July 25, 2011, - 2:33 pm

“Evil” Israel Trains HAMAS’ Gaza Farmers to Grow Better Crops, Compete Against Israeli Farmers

By Debbie Schlussel

While you constantly hear the same old narrative that “evil” Israel is oppressing the poor HAMASnik people of Gaza, here’s what’s actually going on:  Israel is giving educational training courses to Gaza’s HAMAS farmers so they can live to bomb and terrorize Israel yet another day.  But don’t expect to see any of this in the mainstream media.  And don’t expect Israel to provide this kind of training and these resources to its own people.  Yet, all we hear about is how horribly Israel is treating these people who elected their own HAMAS government, a government that should be spending its own money helping its people, not Israel’s money. If there should be a floatilla about anything, the Israeli people should be protesting this enabling of sworn enemies of Israel. Why the heck does Israel have a “Directorate of Agriculture Coordination and Liaison in Gaza?” It’s frickin’ absurd.  The soil in Gaza is no different from the soil in the rest of Israel, where farmers can also grow strawberries and flowers.  Essentially, Israel is training the terrorists to compete with and defeat its own citizens on the crop market.  Extremely Dumb.  And despicable.


Stupid to the Nth: Israel Trains HAMAS Strawberry Farmers to Defeat Israeli Farmers

An educational program for Gaza Strip farmers:
The Coordination and Liaison Administration exports strawberries and flowers from the Gaza Strip to markets in Europe

Head of the Directorate of Agriculture Coordination and Liaison in Gaza, Uri Madar, held a conference with major Gaza Strip farmers on Wednesday, July 20th, preparing them for cultivation and export of crops for next year. An Israeli specialist attended the conference, teaching those present proper cultivation and pest-control methods.

Mr. Madar said that the program is, “Intended to help Palestinian farmers prepare for the November export season including soil preparation, crop treatment and appropriate use of pesticides and fertilizers. We hope to improve crop production after an unsuccessful year, where the crops were deemed inadequate by European consumers. The strawberry specialist thus presented the production process, taught of different types and uses of pesticides and fertilizers, and of post-picking treatment, which is the most important and delicate step.”

Lt. Col. Kobi Gertzvolf, Head of the Directorate of Financial Coordination and Liaison in Gaza, added that “we want to help Palestinian farmers properly grow and use pesticides to improve next year’s crops in both quality and quantity, in hope of increasing exports to Europe and thus improving profits and the Palestinian economy at the Gaza Strip.” He added that “it is evident that the participating farmers had a great time and learned a lot.”

I’m sure they had a great time. They voted for HAMAS AND they get the stupid Jews to teach them how to grow more and better crops so that they can make more money to give to HAMAS to spend on rockets and other attacks on Israel. Remember, these people support a government that has Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier, as a captive. And Israel rewards them for it.

Just sickening. BTW, the pic above says it all. Wife #4,Hamida, is busy breaking her back in the field picking strawberries, while her hubby is inside planning the next attack against the “evil JOOOS” and assembling bombs with the strawberry profits.

And this isn’t the first time that Israel has enabled and trained its enemies to compete against its farmers. As I recently wrote, Israel trained West Bank Fatah farmers to grow cucumbers and compete against Israeli vegetable farmers. It’s disgusting.

Israel should stop enabling terrorist-supporting farmers.  The world doesn’t notice.  And when it does, it doesn’t care and still hates Israel, anyway.  (Thanks to Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA for the tip.)

One other note: this is why I never buy flowers that say, “Grown in Israel.” Israel trained West Bank Muslims to grow flowers and compete against Israeli flower growers. While it is impossible to know where the flowers are from, usually they are grown by Muslims in the West Bank, who’ve now dominated the market, thanks to Israel enabling the enemy.

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26 Responses

Okay, you just caused me to vomit in my mouth again. Sick. This is why I stopped giving $$$ to Israel..they turn around and give the money to the Muzzies who are killing us around the world.

Jonathan E. Grant on July 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm

Well, the Israelis think this will make Hamas, and their enemies throughout the Arab world, the UN, etc., etc., like them, and deflect criticism. They’re not honest or psychologically mature enough to realize that this hatred will not change except if the Israelis stand up for themselves and fight back. They may then still be hated, but at least they’ll be respected.

Little Al on July 25, 2011 at 5:17 pm

You and I know the Jews will sell them the rope.

Dave on July 25, 2011 at 5:38 pm

Unbelievable. That’s all I can say.

That saying comes to mind: “When you do something right, nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong, nobody forgets.”

And Israel has gone to such absurd lengths to please these terrorists and their lackeys that they’re destroying themselves in the process.

I was seriously thinking about moving to Israel (especially if things got REALLY ugly here in the USA), but now… eh. We’ll see.

Craig on July 25, 2011 at 5:39 pm

I LOVE how you just ignore the massacre performed by a Norwegian Christian conservative Terrorist in Oslo and Utøya – Norway. My country. You just take the cake, don’t you? If it were islamic terrorists, you would have written 1000 pages about it! It’s so sad. Join, take part in our ocean of roses, against racism, intolerance and xenophobia. Or is ist just the fact that he hates Muslims and likes Israel that troubles you? I love Israel, and I’m pro Israel.

But come on…the whole world is talking about it. The whole world is amazed by the ocean of lights and roses, the peace, the love that runs through Oslo – as never before – nowhere before! Not a single word from you…

I-Love-Oslo on July 25, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Not that Debbie needs any defending, but we have not received the facts about all that happened in Norway.

    Besides, while you may be pro-Israel, your government and many of its citizens are decidedly anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic.

    Does the name Quisling mean anything to you?

    Jonathan E. Grant on July 25, 2011 at 6:20 pm

      “Besides, while you may be pro-Israel, your government and many of its citizens are decidedly are anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.”

      Got that right JG, I believe the ones in Israel who hate their country and hate’s judiasm are Israeli people who are politically “far-left”!

      To “I Love Oslo”, did you also acknowledge that this Norwegian wingnut is pro-Ted Kacizincky, ie, The Unabomber? And since Breivik is so much of a conservative, why his hero is the Unabomber? Last I checked, the Unabomber was a radical far-leftist wackjob!

      “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

      Sean R. on July 25, 2011 at 7:17 pm


    Why should anyone suddenly be pro-Islam because of what one Norwegian decided to do to tackle the problem of Islamic immigration in his own country? His method was not in accordance with Christian or Jewish values. He acted on his own.

    However, his opinions about Islam and Israel were correct.

    If you want to condemn “xenophobia,” how about starting with the Muslim barbarians who have attempted to conquer Norway and have refused to assimilate? If you move to a country and refuse to adapt and assimilate, then you are the one being xenophobic.

    JM on July 25, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    I-Love-Oslo sez:

    “The whole world is amazed by the ocean of lights and roses, the peace, the love that runs through Oslo – as never before – nowhere before!”

    Lights and roses? The “whole world” doesn’t care about Oslo. Don’t project your feelings and thoughts on others. And, given that Norwegians are my least favorite Nordic people, and are notorious anti-Semites to boot, I’m not not losing any sleep over this massacre.

    “Join, take part in our ocean of roses, against racism, intolerance and xenophobia.”

    THAT is the kind of language that probably motivated the killer. Assuming he is a native Norwegian, he knows that people like you have subjected Norway to Islamic racism, intolerance and xenophobia. He would be right. If this turns out to be Muslim-based plot, you should know that the Muzz just love useful idiots like you.

    Learn, learn, learn about Islam. After you get that brain transplant, of course. No point in trying before then.

    skzion on July 25, 2011 at 6:47 pm

    PUHLEEZE “I Hate Oslo”. Even if this Norwegian fool is REALLY a bonafide Moooooslim hater and acted the executioner to almost a hundred innocents, he did not do those of us here who see the evil of Islam any favours.

    And even if he is what the LEFT wants him to be he is still ONE. Just ONE. But to the Leftists, they’ll see him as a gazillion.

    Go on loving Oslo. Someone has to. I am sorry for any innocent murdered, but that being said, I am no fan of Norway and like some other post-er on here, it’s my least favourite of those sicko Northern European Liberal countries.

    So go love Oslo…because your horrible country needs all the help it can get. You can KEEP Olso.

    Skunky on July 25, 2011 at 7:47 pm

      Skunky, I’m learning more and more about Anders Breivik, did you know that one of his hero’s is Ted Kazcinsky, ie, “The Unabomber” and he also read Charles Darwin’s writings as well.

      As for his “manifesto”, he claimed that he’s a christian, but his personal manifesto, he didn’t mention anything relating to christianty or religion in general and he also said that he seldomly prays. His manifesto sounds more secular to my knowledge! And I’m surprise that the stinking far-left media in this country hasn’t equated conservatives like myself, you Skunky, DS, readers/posters on this blog and other conservatives across this country to this lone wingnut in Norway. And yes I’ve also notice anti-semitism in Norway and other scandinavian states in northern europe. To me Norwegian folks and scandinavian folks are ok and seems to be good people, but they have to drop their anti-semitism against jewish people and Israeli people and Israel!

      “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

      Sean R. on July 25, 2011 at 8:04 pm

        Also, Sean, it was reported that he was a member of the freemasons, which is a very secular and anti-Christian organization. For example, the Catholic Church has always forbidden Catholics to be members of the freemasons, and evangelicals stay away from the freemasons as well. So much for him being a Christian.

        It seems there is a lot more to the terror attacks than what has been initially reported. I still wouldn’t be surprised if Muslims had something to do with this, as they did with Oklahoma, because it fits their agenda.

        JM on July 25, 2011 at 8:18 pm

          Yes Sean and JM. The truth will come out. But I also fear that like Oklahoma in 95…the REAL truth will be obfuscated either by stupid Liberals and/or our Gubmint.

          And Norway has a big, disgusting problem with CrAzY death/black metal psychopath killers. I know it sounds silly, but it is absolutely true and there are books out on it.

          Norway is a despicable and stupid country. I can’t stand it and will never go. I will NEVER love it.

          Skunky on July 26, 2011 at 9:27 am

Debbie I’d like to think these outwardly dumb Israeli maneuvers are actually covert intelligence and informant gathering operations. When the time comes Israel will take their pound of flesh.

A1 on July 25, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    You’d like to think so, A1, but you would be wrong. Every time the Israeli political elites give Muslims what appears to be a victory, many people hypothesize that there is more that meets the eye, that the elites know something that we don’t. That “explanation” has become untenable since the Egypt-Israel “peace” treaty, and certainly since Oslo.

    skzion on July 25, 2011 at 6:38 pm

“While it is impossible to know where the flowers are from, usually they are grown by Muslims in the West Bank, who’ve now dominated the market, thanks to Israel enabling the enemy.”

I did not know this, Debbie. Disgusting.

skzion on July 25, 2011 at 6:33 pm

It’s one thing to help friends and allies, quite another to be aiding declared enemies. With all the assistance Israel has provided to Jordan and the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza, they remain inordinately hostile to Israel and the Jews. Then again, everything about the ongoing conflict between Gaza and Israel is sui generis. If Gazans are not engaged in hostilities they’re preparing for the next round, yet they get fuel, water, and electricity from Israel, and hundreds of trucks carrying goods every day – and the world *expects* all this of Israel, forgetting that prior to the Six Day War the Strip was Egypt’s responsibility!

What Israel will be doing in South Sudan is of the more traditional pattern. Israel provided security assistance to the non-Muslim South over the years in the face of ongoing assaults from the Arab/Islamic north, and that will continue in the newly free South. But they’re already gearing up to provide broad technical assistance in agriculture, water, health care as well as building an infrastructure almost from scratch, partnering in some cases with Christian aid groups. (There are currently some 15,000 Sudanese refugees in Israel, several thousand from the South.)

Raymond in DC on July 25, 2011 at 8:42 pm

As a staunch supporter of Israel and its people, I am appalled with the idea that Israelis are doing ANYTHING that helps Hamas or any Palestinian.

Somehow, the Jewish people have forgotten about the horrors inflicted upon them by those who tried to eliminate them from this world. I can only assume that the “new” generation of Jews has been poisoned with the same cumbaya feel-good progressive agenda that the rest of our youth, catholic, protestant, . Religion or belief system is irrelevant, what IS relevant is that this liberal/socialist agenda has permeated all faiths and all youth.

I used to admire what I consider to be the classical “good Jew”, a Jew of real faith, conviction, and principles. Those Jews still exist, albeit in smaller diminishing numbers.

Having grown up in Florida, most of my friends were Jewish and were some of the most down to earth compassionate people I have ever known. Deep in that sense of compassion was rooted a solid belief and values system that respected others, but staunchly defended their right to be Jewish and exist peacefully.

Now, with the ever increasing perceived need for political correctness, these Jews are only relics of a time past. If the Jewish people don’t wake up both here and in Israel, history is destined to be repeated.

Barack Obama and his minions are some of the most anti-Jewish representatives ever elected to office. One only has to look at their associates and supporters to see that Israel does NOT have a friend in the White House.

Hateful propagandists like Louis Farakahn; Van Jones; Eric Holder; and many more, INCLUDING most of the Hollywood Elite, are selling-out the Jewish people every day. Sadly, many of that elite are Jews selling out their own.

I hope I am wrong and it is not too late, Israel is the West’s best hope for getting our society back on-track.

Jews Forget on July 26, 2011 at 5:11 am

“Does the name Quisling mean anything to me?” SURE it does! Are you serious? Oh my God. It’s like calling all German people Hitler-lovers. I hope you realize how hurtful that is, and how extreme it is to say something like that to someone who goes to synagogue and has Jewish friends. Someone who uses her blog, yes my blog, to spread information about the anti semittism i Norway, and doing everything I can to fight it, scream out against it. Trying to wake people up and realize how important it is not to forget to remember Holocaust. Oh my God. I feel sorry for you still talking about Quisling. And you must be an idiot even asking me about that.

1) Quisling was sentenced to death by shooting.

2) He didn’t only kill Jews, he killed many, many Norwegians.

3) All Jews I know vote Labour Party in Norway. So there.

Last word from me 🙂

I-Love-Norway on July 26, 2011 at 5:21 am

The problem is that the (G)aza farmers have been doing thing wrong and ruining the land and aboveall the groundwater. Strawberries can be quite water intensive and the farmers have been pumping water from the wells as if they were an unlimited resource. Since they are on the coast sea-water has been seeping in the displacement, ergo the water is increasingly saline and unsuited to (not just) strawberries. Since strawberries sell well the other farmers keeping pumping water until their own crops fail. This signal, however, is too late. Unless someone helps and shows them how to do things right and not shoot themselves the whole land and water would be laid to waste and this would create even more problems… Especially for its neighbor: Israel.

edward on July 26, 2011 at 6:07 am

It’s kind of hard to teach crocodiles to farm for their food. Even if you can do it, they’re still crocodiles.

There are two ways of keeping crocodiles from eating you alive.

1. Kill ’em all.
2. Fence them in and stay on the safe side of the fence.

Having the good wisdom to fence in Gaza, the Israelis are now (once again) attempting to do the impossible.

While I don’t think this is “despicable”, I think that this is yet one more example of the way Israel has done everything possible to accommodate the Arabs. When Israel acts in self-defense, these efforts are often lost in the discussion.

Moreover, when it comes to the Palestinian Arabs, no good deed by Israel goes unpunished.

There is NO Santa Claus on July 26, 2011 at 8:31 am

Islam taught these people to be ingrats and treacherous. They will take the bread from your hand and curse you as a heathen. How wonderful. They will never beloyal to any thing else but Islam.

The Serbians hosted them out of their unemployment and hunger. Fed them gave them jobs. Then What happenned ????? They wanted to slaughter the Serbians because they are not Moslems. Tel Israel the same fate awaits for them.

Even Moslems do not trust each other or teach each other any thing. At the school level, at the work level and at the political level the rae treacherous traitors nothing else.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on July 26, 2011 at 7:55 pm

T-ssssk! This is a clever covert operation by Mossad to destroy terrorists cells in Gaza. When the “farmers” in Gaza start ordering large quantities of furtilizer, Mossad agents will supply them with specially treated form of ammonium nitrate, that does not need a detonator to blow up and will explode simply upon mixing with motor oil or aspirin, killing the bombmakers instantly.

Begletz on July 28, 2011 at 10:16 am

Israel is a modern state with ancient spiritual and historical tradition , the cradle of Christianity too,so it is inspired by sublime ideals .Nevertheless,it is the most progressive country in the Middle East, whether in secularization or in terms of civil rights and freedom of speech and faith,while Hamas-Fatah Palestine is only fueled by Political Islam. Beautiful Israel of course also has governers who sometimes make mistakes – as any other country does ! However, when this happens,other voices promptly rise up in protest,while in islamic countries , the daily infractions against civil rights and corruption go largely unpunished , being as they are supported by their theocratic ideology that stifles their progress,even when they proclaim themselves to be politically secular !

Jo Alex SG on July 29, 2011 at 11:26 am

Israel is a modern state with ancient spiritual and historical tradition , the cradle of Christianity too,so it is inspired by sublime ideals .Nevertheless,it is the most progressive country in the Middle East, whether in secularization or in terms of civil rights and freedom of speech and faith,while Hamas-Fatah Palestine is only fueled by Political Islam. Beautiful Israel of course also has governers who sometimes make mistakes – as any other country does ! However, when this happens,other voices promptly rise up in protest,while in islamic countries , the daily infractions against civil rights and corruption go largely unpunished , being as they are supported by their theocratic ideology that stifles their progress,even when they proclaim themselves to have secular regimes !

Jo Alex SG on July 29, 2011 at 11:26 am

Unlike all the commentators on this blog Israelis live in the real world and understand the need to come to grips with the fact that these people happen to be their neighbors.
It is real easy to criticize Israel’s actions on both sides when you are living in the relative safety and comfort of North America or Europe.
Being an ex Israeli I am always very carefull trying not to be jumping to conclusions and realizing how hard it is to be in their position.

RG on July 30, 2011 at 10:02 pm

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