April 6, 2011, - 3:22 am

How It’s Done: Israel Air Strikes Take Out HAMAS Arms Dealers . . . in Sudan!

By Debbie Schlussel

*** UPDATE: EXCLUSIVE Details on Israel Sudan Strike – Message to Obama; Top HAMAS Commander, Sudanese Tribal Arms Dealers Hit ***

A few hours ago, a dear friend of mine–a former, very successful Arab operative for Israel in Lebanon–sent me this story with the headline, “Well Done Job.”  He knows this is an Israeli operation, and so do I.  Indeed, this is exactly how it’s done.  I just wish the Israeli Air Force would do more of this and that it had done more of this in the past.  And I’m not so concerned with the strikes being this “surgical.”  Collateral damage in the Islamic world, especially in places like terrorist-host state Sudan where Black Christians have been virtually wiped out, isn’t a concern for me.  Nor should it be for Israel, regardless of international reaction, which is never mollified when it comes to Israel.

Flying the Sudan’s Not So Friend Skies, Israel Takes Out HAMAS Operatives

Although the press describes this as a “mystery,” previous experience points to this being Israel targeting HAMASniks and their transport of weapons to HAMAS. Remember that Sudan borders Egypt which borders Gaza. And now that Egypt has been liberated by Lara Logan’s “liberal democrat” Muslim savage liberators, the Egyptians won’t even pretend to try to stop the arms going into Gaza. So Israel has to get them before they travel from Sudan (and other locations) to Egypt. Port Sudan is on the water, so arms are easily smuggled into and out of Sudan there, even more easily than in the rest of Muslim ravaged Sudan, previously home and sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden.

KHARTOUM – Two people were killed in an attack on a car near Port Sudan on Tuesday, which police suggested was a missile fired from the sea, while state media and a regional government official blamed a foreign aircraft.

Witnesses at the scene near the airport at Sudan’s main port city said the small car was destroyed and the two charred bodies of its passengers could be seen.

Have fun in paradise, habaybi [my dears].

“A missile from an unknown source probably bombed the car,” police spokesman Ahmed Al-Tahmi told Reuters. He earlier told local radio the missile had likely been fired from the Red Sea.

The Sudanese Media Center, a news agency linked to Sudan’s state security apparatus, and the speaker of the Red Sea state parliament, Ahmed Tahir, said an unidentified aircraft had flown into Sudanese air space to bomb the car.

It’s the Israeli Air Force, bitch!

The plane came in from the Red Sea and flew back after the bombing, Tahir said. The Sudanese Media Center said the army responded with missiles that the foreign plane managed to evade.

“We heard three loud explosions,” a source at Port Sudan airport told Reuters. “We went outside to see what was happening and eye witnesses told us they saw two helicopters which looked liked Apaches flying past.”

Apaches? Yup, it’s Israel. Love it. Thanks, Boeing. If it were up to me, I would call this “Operation Sheikh Yassin,” to honor the Israeli air strike that took out HAMAS-revered Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was taken out with an Israeli air strike, and only a single charred, smoky wheel from his wheelchair remained after the fact.

Tahir said the two people killed were traveling into the town from the airport when their car was hit. They have not been identified.

So sad, too bad. Hmm . . . from where did their flight arrive? Well, their identities are already known to the brothers at the HAMAS meeting to which they didn’t make it.

This is not the first time mystery has surrounded a strike in Sudan’s eastern Red Sea state.

In January 2009, unknown aircraft hit a convoy of suspected arms smugglers on a remote road in the state according to Sudanese officials, a strike that some reports said may have been carried out by Israel to stop weapons bound for Gaza.

Second time’s a charm. Mazel Tov, Israel. Two down, a billion or so to go.

New HAMAS T-shirt: Akhi [my brother] went to Sudan to meet the Brothers and all I got was this charred t-shirt, halal extra crispy (handcrafted by designer Israeli Apache pilot artisans). Only available in ashen charcoal gray.

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49 Responses

love it!

docgary on April 6, 2011 at 8:32 am

    Bravo! Just finished reading about Gideon in the Book of Kings – Israel neds a Gideon at this point in time. Israel was a warrior nation – Moses, Joshua, Gideon, etc. In Biblical times Israel stood strong. Israel (Hopefully) realizes that they cannot depend on the U.S. as an ally as long as the current administration is in power. Yesterday, Obambi spoke out against Israeli homebuilding – then stated his commitment to defending Israel. Liar, Liar. Just look that we now sit on the U.N. “Human Rights” Commission – along with Cuba, etc. – A commission dedicated to the dwestruction of Israel. Leftist anti-semites populate the current administration in Washington. Just look at Obambi’s friends, Wright, Farrakahn, etc. We are judged by the company we keep. We pray for Israel. STAY STRONG! And do what you have to do!

    Herbster on April 6, 2011 at 12:56 pm

It’s halal in my book.

Tanstaafl on April 6, 2011 at 8:42 am

Fantastic, but wish that Israel would launch missiles into Gaza and Ramallah as well, not just Port Sudan or Omdurman

Infidel Pride on April 6, 2011 at 8:55 am

“And I’m not so concerned with the strikes being this “surgical.””

Me either, Debbie.

That annoys me to no end. Sure, try your best not to hit civilians, but war isn’t pretty and it happens. It’s not like these thugs won’t do far worse to any other civilian that gets in their way when it’s them doing the same things to Israelis, Americans, or even their own people.

Jeff_W on April 6, 2011 at 9:06 am

    It’s truly shocking that you don’t really give a shit about innocent people being killed – if your kind of justice is one where you get to decide who lives and who dies, thank fuck you’re not actually in charge of anything!

    Imogen on April 6, 2011 at 4:55 pm







Dennis on April 6, 2011 at 10:12 am

    Truly, you are a hateful, war-mongering bunch of cowards. “Let them rain down on Ramallah” someone said. “Its halal” said another. “Super-mensch” (a phrase ironically from the Nazi lexicon said another, “Eliminating a billion of them was a good start…”

    From all the sites pro-Israel I have visited, the over-riding attitude is one of arrogant, careless delight in the destruction of other human beings. What an illustration of the black heart of Israel. Shame, shame, shame on you all, and eternal shame on your nation. You literally disgust me, and I would consider myself moderate.

    Kev on April 7, 2011 at 3:15 pm

“And I’m not so concerned with the strikes being this “surgical.””

In an on-air interview with some of the Libyan “rebels”, one of them stated without irony that if civilians were killed – by their hands or by the coalition – in the course of fighting Qadaffi’s forces, that was OK. Of course, if Arab civilians are killed while they’re fighting those infidel JEWS, well that’s another matter. Then it’s a massacre calling for condemnation or a war crime meriting prosecution. What a bunch of hypocrites!

Raymond in DC on April 6, 2011 at 10:36 am

And those who are anti-semetic towards jewish people more likely won’t be around any longer, ask the nazis, philistines, etc. You anti-semites (that means you islamist, black nationalist, white nationalist, etc.) you think Israel is gonna just roll over and fold because the Iranian Hitler want’s them to be eradicated from the earth and cause another holocaust? Sorry you anti-semite low-lives, it’s NOT going to happen, we know the Israeli government is corrupt (like our government here in the USA), but their military will protect their own people (Israel has the 3rd or 4th largest military in the world from last I checked)!

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on April 6, 2011 at 11:01 am

and I thought I was the only one who thought eliminating a billion of them was a good start!

BK on April 6, 2011 at 11:22 am

Israeli’s know how to do it. Why risk the lives of thousands of young American troops to help the wrong side in the first place. We should have stayed out of Iraq, Egypt,and Libya, as well as the rest of those Middle East countries. I feel the same about Korea and Vietnam.

Joel-texag57 on April 6, 2011 at 11:56 am

God bless Israel.

Forget this nation-building, “We Are The World” garbage. How do you teach Jeffersonian democracy to a bunch of Muslims? You can’t — it’s folly.

The was Islamists are going to learn is through pure force.

Vince on April 6, 2011 at 12:02 pm

Glad someone did, now wish Israel start raining them on Ramamllah and Gaza too. Hitting Bashir’s ass wouldnt hurt my feelings either.

John Brooks on April 6, 2011 at 12:16 pm

If black Americans only knew how many black Africans from Sudan have been taken as slaves by Muslims, they’d be fighting mad. What’s happened in Sudan with slavery is pure evil.

Truth on April 6, 2011 at 12:21 pm


    “If black Americans only knew how many black Africans from Sudan have been taken as slaves by Muslims, they’d be fighting mad. What’s happened in Sudan with slavery is pure evil.”

    That can’t be said enough. I’d even add that black people are slaves all throughout the Muslim world. My best friend worked in UAE, and he said there’s a lot of black people there — they’re just servants and prostitutes.

    If you haven’t already done so, check out the book “Islam’s Black Slaves.” After reading that, I want to pull my hair out every time I see a black person with a name like “Mohammed” or “Aiesha”.

    Vince on April 6, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    i’m surprised our black-supremecist president doesn’t act on this… but the truth is all of his ideologies and beliefs get thrown under the bus of his personal ambition.

    howard roark on April 6, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Now that is exciting, wtg Israel

jake49 on April 6, 2011 at 1:33 pm

“Apaches? Yup, it’s Israel. Love it. Thanks, Boeing.”

you’re very welcome!

howard, boeing design engineer

howard roark on April 6, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Israel spoke to these muslims in the only language that they understand- force. Enjoy your 72 virgins, boys! Hope they don’t look like most of the muslim women I’ve seen.

Jack Meyhoffer on April 6, 2011 at 2:46 pm

What a bunch of bloodthirsty murdering cunts you are!!
Why would you wish for innocent men, women and children to be killed?

Imogen on April 6, 2011 at 4:59 pm

    i think it’s spelled, kkkunts… stay classy, imogen!

    howard roark on April 6, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    I love the way Israelis claim to want only peace, yet look at the wicked shameful glee when they kill extra-judicially.
    For all you who believe the Israeli propaganda, here are the undisputed figures:

    Israel has killed FIVE TIMES the number of Palestinians since 1987. (7978 Palestinians dead versus 1503 Israelis)

    Since 2009, Israel has killed 2100 Palestinians. 35 Israelis have died, 13 of them by friendly fire.

    Israel actively settles land Israel itself acknowledges to belong to Palestine, contrary to the Geneva Convention and several UN Mandates.

    Israel has used White Phosphorous and Depleted Uranium weapons on civilians in Gaza. These are Chemical and Radioactive Weapons, and constitute war crimes.

    Israel has killed over 2000 Palestinian children (contrast with 1503 Israeli Adults and Children dead in total since 1987).

    Israelis gathered outside Gaza to participate in a grizzly spectator sports-like session during Cast Lead, drinking and laughing and cheering as the hapless Palestinians were pulverised.

    Most Israelis have AT MOST 4 generations of family born in the land of Canaan. Palestinians for the most part have several thousand years direct ancestry in the same land. Israel has never accorded Palestinians the right to the land they were born in which they so arrogantly claim is theirs because their God Yahweh is said to have given it to them in their book the Bible. Its a pity their God doesnt appear to the UN Council of Nations and clear this matter up. Isnt it?

    Kev on April 7, 2011 at 3:07 pm

Smart Jews! I love it when they hit back instead of incessantly apologizing!

This is exactly the way Israel needs to do it if it wants to survive!

NormanF on April 6, 2011 at 6:15 pm

You wicked bastards…

Imogen on April 6, 2011 at 8:14 pm

@ imogen,

Because they aren’t innocent!

Karen on April 6, 2011 at 10:12 pm

There’s a new video by Dov Hoschander of Dovmusic.com – all of his songs are based on the religious Jewish hymns. His latest is Hu Yivarech – A Song For The IDF soldier, based on a prayer recited on Shabbat morning. It one of those rare videos that will leave your spirits soaring at the end:


What an extraordinarily gifted young man!

NormanF on April 7, 2011 at 5:55 am

    Thank you for the video link, NormanF. It’s an excellent uplifting song.

    JeffE on April 7, 2011 at 11:18 pm

Vince wrote “I’d even add that black people are slaves all throughout the Muslim world. My best friend worked in UAE, and he said there’s a lot of black people there — they’re just servants and prostitutes”

Muslims will often say “oh, they’re hired servants”. The reality is that if the “servant” tries to quit their job, they’re killed by the Muslims……that is slavery(pure evil).

Truth on April 7, 2011 at 12:14 pm

It’s kind of odd that “weapon parts” weren’t recovered at the scene.

…just sayin’. 😉

AnonGuy on April 7, 2011 at 12:59 pm

Oh poor Imogen, did that hurt your poor little precious feelings? Honey you ain’t seen jack yet, if you think that was bad? Wait untill the real blood letting starts.

Drakken on April 7, 2011 at 1:45 pm

    Not really, I could care less I suppose. But the fact that you seem to engage in a political dilemma without the faintest idea what the fuck you are supporting or talking about, does depress me slightly.

    Why should a fascist woman ( – is she a woman? She looks like a transvestite in that pic of hers) like Dreary Drebbie have the opportunity to brainwash you febble-minded followers with her racist, neo-nazi rants without being challenged?

    Have you ever thought about doing your own research Drakken – have you ever thought, even. Or do you let transsexual hatemongers do the talking for you whilst you blindly follow hoping she’ll find favour with you and show you her cock?

    Imogen on April 7, 2011 at 2:08 pm

Wouldn’t surprise me if looted weapons are passing through Sudan from south eastern Libya either.

sg on April 7, 2011 at 3:49 pm

OMG you are SO moral!!!!! *SoOoOoOoOo* *Moral*!!!

But you have no problem with the genocidal hate that animates Islam and societies adhering to it. As long it that hate is toward Israel and JEWS. How dare they strike back, even when they carefully limit the strike to the particular individuals arranging a *large shipment of arms* for Gaza to *wage jihad war* *targeting civilian* (yep) Israelis? How dare they defend themselves against that? Right?

You are a moral imbecile.

AreUExpiatedYet on April 7, 2011 at 5:20 pm

I love the way Israelis claim to want only peace, yet look at the wicked shameful glee when they kill extra-judicially.
For all you who believe the Israeli propaganda, here are the undisputed figures:

ISRAEL HAS KILLED FIVE TIMES THE MORE PEOPLE THAN PALESTINIANS since 1987. (7978 Palestinians dead versus 1503 Israelis)

Since 2009, ISRAEL HAS KILLED TWO THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED PALESTINIANS. 35 Israelis have died, 13 of them by friendly fire.

Israel actively settles land Israel itself acknowledges to belong to Palestine, contrary to the Geneva Convention and several UN Mandates.

Israel has used White Phosphorous and Depleted Uranium weapons on civilians in Gaza. These are Chemical and Radioactive Weapons, and constitute war crimes.

Israel has killed over 2000 Palestinian children (contrast with 1503 Israeli Adults and Children dead in total since 1987).

Israelis gathered outside Gaza to participate in a grizzly spectator sports-like session during Cast Lead, drinking and laughing and cheering as the hapless Palestinians were pulverised.

Most Israelis have AT MOST 4 generations of family born in the land of Canaan. Palestinians for the most part have several thousand years direct ancestry in the same land. Israel has never accorded Palestinians the right to the land they were born in which they so arrogantly claim is theirs because their God Yahweh is said to have given it to them in their book the Bible. Its a pity their God doesnt appear to the UN Council of Nations and clear this matter up. Isnt it?

Kev on April 7, 2011 at 5:47 pm

@ Kev.

Judging by you posting the same thing twice, it looks like that you want a response. Well, Kev, I will grant your wish.

The fact that in the war between Israel and the so-called Palestinains that more of the latter has been killed than the former means nothing. After all, in World War II more Nazi German soliders were killed in the war than were the Allied soliders, but yet in that war which side were the good guys and which side the bad guys?

On another point, you contradict yourself. On the one hand, you say that “Israel actively settles land Israel itself acknowledges to belong to Palestine,”, but then later on say that Israel “arrogantly claim[s] [the land] is theirs.” Well, which is it? Does Israel acknowledge that the land that Israel settles on is Palestine, or does Israel “arrogantly” claim that the land is theirs?

Also, if you want to see arrogance, take a look at various anti-Israel websites in the way that they deny that the land of Israeel is Israel and claim that the land somehow doesn’t belong to the Jewish people. Now that’s arrogance.

Also, on “Palestine”, see this link:


Also, while the Jewish claim to Israel is based on G-d giving the land to the Jewish people as documented in the Bible, it is also supplemented by secular history as well. See these two links:




JeffE on April 7, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Apologies Jefrey,
    The nuances of the argument might be a lttle subtle for you. Israel unilaterally declared itself a state in 1948, despite MASSIVE opposition for the previous 20 years from the indigenous Palestinian population (for example, the Palestinian Uprising 1936-39 which took tens of thousands of British troops to quell, my grandfather being one of them).
    Israel unilaterally defined its own boundaries and defined areas outside those boundaries to be part of Palestine. It is in these areas today, whch it still officially declares to be part of a notional future Palestinian state where Israel settles.

    The facts are the facts, and cannot be disputed. Israel has consistently killed more Palestinians every year since 1948, averaging 5 to 1.
    Israel commits war crimes regularly in its deployment of heavy weaponry against civilians.
    Israel contravenes the Geneva convention with impunity, and flies in the face of the UN resolutions, the UN ironically being the organisation which gave Israel its mandate in 48.

    More sinister and shocking is the tone and the language that emanates from pages like these. A glee, abarbaric delight, a bloodlust is evident from Israelis and supprters of Israel. For me, the last 2 years of closely following matters have given me an impression of Israelis which has been backed up in reality. Cruel, heartless, arrogant, bloodthirsty. These are the attributes I have observed in face to face meetings, but ignored, as I may not have understoood the cultural dynamics. With mainstream writers like this Schlussel, I now realise my surmises were accurate. That is something that saddens me. It is also something I will never forget.

    Israel continues to kill, continues to engage in violent aggression and transgression, and will forever have the stain of shame on its soul if it does not radically alter its path. That my friend is the legacy you pass down the generations. Your next generations of shame.

    Kev on April 8, 2011 at 4:25 am

Re: Kev at 4:25 am

You ignored most of my points that I made in my post of last night.

For example, on the notion of the “indigenous Palestinian population”, my third link refuted that. Specifically, the part that says:

“When Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: ‘There is no such thing as ‘Palestine’ in history, absolutely not.’ In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called “the holy land” (al-Arad al-Muqaddash).”

You also failed to address my point that just because Israel has killed more “Palestinians” than the “Palestinians” have killed Israelis doesn’t make the Israel the bad guys. As I tried to point out, using that logic, it would mean that in World War II, since the Allied soliders killed more Nazi soliders than the Nazis killed Allied Soliders, that it would make the Nazis the good guys and the Allies the bad guys. Of course, we both know that it was the Nazis who were the bad guys and the Allied soliders the good guys.

To be continued…

JeffE on April 8, 2011 at 9:23 am



You made reference to the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939, the one where according to a Wikipedia article (I’m not providing a link, but do a search of “Arab Revolt of 1936-1939” and it will take you to the article–it also appears to be written from a pro-Arab perspective):

“According to official British figures covering the whole revolt, the army and police killed more than 2,000 Arabs in combat, 108 were hanged,[8] and 961 died because of ‘gang and terrorist activities’.[1] In an analysis of the British statistics Walid Khalidi estimates 19,792 casualties for the Arabs, with 5,032 dead: 3,832 killed by the British and 1,200 dead because of ‘terrorism’, and 14,760 wounded.[1] Over ten percent of the adult male Palestinian Arab population between 20 and 60 was killed, wounded, imprisoned or exiled.[12] Estimates of the number of Palestinian Jews killed range from 91[13] to ‘several hundred’.[14]”

Comparing at least Walid Khalidi’s statistics to the statistics that you provided in your two repeated posts, it appears that the British has killed more Arabs in four years than Israel has in 24 years. No matter whose numbers you believe, either way the British surely weren’t shy about killing Arabs. Were they also guilty of committing war crimes as well? I would hate to think that you would accuse your grandfather of being a war criminal. I would instead prefer to think that the British, including your grandfather, were doing what they had to do to bring law and order.

To be continued…

JeffE on April 8, 2011 at 9:40 am

    My grandfather was a private in the army, doing his duty to protect your sorry ass from being driven into the Med. Dont give me this comparison shit, they did this, these did that… YOU are responsible for YOUR actions now, and Israel is behaving with no honour, disgusting violence and a lack of humanity that stinks to high heaven and the altar of God… 11 Palestinians killed yesterday…

    Kev on April 8, 2011 at 6:15 pm


      Re: “My grandfather was a private in the army, doing his duty to protect your sorry ass from being driven into the Med.”

      First of all, I want to remind you that you are the one that brought up the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939 first–not me.

      My final sentence of my post that you are responding to says: “I would instead prefer to think that the British, including your grandfather, were doing what they had to do to bring law and order.”

      The point of my comparisions is in the case of both the British back then and Israel today is that in both cases they were/are fighting against Arab aggression. There are only two valid positions to be made without being a hypocrite–either 1)both did war crimes, or 2) neither did. My position is that neither did. Accordingly, I thank your grandfather for his service.

      JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 9:23 pm

        My post should read: “There are only two valid positions that can be made without being a hypocrite…”

        JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 9:32 pm



Finally, you have it backwards about who is committing aggression against whom in the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is not Israel who is committing aggression against the Arabs generally–or even against the “Palestinian” Arabs in particuliar, but is instead the Arabs–including the “Palestinian” Arabs–who are committing aggression against Israel.

Israel has gone out of its way to avoid killing Arab civillians–to a fault while the Arabs target Israeli ones.

Also if you want to talk about war crimes, check out this article by Debbie and tell me that that isn’t a war crime:


If that’s not a war crime–then I don’t know what the phrase means. Of course, that isn’t the only example, but it’s a very heinous example.

In any case, if you want Israel to quit killing Arabs and have Debbie and others here to quit rooting for Israel to kill the Arabs more aggressively, well it’s simple. All that needs to be done is for the Arabs to end it’s illegal, immoral, and evil war against Israel and let Israel live in peace as a Jewish state–which also includes quit killing the Jews.

Have a nice day.

JeffE on April 8, 2011 at 9:59 am


    I dont think 6you live in the real world mate. Israel has killed 2100 Palestinians since 2009, maintains a strangling, ILLEGAL blockade.
    As for going out of its way to avoid killing civilians, that probablty explains why Israel deployed Chemical and Radioactive weaponry against civilian targets in crowded Gaza. Did the IDF not realise that lobbing thermophilic material into civilians would kill them??? Dont give me that! The IDF knew there would be mass civilian casualties. The dogs in Gaza
    knew there would be mass civilian casualties. This sort of lie, downright LIE can no longer be passed off, thanks to the internet.
    Further, not only has Israel killed FIVE TIMES the number of people, it also has a higher PERCENTAGE of civilian kills than Palestinians, standing at 70%.
    You speak of morality: where is the morality of Israel who refuses to accept that it is the group invading and dispossessing the Palestinians, not the other way round. Dont give me this bible rubbish. My family sold the family home of 200 years last year. I no longer have any right to it, biblical claims to exclusivity be damned.
    YOU Israel are the ones that need to extend the olive branch, YOU are the ones causing the destruction to peoples lives, dispossessing generations, taking taking taking. You are the ones refusing peace with Hamas and Fatah (2006, Apr 2009, Dec 2009), you are the ones who claim peace but have most blood. Ironic that your enemies who declare their enmity have less blood on their hands.
    The tone of these pages is so crudely violent, so arrogant and so heartless. I will hold this impression of Israleis forever, and many around the world will too. The rudeness, aggression and arrogance of Israelis is renowned around the world (for example, in central India, a sign on a restaurant saif “No Israelis” I asked the waiter why, thinking he was a Muslim, he said it was becasue the Israelis were too aggressive and too rude. This was repeated in many places, and is indicative of your character as a whole)
    Your violent heartless killing of the Palestinian (you invade his home, not the other way round) will stand as an eternal blot on your Nation’s character, and particularly, your countrymen’s attitude to the killing of other human beings, the mockery , the delight, the vainglory, stands as a damning indictment of the spirit of Israel…

    “The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I’ve found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes.”
    – Harry S Truman, President of the United States.

    Kev on April 8, 2011 at 12:34 pm


Re: Your post on April 8, 2011 at 12:34 pm.

“Dont give me this bible rubbish. My family sold the family home of 200 years last year. I no longer have any right to it, biblical claims to exclusivity be damned.”

The key word in your anaology is the word “sold”. Israel did not sell its nation (house) two thousand years ago. It was instead stolen from them by the Romans and others. The proper analogy would be that your family’s house was stolen from them two thousand years ago, and with some the members of your family being in the neighborhood of the stolen house, while others were driven far away. Over the course of the next two thousand years, the house changed hands numerous times, some legally, other cases, stolen from them. Over two thousand years, some members of your family confronts its current occupants and tries to get the house back, but for one reason or another are unsuccessful. Finally, two thousand years later your current generation of your family all comes back and confronts the people who now occupy the house that was stolen from them, present the papers to them to prove that it was your family’s house and that it was stolen from them and try to get it back. The current occupants refuse. You and your family eventually gets your house back, but the people that your family took you house from are using all means to take the house from you and your family. That is for the most part, more or less, what Israel is in. So the questions are: Should Israel legally/morally be allowed to keep its nation that it successfully took back? Should your family (in this hypothetical scenario) be legally/morally allowed to keep the house that was stolen from your family two thousand years ago? If your answer to the question is that Israel shouldn’t legally/morally be allowed to keep its nation, then it also means that your family shouldn’t morally/legally be allowed to keep the house that you successfully took back that was stolen from them two thousand years ago.

Admittedly, this analogy is not perfect, but it is at least a better one than is your analogy of comparing Israel’s situation to your family’s house being sold.

BTW, even though I disagree with your dismaissl of the Bible, you’ll notice that in my above analysis, I did not make a single reference to it.

JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 10:05 pm


Re: Your post on April 8, 2011 at 12:34 pm.

“YOU Israel are the ones that need to extend the olive branch, YOU are the ones causing the destruction to peoples lives, dispossessing generations, taking taking taking. You are the ones refusing peace with Hamas and Fatah (2006, Apr 2009, Dec 2009), you are the ones who claim peace but have most blood. Ironic that your enemies who declare their enmity have less blood on their hands.”

Israel HAS BEEN extending the olive branch, and it ends up being shoved up its you-know-where. Did you miss the part where Israel in 1993-2000 had a “peace process” with Yasser Arafat’s “PLO” which ended in Israel making an offer whereby Israel gives up all the Gaza Strip territory, most of the so-called “West Bank” and have a Palestinian State be established in those territories, in conforms basically to the pro-Arab/anti-Israel narrative as directed to Western audiences in saying that if only Israel were to withdraw from those territories and have a Palestinian State be established in those territories, then there would be peace. Israel tried that and Arafat responded by rejected it without even making a counteroffer and then had the “Palestinians” launch its five years war of aggression against Israel–“Intifada II” complete with homocide bombings and other terror attacks against the Israeli Jews–and also non-Jews being killed as well. Also, Israel unillaterally withdrew unilaterally from Gaza back in 2005, and the response is rockets being launched against the pre-1967 region of Israel and the “Palestinian” electing Hamas–who doesn’t pretend to not want any peace with Israel–over Fatah–which does pretend to want to make peace with Israel.

Also, concerning the few Israelis the “Palestinians”, having not killed as many Israeli Jews as Israel has been killing the “Palestinians”–it is not due to the “Palestinainans'” lack of trying.

However, I’m not letting Israel completely off he hook. Israel is to blame for the killings, but not in the way that you have been saying. If Israel did not try to due its’ so-called “Peace Process” with the Arafat’s “PLO”, and especilally didn’t withdraw from the Gaza Strip in 2005, the Arabs would not have been emboldened and wouldn’t have killed the Israeli Jews and Israel wouldn’t have had to retaliate by killing the Arabs, and there also wouldn’t be a blockade. I knew back then that both of these moves were a horrible idea. If Israel had held its ground and defended their rights to those territories, there would have been peace by now–certainly there would be far fewer people dead than is the case as stands.

JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 10:42 pm

    The beginning part of my second to the final paragraph should read:

    *Also, concerning the “Palestinians” having not killed as many Israeli Jews…*

    JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 10:46 pm

P.S. Of couse, the United States, The United Nations, and other countries are also to blame for pressuring Israel to do these horrible mistakes.

JeffE on April 9, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Debbie… You’re laughing all the way to the bank aren’t you. I need to rethink my career and become a incendiary conservative blogger like you (or what ever you are). You guys have an endless parade of mindless zombie lemmings incapable of critical thinking… its AMAZING! Congratulations:)

jpegger on April 16, 2011 at 12:31 am

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