March 24, 2011, - 3:09 pm

Told Ya: GOP Gov Hosts CAIR Netwk, Israel Boycott Leader; Calls For More Muslim Immigrants

By Debbie Schlussel

Why is Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan yukking it up with HAMAS-financier CAIR Action Network and other Muslims who openly hate Jews and support terrorist groups that blow up Americans?  Why is he urging more Muslim foreign immigration to Michigan? Told ya this would happen. I was on to him, early on.

Yesterday, he hosted the CAIR Action Network and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan, both openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah, kick off Michigan Muslim Capitol Day. In his speech to these extremists and open Islamic terrorism supporters, Snyder called for more foreign immigration to Michigan as the way to solve the state’s economic woes. Not kidding. Alhamdillullah [Praise allah].



GOP Gov Rick Snyder @ CAIR Action Netwk Event Hosted by Israel Boycotter Muzammil Ahmed, CAIR Action Netwk

The event was organized by Muzammil Ahmed, who led the campus-wide Boycott Israel campaign when he and I were undergrads at the University of Michigan.  At the time, he repeatedly shouted anti-Semitic slogans at me which were so heinous that a Chaldean woman (whose father used to work for Saddam Hussein) apologized to me for him and said, “We Christian Arabs don’t hate Jews like he does.”  Since then, Ahmed, a recent Michigan CAIR Action Network board member, became a doctor, and among the hospitals where he is on staff is Oakwood Hospital, where pregnant Muslim illegal aliens go to commit Medicaid fraud and have you pick up the dime for the delivery of their babies, who then have birthright citizenship.  Ahmed, a urologist, wrote an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press defending this practice and the Muslim OB/GYN who was a co-conspirator in the scam. Yup, Rick Snyder is chanting “As Salaam Aleikum” (yes, he did that) at an event organized by a man who advocates ripping off Michigan taxpayers at a time when Medicaid is already suffering huge cuts. Shukran [Arabic for Thanks], Rick.  I also blame the unelected, unrepresentative organized Jewish community for this because the uber-kapos continue to host events with Israel-boycotter Ahmed to promote him and his views.

This is why I threw away my vote, last November, and voted Libertarian for Michigan Governor. I warned you about Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder and his pandering to the most extreme Muslims.

Apparently Snyder thinks we don’t have enough extremist Muslims inside our state.  And apparently he thinks we have such an overflow of jobs and such low unemployment that he is apparently unaware that Michigan is second behind Nevada in unemployment rates.  He also has no problem sharing his time as Governor with open Jew-haters and supporters of Islamic terrorist groups that murdered Americans.

As you’ll recall, last year, I told you all about Republican Rick Snyder, now Michigan’s Governor.  When he was campaigning–even though he was leading by leaps and bounds in the polls–I reported that Snyder spoke at the American-Arab Chamber of Commerce annual banquet.  As I told you then, the Muslim-dominated organization has an illegal alien Palestinian as one of its officers, and its founder, Nasser Beydoun, told an audience in Egypt he founded the organization to force America to change its position on Israel and become pro-Muslim.  The organization is openly pro-HAMAS, pro-Hezbollah, and anti-Semitic.

Here’s more on this glorious Islamo-pandering session of utter barfitude:

Gov. Rick Snyder today restated his call for increased immigration in the state in the wake of U.S. Census figures released Tuesday showing a steep decline in Michigan’s population.

The governor told Muslim leaders gathered in Lansing for an annual “Michigan Muslim Capitol Day” that Michigan’s diversity is a selling point for businesses that can spur economic growth in the state. . . .

“We need to celebrate diversity; it’s one of our strengths. One of the things I’m proud to say I’m already encouraging, that was in my state of the state message, is the idea of more immigration. . . .”

Today’s event is sponsored by nonpartisan community organizations including Muslims for a Better Michigan, the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan and the Council of American Islamic Relations of Michigan, among others.

Snyder began his address in Arabic, saying “Asalamalakum” or “Peace be upon you,” the traditional Muslim greeting, and he thanked members of the Muslim community for their contributions to Michigan society and its economy.

“You’ve been a great role model for that, so I say thank you,” Snyder said.

Uh-huh, great role models for intolerance, extremism, and open support for Islamic terrorism against innocent Americans. Yeah, that’s the ticket, Rick Ahmed Snyder.

Participants planned to visit lawmakers and brought small trays of made-in-Michigan baklava to take along as gifts.

Aww, how nice–made in Michigan at all-cash bakeries, which then funnel money back to “The Brothers back home” ready to attack.

Ahmar Iqbal, co-chair of the coalition and CEO of Ypsilanti-based clean energy company Maize & Green, noted that while Michigan’s population has declined, the Muslim community appears to be growing.

Translation: Hey, we’re taking over. HAHA! Start shopping for niqabs and keffiyehs, you stupid Michiganian infidels.

“We’re here to talk about what we can do to help move Michigan move forward,” Iqbal said of the group’s visit to Lansing. “We just want to introduce who we are as Michigan Muslims.

Uh, trust me, we know who you are. Oh and here’s my fave part of the total package of bull dung:

“We’re a diverse community, we represent a lot of different backgrounds, we represent different policy angles, we’re passionate about different issues. . . .”

Diverse, different policy angles? Really? Show me how many people in the room openly condemn HAMAS and Hezbollah, the group that murdered more than 300 U.S. Marines and Embassy officials. ZERO. How many will recognize Israel and its right to exist? NADA. How many condemned the Holocaust-denying death, rape, and torture threats I got from members of their community? ZILCH. How many will condemn terrorist attacks on Israel? DONUT HOLE. How many tell Muslims to adjust to American culture rather than the other way around? NONE.

Yeah, that’s “diversity.” And it’s the kind of extremism and intolerance Rick Snyder embraces. Remember that when he’s up for re-election.

There are a number of bills before the Michigan Legislature with the goal to enforce immigration law, since the Feds aren’t doing the job. With this attitude, don’t expect Snyder to sign them if they are passed. Wouldn’t want to deny another Faisal Shahzad or Talal Chahine or Mohammed Atta the chance to “revive Michigan’s economy.”

Rick Snyder ran on the slogan, “One Tough Nerd.” More like, “Yet Another Squishy, PC Piece of Crap.”

There’s something brown at the end of his nose, and it smells like bad, digested shawarmeh. He played bend over for Islam, and the malodor will last at least four years (probably longer with the damage that results).

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29 Responses

Its not just the Left that engages in Islamo-pandering. Parts of the Right do it as well.

Oh and it was the Bush Administration that made it all possible. No – I still don’t miss him!

NormanF on March 24, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    Exactly Norman, it’s not just the left wing that panders and bend their asses backwards to islam, it’s some of those on the right wing who are doing this stupid BS as well, and I hope more and more conservatives wake up and see what some folks on our ideological divide are doing (by pandering to islam) instead of just blaming the left for islam pandering.

    As for Bush, during the Iraq war, didn’t he wanted “Iraqi refugees” immigrate to this country? I remember he tried to do something like that, and also he wanted Somali muslims who where fanatical to come into this country, that’s right, Bush did all of these things, and we can’t blame Obama for this.

    “A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on March 24, 2011 at 5:01 pm

Great article its a shame not enough people are criticizing Rick Snyder, I just wish there was a way to rid the U.S. of these corrupt politicians.

This is somewhat off topic but have you heard of the movie Miral, debbie?? apparently it throws Israel into a negative light.

Aaron on March 24, 2011 at 3:44 pm

I wish more people knew the truth about Chris Christie, too.

Glenn on March 24, 2011 at 3:50 pm

Is Christie anti-Israel too? Many prominent conservatives are hoisting him on their shoulders as a hero for fiscal responsibility and limited government. Some even tout the New Jersey governor as a VP running mate in 2012.

S: Please read this:


Seek on March 24, 2011 at 4:26 pm

Are we surprised??? I mean, good ol’ Rick is governor of one of the biggest Muslim enclaves in America – Dearbornistan!!

Jill Infidel on March 24, 2011 at 4:39 pm

I don’t visit Michigan, and I have no plans to.

Occam's Tool on March 24, 2011 at 4:47 pm

Great. Being unemployed for two months and now I learn I might have to compete with Muslim immigrants for jobs. I’ve lived in Michigan most of my life. Thanks GUV.

Gena on March 24, 2011 at 4:51 pm

When I called his office two days ago to express my concern with him meeting with CAIR, I was told this was just a 5 minute meeting to simply hear what they had to say and was part of Snyder’s open office policy.

This sounds like a lot more than a 5 minute meeting. So Snyder made a speech not to a couple people he was simply “going to listen to” but a group for which he obviously prepared his presentation.

A number of comments on here focus on immigration and jobs. I have a great deal more fear of Sharia Law and the Muslim community with a birth rate of 8-9 children per Muslim woman compared to a 1.8 birth rate for Americans. I also wonder how many of those families and children are collecting social services assistance?

J: Did you ask him if he also maintains the “open office policy” with David Duke and the Fred Phelps Church? If you cannot see that Islamic immigration is entirely tied to them then having 8-9 children once they are here, you are not paying attention. The two issues are inextricably connected. You must be worried about both or none. Otherwise, it makes NO sense. DS

jayco on March 24, 2011 at 6:41 pm

I just figured out that some of these islamo-panderers are suffering from what I will dub as the “Kent Brockman Syndrom” (reference to Simpson’s episode ‘Deep Space Homer’): “I, for one, welcome our new Sharia overlords.”. This is identifiable by the way they spinelessly fawn and trip over themselves just to show the Muslims favor… and, yet, many of them believe in this notion of “separation of church and state”…at least when it comes to Jews and Christians. The only problem is that it is hard to distinguish them from the real islamo-supporters and why they both must be challenged and defeated before this Shariah virus spreads any further in this country.

Pats on March 24, 2011 at 7:16 pm

A real smarmy governor. One of the ways he wants to support Muslims is to increase taxes on older people.

Little Al on March 24, 2011 at 7:37 pm

Another example of a limp-spined Repubican who thinks he can win Islamists over by coddling them. If Gov. Snyder isn’t the proverbial “frog in the kettle” I don’t know what else he would be. Our first task isn’t stopping the Islamists. It is stopping their enablers.

William Cook on March 24, 2011 at 9:52 pm

LOL to the “Kent Brockman” allusion. I have never seen 1 episode of “The Simpsons” but know of that funny reference due to a local radio host always alluding to it. Perfect!

The GOP has proven themselves even WORSE than those dreaded donks. At least the donks know how to fight hard for their insane ideologies. The GOP are wimpy, apologist girls. Pathetic.

Well, I have also bitched about how pathetic the GOP presidential field is…and I have been disgusted for at least 2 years now. Even with the pathetic fraud-fool in the oval office now, these GOP wankers STILL have no one setting the world on fire.

So far, the only one I really dig is Herman Cain. Now, I don’t know a ton about him but I love his radio show and website. Everyone else in the potential running are eyerolling has-beens. It’s so sad.

(As an aside, I would also like to say that in the past, I have been very angry at how the GOP has painted Alan Keyes as a nut-job. Again, I don’t know a ton on the bloke, but all I have seen and known has NOT lead me to believe he’s a nutter. Meanwhile, the LEFT continues to cover up for that fraud in the WH now. Oh, and for the hot-to-trot feminists out there, the Zero REALLY knows how to pick smart women! Janet Napolitano, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and Jamie Gorelick…it’s a wonder the Republic is still standing!!!!!!!!!!!)

Skunky on March 24, 2011 at 10:15 pm

LOL to the “Kent Brockman” allusion. I have never seen 1 episode of “The Simpsons” but know of that funny reference due to a local radio host always alluding to it. Perfect!

The GOP has proven themselves even WORSE than those dreaded donks. At least the donks know how to fight hard for their insane ideologies. The GOP are wimpy, apologist girls. Pathetic.

Well, I have also bitched about how pathetic the GOP presidential field is…and I have been disgusted for at least 2 years now. Even with the pathetic fraud-fool in the oval office now, these GOP wankers STILL have no one setting the world on fire.

So far, the only one I really dig is Herman Cain. Now, I don’t know a ton about him but I love his radio show and website. Everyone else in the potential running are eyerolling has-beens. It’s so sad.

(As an aside, I would also like to say that in the past, I have been very angry at how the GOP has painted Alan Keyes as a nut-job. Again, I don’t know a ton on the bloke, but all I have seen and known has NOT lead me to believe he’s a nutter. Meanwhile, the LEFT continues to cover up for that fraud in the WH now. Oh, and for the hot-to-trot feminists out there, the Zero REALLY knows how to pick smart women! Janet Napolitano, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and Jamie Gorelick…it’s a wonder the Republic is still standing!!!!!!!!!!!)

Skunky on March 24, 2011 at 10:15 pm

Maybe if we get all the muslims into Michigan we can blow it up.

On a serious note, I keep telling people diversity is not a virtue. No one listens.

sg on March 24, 2011 at 11:29 pm

Columns like this make me glad I voted for his Democratic Party opponent.

There is NO Santa Claus on March 24, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    But did you join with your commun….er, uh fellow democrap buddies to vote for Snyder in the primary? You clowns are a significant reason he is in office, your fellow democrap clowns thought he’d be the easiest “Republican” to beat. A lot of gutless faux conservatives voted for him too so your buddies are not alone.

    We won’t forget.

    Mark F. on March 25, 2011 at 5:47 am

(My apologies for OT and for the double posts. Have no idea why they are posting twice.)

Ok, so Yemen is OOC (out of control) and it looks like so is Syria. I wonder if those horrible women at VOGUE magazine know what is happening in Syria now?

Last month I was disgusted by the disgusting Vogue article on Asma Assad. It has to be read to be believed. I especially enjoyed her cruel teasing of the young children./(sarc)

Here is the link if interested….

It made me palpably angry when I read it and I felt like no one else cared. I see now the stupid WSJ actually had a decent article on how gross it was.

Anyway, those of us who know what Islam is have a real fight ahead of us. Even before we get to the Moooooslims, we gotta fight through their clueless enablers.

(Anna Wintour is a disgusting hag. See that doco on The September Issue to see how shallow that bag of cold bones is!)

Skunky on March 25, 2011 at 12:17 am

Snyder began his address in Arabic, saying “Asalamalakum” or “Peace be upon you,” the traditional Muslim greeting, and he thanked members of the Muslim community for their contributions to Michigan society and its economy.

In other words, he’s a Mohammedan, since Mohammedans are supposed to use that word while greeting only fellow Mohammedans, and not Infidels.

Infidel Pride on March 25, 2011 at 12:43 am

Was it Lenin who called communist supporters in the West “useful idots”? The same label can be applied to naive Americans who believe that communication and tolerance for Islamists will bring us together in a “we are the world” nirvana.

Snyder: a useful idiot!

Esther on March 25, 2011 at 11:20 am

Michigan isn’t the only state where lots of people from Islamic countries are making a home and taking advantage of lax enforcement of federal/state laws. In my area, almost all of the Moslems, who’ve moved here within the past four years, and have multiple children in schools, qualify for free or reduced cost breakfast/lunch. All that state/federal government requires for proof of need is a utility bill that matches the alleged home address and either a pay stub or a W-2 Form. Nearly all of the pay stubs/W-2 forms produced are from businesses that are cash only operations or from self-employed taxi cab drivers who pay leasing fees to each other. Even though this area is a very lucrative area for taxi business, all of the drivers pay stubs indicate that they’re living below the poverty line (none list tips, of course). This isn’t just hearsay, as I’m the one who’s in charge of approving free/reduced breakfast/lunch for children.

Neils60 on March 25, 2011 at 2:33 pm

For how long will our politicians play naive and foolish. I do not understand this governors position. Wake up politicians and smell the coffee.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on March 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm

I don’t see anything wrong with what he said there. If you see his full comments which I have posted below you will see he says he wants immigration for people with advance degree’s particularly. People that will help stimulate the economy not drain it.

He’s a business guy and realizes that many foreigners come to the US with an entrepreneurial spirit that benefits the economy that many Americans have seem to have lost.

J: Hey, the Snyder apologists have entered the building. Get a clue: who do you think the immigrants with advance degrees coming to Michigan are? MUSLIMS! Why do you think he said this in a speech to Muslims? Huh? DS

Jerome on March 25, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    Jerome, the Muslim Brotherhood are well-educated, sophisticated, highly articulate young men who are westernized in their appearance and presentation. They hold graduate degrees from western universities and have secured high level positions in western firms.

    Aurora on March 28, 2011 at 8:45 am

Recall Rick.

I’m waiting for him to sell parts of the state to Canada. Actually, that would probably improve the quality of life for the people in those parts. LOL.

Rick's a D#$k on March 25, 2011 at 10:49 pm

Snyder won’t think it’s so wonderful if one of his kids gets killed by a Muslim bomber (like riding on that Christmas day jet over Detroit, or at the Detroit Fed building where a bomb was found).

Truth on March 26, 2011 at 1:51 pm

Hello — please get up to speed — the muslim doctors tend to do the most damage, in various ways. It is good that you are reading here at DS but there are many other sources from which you can stay informed.

sturgis on March 28, 2011 at 5:16 pm

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Michigan urology on October 16, 2014 at 6:16 am

Does anyone know where I can find a blank “W2 Form” to fill out?

CONNIE HEINER on August 15, 2015 at 6:56 am

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