August 30, 2011, - 1:26 pm

VIDEO: Hannibal Qaddafi’s Maid Details Torture (But New Regime is No Better)

By Debbie Schlussel

As you watch this video, don’t believe that the new Libyan regime–which you are financing–is any more humane.  It isn’t.  This is how Muslims behave. The “liberation” is no “liberation” at all. (Thanks to XM radio host Brett Winterble for the tip.)


24 Responses

This is not the only abuse in the Middle East.

Filipino maids, prized for their beauty, are routinely raped and tortured, in the Arab Gulf countries. While Israel is condemned for looking cross-eyed at an Arab, neither the UN nor the State Department ever speaks out against the treatment of servants in the Arab countries.

Ghaddafi duck is the rule, not the exception, as to how Arabs perceive and treat others the perceive as their “lessers.”

Jonathan E. Grant on August 30, 2011 at 1:38 pm

Vile, vile creatures. They should have to bear the same treatment they dished out.

Musiccgirl on August 30, 2011 at 2:08 pm

This is a reasonable expectation from a muzzie.

As goes Israel, so goes the World on August 30, 2011 at 2:47 pm

Yes, indeedy.

The poster who posted his mantra on Islam, please do so again here to remind us (even thou’ here most people understand the bottom line) because your three Ts were great (I believe you said Taqiyya, Treachery and Terror). You also had some Os…I remember obfuscation.

Ok, I will watch that video. The still picture of the woman makes me so sad.

We are days away from September 11th. I know here, we never forget it (it’s not just an annual remembrance) but let’s see what happens in the build up to the first decade all around us.

I think Sean mentioned it changed him. As it did with me (I was slowly getting there but 9/11 was the wicked shove I needed). But I hafta say…10 years later I am saddened at how USA has progressed. I don’t think if you had asked me 10 years ago, I would have predicted ANYTHING that has happened. And I hafta also say I am gravely disappointed at where we are. Very much so.

Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 3:19 pm

Not only the true face of Qaddafi’s regime but that of Islam. They made a slave of this poor girl and abused and disfigured her because she refused to physically abuse a toddler. Perhaps the girl wasn’t even a Muslim seeing that she obviously has heart and compassion…

Alan on August 30, 2011 at 3:21 pm

This isn’t the work of Islam, this is the cold work of a tyrannic regime. And a symptom of the cold human heart. Stop trying to drum up hatred for other groups of people Debbie.

Viddy Well on August 30, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Viddy, DON’T bore us with dumb platitudes. If DS is TRUELY merely trying to “drum up hatred for other groups of people” why the hell don’t you show us where she is doing that?

    Also, try to prove that what happened to the maid was NOT the work of Islam.

    If you are going to come here and call out DS, please try to prove your point. Also, WHERE is your website so we can see your thoughts and opnions?

    Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 3:55 pm


    The abuse of maids, underlings, “lessers,” and the handicapped is too widespread in Islamic countries to state that this abuse isn’t the work of Islam.

    As I mentioned, female Filipino maids and worers are so frequently abused in the Middle East (except in Israel)that there are warnings given in the Philippines.

    Chinese women are often violated and Chinese stores looted in outbursts of rage in Indonesia.

    Christians are killed for merely being Christians in most Arab countries. Jews were completely forced out of virtually every Arab country, save Morroco.

    The Koran teaches the inferiority of those other than Muslims. The Mullahs preach the inferiority of others.

    The first chain of black slavery in the 1500-1800’s began with Islamic Arabs. Arabs kept black slaves up to and including today. In fact, slavery in the Islamic Arab countries was officially outlawed only in the past 40 years, yet the such slavery continues.

    Look how women are treated in Pakistan and Afghanistan, among other places.

    Look at Iran.

    Jonathan Grant on August 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm

You would think that having all the luxuries they had and being rulers of the entire country would be enough to satisfy a person. Apparently, there’s no end to a tyrant’s selfishness. It never ceases to amaze me, most people would be happy with a nice house and billions of dollars.

John Harper on August 30, 2011 at 4:22 pm

To say this is not the work of Islam is either blatant lies or blatant stupidity. Read the Koran and the Haddiths which tell us what Islam is. Taquilya is Islam (lying to your ememies)and Sharia is Islam. Jihad is Islam. It is the only religion which teaches these things. The history of Islam from it’s very beginning to five minutes ago shouts out “This is Islam!” Mohammad promised the people of Medina clemency if they opened their gates to him and when he did he slaughtered them. Afafat PROUDLY boasted of that fact to an American journalist. The word Islam means subjection.

Martin Horan on August 30, 2011 at 4:56 pm

Islam and Arab culture create and reinforce a lack of regard for basic moral norms and a predisposition towards sociopathic conduct.

Fear, violence and lawlessness is a staple of Arab life. And along with egoism, it results in the absence of empathy for Jews and non-Arab peoples.

No change of regime in the Arab World will address this grave defect in the Arab character.

NormanF on August 30, 2011 at 5:03 pm

I say this because people treat others horribly in ALL CULTURES OF THE WORLD. It happens all throughout history. Name a country where people weren’t butchered like animals. It’s human nature to be evil. Every time a Jewish person kills someone, it would be a stupid response to say it’s judaisms fault, just because their God commanded minor transgressors of his laws to be butchered, or stoned.

Viddy Well on August 30, 2011 at 5:27 pm

    OOOhhh Viddy, I think you let your pants down in your last line. And as far as your example goes, saying that about JEWISH folk would be insane as you will NEVER have enough data to back it up.

    But Viddy, no cigar for you. Your defense is very BROAD and and something a silly 5th grader would say. We are more intelligent here, so try again.

    Try to think about all the conflicts going on in the world. And try to think about the ratio of MOOOOOSLIMS involved.

    And Viddy, I just read a story where 3 girls were honour killed by their Mooooooslim dad because they had the audacity to be raped by Libyian beasts. What other death-cult carries out such heinous acts?

    So you have NOT convinced me yet that you are on to something and DS is not. You’re gonna work harder than a 3rd grade girl. You haven’t done viddy well.

    Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 5:45 pm

      Skunky: As discussed on a previous posting. Following in Hitler’s shoes, Libya’s nu-leaders in waiting indulge in ethnic cleansing. Piles of African corpses….barbarous, uncivilised behaviour.

      ‘Evil flourishes, whilst good men look on’. Initiated by the WH and continued by NATO, when is BHO going to say ‘enough is enough’…or does he require a teleprompter to give him the go-ahead. Shameful leadership.

      ‘Libya’s spectacular revolution has been disgraced by racism ‘

      Spectacular revolution, hardly, a blood bath, yes.

      Eyes Wide Open on August 30, 2011 at 9:19 pm

        That’s right Eyes. I think so many who may have a passing knowledge of “Arab Spring” have no idea what is going on in any of these hell-holes. And they are scary alone, but even more so when you see them as dominoes…Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. And you have morons like Viddy smacking dumb platitudes as if we are cold-hearted morons.

        I’m gonna read your link right now…

        Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 10:16 pm

    Viddy:’It happens all throughout history. Name a country where people weren’t butchered like animals. It’s human nature to be evil’……..

    It’s not human nature to be evil. That in itself is an evil remark. I would be interested for you to give us a list of wars perpetrated by Jews. We’re not talking retaliation here, we’re talking intitiation.

    Viddy, the Jewish life is on earth with no imaginary destinations to far away places with promises of 72 virgins. It is not customary for Judeo/Christian and most other religions to offer their offspring as martyrs, suicide bombers,in the name of their God. What a hideous ideology, being blessed with children and then sending them off like human fodder, to intentionally kill other people.

    Search for this online:’Exterminate Christians, close pyramids, Sphinx’. A very revealing interview on the true face of Islam, the nu-democracy in waiting for Egypt, speaks up.

    Enlighten yourself, cultish brain washing reduces the space in the cranium between the ears to a vacant grey area. If it wasn’t for the ears the hat would fall over the face. Now you wouldn’t want this to happen, would you.

    Eyes Wide Open on August 30, 2011 at 7:53 pm

@Eyes Wide Open and others: excellent comments!…

…and Viddy, it’s the In-human heart that’s Cold like the heart of islam.

theShadow on August 30, 2011 at 8:31 pm

Viddy, who is evidently a Muslim, thinks Judaism supports stoning people for minor offenses! Viddy, dear, don’t project! Capital punishment for so-called capital crimes had been abandoned by Judaism well before the destruction of the Second Temple. Why? Because, you see, so many would have been executed, given the Jews of the time, that the punishment was seen as unacceptably bloody.

Bloodiness, though, is an inherent part of Islam. As Martha Stewart would say, “in Islam, killing is a good thing.”

skzion on August 30, 2011 at 9:39 pm

Eyes, that was a good article. You’re certainly not hearing any of that here in USA. Most news media are still labeling it “Liberation of Libya”. And I know the horrendous violence is akin to the video in Egypt that even DS couldn’t watch. I shudder at the thought of the evil in those hellholes.

“…where a decade of activism and labour insurgency had cultivated networks of activists and trade unionists capable of outfoxing the dictatorship…”

That sentence above was to illustrate the difference between the Egyptian uprising and the Libyan. I wonder does it even matter when MB will be in control of BOTH hellholes? Seems in the end it’s all gone to pot…whether tightly organized or totally ersatz.

Where’s Viddy? He should read it. He should also watch that Egyptian video that was even too much for DS.

And Viddy, that article Eyes posted PROVES DS’ right when she tells of how racist the MOOOOOSLIMS are. She taught us in arab they are known as “abed” and “abeed”. Other than dumb platitudes, you have NOTHING to convince us your pollyanna vision is truthful.

Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 10:41 pm

Eyes, that was a good article. You’re certainly not hearing any of that here in USA. Most news media are still labeling it “Liberation of Libya”. And I know the horrendous violence is akin to the video in Egypt that even DS couldn’t watch. I shudder at the thought of the evil in those hellholes.

“…where a decade of activism and labour insurgency had cultivated networks of activists and trade unionists capable of outfoxing the dictatorship…”

That sentence above was to illustrate the difference between the Egyptian uprising and the Libyan. I wonder does it even matter when MB will be in control of BOTH hellholes? Seems in the end it’s all gone to pot…whether tightly organized or totally ersatz.

Where’s Viddy? He should read it. He should also watch that Egyptian video that was even too much for DS.

And Viddy, that article Eyes posted PROVES DS’ right when she tells of how racist the MOOOOOSLIMS are. She taught us in arab they are known as “abed” and “abeed”. Other than dumb platitudes, you have NOTHING to convince us your pollyanna vision is truthful.

Skunky on August 30, 2011 at 10:41 pm

Skunky I wonder whether Viddy will be able to answer this query.
Mohammed’s sword is held in the Topkapi museum in Turkey. Please name a religious leader of peace who has had a sword?

Will be awaiting some answers.

Eyes Wide Open on August 30, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Libya’s other face, why was this hidden from us? Authentic Libyan people speak up. Seems like OIL has a voice of it’s own with dark undertones, sabotage and mass murder.Weren’t we taught, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet any possession belonging to someone else.Every politician should know this and hiding behind the veil of the Nobel Peace prize, will not be enough.

Please watch this:

Eyes Wide Open on August 31, 2011 at 3:28 am

Uncovered ‘Gold-for-oil, Dollar-Doom plans, was this behind ‘Libya Mission’…..!

On same Youtube page look at:Putin, who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi, with pertinent points, contrary to first NATO mission statement as announced by western leaders.

Taking the above into consideration the motive for the set-up of the IMF, Dominque Straus-Kahn’s ‘blow-job’ becomes clearer. DSK knew that there was no gold worth talking about at Fort Knox and that the USA Dollar as the world’s reserve currency was going to be heavily debated. Abandoning the dollar as the reserve currency would have brought the USA to it’s knees.

Truth eventually surfaces….

Eyes Wide Open on August 31, 2011 at 6:29 am

Thank you, Ms. Schlussel, for your continued hard work at exposing corruption and evil at home and abroad. As islam unfailingly pursues its suppression of humanity and civilisation, we continue to hear, ad nauseum, islamic apologists and supporters (useful idiots). The Lord G’d, and Creator of the Universe will ultimately destroy ALL EVIL, including islam one day very soon. In the meanwhile, some elements of humanity are uniting to fight and resist evil in the world… such unity is not in vain.

Oldman77 on August 31, 2011 at 12:32 pm

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