May 16, 2011, - 12:23 pm

Sharia USA: Obama’s Muslim Outreach Chick / Muslim Mich Lawmaker Targets Casinos

By Debbie Schlussel

For years, we’ve been told by Muslims that they are loyal Americans and don’t seek to enact Islamic law, also known as sharia, on us or replace western laws in America with Koranic ones. But that’s false, and the latest example is Michigan’s first elected female Muslim legislator, who doubled as Barack Obama’s Muslim outreach chieftess during his first Presidential campaign.


Rashida Tlaib: Muslim Legislator Seeks to Enact Sharia on Gambling in Michigan

Rashida Tlaib, the anti-Israel Palestinian Muslim (who represents a largely Hispanic area of Detroit) I’ve written about before, has introduced legislation to heavily increase Detroit taxes on the city’s three casinos. She seeks to raise their taxes three percent, which would squeeze $20 million more from the casinos.

Islam prohibits gambling (and many of Detroit’s Muslims still gamble at the casinos anyway, which is why all three have had Middle Eastern restaurants). A devout Muslim legislator to introduce a bill that specifically targets casinos is clearly trying to hurt them and put into place Islamic proscriptions and prohibitions.

Islamic law also enacts specific taxes on non-Muslims, known as the jizya. Tlaib’s legislation is clearly a move to put the jizya on institutions and parties engaged in practices that are “haram” (forbidden) under Islamic law.  And, as I’ve noted, Tlaib was Barack Obama’s Muslim outreach chieftess during his Presidential run.

For the record, I’m not a fan of casinos and was against them coming to Detroit, but not for religious reasons. I believe casinos suck the lifeblood out of cities. Everything around them tends to look like a war zone (other than in Vegas). They don’t have a positive effect on struggling major cities.  And people bet their rent money there, and they almost always lose.  Many an American family gets destroyed because of the lure of casinos. But I’m largely libertarian on the issue.

Casinos came here because Michigan voters approved them.  That’s the breaks.  And I’m against elected Muslim officials serving in American legislatures using their positions to try to democratically enact their religion. And that’s clearly what’s happening here. It’s no coincidence whatsoever that the single Muslim elected official serving in the Michigan House is the one seeking to tax casinos.

Oh, and by the way, while she is intent on legislating Islam upon us, Rashida Tlaib has a problem with Michigan law. As I’ve noted on this site, Tlaib violated Michigan law and committed fraud, according to her own immediate family members, so she could run for office from her Detroit district.

Yup, typical. They want us to keep their laws. But they won’t keep ours.


By the way, Tlaib has the support for this legislation from racist loon, Farrakhan fan, and Detroit Third World City Councilwoman (hey, I repeated myself three times) JoAnn Watson. Figures.

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17 Responses

And people bent their rent money there, and they almost always lose. Many an American family gets destroyed because of the lure of casinos. But I’m largely libertarian on the issue.

I believe you mean “People bet their rent money,” you (sic) woman.

Arabs gamble plenty. There are, or were till quite recently, Arab…places of business in East Jerusalem. I believe they are licensed as restaurants. You walk along the street and glance in the door, you don’t see so much as a cup of coffee being served. You see old men, in kafiyahs, playin cards.

Miranda Rose Smith on May 16, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    You walk along the street and glance in the door, you don’t see so much as a cup of coffee being served. You see old men, in kafiyahs, playing cards.

    Miranda Rose Smith on May 16, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    Miranda Rose Smith on May 16, 2011 at 12:42 pm

Oh, Ya…Happy Days are on the way!

1. New Song: “MY SHARIA” (just think “MY SHARONA” beat)
4. New Justice: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN

Oh, Detroiters, WAKE-UP. You are quickly running out-of-time to save your city, your children, and your futures.

Dennis on May 16, 2011 at 12:49 pm

I cannot read this article without imagining either Beavis or Butthead saying the word “jizya” out loud, and then both doing that half giggle, half snort they are famous for.

Irving on May 16, 2011 at 1:27 pm

The change in legislation is spreading all over. In yesterdays The Virginian-Pilot theres an article about an inmate Rahshid Qwai Al-Amin sued the state of Virginia so they could provide him an his fellow muslim inmates with Arabic materials such as reading materials CDs and DVDs, also he’s alotted $2,000.00 for his trouble.
The Attorney General Ken Cunccinelli gave up fighting the case after a bunch of lower courts ruled in Al-Amin’s favor throughout the seven years spent fighting the case. Soon we will be beseiged with laws allowing so many Islamic traditions we won’t reconize our country anymore!

Anthony on May 16, 2011 at 2:44 pm

I’ll bet this “legislator” goes to the Windsor Ballet whenever she gets the chance….

Macker on May 16, 2011 at 6:23 pm

I’m gonna look at every link on this post. Rashida Taquiyya thinks she’s fooling everyone. Guess again.

I don’t know what is worse…these Mooooooslim frauds who pretend to be Conservatives or the ones who pretend to embrace Liberals and their dhimmitude.

This Rashida should go to ANY ME country and fight for the rights of her fellow females. This Rashida Taquiyya should go to Afghanistan and help the Bacha Bazi boys.

What a sickening specimen this beast is.

(I hate gambling myself. It destroys families and DS is spot on with her point about casinos making the areas around it all look like a combat zone. Also, I would NEVER frequent an Indian Casino (even if I liked it) because those frauds are NOT beholden to USA law but their silly Tribal Laws. Eff them, the house ALWAYS wins.)

Skunky on May 16, 2011 at 7:29 pm

Wow. This piece of work got away with the same fraud our NEW State Auditor (Suzanne Bump) did.

You just gotta love Democrat moonbat states.

Suzanne Bump (D) was elected in Novemeber (when every other state in the Union was getting rid of the Democrat trash!) as the state auditor even though she had NO experience as an accountant (as her R opponent had) and had to admit ON CAMERA and apologize for her fraud as a previous state rep.

She got elected even though it was publicized that she had TWO homes listed as her PRIMARY residence. She’s a tax-cheat fraud who listed each house as a PRIMARY or PRINCIPAL residence and got elected even so.

Gotta love the democrat states!/

Skunky on May 16, 2011 at 8:10 pm

This will be the biggest Sharia slam down since the Saudis invaded Monaco. Next she will try to abolish black slavery. Apparently she does not know who the masters are.

pat on May 17, 2011 at 2:17 am

Why is this loyal mooslime not required to wear the hajib according to the dikta of her “religion”?

Mark F. on May 17, 2011 at 4:50 am

Rashida Tlaib is someone who tries to get in under the tent when no one is looking. If she is unhappy about Muslims gambling, she should direct her ire at them, rather than impose her views upon people who are not her co-religionists.

Worry01 on May 17, 2011 at 7:02 am

Another warrior in the stealth jihad. I would if she gets 72 dancing boys in Jannat? Or maybe just Joe Biden in a posing pouch?

Tanstaafl on May 17, 2011 at 8:34 am

Yeah, i might imagine that casino mogul and likudist nutcase Shelli Adelson could be a little upset here, so he unleashed you on this topic.

By allah, next year in liberated Palestine!

Donner PARTY aNIMAL on May 17, 2011 at 9:48 am


Okay, so this woman wants to do this:

“Islamic law also enacts specific taxes on non-Muslims, known as the jizya. Tlaib’s legislation is clearly a move to put the jizya on institutions parties engaged in practices that are “haram” (forbidden) under Islamic law.”

Alright, so now we have typical “taqyyia”(sp.). That would mean that the imans and such could go gamble but NOT pay taxes on their winnings because they are of Islam. But infidels would be required to pay taxes because we are in the USA,still,I think, and are required to answer to the IRS.

BTW, I hate gambling and have never played the lottery. Hate waiting at a “suppose-d”quikie mart while customers are scratching off lottery tickets one after the other. And the worst part is that the quickie marts are owned by Muslims.

cthelight on May 17, 2011 at 9:53 am

Dennis and Skunky,

You are great. You have a full understanding of this camelionic cult that thrives on treachery and deceit. When will the rest of the West wake up to this fact????

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on May 17, 2011 at 9:54 am

“Representing” a largely latino district, another example of exploiting the inner city for their own gain. Politics are the new party stores, huh?

Rage Against the Rashida on May 17, 2011 at 11:43 pm

The Detroit News article you linked to states that the Detroit City Council and Mayor Bing are backing this tax. Are they secret Muslims or are they being manipulated by Rep. Tlaib or both?

The United Methodist Church also opposes gambling and many of our state legislators are members. I assume whenever any of them ever oppose gambling or seek to tax casinos, you also attack them for their attempt to establish their religion as the law of the land?

S: Yes, actually, the entire Detroit City Council–all of its members–are open supporters of Louis Farrakhan. Get a clue, honey. And try looking up the word, “dhimmi.” DS

Susan on May 19, 2011 at 3:02 pm

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