January 3, 2007, - 5:08 pm

Burqa: The New License to Steal

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, we told you about how burqas (full Muslim face veils plus thobes/long robes/dresses) and niqabs (full Muslim face veils) were being used by Muslim cop-killers and terrorists to escape the West and justice.
Well, the veiled threat continues. Now, Muslim women in burqas are using the concealing garb to steal jewelry from shops in India. That’s why some Indian jewelry shops are banning women in burqas from shopping there. (Thanks to reader Frank Z. for the tip.)


No Way! Paris and Nicole Converted to Islam?

Yet another reason why I applaud Hamtramckstan, Michigan Judge Paul Paruk’s ruling against allowing witnesses wearing the face veils in his courtroom to give testimony.
And BTW, it’s very difficult to eat spaghetti while wearing one.


Future Guest Burqas, er . . . Workers?


Burqa Family Photo

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38 Responses

I guess if Muslims are in Italy, they are totally screwed, lol!

kdawg82 on January 3, 2007 at 5:27 pm

These “people” are barbarians…no normal human being walks around dressed like that.
These “people” resemble apparitions from Hell.
Welcome to the “Caveman Mentality”.
islam = the religion of submission, delusion, psychosis, and the brain dead.

Thee_Bruno on January 3, 2007 at 5:37 pm

    As an American Muslim I am appalled at your derogatory comments. My grandfather served in World War II so that I could enjoy my CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS. If I want to cover myself from head to toe what business is it of yours, bub? Besides, what you consider to be a return to “cavemen” ways of living is really concealing ourselves from lascivious individuals. Go tell a nun to remove her habit, then.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:19 am

In the “Burqa Family Photo” the hands of those women are showing. This is a blatant attempt to arouse male veiwers, and I am disgusted at their licentiousness. They are obviously prostitutes with no shame at all.

sonofsheldon on January 3, 2007 at 6:29 pm

I’ve been around these walking black rags.
Let me tell you something:
In the summer heat, when the temperature reaches the 80s and up, they start to STINK.
Men wear the white type called “gallabiya,” as you can see in the picture, of course without covering the face, and the “takiyya” to cover the hair.
There is a purpose for this dress code.
The “prophet” muhammad (hell be upon him) was a very jealous man, he didn’t want to expose his concubines (“wives”) to strangers, not even to his guests and relatives.
He wanted to keep all the juice for himself.
So he ordered his female slaves and concubines to “cover up,” and to reveal their stinking, smelly “beauty” only to him.
Muslim men follow through and ordered a full “cover up” as well.
Here’s the screw up:
In the 20th and 21th centuries’ islamic world, the “Wet Burqas Contests” and “Niqabs Gone Wild” exceeded the popularity of the veiled Barbie doll.
If you’re one of those voyeurs with a cell phone camera, you can boost your website’s traffic by posting pictures of niqab or burqa girls as they come out of the water at the beach. If you’re gay, keep the pictures of gallabiya men for yourself. I don’t need to see them.
muhammad “the prophet of allah” should’ve known better, since digging water from the well can make you wet.
You think I’m joking?
I swear to allah and his 72 virgins that I speak the truth.
So, next time you travel to the muslim world for tourism to watch camels, goats and oil, don’t miss this chance to enhance your cultural knowledge and your website.
Remember, there’s always more to see through.

Independent Conservative on January 3, 2007 at 7:23 pm

    What the FUQQ are you ranting about? It doesn’t make any sense. Did you actually take a psychotropic drug to induce the effects necessary to elicit that rubbish you typed, dude? For real, weirdo, get a clue. SMFH.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:34 am

Debbie, we need one pic of eating tacos too. Sure reminds me of cousin Itts. Love the look on the guy’s face in the background.

BB on January 3, 2007 at 7:55 pm

Burka clad women are already banned in many shops in South India and some parts of North India. If they really want to shop, they can ask for a saleswoman so that they can expose their ugly faces to her (and not to a male).
In that Reuters article, Naseem Siddique says, “Next they will say they will not allow a Sikh in a turban because he could be hiding a pistol under it.”
He’s such an retard! Sikhs have never hidden pistols in their turbans and you’ll probably never find a Sikh doing that.
On the other hand, Naseem Siddique’s islamic brothers must be experts in hiding bombs in turbans, just like one of the Danish cartoons of their profitable mohammad (PISS be unto him).
I really commend the jewelers for their extremely bold step because Maharashtra is a communally sensitive state with a long history of Mozlum-Hindu riots sometimes started by simple insults. Also, almost all jewelry shops are owned by Hindus, and Mozlum women take this to their advantage.
I hope the rest of India follows their move, especially in my home city Hyderabad that is inundated and victimized by Mozlum scum. Burka clad women in my city have never paid their bills for decades using their burka as excuse, and have shoplifted millions of rupees worth of clothes, jewels and then threatened to start a Hindu-Muslim riot when caught! There’s a lot more, beyond the scope of this post, but the gist is clear – beware of burka clad women!

anonymous twit on January 3, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    That’s right, ANONYMOUS TWIT; the name is SELF- EXPLANATORY.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:26 am

The burqa is just another silly custom from a backward religion. Although women have the right to wear it, shopkeepers and law enforcement have a right to remove those veils in the name of security. As for the comparison with the Sikh’s turban, yes the comparison is retarded because
a)”Sikhs have never hidden pistols in their turbans and you’ll probably never find a Sikh doing that.”-anonymous twit; and
b) the face isn’t covered, so the it can still be recognized!

Norman Blitzer on January 3, 2007 at 8:29 pm

“islam = the religion of submission, delusion, psychosis, and the brain dead.” That about sums it up, Thee_Bruno! Is this 2007 AD or 2007 BC? Devout Muslims must have to take a “vow of insanity” in order to be loyal members of this death cult.

FreethinkerNY on January 3, 2007 at 8:37 pm

    Are you for real?? Your ignorance about Islam is unbelievable! Just reading your comment has the potential of lowering people’s I.Q’s down to that of dirt. Sicko.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:24 am

Independent Conservative said;
“The “prophet” muhammad (hell be upon him) was a very jealous man, he didn’t want to expose his concubines (“wives”) to strangers, not even to his guests and relatives.
He wanted to keep all the juice for himself.
So he ordered his female slaves and concubines to “cover up,” and to reveal their stinking, smelly “beauty” only to him.
Muslim men follow through and ordered a full “cover up” as well.”
You are 100% correct. This is the “reasoning” behind mohammad’s ordering women to walk around in black bedsheets that resemble the Grim Reaper.

Thee_Bruno on January 3, 2007 at 8:37 pm

Anonymous twit said;
“…Sikhs have never hidden pistols in their turbans…”
They’re ALL barbarians!
Remember this: The Sikhs were responsible for murdering the Ghandis, too.
Muzlums, Sikhs…they all belong in the same Stone Age.

Thee_Bruno on January 3, 2007 at 8:43 pm

Thee_Bruno: Indira Gandhi (who has no relation to Mahatma Gandhi) was assassinated by some Sikhs after “Emergency” and “Operation Blue Star” where thousands of Sikhs, where thousands of Sikhs were killed. When this Sikh murderer was released 19 years later, he expected a hero’s welcome from his community, and guess what. His own parents told him to get lost. He’s living like a nomad right now, somewhere in Punjab. Contrast this with Mozlums who are treated like heroes after every jihadi conquest.
The Sikhism religion was formed partly by disgruntled Hindus to kick out the Persian Mozlum invaders, and to this day, the average Sikh hates Mozlums!
What I hate is that while the Indian Sikhs are patriotic and will kill Mozlums for free, American Sikhs (groups like SALDEF) align themselves with Mozlum groups like ADC for NO apparent reason, thus endangering themselves… especially since they all look like Osama’s relatives!! And Canadian Sikhs keep getting into stupid lawsuits all the time over their turbans! Thats where you have a point, Thee_Bruno.

anonymous twit on January 3, 2007 at 9:05 pm

Anonymous twit, you said;
“When this Sikh murderer was released 19 years later, he expected a hero’s welcome from his community, and guess what. His own parents told him to get lost. He’s living like a nomad right now, somewhere in Punjab.”
It’s astounding that:
1. He was released from prison and given his freedom after murdering India’s prime minister.
2. That he hasn’t been killed in retribution. That he can roam freely, without fear for his life (it tells you something about that society).
Also, Rajiv Ghandi, Indira’s son, who was also India’s prime minister, was also assassinated (murdered) by Sikhs.
Yes, as we agree (I think), they are all barbarians.

Thee_Bruno on January 3, 2007 at 9:32 pm

Check out.
Ban the Veil (and all public mask wearing)

sparrow on January 3, 2007 at 9:54 pm

Check out:
Ban the Veil (and all public mask wearing)
http://man-of-truth.blogspot.com/2007/01/ban-veil-and-all-public-mask-wearing.htmlc mask wearing)

sparrow on January 3, 2007 at 9:56 pm

>>You are 100% correct. This is the “reasoning” behind mohammad’s ordering women to walk around in black bedsheets that resemble the Grim Reaper.<<
I may put my message in a funny way but it is exactly what’s going on in the muslim world as I personally saw and experienced it.
One of the solution for the muslims to advance and to catch up with the Western civilization is to get rid of extra unneeded clothes… literally.
Unfortunately, advancing in the islamic world these days means to cover up more, to have a longer beard and to kill more infidels.
Also, unfortunately, the idiots Western political leaders are allowing these muslims bastards to come and do their thing right here in our midst.

Independent Conservative on January 3, 2007 at 10:00 pm

    You’re another weirdo. The best of both worlds is to be an American (born and raised) and Muslim, living in New York City… I WILL WALK AROUND TIMES SQUARE COVERED AND I HAVEN’T LUCKED- OUT WITH WESTERN CIVILIZATION.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:40 am

Thee_Bruno: Rajiv Gandhi was killed by the terrorist group LTTE (also called Tamil Tigers) of Sri Lanka. The LTTE are expert suicide bombers.
Indira Gandhi’s killer was given life sentence, equal to 19 years, which I think is very stupid! He should have been given death sentence, but he got away with it. As of now, people look at him with scorn and in a community like theirs, honor, family “pride” and “status” is everything. Any drastic deviation from general trend, like having a son who is a terrorist or murderer, can sometimes make parents commit suicide! Culturally, the social boycott of this murderer is bound to get to him and could be worse than staying in prison. I’m not kidding, its an Indian thing and I don’t understand it myself 🙂
I would have still preferred if he were locked up forever or executed. But with the crappy Indian laws, even the murderer of the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi was released after 19 years! Time for them to change those stupid laws.

anonymous twit on January 3, 2007 at 10:30 pm

“Yes, as we agree (I think), they are all barbarians.”
Posted by: Thee_Bruno
If I were a Jew who survived the Holocaust, I’d probably think the same way about Christians.
It’s funny how Islam gets accused of trying to kill all Jews and yet it was Christianity that almost succeded.
The religion of peace. Go figure.

Norman Blitzer on January 3, 2007 at 11:29 pm

It is a mistake to equate Nazis with Christians. The Holocaust was solely the work of the Nazis who had a secular ideology. Do not forget that millions of Christians lost their lives in the process of defeating the Nazis. How many Muslims would be willing to sacrifice their lives to prevent a second Holocaust?

CarpeDiem on January 4, 2007 at 2:04 am

    Muslims and Jews serve the SAME GOD.

    Sonia on March 23, 2012 at 1:30 am

“How many Muslims would be willing to sacrifice their lives to prevent a second Holocaust?”
Many, they’re doing it in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Norman Blitzer on January 4, 2007 at 4:47 am

Norm Blizter said:
“If I were a Jew who survived the Holocaust, I’d probably think the same way about Christians.”
FYI, the Nazis who were responsible for the Holocaust were NOT Christians. They were atheists and others delved into the occult.
Read your history.

Thee_Bruno on January 4, 2007 at 7:44 am

Norm Blitzer,
So you think the Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan are sacrificing their lives to PREVENT A SECOND HOLOCAUST ??

CarpeDiem on January 4, 2007 at 9:45 am

“FYI, the Nazis who were responsible for the Holocaust were NOT Christians. They were atheists and others delved into the occult.
Read your history.”
Posted by: Thee_Bruno
It is YOU who needs to read history from a legitimate history text. And even if what you say is true (which it isn’t) the fact is that although many Christians helped the Jews, many Christians helped the Nazis carry out their “final solution”. And don’t forget that Europeans routinely persecuted Jews for a thousand years before the Holocaust. So what’s my point for all this? Maybe some objectivity is required before all Muslims or Sikhs are labeled as barbarians for present or past deeds.
To CarpeDiem: Many Iraqi and Afghan Muslims are on America’s side, fighting and dying for peace. So in a sense they are trying to prevent another Holocaust by trying to prevent WWIII. Yes, my answer seems a bit contrived, but I think the point is clear.

Norman Blitzer on January 4, 2007 at 10:16 am

On TOPIC: If Muslims don’t want to assimilate why would they want to live in America? The answer is clear – conquest. Wake UP, America! Stop allowing these pedophile-worshipping heathens into OUR country.
To disguise onesself in the name of ones religion is a bogus. Perhaps if enough men American men acted like horny construction workers and verbally encouraged lusty activity based upon their costumes it would have the opposite effect?
“Hey, baby, LOVE your eyelashes! That well-pressed black gown has me yarb‰lls a tinglin’, sweetheart!”
Just sayin’ … LOL

Rocketman on January 4, 2007 at 10:50 am

As a religious jew who abides by a modest dress code accordingly, I even can’t fathom why any woman would allow herself to be subjugated to look like a walking tent. Personally, I concure that burkas or anything that reflects the 7th century mentality should be outlawed in this country.

Jew Chick on January 4, 2007 at 1:48 pm

Norman Blitzer, are you related to Wolf Blitzer?
That would explain a lot.

Burt on January 4, 2007 at 4:42 pm

LOL Burt! I was wondering the same thing.

CarpeDiem on January 4, 2007 at 9:38 pm

Well..There are folks who wear white burkas, they call themselves Christians they burn crosses they are terrorist. They have terrorized millions of Black people and killed thousands of innocent hard working Blacks who were already down trodden after the holocaust called slavery. These terrorist are still in existence today and are allowed to march, hold rallies, have websites that spew hatred and allegiance to hitler and nazis. Speaking about India.. in the vedas there is a word called Karma basically it means what goes around comes around.. and In India hopefully they will learn that lesson, you see for thousands of years the cast system totally subjugated the darker people based on varna ( color) so the british came along and said.. well we are whiter than you..so get back. I dont like burkas- black or white. wake up stop hating.. remember the golden rule. The future is here.

future on January 4, 2007 at 9:52 pm

Ya think the LIB media would ignore photos like these if the subjects were Christian men and the “robes” were white?

There is NO Santa Claus on January 5, 2007 at 12:09 am

AbNorm Blitzer likes to rewrite history.
He’s entitled to his own opinions, but he’s not entitled to his own facts.
AbNormal Blitzer is a muzlum – just read every one of his posts and it’s ALWAYS pro-muzlum.
Anyway, Blitzed, the Nazis were a group of people with a sick, twisted agenda to conquer the world and eradicate the weak. WWII was not a war of religions (as islam IS). You didn’t see any Christians in Britain, the U.S., France, Australia, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, etc., persecuting JEWS! It was not a war of Christianity vs. Jews (as YOU put it) you fucking moron! It was a war of a twisted idealogy, of a twisted group of people – just as islam has been waging the same kind of war for 1,400 years. It’s islam that wants to wipe out Jews, Christians, Hinus, etc.
Now, go back to your filthy mosque and sniff the bunghole of the guy in front of you as you get on all fours to worship Satan.
What a FUCKTARD!!!!!

Thee_Bruno on January 6, 2007 at 9:00 am

This war isn’t about religion either. That’s just noise. Any attempt to cast judgment on a huge group of people for what a fraction of them do is rather silly when you think about it. Yet, both Americans and Middle Easterners seem to be doing this. People are individuals first, and are responsible for their OWN actions, not someone elses— I thought that this was a conservative belief? The same should be applied to Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, etc.
Most of the time religion has very, very little to do with what people will actually do. Being a religious Christian today does not mean living like Jesus would— for I doubt a person who showed kindness to prostitutes and lepers and the poor would advocate hate for gays or kill abortion providers. This isn’t really a religious thing— it’s a cultural one.
As far as burqas go, I personally think it’s a tad extreme. Not to say that we really show much respect for women here (I mean, have you seen music videos these days?). But I don’t think clothing (unless it fails to cover the necessities) is something that should ever be legislated, either way, except in security concerns. But we ought to make sure that’s consistent with other security measures. For example, is it against the law for me to walk down the street in a ski mask? Now, if I go into a bank, I might have to take it off to stay. If I go into a private shop, it’s the shopkeeper’s call. On the driver’s license, it’s there…it is supposed to be a picture identification. It’s common sense.

SunnyK on January 6, 2007 at 4:13 pm

“AbNormal Blitzer is a muzlum – just read every one of his posts and it’s ALWAYS pro-muzlum.”
Posted by: Thee_Bruno
THEE_BRUNO, YOU ARE A FREAKIN’ IDIOT!! First, I’m not a Muslim. Two, not all of my posts are pro-Muslim like my first comment on this topic:
“The burqa is just another silly custom from a backward religion.”
Posted by: Norman Blitzer at January 3, 2007 08:29 PM
You are an illiterate buffoon, Thee_Bruno. Now shut up AND GET LOST!

Norman Blitzer on January 8, 2007 at 2:54 am

To Blitzed and TubeSteak;
Two absolutely hopeless LIBERALS who have no clue, who have no real intellect except to blow smoke, and twist everything they say once they get caught in their own lies.
These two stooooopid bastards, who hate Conservatives, feel compelled to continually post on this blog. That’s like two mice that feel compelled to play around in cages filled with cats.
You two idiots are really too stooooooooopid to live.
What twits.
What fucktards!

Thee_Bruno on January 9, 2007 at 11:35 pm

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