August 25, 2011, - 2:13 pm

THIS IS ISLAM – Video: Mayor of Nabatieh, Lebanon Bans Liquor @ Hezbollah’s Request

By Debbie Schlussel

You know those constant, continuous calls we hear about being “tolerant” of the most intolerant religion in the world, Islam?  Well, here’s a nice video news report from LBC (Lebanon Broadcasting Company), showing what happens when Muslims are in control.  It is entitled, “Hezbollah Bans the Sale of Alcohol in Nabatieh.”



You need not speak Arabic to know what is going on here, but here’s the “Debbie’s Notes” summary:

Ahmad Kouhail, the Muslim Mayor of Nabatieh, Lebanon, is a member of Hezbollah.  Because Islam prohibits alcohol, he made it law–at Hezbollah’s request–that alcohol is now banned in Nabatieh.  Most of the store and bar owners you see in this video are Christian, and they lost a lot of money, being forced to throw out or otherwise get rid of their alcohol–and, in many cases, shut down their businesses (or Hezbollah would force them to).  Kouhail is not in the video, but his boss, Mahmoud Almawlah, the governor of the area, is the man wearing glass and a black jacket and sitting down in the video.  Kouhail issued an order banning alcohol, signed by Nabatieh’s public committee (controlled by Hezbollah), so that Hezbollah and the city could legally shut down liquor stores.

They used phony claims of selling alcohol to minors and public drunkenness as an excuse to impose this Muslim edict.  But Yaacoub Yaacoub, one of the owners interviewed, said that Hezbollah members came to his business and told him to shut down and that they are in charge, not the authorities.  Another excuse to shut down the liquor stores is that they are near schools, but the liquor stores were there before the schools were even built.  Abd Daher, also interviewed, said he has cameras, the video of which shows that none of the excuses to shut down the liquor stores is valid and that his videotapes show that he would check the ID of everyone.  Hanging are Hezbollah banners demanding the ban of alcohol in Nabatieh.  Each liquor store lost between 50 and 90 million Lebanese Pounds (almost $33,500 to $60,000) per month.

The ban began in April.  And the Western pandering continues.  The Irish government said its troops will have “dry missions” in Lebanon, in deference to Islam and Hezbollah.  More about Hezbollah’s Islamo-prohibition in Nabatieh at Gino’s Blog and New Zealand’s Mail & Guardian.  Of course, you won’t  hear about this in our media because, hey, we wouldn’t want people to see the truth about Muslims and Islamic “democracy” in action.

Today, Nabatieh, tomorrow, Dearbornistan, West Bank Brooklyn, and Minneapolis St. Somalia.

27 Responses


That’s like the British burning down London themselves in deference to the Nazis.

That’s like the Irish starving themselves, in deference to the British in the 1840’s.


Jonathan E. Grant on August 25, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    Exactly, Jonathan.

    skzion on August 25, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    The Irish. Not Drinking.

    These truly are the end times. Erin Go Braless, indeed.

    Occam's Tool on August 25, 2011 at 3:55 pm

That is whats wrong with those freakin people over there. God said in His Word give wine to the man with a heavy heart and hard drink to the man who is dying. These people need to relax, they are so uptight and cutting peoples heads off! Muslims.Islamic people have become criminals because they do not drink! 🙂 Send them a doobie on me while you are at it!

Amedeo Bianchi on August 25, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Banning an Irishman from drinking? You have to be kidding, they will kill those pigs over there for sure! Godspeed Irishmen!

Amedeo Bianchi on August 25, 2011 at 2:39 pm

I just stumbled over this blog, but while I’m here I may as well comment. You need to know that people in that rigion don’t see the ridiculous difference you try to make between alcohol and drugs. Hizballah is shutting down liquor stores, and the US government is shutting down marijuana shops; what’s the difference. Some people might see what the US is doing as crazy or whatever, so what. You people are going to have a heart attack sitting here hating and worrying about what people are doing in their own countries. Hey debbie, did Hassan Nasrallah take a dumb today, just wondering.

Sami on August 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

Sami go back to the Middle East! As a matter of fact where are you, I will take you there myself!

Amedeo Bianchi on August 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

You “stumbled” over his blog Sami? Sounds like you have had a few but afraid to admit it! Or are you high on cutting peoples heads off?

Amedeo Bianchi on August 25, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Sami, it is convenient for Hizbullah to ban alcohol while growing, smuggling, dealing drugs with the Mexican cartels and other gangs all over the world to sponsor their terror activities and may be will finish you off by mistake or otherwise. Just stay high and away.

Daniel. on August 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

Yes Daniel, they just are mad because they have not learned how to make alcohol!

Amedeo Bianchi on August 25, 2011 at 3:21 pm

Sami, you’re an imbecile, why the hell are you equating alcohol to marijiauna? First off Sami, marijuana is extremely “toxic” and very dangerous, if you take certain amounts of marijuana it can kill you, and also Sami marijuana also makes you very stupid! Did you know that George Soros (the nazi collaborator for Media Matters) wanted marijuana to become legal in Arizona and California a number of years ago?

As for alcohol, yes if you drink too much, it makes you drunk and also can ruin your braincells. But alcohol doesn’t turn people into complete morons like what marijuana does and the samething can be said for “salvia” (ie, Jared Loughner who smoked that crap and went on his mindless rampage in Tucson, AZ seven months ago)! And as for that mayor in that Lebanonese city, I’m not surprised that they banned alcohol from their stores, we all know that muslims who follow the doctrines of mohammedanism/islam don’t drink alcohol, the only muslims who drink alcohol are those who are “secular” and doesn’t follow the teachings in the koran.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 25, 2011 at 4:10 pm

    Hi Sean,

    Soros is STILL pushing the total legalization of marijuana throughout the U.S. ‘His’ money is behind the many campaigns.

    I used to think that the villains in the Bond books/movies were gross caricatures – but they’ve got nothing on Soros.


    Nir Leiu on August 26, 2011 at 3:28 am

    Wow are you really that stupid or just plain ignorant? I would like to hear about see someone that had died from just smoking your “toxic” marijuana. What a crock of s–t!!. If someone died from smoking weed, it was probably because they were also drinking alcohol at the same time and were probably drunk.

    mike on August 26, 2011 at 9:51 am

I wouldn’t mind seeing bootleggers shoot up any muslims who tried to block the sale of liquor.

sg on August 25, 2011 at 6:02 pm

Such bunch of hypocrites…..they ban alcohol but it is ok for their agents here in the US to own and operate liquor stores to raise cash for their terror cells. It is Ok for them to cultivate poppy and manufacture heroine in the Bekka Valley and traffic it to markets all over the world. It is as simple as this: A powerful and omni potent God does NOT need his followers to lie and commit deceit on His behalf. Because a powerful God is capable enough to take care of the sanctity of his faith. If a human is needed to lie for the benefit of his god is not a capable god but a god that is dependent on humans to do his dirty work. Then it is not a Holy God but an evil monster. The Muslim deity is an evil monster.

rex on August 25, 2011 at 8:56 pm

It isn’t alcohol or even marijuana that turns people into complete morons, it’s surrendering your free will to rigidly fundamentalist religions, especially Islam.

They Are Lebanazis on August 25, 2011 at 11:18 pm

Sean R is factually incorrect. Nobody has ever died from smoking too much weed. One would have to smoke 5 pounds of weed in a short period of time to have a toxic level of THC. This really cannot be done.
Plus, to the best of my knowledge, there have been NO recorded cases of THC overdose deaths. Sorry Sean R…..

Asufrin on August 25, 2011 at 11:31 pm

I find it ironic that in some Muslim countries that the usage of powerful drugs like heroin and opium are actually encouraged and overlooked by Muslim authorities, but consumption of liquor and beer are banned. Islam is a very messed “religion” of pieces.

Rob on August 25, 2011 at 11:37 pm

@ rex on August 25, 2011 at 8:56 pm
“A powerful and omnipotent God does NOT need his followers to lie and commit deceit on His behalf. Because a powerful God is capable enough to take care of the sanctity of his faith. If a human is needed to lie for the benefit of his god. Then God is not a capable god but a god that is dependent on humans to do his dirty work. Then it is not a Holy God but an evil monster. The Muslim deity is an evil monster.”

Yeah, Your damn right about what you said. Bastard Islam is about as cracked up as a “Cult” can be! Frankly, anyone of any brains can see thru the curtain of demonic worship! But for some reason, the human species wants to believe in the demonic side of things.
And it will get worse as Americans give Bastard Islam more rights and take away whatever God Given Rights you have written on the parchment paper!
Richard ~~ “Hard Tymes”

Hard Tymes on August 26, 2011 at 1:20 am

@ rex on August 25, 2011 at 8:56 pm
“A powerful and omnipotent God does NOT need his followers to lie and commit deceit on His behalf. Because a powerful God is capable enough to take care of the sanctity of his faith. If a human is needed to lie for the benefit of his god. Then God is not a capable god but a god that is dependent on humans to do his dirty work. Then it is not a Holy God but an evil monster. The Muslim deity is an evil monster.”

Yeah, Your damn right about what you said. Bastard Islam is about as cracked up as a “Cult” can be! Frankly, anyone of any brains can see thru the curtain of demonic worship! But for some reason, the human species wants to believe in the demonic side of things.
And it will get worse as Americans give Bastard Islam more rights and take away whatever God Given Rights you have written on that blessed parchment paper called the BILL OF RIGHTS!
Richard ~~ “Hard Tymes”
{Facebook: Richard D.W. Miller}

Hard Tymes on August 26, 2011 at 1:29 am

That powerful drugs are considered “halal” while alcohol is “haram” (forbidden) isn’t exactly ironic; it’s part of the culture. Think of the hookah, and the widespread consumption of qat in Yemen. The word “assassin”, interestingly, comes from the word hashashin. This was a secret order of Muslim fighters in the 12th century who, before going out to kill and terrorize Crusaders, would load up on hashish to get their courage up. That they can take advantage of the West’s appetite for drugs to bring them down is just a bonus for them.

But alcohol, well, that’s another matter. The fruit of the vine was well developed among the Jews, and continues today. (Forget Manischevitz. There’s been an explosion in fine kosher wines in recent decades.) So too did Persia develop fine wines like the Shiraz variety. Can’t have that! Whatever is fine and joyous in life must be suppressed. As Khomeni said, “There is no fun in Islam.” They proved that recently when Iran shut down and sanctioned a “water fight” in Teheran.

Raymond in DC on August 26, 2011 at 12:28 pm


It is not the liquor that is the core of this ploy, it is to put Christain entrepreneurs out of business. This is a part and parcel of besieging the non-Moslems out of existence. A hate and an inferior complex metality that grips Moslems everywhere.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on August 26, 2011 at 9:44 pm

Lebanon is a democracy. Its the people who put Hezbollah members in charge. If they don’t like the edict they will assign other parties to preside over the governance of the moukata3a in the next elections. That’s how things works you inbred fucks.

Frisbeetarian on August 28, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    The Muslim Frisbeetarian is giving us lectures on democracy. Actually, Lebanon is officially a parliamentary republic, I think, not a “democracy.” The US is a democratic republic. Regimes called “democratic” regimes are almost never democracies, and even real democracies, when they rarely occur (e.g. Athens, cantons of Switzerland), are oppressive, as they subject individual freedom to the tyranny of the majority.

    Shiites have “voted in” Hezbollah, so that Sunnis and Maronites can be screwed. Lebanon hasn’t been a decent place since many of the Maronites (approx. Catholics) fled the jihad waged against them.

    Thanks for the political science lesson, Frisbeetarian.

    skzion on August 28, 2011 at 6:52 pm

This is the truth. First do what I say not what I do. Second Do not tell me that your religion is equal to mine, I would have to kill you then. Third If you do not like it, convert, leave or die, those are your choices. Allah Akbar you f#*king Christian, if you were a Jew you would be dead.
I don’t speak Arabic but you can read the body language.

Ronald Wolf on September 28, 2011 at 12:45 am

How much they pay for you to write against Islam?? Why are you waste your time to do it?

sara on July 5, 2017 at 10:04 pm

There are many powers and superpowers that scare of Islamic thought so advertise against it. they waste lots of money to make Isis and Alghaida and Bukuharam to make people hate of this treasure!

sara on July 5, 2017 at 10:09 pm

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