June 23, 2011, - 3:51 am

ABC: Hey, Parents Should Let “Adult” Teens Have Sex @ Home; What Could Go Wrong?

By Debbie Schlussel


Probably the most annoying thing about this “report” is not that ABC is actively promoting parents allowing kids to have sex in their home, but that the report is “hosted” by rodent-esque Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the airheaded, fraudulent faux-conservative from hag-fest “The View.”  That means she had nothing to do with the report or the questions, which were carefully fed to her like the monkey that she is.  Note that she has little problem with this.  Hey, that’s your “conservative” (on whom Michelle Fraudkin and Sean Vannity have more than a little crush). Cannot wait until the pro-gay-rights Hasselbeck’s sons, Taylor and Isaiah, reach their teens and bring home their boyfriends to have sex in the Hasselbeck New York penthouse. The vacant Hasseldumb certainly seems to be relishing her new role as chief Al-Qaeda recruitment video hostess.

By the way, Angelina Jolie’s mother let her boyfriend move into her room and sleep with her at age fourteen. And the Kardashian “mom”/pimp, Kris Kardashian Jenner, let this kind of crap go on. But, hey, their slutty daughters are now multi-millionaires. Skanks, but multi-millionaires, so that makes it okay, right?

Bottom line: if you’re allowing your kids to do this in your home, you are NOT a parent. You are merely an immature, much older roommate who was once a womb- or sperm-donor. Check back in 20 years, and see how their loser kids are doing after starting to have sex at home while still essentially kids.

Congrats! America’s become the new Europe. We’re just about 20 years behind their terrific, suicidal, society-collapsing mores.

**** UPDATE: And yes, “mom” in absentia, Sarah Palin, allowed her her daughter, Bristol’s boyfriend, Levi Johnston to repeatedly spend the night. She is no different than the rest of these parents, other than that she is now lying about it and claiming to be pro-family values.


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32 Responses

“the report is “hosted” by rodent-esque Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the airheaded, fraudulent faux-conservative from hag-fest “The View.” That means she had nothing to do with the report or the questions, which were carefully fed to her like the monkey that she is.”

Yeah, Debbie, but how do you really feel about Hasselbeck?

I love your posts – you tell it like it is! Hence my handle… DS ROCKS!

DS_ROCKS! on June 23, 2011 at 5:51 am

    Hasselbeck isn’t a conservative. Promoting sex without consequences is now a conservative value? Why is it Debbie is the only one who finds something wrong with all this? Once upon a time people knew better about this stuff and there was no debate. Hey, we are defining deviancy down!

    NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 7:45 am

Debbie, Angelina Jolie’s Mum made a grave mistake because it is alleged that Ms. Jolie then slept with Mum’s lover when she was a mere sixteen (in the house)resulting in a relationship hiatus. Research to-day reveals that girls who sleep around when they are very young set themselves up for a major loss of self esteem not easily reclaimed. Educational energy levels drop and then emotional bankruptcy sets in. Instead of being independent and able to forge ahead with a future brimming with potential these empty uneducated husks forge relationships with the unlikeliest of abusive partners. Whilst the liberal parents are now landed with a hornets nest of unwarranted financial responsibilities, above average stress levels and depressed teenagers on medicinal drugs. Sounds pretty seedy doesn’t it, but when women don’t have power that’s what happens, a great dependency on dross.
Debbie, you’re a brave woman to bring this subject to a public forum and I salute you.

Eyes Wide Open on June 23, 2011 at 6:05 am

    It also applies to boys as well as girls. I used to think sex was just a physical act but my first sexual relationship taught me its powerful and it can have life-altering consequences. Its debatable whether teens are physically ready to have sex but emotionally and spiritually, they aren’t. Responsible parents aren’t their kids’ adult roommates. They protect their kids from things that are even superficially good for them. If they don’t, then they are not doing their job.

    NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 7:32 am

    “Research to-day reveals that girls who sleep around when they are very young set themselves up for a major loss of self esteem not easily reclaimed. Educational energy levels drop and then emotional bankruptcy sets in. Instead of being independent and able to forge ahead with a future brimming with potential these empty uneducated husks forge relationships with the unlikeliest of abusive partners.”

    God Bless you, Eyes. That paragraph above (of yours) is so important and bottom-lines it perfectly. THANK YOU. You’re spot-on.

    Skunky on June 23, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    *****”Research to-day reveals that girls who sleep around when they are very young set themselves up for a major loss of self esteem not easily reclaimed. Educational energy levels drop and then emotional bankruptcy sets in. Instead of being independent and able to forge ahead with a future brimming with potential these empty uneducated husks forge relationships with the unlikeliest of abusive partners.”******

    God Bless you, Eyes. That paragraph above (of yours) is so important and bottom-lines it perfectly. THANK YOU. You’re spot-on.

    Skunky on June 23, 2011 at 12:51 pm

In my day, there was a sense of tact. Teens were not allowed to sleep together at home or anywhere. But its not just about kids so I’m not ageist. If you live under your parents’ roof, you go by their rules. No matter how old you are and even if you an adult dating or married.

But that’s too much to expect today in America. Real classy!

NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 7:28 am

Holy crap! And I thought parents who let their teenagers drink at home were bad! Oh and DANG what a slam on Hasselbeck. A rodent-esque monkey? WOW!

Sean M. on June 23, 2011 at 8:31 am

Parents think that by encouraging sex at home they have a better control of their kids because the alternative would typically be the back seat or the nearest Amur privet bush…

Begletz on June 23, 2011 at 9:29 am

If your kids are going to get a motel room or do it in the backseat of the car, there is only so much parents can do. But at least its not sending a signal that parents think sexual activity is something that’s OK with them, which is what would happen if they condone it at home.

NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 9:35 am

I can’t believe these parents. They allow the kids to have sex but don’t provide liquor and drugs? What kid would put up with that? How about room service afterwards?

Might as well video it and sell it on the Internet. It’ll help pay the bills at home so the kids can feel like a productive part of the household.

And invite their friends over, too! Group sex for everyone.

AB on June 23, 2011 at 9:46 am

These parents are RETARDED!! My daughter is 10 and we’ve been telling her for several YEARS that you only date to get married and you don’t start dating until you are 18. If some guy starts making moves on her, I will threaten him.

The Roman empire took many years to fall, but we are going down much faster mainly because of television. These idiot parents have had these immoral values drummed into their heads from decades of watching TV. Our country is made up of morons and losers and unfortunately, the % of morons and losers is growing.

By the way, we have no access to broadcast or cable TV in our home – we have televisions, but only for watching videos.

I need to rant a little more here. I’m finding it more and more difficult to even go to the gym. The % of people with tattoos and nose rings, etc is growing and I find their body decorations to be utterly disgusting. The other day I said to my wife, only half jokingly, that I want to move to another country

David on June 23, 2011 at 10:05 am

    Dear David,

    it’s worse overseas. Take it from me.

    Occam's Tool on June 23, 2011 at 6:42 pm

“PFUUUT!!!” (Spits coffee all over keyboard.) Schlussel you’re killing me!!! LOL!

GC on June 23, 2011 at 10:31 am

after all,its islam and muslims fault

joe on June 23, 2011 at 11:30 am

I haven’t posted a message in a week, because I was kinda burned out by politics, the news, etc., so that’s why I didn’t post no messages on any political website on the internet.

Now to Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Norman, your right, this lady is NOT a conservative, she’s more of a leftist in conservative clothes. I think the hags on the View hired her to be the “token conservative” with a different viewpoint, but she’s no different than those women on that pathetic talk show. As for parents letting their underage kids have sexaul intercourse in their place is plain old stupid by those parents, and I also believe that the parents who enables their children to have sex in their property where bought up liberal upbringing? You’ve all heard the phrase, “if it feels good, why not do it in the middle of the road”, at the sametime, I’m a “sexual-libertarian”, whatever you and your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner(s), etc. do in the privacy of your bedroom is NONE of my business or anybody elses business, as long as you leave me out of it. But if you involve underage children (those who are under 18) into sexual acts, then that’s a problem and the state should step in and put an end to sexually expoliting children.

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on June 23, 2011 at 11:52 am

after all,its islam and muslims fault

joe on June 23, 2011 at 11:30 am

It is this type of trashy behavior that allows Muslims to conquer and impose their barbaric norms on a debauched and crumbling civilization. These type of people have given up all Christian and Jewish morality and into the vacuum comes the dog Mohammed’s brutal stone-age religion.

JM on June 23, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    how does this allow Muslims to conquer and impose their barbaric norms? care to elaborate more


    joe on June 23, 2011 at 12:10 pm


I’d say this is a major factor in allowing Muslims or just about anyone else to conquer us.

Why? Because a nation and people that stand for nothing will fall for anything.

We are a nation of teenager mentality. This nation is taken over by “kidults.”

I’m constantly surprised how many 30 year olders are posting “partyin’!!!!!” pics on their Facebook pages. How can Britney Spears, Oprah, the Kardashians, and other of these idiots be so well known?

We’re living in some seriously weird, scary times. I don’t think anyone knows what is around the corner.

Jeff_W on June 23, 2011 at 12:29 pm

These parents should have never had their kids to begin with. If you can’t live up to your role as a parent and assume the responsibilities of having kids then why bother? Parents these days would rather be best friends with their kids than discipline them.Its utterly pathetic and shocking of what we have descended to.Kids need guidelines to follow in order to keep them straight.The parents need to set boundaries for their kids and teach them the concept of self control and having inhibition.Most teens resent their parents for being too permissive of their illicit activities instead of putting their foots down like they should.When I read about parents allowing their teens to have sex in their houses, I was in disbelief.Are these parents for real?Would they also let their kids host orgies as long as its at their homes as well? What parent would permit that? Only a parent that is just as delusional,immature, and irresponsible as their kids.Kids will subconsciously model their parents behavior.If they were born and grew with parents not married to each other,or if they saw their mother bringing in her boyfriend to live with them(vise versa),then they won’t see the reason to remain sexually abstinent till marriage.This is also another example of poor parental skills like these people in the video demonstrate.Teenagers may have lost their sanity but it seems like their parents lost their will to set a wholesome example for their teenager children.

American Sabrah on June 23, 2011 at 12:35 pm

Welcome back Sean R. You may have been bummed (I know how that goes…) but I missed yee!

Didn’t Sarah Palin allow Bristol to have Levi Johnston over? Just want clarity on that. That’s NOT conservative.

As always…a GREAT post from DS. She is great on these topics. Can’t say it better than she has.

And thanks for telling it like it is with Skankelina and the Karskankians. And that air-headed retardo Hasselbeck. It’s no wonder Vannity butt-kisses her. I’ll never forget when he had LeAnn Rimes (she’s an immoral beast!) on his show and was falling all over himself about how level-headed she is and what a great marriage she had to Dean Sheremet…yeah, right. I got some schadenfreunde points I wanna cash in when she looses the NEW hubby the way she got him.

Skunky on June 23, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    Thanks Skunky, I needed a little time-out from all of the news and politics, after a certain while you’ll get bored of politics, news, etc., so that’s why I didn’t do any postings on any political (right, left, or center) websites.

    I’ll do more postings in the future on this website (and other websites as well) Skunky and everybody else, I’m not going anywhere.

    “A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on June 23, 2011 at 4:29 pm

I found out too late my husband had been encouraged
To sleep with his high school girlfriend under his
parents’ roof, supplied by his mother with condoms.

Doesn’t anyone realize how voyeuristic this is
on the part of ‘parents’ like this?

Abuse, for that’s really what behavior like this is,
causing a veritable host of problems in our own family.
No brainer there. But I am having so much trouble
finding help for it: all the “therapists” we encounter
condone such liberal, “anything goes” behavior.

Elizabeth on June 23, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    If parents says casual sex is no big deal to them, then they are hypocrites and lose their children’s respect. Honor is earned and if parents wants to have their children’s respect, they must lay down the rules for them even if its not popular. Parents aren’t out to win a popularity contest; they are to be feared, just like people fear G-d and parents should remember they are the closest thing we have in this life to a role model for the One Above Us All.

    NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    Not for minors, we don’t condone this behavior. I’m a boarded psychiatrist.

    Occam's Tool on June 23, 2011 at 6:44 pm

This is nothing new. During the Clinton years, a blight upon America for many reasons, I recall reading about a family in L.I. saying they were happy to have their daughters have sex at home as opposed to doing it in some motel. Great parenting on display.

JeffT on June 23, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Its one thing if teens do it away from home… parents can only hope children conduct themselves by the values they instilled in them from a young age. If not, they’ll learn for themselves that sex has real life consequences. My point being that while parents may not be able to stop their kids from having sex, they shouldn’t encourage it as if sleeping around is the greatest thing since white bread!

    NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 3:51 pm

In all fairness, most teens are now too fat to do it in their smart cars.

peter on June 23, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Because, Joe, we who have no propriety and norms have nothing to fight fanatics with; we are centerless and soulless.

My parents only let me sleep with a woman as an adult in their house when we were married and visiting. (After high school, I only lived at home on vacations from college (frankly, I would have preferred to go to summer school but my scholarship didn’t cover that—I went to medical school and thence to residency and on)—my college girlfriends were not welcome to sleep with me at my parents home if visiting—I went out of state to college.)

I think my folks were quite correct.

Occam's Tool on June 23, 2011 at 6:40 pm

    Yup. Parents can make an exception for adult married children but NOT if their kids are unwed.

    NormanF on June 23, 2011 at 8:11 pm

Skunky, the subliminal messages sent by these media people to youngsters is causing a break down in the society as we are witnessing. We now have a generation of welfare scroungers with children born as meal tickets for long term dependency whilst graduates continue to pay off university loans. Even if two graduates marry they can’t afford to buy a house and would not bring a child into the world without a roof over their heads. To reach their financial goals and be debt free, children are being born later and fewer.So bottom line is that taxpayers are paying for a new generation of misfits.
What qualifications do these media people hold? Their opinions are just that, their opinions, to create controversy and plant seeds into the minds of jobless couch potatoes. The seeds they are planting seem to be resulting in the type that ‘rippen and rot’ not the flourishing variety that brings positive attitudes and fresh ideas.

Eyes Wide Open on June 23, 2011 at 9:12 pm

I have this one statement to make…

Unless they lowered the age of consent to 12, this whole deal about letting kids have sex ANYWHERE at a young age sucks. What ever happened to “Don’t be a fool… stay in school”? “Say no to drugs”? “Learn to crawl before you run”?

Instead – it’s “Love the one you’re with”. Taken in the wrong context.

Instead of caring parents/responsible adults, we have hairless apes who never bothered to grow up. (I don’t want to insult children by using the word “children”.)

And I don’t know who this Hasselback is. Is she an “agent provocateur” working for the Islamofascist Fifth Column, or just a plain old idiot hopped up on blow?

Just saying, eh?

The Reverend Jacques on June 23, 2011 at 11:33 pm

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