, that’s just me!!!”
There you go…making fun of other religious cults…but how dare anyone say anything about islam! Don’t you realize what a duplicitous hypocrite you are?
News Flash: Calypso Louie Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, said that he was inside the Mother Wheel in space, and had a conversation with the dead Elijah Mohammad, founder of Nation of Islam.
You really ought to fine tune your propaganda points before posting.
It’s really odd that a self-proclaimed Christian like you is such an ardent defender of islam. Well, that’s because you’re nothing but a deceptive muzlum practicing the “legal lie” as is taught in islam.

Thee_Bruno on December 23, 2008 at 2:05 pm

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