June 29, 2011, - 4:13 pm

Announcing Official HAMAS “Flotilla Cruise Line” Web Site

By Debbie Schlussel

Fred Taub of Boycott Watch, author of Boycotting Peace, launched the great new site, Flotilla Cruise Line, exposing the fraud of the Gaza flotilla, or as I call it, “the HAMAS Love Boat.”    Fred did a great job using comedy and facts to show the world how the Gaza flotilla is a total fraud and making fun of all the fake Palestinian/Gaza  “humanitarian” needs the flotilla organizers whine about.  Check it out.

Some Ships Pass in the Night, Others Work for Islamic Terrorists in Open Daylight

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7 Responses

Great article deb!

Thanks for exposing this fraud for the BS that it really is.

These people are all living deliciously and yet not content to be at peace with their neighbors.

Truly barbaric

ebayer on June 29, 2011 at 4:54 pm

I’m surprised the web site hasn’t noted the water park, the surfing, the Olympic swimming pools, or the horseback riding as recreation options. (Yes, no joke. Most Israeli cities don’t have them.)

Two years ago after Hamas militants blasted through the wall on the Egyptian border, thousands of Gazans got a chance to visit Egypt (including Cairo) and discovered they lived better than most Egyptians! Even the “poor” get access to schooling, summer camps, and medical care. Lifespans and infant mortality figures are better than Turkey. If they need a new sewage plant, the EU is there to fund it. And they get a steady supply of power and clean water from Israel. (Power interruptions are due to their own facilities and those in Egypt.)

Heck, even the UN admits there’s “no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. This flotilla project is just a provocation intended to make Israel look bad.

Raymond in DC on June 29, 2011 at 8:04 pm

…The Love Boat, soon will be smuggling some more guns,
The Love Boat, trying to murder me, you and everyone…

“Hamas Love Boat” would be similar to the original – Capt Stuebing would be Imam Stuebing. The cruise director, I think her name was Julie but I forget (she was played by Lauren Tewes). She seemed to have sex with a passenger every episode, so in the Hamas version Imam Stuebing would have her stoned. Doc, who also had sex with a passenger every episode, receives the blessing of Imam Stuebing. The black bartender would name the bar he works the “Allahu Ak-BAR”. Gopher would recruit bacha boys from ports of call.

CornCoLeo on June 30, 2011 at 12:10 am

Thank you Raymond, I used your ideas and updated the site.

Fred Taub

Fred Taub on June 30, 2011 at 12:19 am

The “flotilla” is a TV re-run; not likely to gain much attention.

There is NO Santa Claus on June 30, 2011 at 7:44 am

Ship ahoy! The flotilla fleets will reach a point where Israel won’t be able to keep track of ’em. They’ll be like locusts. As our President has said the Gaza Death Camp is “unsustainable.” Hell, at least at Auchswitz they gave the little kids lollipops and there was a swimming pool to cool off in. Now, everyone’s gonna get a good look at Gaza (or the Palm Beach of the Dead Sea as the wackjobs call it). Let’s just see what those crazy jews have been doing with our tax dollars. Let the pogroms begin!

Amy on June 30, 2011 at 7:24 pm

The Israeli navy should sell seats on their ships for those of us who would love to help defend Israel’s territorial waters. On the condition that we are allowed to bring our own weapons.

David on June 30, 2011 at 11:35 pm

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