October 19, 2011, - 3:22 pm
“Eat the Rich” or Eat LIKE the Rich?: OWS Gets Gourmet Meals by 5-Star Chef
It’s hard to decide which group of whining scumbags’ gourmet meals sound better, the Gitmo Islamic terrorists or the Occupy Wall Street crowd that whines about the rich and then eats gourmet meals prepared by a five-star gourmet chef. The produce is donated by left-wing organic farms (probably subsidized with your tax money) from upstate New York and around the Northeast. I urge every conservative who can’t afford a gourmet dinner to come to Occupy Wall Street around 7:00 p.m. tonight and get a free meal on them (can I get a kosher meal?). This is soooo nauseating and hypocritical:

Eating Like the Rich: Occupy Wall Street’s Gourmet Meals Prepared by 5-Star Chef Eric Smith
They may sleep in the park, but they eat like kings.
Hundreds of grimy protesters laying siege to Wall Street and stuffed into the now-smelly Zuccotti Park dine each night on gourmet meals prepared by a former hotel chef using only the finest organic ingredients.
“We’re running a five-star restaurant down there,’’ crowed Eric Smith, 38, the ex-le Chef de Tournant at the Sheraton in Midtown, who works out of a soup kitchen in East New York, Brooklyn, churning out the meals for more than 1,000 protesters every day.
“The other day, we made some wonderful salmon cakes with dill sauce and some quinoa salad and a wonderful tomato salad with fennel and red onion,’’ he said.
“We use organic, grass-fed meats, and the other day, we made a wonderful fried rice and root vegetables and all kinds of soup.”
So last night, for example, while your family of four may have been forced to resort to Hamburger Helper, thanks to Smith’s culinary magic, hordes of Occupy Wall Street protesters instead feasted on organic chicken, spaghetti Bolognese, roasted beet and sheep’s milk-cheese salad and wild heirloom potatoes.
Most of the produce, grass-fed meat and organic chicken is donated from small organic farms upstate, including Northland Sheep Dairy, West Haven Farm and Wide Awake Bakery in Ithaca, and several farms in Connecticut and Vermont.
When food is ready for the protesters, a driver collects crates from each of the cooperative farms and drives to New York City with a truckload of goodies. . . .
A driver then picks up the meals, and the food is served by 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
Also of note, some fancy New York restaurants which survive and flourish because rich people dine there–well, those restaurants are morally supporting and donating gourmet food to the Occupy Wall Street thugs. I wish we had a list of all the restaurants that donated so we could urge a boycott of them. Essentially, the rich people who eat there are subsidizing–by paying for their own expensive meals–the free meals these restaurants give to the OWS whiners. Then, there’s even this from the New York Times, which admits that the OWS crowd gets expensive food donated by rich donors from around the world, primarily in Europe and on the West Coast.
AFTER nearly two weeks of living among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in downtown Manhattan, Ellis Roberts, 25, a Pennsylvania garbage collector laid off last year, looked scruffy and dazed.
He was not, however, hungry.
“I’ve been here for 12 days, and I’ve put on 5 pounds,” he said, sitting on the ground in front of a handmade sign that said “Class War Ahead.” “I’m eating better than I do at home.”
Like the rest of his anti-corporate comrades, Mr. Roberts learned soon after arriving in Zuccotti Park that his meals would be taken care of. . . . Last Thursday he had encountered “a bunch of Katz’s Deli sandwiches,” he said. “That was good.” . . .
Because city law prevents open flames in the park, and because the menu relies on that steady but unpredictable supply of donations from home cooks, food trucks, farmers, restaurants and markets, what appears on any given occupier’s paper plate can be more of a cross-cultural mishmash than the menu at the Dutch. If politics makes strange bedfellows, it makes even stranger flavor pairings.
Since the protests began in September, nearby restaurants have experienced a strange uptick in phone calls and online orders, many of them coming from other parts of the world. Telly Liberatos, 29, the owner of Liberatos Pizza on Cedar Street in the Financial District, said he has received orders from places like Germany, France, England, Italy and Greece, as well as every region of the United States.
“It’s been nonstop,” he said. “The phones don’t stop ringing. People from California order the most at one time.” Someone from the West Coast had called in the biggest delivery: he wanted 50 pizzas dispatched to the park. . . .
At Katz’s, the deli on Houston Street, “thousands of dollars” in Occupy Wall Street orders have been coming “from customers who are sympathetic to the cause,” said Alan Dell, one of the owners. The deli has sent pastrami, brisket, corned beef and turkey sandwiches, as well as heaps of pickles, potato salad and coleslaw. “The potato latkes don’t travel well because there’s no way to heat them up again,” Mr. Dell said.
Now and then, the park’s kitchen gets lucky. Bob Reich, who once worked for Birdbath Bakery in Manhattan, appeared in the encampment a few minutes before 7 p.m. bearing bags of freshly baked cookies. “The ingredients are as organic as we can get them,” he said.
The first few protesters in line for dinner would, it seemed, enjoy an upscale dessert course. Why had Mr. Reich made the effort? “Because I support what people are doing here,” he said. “And who doesn’t love a cookie?”
PUH-LEEZE. And I thought the dessert was Occu-PIE Wall Street.
Tags: Chef Eric Smith, Eat Like the Rich, Eat the Rich, Eric Smith, fancy meals, Five Star Gourmet Chef, food, gourmet, Occupy Wall Street, organic, OWS
“What monstrosities would walk the streets were some people’s faces as unfinished as their minds.”—Eric Hoffer
lee on October 19, 2011 at 3:39 pm