July 28, 2011, - 11:58 pm

Fort Hood Massacre II: “Modest” Muslim Child Porn Addict Had Bombs – How Many More Like Him in Armed Forces?

By Debbie Schlussel

G-d bless Greg Ebert, a former cop and clerk at Guns Galore, LLC.  Without his tip about AWOL U.S. soldier and Islamic terrorist Naser Jason Abdo, a second Fort Hood massacre by yet another “loyal” Muslim soldier of allah in the U.S. Armed Forces would have taken place.  The FBI was too busy Forever Buttkissing Islam and the U.S. Army was too busy giving Abdo conscientious objector status to actually look into what Abdo was plotting against American soldiers. Meanwhile, Abdo had amassed enough materials in his hotel room for two massive, powerful bombs he planned to use at a restaurant frequented by Fort Hood soldiers. He also planned to shoot those who survived and tried to escape.

Oh, and in your usual Muslim “modesty,” the guy had child porn in his possession.  Hey, if Mohammed can deflower a six-year-old, why not his followers, right?

Love how his parents gave him the popular American-style middle name of Jason.  But, as I’ve always said, the exposure of Muslims to Levi’s and hip-hop doesn’t make a damn bit of difference.  They are still jihadists no matter how much American popular culture they are exposed to or in which they take part.  They still, like Abdo, plot to blow up their “fellow” American soldiers on behalf of allah, Mohammed, and the koran.  As I always say, for far too many American Muslims, America is a matter of irrelevant borders to them.  That’s it.  It’s an adjective about papers and privilege, not about loyalty, values, and principles.

An AWOL soldier was arrested in Texas near Fort Hood after authorities found potential bomb-making materials and at least one gun in the suspect’s motel room, a federal law enforcment official said.

Investigators said they believe the suspect was planning an attack on fellow soldiers near the military post, where an Army psychiatrist was charged two years earlier in the slayings of 13 people, said the federal law enforcement official, who was briefed on the matter, but not authorized to speak publicly.

Authorities were alerted to the suspect, identified as Pfc. Naser Abdo, 21, stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, after he visited the same Killeen gun store where Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan obtained a gun prior to the 2009 attack, said the official.

Greg Ebert, a former police officer who works at the Guns Galore shop, said Abdo acted suspiciously when he went to the store Tuesday afternoon to buy six pounds of gun powder.

“First of all, the youngster arrives in a (taxi) cab and wants to buy something he knows nothing about,” Ebert said. “There was very little conversation. The kid was downright rude. I thought it would be a good thing to call it in to police. We’re just grateful that the authorities responded as quickly as they did.”

FBI spokesman Erik Vasys said there was no evidence to indicate that others were working with the suspect.

PUH-LEEZE. 1.8 billion people around the world are working with him. It’s called, “ISLAM.”

“Whatever threat (Abdo) posed yesterday is resolved,” Vasys said.

Uh, no, actually, the Islamic threat remains strong and lethal, no thanks to the FBI, which had NOTHING–NOTHING!–to do with stopping this attack.

Killeen, Texas, police spokeswoman Carroll Smith said Abdo was arrested just after 2 p.m.

She said “suspicious materials” were later recovered in Abdo’s room at Americas Best Value Inn. Smith said the inn was evacuated for several hours during the search as a precaution.

So tired of these euphemisms for Muslim mass murderers. They weren’t “suspicious materials.” They were the makings of two very powerful bombs.

At the time of Wednesday’s arrest, Abdo had been charged by military authorities with possessing child pornography and was awaiting trial, Army spokesman Troy Rolan said.

Smith said Abdo was being held in Killeen without bail on a warrant issued by the military, pending the outcome of a federal investigation into the alleged threats against fellow soldiers and materials recovered from his motel room.

He was reported AWOL on July 4 from Fort Campbell, according to Army records.

Attorney James Branum said Thursday that he represented Abdo on the pornography charges and during the soldier’s successful effort to obtain conscientious objector status, which was approved in May 2011. His discharge had been delayed, however, pending the outcome of the child pornography charges brought by the military soon after.

Hey, that wasn’t porn. It was just photos of 72 toddler virgins as promised by allah. He was just doing a preview of the reward he was gonna get after killing American soldiers on U.S. soil.

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34 Responses

A Christian kills in the name of G-d==Crazy Man. (ex/Norway)

A Muslim kills in the name of Allah==Terrorist. (ex/Ft. Hood)


L: Wow, someone’s been drinkin’ moron juice. A single Christian kills b/c his country is willingly dhimmified to Islam. Tens of thousands of Muslims kill in the name of allah. Conclusion: Yes, Islam kills and it’s deadly. The threat is Muslims and Islam, not Christianity b/c of one guy. Only a moron would come to any other conclusion. No discussion needed. DS

Lee on July 29, 2011 at 12:07 am

    Yes, they are both terrorists and insane. In addition, what church did that Norwegian attend? What is your point? Also, name a mainline church that advocates killing for Christ? On the other hand, would you like to discuss how many imams advocate holy war and killing unbelievers? How many mosques in how many places have spawned homicidal maniacs? Do you really want me to list them for you? Ah, if you would like to make another comparison, how many Buddhist and Hindu temples have been associated with terrorism and terrorist acts? Yes, we would be happy to discuss this further. But, do you really think you would come out looking like anything other than a sociopath in denial. Mohammed had more in common with Ted Bundy than Jesus Christ.

    Worry01 on July 29, 2011 at 12:32 am

    There is a difference.

    Western psychopaths are ostracized by their societies. Islamic psychopaths are viewed as role models in their societies.

    No comparison here!

    NormanF on July 29, 2011 at 12:36 am

    Lee, let us all do some discussion as you demand. One, just one christian whackjob shot up 90-something people a week ago because his country is doing all sorts of islamo-pandering, don’t get me wrong, what Anders B. Breivik did was WRONG and pure evil. Guess what Lee, over the last number of years, islam has been doing numerous atrocities worldwide to innocent people. And they yes kill other muslims, not just infidels like, DS, you Lee and many of the readers/posters on this blog. You also have to acknowledge this Lee, Islam has been on this war path of conquering every country in the world and convert them into their mohammedian religious ideology since the 7th century, since their prophet Mohammed died! And this path that islam has been on has NOTHING to do with the USofA or Israel.

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on July 29, 2011 at 10:50 am

The Norwegian called himself a cultural Christian. In other words, he wasn’t a follower of Christ, just the morals of Christianity. So, I don’t think the link is valid. He also wasn’t good at following the morality of Christians, for instance, “Thou shall not kill.”

A follower of Allah that kills innocents is trying to cause others to bend to the will of Allah through fear. Causing fear or terror to impose your will.

Dplong on July 29, 2011 at 12:36 am

1% of mankind is born without a moral conscience. I think Islam, like Nazism, attracts more than its share of psychopaths cuz the ideology fits right in with their natures. And they get the satisfaction of raw power of life and death over others. Serial killers in the employ of the ideology. It just legitimates the evil they’re predisposed to. If I didn’t have a conscience, nothing bad would ever bother me. That’s why people like that wear “the mask of sanity.” Peel it away and you don’t want to ever be with one in the same room!

NormanF on July 29, 2011 at 12:46 am

    Norman, the percentage is actually 4%.

    I may be wrong…it could be as big as 25%.

    At any rate, psychopathology is a HUGE problem. 1 in every 25 people you will meet will be a sociopath/psychopath. It’s serious.

    Skunky on July 29, 2011 at 12:33 pm

      Hare’s Text on this is the best. Figure about 80% of all those in prison are actual psychopaths. Then add the Bill Clinton types.

      Occam's Razor on July 30, 2011 at 10:59 pm

That’s exactly, 100% right on target:

“Love how his parents gave him the popular American-style middle name of Jason. But, as I’ve always said, the exposure of Muslims to Levi’s and hip-hop doesn’t make a damn bit of difference. They are still jihadists no matter how much American popular culture they are exposed to or in which they take part.”

Debbie, I keep expecting you to have on “off” day and maybe not be as poignant and chillingly accurate, but there you go again.

Not sure what America would be like if you weren’t on the job exposing all of these forces trying tirelessly to wipe out our civilization as we know it, but I know it’d be a heckuva lot scarier than it already is.

DS_ROCKS! on July 29, 2011 at 12:51 am

Very weird.

First he says “I can’t both deploy and be a Muslim”. Then “No, I will not take part in killing Muslims”.

My question is, why did he join the Army?

Obviously he had the intent TO commit terror attacks before he joined.

Again the system fails in doing intensive, deep background check.

THEY NEED TO WAKE UP. THE ENEMY IS IN AND WITHIN. And please do not give me the crap that he was a loner.

Daniel. on July 29, 2011 at 1:12 am

    American Jewish soldiers have never harmed America. Jonathan Pollard never got American soldiers’ heads blown off by betraying them to Islam, Incorporated. He may have been wrong to help Israel gain a strategic advantage. The point is American Jews have always done the right things even out misguided motives. American Muslims have done the exact opposite. Now guess whom we’re not allowed to ever criticize, despite ALL the evidence against them!

    NormanF on July 29, 2011 at 6:11 am

Yet he might have been a loner and a coward. Wanted to become a hero in his people’s eyes after being exposed on child pornography. Wanted to wash away the shame he brought to his religion and his people after they denied him. Wanted to prove them wrong. Or was forced to prove them wrong. To do such a thing he had to do the right thing.

The right in their eyes and minds is to kill the INFIDEL.

In all cases the system failed. NOW, They should not only investigate him, but investigate his parents, his imams, his community and every thread connected to them.

They need to investigate their minds, their intents and even their thinking.

It came to a last stage. Either we live peacefully or would be smothered to pieces.

Daniel. on July 29, 2011 at 1:40 am

The victorious WW2 alliance was a multi-cultural entity. I am against cultural supremacism and only one culture fits that bill: Muhammadanism.

Muhammad gained only 100 converts in 13 years as a “religious” leader; as a political leader, he overcame every government within his reach, within 10 years. I don’t know if the King Committee gets it but, mohammadanism is a special case.

Joe Deese on July 29, 2011 at 5:45 am

That is why very conveniently, the Koran, thanks to the Islamic legal principle of “nask,” or abrogation, can cancel its earlier peaceful verses. All the Islamic schools are agreed on this. Only moronic Westerners deceive themselves into believing Islam is the Religion Of Peace!

NormanF on July 29, 2011 at 6:14 am

The bigger issue is the lack of any vetting by the military. Are we so hard up for soldiers that we’ll allow Muslims who hate this country to don a uniform? Is that what Casey was talking about after the first Ft. Hood massacre? We have to protect diversity at all costs? The military has become just another social engineering lab for progressives bent on destroying it and all things American; family, marriage, our very way of life.

JeffT on July 29, 2011 at 7:50 am

We have become a society that has cataracts. We are losing our ability to see with each passing Islamist-related incident. When someone suddenly sees the problematic potential of this blindness, he or she is berated, personally attacked, and whipped into submission or banished.

Herman Cain…I understand your concerns and as these types of incidents increase either here or in Europe, more eyes will be cleared of cataracts.

Debbie, per Horowitz’s site, there are areas within England’s cities that have been declared SHARIA LAW ZONES. Posters declaring that as well as lamp-pole stickers being printed in the thousands have been distributed.


Dennis on July 29, 2011 at 8:18 am

Nobody is drafted or forced to join the military in the US, so why do we still have a conscientious objector status? Isn’t it clear that our military kills people that we are at war against?

Jarhead on July 29, 2011 at 8:53 am

    You are 100% correct. Lately it seems to be used to impose a political view on the military. Gay rights, left wing views, now Islamic privilege. Prior to Viet Nam CO status merely meant that you just volunteered to be a front line medic, where many COs served heroically, winning a disproportionate number of service medals.

    pat on July 29, 2011 at 12:59 pm

Since liberal and Muslim fascists blamed everyone else for what happened in Norway, can we blame the “peace activists” for this? It’s only fair we give the Nazi left at a taste of their own medicine, since liberals hate the military and support radical Islam.

Rocky Lore on July 29, 2011 at 9:04 am

Let’s not forget that this guy asked for Conscientious Objector status AFTER he heard he was going to Afhganistan. Up until then he was fine with being a soldier. Which makes you wonder. We’re conducting two large combat operations in Islamic countries. Where did he THINK he was going to go? Notice also that his chain of command denied the CI status but some Assistant Secretary of the Army overrode that decision. But hey, the child porn was probably okay by his standards if they were infidel kids. Send this rat bastard to Fort Leavenworth.

Sean M. on July 29, 2011 at 9:11 am

Remember that “diversity” is related to the word “diverted.” We are being diverted from our national culture, history, future, and even being diverted from being able to keep our nation safe from enemies within and without, all in the name of diversity and that impossible situation “multi-culturalism in one nation.”

This man joined the army because he was paid for receiving free training in skills that he planned to use for profit when he left the gravy train because of a claim of CI.

Remember on July 29, 2011 at 9:57 am

As long as we insist to play stupid these things will happen. We must interrogate all Moslem soldiers in the army about any conflict that may arise in their concious about figting against Islamic countries. Thos who have any qualms must de discharged from the army. We can not continue to play fool like this.

When did this so called Jason know that he is a Moslem and that this would conflict with his duty as a soldier. WHen he elisted in the army did he he know that we had a war against Iraq???? Did he know that we are in war against his Moslem Brother Usamah bin Laden???? Did he know we are at war in Afghanistan?????? What is this nonsense he is telling us????

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on July 29, 2011 at 12:18 pm

Good thing that gun shop owner didn’t call the BATF. They would have done nothing hoping for chaos and slaughter so they could disarm Americans.

pat on July 29, 2011 at 12:52 pm

I agree with you remember, the Army paid for his training, taught him how we fight, and is probably STILL paying his wages even after this event. The Army needs an overhaul in its vetting and recruiting…

CJ on July 29, 2011 at 1:19 pm

Not all Muslims are radical. The Circassians in Israel have always had good relations with the Jews and identify strongly with Israel. Perhaps because they are not ethnic Arabs, they have no difficulty identifying with Israel. Their Islam is moderate and non-nationalistic, due to their unique circumstances.


Such views are rare among the Arabs but are found in this community, which by the way, requested its sons to be drafted into the IDF.

NormanF on July 29, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    Norman, my dear man, there are only 3500 of them in Israel.

    Occam's Razor on July 30, 2011 at 11:02 pm

Another point here is the practice of fighting the “war on terror” by having our fighting men go out into joint patrols with members of the ANA who may or may not be loyal to the cause of fighting al queda. We do find out about their loyalties when they decide to turn their weapons on the other members of the patrol. It’s a little late to stop them at that point before they kill several good guys though. Or all the valuable intel they pass along to the bad guys. Rules of engagement that suck. That’s probably just what the morons in charge of this war don’t care about though. Or the practice of catch and release that makes the war on drugs look even MORE pathetic.

samurai on July 29, 2011 at 3:37 pm

The King-Committee should be taking up the import of the quran-decree: “jihad is prescribed to you.” There are so many various authorities among mohammadans, that any one of those savages can seek out orders, should their hate-meter go over the top. They might come here as “sufis” – the closest cult sect to belief that mohammadanism is a religion – and by the next generation they are suicide bombing wahabis. We can’t trust any of them.

In prior generations, the Norse were treated as savages by Euros. In fact, the word “berserk” (Norse for bear-shirt) is used to describe what Norse warrior’s wore in battle, and how they shrieked like animals.

Joe Deese on July 29, 2011 at 4:37 pm

IIRC, back in WW2, court martialed soldiers would be hanged for less than this.

Are armed forces have been gutted by political correctness.

You know what happened to ROME when its armies lost effectiveness?

Hang 'Im High! on July 29, 2011 at 4:52 pm

In 2007, I was offered a job as a psychiatrist at FORT HOOD, and the got the job offer I have now. Yesterday, my wife and I thanked G-d again that I don’t rely upon the US Army for my safety as a Civilian Contractor in the USA.

Occam's Tool on July 29, 2011 at 6:01 pm

Sorry–“Then got.”

Occam's Tool on July 29, 2011 at 6:02 pm

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL Not content to embrace and expand upon the moronic vacuity she
was born and blessed with. The bitch Schlussel actually paid
“educational facilities” to augment it for her. It wasn’t easy, but
miracles do happen.
Fuckin moron and shallow thinkin bitch

matt on August 4, 2011 at 7:14 am

Re: the child porn found in the search of Abdo’s computer, this may not only indicate that he’s a pervert (and therefore a good Muslim), but also that he is networking with other jihadists through the porn sites.

Back in 2008, there was this story of Muslim terrorist cells throughout England and Europe doing just that:

traeh and gravenimage,

Here’s the report I was thinking of, from back in 2008:

“A link between terrorism plots and hardcore child pornography is becoming clear after a string of police raids in Britain and across the Continent, an investigation by The Times has discovered. Images of child abuse have been found during Scotland Yard antiterrorism swoops and in big inquiries in Italy and Spain.

“Secret coded messages are being embedded into child pornographic images, and paedophile websites are being exploited as a secure way of passing information between terrorists.”

Hesperado on December 4, 2012 at 9:39 pm


delete the “traeh and gravenimage” — that was because I posted this also on another discussion forum.

Hesperado on December 4, 2012 at 9:40 pm

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