July 6, 2011, - 6:44 pm

BEST. SPORTS. STORY. EVER: Men Invade Women’s Poker Tournament

By Debbie Schlussel

Well, poker isn’t really a sport. But it is on ESPN, so I guess it’s a pseudo-sport that doesn’t require athleticism. And that’s one of the biggest reasons you gotta love this story. Women have a separate poker tournament, but it begs the question: why? If they are as smart as men, as they claim, they should have no problem competing with men in regular poker tournaments, since poker is not a physical game but a game of reason, logic, and odds. Are they admitting they are weaker in brainpower and IQ? That’s the only conclusion you can draw here. But the best part is that because of the silly gender non-discrimination laws that feminists invented to invade every male institution, men are turning the tables on them. And I love it. Amusing to the nth, especially the men who dressed up as women and beat the women.  Take that, Glorias Allred and Steinem.

I cannot find the best article on this, by Gary Mihoces of the USA Today sports section, online, so I am retyping, below, how it appeared in the print edition Tuesday (with my emphasis in bold):

Marsha Wolak of Sarasota, Fla., earned $192,344 by winning the 2011 Ladies Poker World Championship in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.  Runner-up Karina Jett of Henderson, Nev., who is eight months’ [DS: sic] pregnant, won $119,010.  And a man made the final table.

Ninth-place finisher Jonathan Epstein of Tustin, Calif., was among 15 men who paid the $1,000 buy-in to join the field of 1,055 for the three-day event.  He won $13,701.

The World Series of Poker prefers that only women play the tournament, which began in 1977, but it says it is prevented by law from barring men. “The Ladies event is very special to all the ladies that play in it,” tournament director Jack Effel said before the start of this summer’s WSOP.  But, he added, “We can only do what the law will allow us to do.”

And the WSOP Main Event is open to men and women.

Wolak and Jett are professionals.  Wolak, a former real estate investor, won the title Saturday by eliminating Jett in heads-up play.  Jett, who is married to poker pro Chip Jett, finished fourth in the WSOP women’s championship in 2003 and 2004.

Wolak said in a WSOP press release that she was eliminated from the women’s event last year by a male player dressed as a woman.

“He was kind of making fun of us,” she said.  “So last year was not the best experience.  I thought about not coming and not playing this year because it’s not all ladies. Then I decided that it could not have gone worse than it did last year, so I figured things could only get better.”

The WSOP’s Main Event starts Thursday.

Now, some would say that the fact men didn’t win the women’s tournament is proof that women rule the roost. But it ain’t. Not even close. If the best male poker players were in the tournament, they would win. The best women’s poker players don’t need a women’s tournament. They hold their own in the mixed Main Event.

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10 Responses

And they have a male director, of all things. Where is Larry Summers when we need him?

Little Al on July 6, 2011 at 7:08 pm

Off topic note: Scamela Geller and the morons of the Right won. Israel has been removed from the controversial ICE profiling list.

Congratulations! Now Israeli Arab extremists can enter America freely without extra scrutiny.

The Obamites buckled under on the tiny step actually taken to improve our country’s security!

A terrible destructive lie has actually enabled more terrorism on our shores in the future.

NormanF on July 6, 2011 at 10:55 pm

Poker is indeed a sport, what it is not is an athletic sport. Sports that are not athletics have been around and have been called sports or sport at least since Medieval times. Things like Falconry, dog shows, chess, card games, wagering on horse races, hunting, were all considered sports. Only in more modern times has the definition of the word become more associated with athletics than with other enjoyable pastimes and recreation.

All the best,

glenn b on July 6, 2011 at 11:34 pm

For the record, poker is roughly 95% luck. If the greatest player in the world is dealt nothing but one dead hand after another, the best he can expect is to lose nothing more than the initial ante. Scrabble isn’t all that much better. I would say, maybe 65% luck. No matter how huge one’s vocabulary is, there’s nothing that can be done when one is stuck with lousy letters.

Chess and Checkers are 100% skill, as is Boggle.

Irving on July 7, 2011 at 12:03 am

This is truly hilarious. Women have been demanding “equality” for years: now they find it works both ways.

I’m a tradesman, and I’m constantly amused at calls for “mandatory quotas” for women in politics or in executive positions, yet they never demand quotas in factories, or in coal mines, despite the good pay.

Face it, women who demand “equality” are really asking to write their own rules. The women who truly believe they are equal prove it by their ability – and i respect that.

Stevie B on July 7, 2011 at 5:25 am

Next, looking forward to men abolishing women’s chess tournaments. Incidentally, shouldn’t chess be the ideal feminist’s game, where the king has the most handicapped moves, while the queen is the most powerful and versatile piece on the board? When was the last time in history one heard that?

Infidel Pride on July 7, 2011 at 11:25 am

I agree with the chess comment. I’ve never understood why the had separate tournaments. I’m looking forward to the first guy to enter into a women’s pool tournament also.

Mclement on July 7, 2011 at 12:08 pm

I believe archery is one sport where males & females compete together. By the way, there is no such think as “luck”. Probability & chance, yes, but our heavenly father opens & closes doors.

Dr Dale on July 7, 2011 at 12:22 pm

Didn’t I just read this story? Sorry, my mistake, the story I was thinking of was all the non-history shows on the History Channel. Poker on ESPN represents about the same thing. Do they ever have Australian Rules Football on ESPN anymore? If I were channel surfing and came across that I’d watch.

It’s only natural that poker be played with male & female players. After all, when I date a woman, I like to poker!

CornCoLeo on July 8, 2011 at 2:09 am

I admit to knowing little about Pro poker, but why is there a difference in men v women? It’s not physically harder for one than the other, and it is simply the cards you are dealt and how you play. the seperate “tours” are a joke, as is televising this cure for insomnia.

one eyed jack on July 9, 2011 at 5:50 pm

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