November 21, 2008, - 11:43 am

Why Are Anti-Prop 8 Mosques Off-Limits to Gay Terrorists’ Vandalism & Attacks?

By Debbie Schlussel
As I’ve noted before, the Mormon church only financed a proposition to end gay marriage in California. And the Black church members’ only “crime” was to vote for Prop 8. Unlike practically ever Muslim nation–all theocracies, none of the churches executes gays or persecutes them in any way even close.
Yet, the many mosques in California–whose members overwhelmingly supported and voted for Proposition 8–remain untouched by the violence of gay terrorists aimed at supporters of the successful Prop 8. This is even thought the mosques and Muslim organizations sent out many mass e-mails urging Muslims to vote for Proposition 8. As a friend in the know notes:


Dear Debbie,
We all have been reading about the violence, both verbal and physical against the Mormon Church and to a lesser extent, Catholic churches, because of their support of Proposition 8 here in California. I do not know what percentage of Catholics voted for Prop 8 – I suspect it was quite high. I am sure the percentage of Mormons was just as high if not higher. There is another group which has been left out of this equation and for good reason.
I am willing to bet that close to 100% of Muslims voted for Prop 8. Yet the protestors have let them and their mosques alone. I assume it is because Muslims would not give an inch or try to pacify them in any way. And yet, neither Catholics or Mormons would have homosexuals executed.
I am on many Muslim e-mail lists, and, of course, they supported Prop 8 and are joyful that it passed. They did not want to make a public issue of it because they have formed alliances with left wing groups who opposed Prop 8, and it would be pointing out an area of difference. They don’t want the left to know their areas of difference and instead emphasize their mutual interests.

But gays–and the rest of the left–know better. They know Muslims are the most intolerant to gays of any religion and the most deadly. Yet, they take out their violent anger on the more conveniently-vilified Christians. Yes, gays are politically correct and hypocritical in their anger, like feminists and the rest of the left. Christians–get ’em! Muslims–off limits to the Attack of the Fruity Pebbles.

11 Responses

Another Alien vs Predator contest on your hands – Gays vs Muslims. That would be when the Shi’ites hit the fan.
If only one could get Gay supremacists to march outside major mosques in CA.

Infidel Pride on November 21, 2008 at 12:48 pm

Great write up Debbie.
The answer to your question is the homosexual lobby is a bunch of cowards and have no moral convictions or moral courage. Everytime I hear a liberal or homosexual whine about Christians, I tell them “Save it for a Muslim”. They know they are considered an infidel and punishable by death. The homosexuals have no respect for a country that was founded on Christian principles and are protected by the Constitution that was founded by Christians. Now that the country over 230 years has gotten more secular they are arrogant to believe the Constitution embraced their beliefs and didnt have Christianity as the foundation from its inception. I wish they would go protest in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria or Egypt and see how quickly they run back to “intolerant” Christians for protection. They are just like a 12 year old who has a battleship mouth and rowboat a** and runs back to Daddy when it really gets scary.

californiascreaming on November 21, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    As a Muslim, I can tell you that ur portrayal is a little off. Most Muslims (myself included) consider homosexual acts to be sinful…but there is a Queer Muslim movement (organisations like al fatiha, alaqa, and helem) and there is not too much violence directed at them. Also, America was not founded by christians, Jefferson, Douglas Adams, and many other made that excessively clear. Please stick to the facts when making an argument.

    muslim on March 6, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Californiascreaming has it exactly right. Picture liberal gays protesting in front of a mosque. Picture the reaction. Now picture Tinky-Winky, purse over purple arm, shrieking “EEEK! Run awaaaaay!”

chana goanna on November 21, 2008 at 3:01 pm

There are two sides to the homosexuals….the good is that they can’t reproduce and the bad is that they must recruit. You watch this mess reach all over the US of A.

arejaymack on November 21, 2008 at 8:16 pm

Not shocked.
I wouldn’t be suprised if they were following someone’s orders on this. Remember the LA riots? Maxine Waters was directly involved in agitating the LA black community to riot. The gay communities were structured by the Leftists just like the black communities were structured: organized around a mindset of victimhood, use of militant gangs, taught to prescribe to Leftist policy, etc.
Useful idiots.

bhparkman on November 22, 2008 at 9:35 am

The answer to this question is obvious: cowardice.
They know what would be in store for them if they dared—dull knives to the neck. They don’t have the guts for it.

Ace on November 22, 2008 at 12:41 pm

The courage of the left is to say fashionable things that all their friends agree with, and attack people who would never strike back or hurt them.
And this is of course true of the gays who have sold out completely to the left.
As part of the resistance to the jihad and to sharia?
They are worse than worthless.
Half of them are sympathizers or collaborators. The other half are terrified to the point of silence.

joeblough on November 23, 2008 at 2:23 pm

The courage of the left is to say fashionable things that all their friends agree with, and attack people who would never strike back or hurt them.
And this is of course true of the gays who have sold out completely to the left.
As part of the resistance to the jihad and to sharia?
They are worse than worthless.
Half of them are sympathizers or collaborators. The other half are terrified to the point of silence.

joeblough on November 23, 2008 at 2:23 pm

Wow, that’s something I never thought about, Debbie! Well, I guess this article is just another example of the fine public service you perform by getting ‘the rest of us’ to think about these things.
Thank you for a great informative post!

kozanne on November 24, 2008 at 6:47 pm

As far as I am aware, American Muslims do not execute gays whilst American Mormons did fund proposition 8.
In Europe gay people do indeed demonstrate against Muslim organizations that refuse to live peacably with gay people, that do not respect the way of life of others. And like American gays, we have gay caucuses in parties of the right and of the left. Your piece does seem rather confused.

Michael Mason on September 6, 2009 at 9:46 pm

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