May 13, 2008, - 4:58 pm
OUTRAGE!: Hezbollah Spy Prouty Gets $750 Fine, NO JAIL TIME; Same for Sis-in-Law, but $500 Fine; Schlussel Cited in News Coverage
By Debbie Schlussel
Al’Hamdillullah [Praise Allah]!
It’s a great day in America for those who engage in sham marriages, immigration fraud, and spy on America on behalf of Hezbollah and other Islamic terrorist groups in America.
I hope you are as nauseated as I am that liberal Federal Judge Avern Cohn gave Hezbollah spy Nada Nadim Prouty a/k/a Nada Nadim Al-Aouar Deladurantaye Valley Prouty ZERO jail time and only fined her $750. This woman spied for Hezbollah, accessed records on the investigation of her brother-in-law, Hezbollah financier Talal Chahine, on his behalf, and gets zero jailtime, while Jonathan Pollard rots for life in prison for spying for an ally. A drunk driver does more time than this spy. Not a day in jail. For treason. Outrageous.

Prouty engaged in a sham marriage to gain U.S. citizenship–that’s immigration fraud, then infiltrated the FBI and CIA (getting top security clearance), improperly accessed federal investigations and disclosed the information to a Hezbo agent–her former bro-in-law, Chahine, and she gets a $750 fine?!
*?*(#$@!!!!!!!!!!!!! [That’s me saying WHAT THE ____?!]
And, as I noted in a New York Post column, her family was intimately involved in the Syrian National Socialist Party, which some say is even worse than Hezbollah. The column was cited in a Kool-Aid brief by Prouty’s lawyers, which this demented federal judge drank.
What’s more, Judge Cohn heaped praise on Prouty. In his “reasoning” for this absurd ad infinitem sentence, Judge Cohn said that Ms. Prouty was getting no jailtime because there was “no evidence” that she shared the info she got on the Hezbollah investigations with her former brother-in-law. Hello . . .? Was she doing this for her health? He secured a kitchen worker from his restaurant to marry her so she could fraudulently obtain U.S. citizenship. And she owed him.
Moreover, Chahine fled the country before he was indicted. I’d say that’s proof that she informed him of the status of the investigation. Any claim that she didn’t share the info is dubious, to say the least.
Cohn also said that Prouty served with distinction in terrorism investigations in Iraq and elsewhere. But, big whoop. Prouty was working on behalf of Shi’ite Hezbollah. The investigations she was involved with were going after Sunni terrorists. This is a Hezbollah/Shi’ite goal, not something for which she was brave or merits plaudits:
A former Detroit-area woman who engaged in a sham marriage to obtain U.S. citizenship and obtained key jobs in the CIA and FBI was fined $750 but given no jail time today by a federal judge.
U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn blasted media coverage of Nada Prouty’s indictment, which he said was fueled by government news releases, and said it distorted the circumstances behind the charges against Prouty. Cohn said Prouty, who lives in suburban Washington, served the United States with distinction in Iraq and elsewhere, at times placing herself in peril on behalf of her adopted country.
Uh, not. See my comments above. Her adopted country is Hezbollahstan, and for that country, she did place herself in peril on its behalf. But NOT for us.
It’s interesting that Ms. Prouty–who is Druze, not Muslim–worked on behalf of Hezbollah over here, while the group is now killing Druze (and Sunnis and Christians) all over Lebanon. They’re suffering, and she wins big. Sickening.

One other thing, yesterday, the despicable Judge Cohn gave Prouty’s ex-sister-in-law, Samar Spinelli–who also engaged in a sham marriage and immigration fraud, worked for Hezbo financier Talal Chahine, and infiltrated the U.S. Marines–zero jailtime and a $500 fine. And he used the same reasoning:
“She has lost her citizenship and employment, her financial resources have been depleted, and the U.S. Marine Corps has lost the services of a first-rate officer,” Cohn said of Spinelli.
Disgusting. Excuse me while I vomit.
Hey, while they’re at it, why don’t they give Prouty and Spinelli back their jobs in the CIA and Marines.
Or they could have a beauty pageant of immigration defrauding Hezbollah spies allowed to stay in America and keep their citizenship. Thanks to Judge Cohn and our limp government, their ranks are growing to the point where they will soon be able to field one from each State in the Union.
**** UPDATE #1: Some readers are asking me about Judge Avern Cohn, whom I’ve followed for many years, including on this site. And while I’m surprised he issued such an absurd sentence in this case, it isn’t new for him. Like I said, I’ve followed this far-left Jimmy Carter appointeee for some time, and have written about how he’s shown a predilection for helping repatriate to the U.S. deported Muslim illegal aliens who paid off an INS inspector and for Islamic terrorists seeking citizenship.
Still, that doesn’t make his “sentencing” of Prouty and Spinelli any less nauseating and outrageous.
**** UPDATE #2: Detroit News reporter Paul Egan quotes me in his coverage of the sentencing:
Debbie Schlussel, a Southfield attorney and conservative commentator, said she is disgusted by the sentence. “I think it’s pretty clear she misused her position as a federal agent,” Schlussel said of Prouty.
Contrast that and what we know Prouty did with this comment by the DisHonorable Judge Cohn in Egan’s report:
“You have rendered extraordinary services to the United States as an agent of the FBI and an employee of the CIA,” Cohn told Prouty. “At no time did you compromise any investigation from improper behavior or inappropriate conduct.”
Um, hello . . .? The woman accessed classified information on a major terrorism investigation that she was not authorized to access, and it just so happened to involve her bro-in-law. That’s not “improper behavior” and “inappropriate conduct”? That doesn’t “compromise the investigation”?
Those of us in the Detroit area who follow terrorism cases (and other federal cases of similar import) have long known it’s well past time for Judge Cohn to retire, and, sadly, there is no mandatory retirement age for federal judges. Unlike the wise Federal Judge John S. Feikens (also sitting on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan) who is the exception (at age 90, and still churning out very sound decisions), Judge Cohn (at almost 84 years old) is the rule.
What the hell kind of @@@@@@**** CRAP is this! What an absolute outrage! No wonder this country is sinking quickly into the abyss.
wolf2012 on May 13, 2008 at 5:51 pm