October 13, 2010, - 12:45 pm

Tired of the Chilean Miners Rescue Story?

By Debbie Schlussel


I don’t know about you, but I am sooooo tired of the Chilean Miners rescue and hearing about it 24/7. Does it make me a bad person because I’m sick of hearing about it?  Am I “insensitive” for not being obsessed and entertained by “All Miners Rescue, All The Time,” just as I was also bored to tears by “All Glorified High School Drop-Out/Muslim Playboy’s Concubine Princess Diana Death TV All the Time” and ditto for “All Spoiled Liberal John-John & Blonde Model Wife Death Over Cape Cod in a Private Plane All the Time”? Talk about frickin’ overkill by airheads in the mainstream media feeding me this baby powder and pretending it’s crack.  Ennui, baby. Ennui.

Last night, my local newscast had a live mine rescue cam running in the side of the screen during the whole newscast. Glad they’re out and that they survived. But c’mon.  Enough, already.  Watching O.J.’s white Ford Bronco on the California Highway was more exciting.  And, in that case, two people died.  These people are alive (which we already knew, two months ago, was gonna be the case).  Great.  Move on.  Next. Sorry, but watching giant tubes like they have at the bank drive-thru pop up from the ground ain’t all that. (And it’s more exciting at the bank.)

And does being in there for two months and then getting out make them heroes, the status to which they’re now being anointed? Don’t believe the hype.  They’re in a dangerous job of which everyone knows the risk when they took the job.  I’m more concerned about American miners who didn’t get out alive and died.

I’m supposed to be consuming myself with news about Chilean miners who–while they were in the mine were conducting telephonic seminars with lawyers about how to deal with the media and get the best book and movie deals? I’m supposed to be concerned with some schmuck who has both a wife and mistress meeting him upon his freedom from the mine?

Get real. I don’t care about that dude. If you do. Why?


By the way, my favorite thing in all this is all of the people who say, “I’m gonna celebrate by eating Chilean sea bass.” Reality check: while I like the fish as much as the next pescaphile (if it’s not a word, I just made it up), it’s neither Chilean (mostly fished off of Antarctica, though some is caught in Chilean waters), nor bass. The name is a clever marketing ploy for a junk fish whose real name is the less appetizing Patagonian Toothfish. (And, yes, it’s kosher, for those who wondered.)

**** UPDATE: Reader/Blogger There Is No Santa Claus has a different take:


Are you watching this story? I find it very moving.

Regarding the feminization of America; take a look at the mine rescue and the workers. They’re almost ALL men. I finally saw the first women.

Go to any construction or mining site in America and you MIGHT see one or two women workers depending on the size of the workforce. There are still a LOT of jobs that women won’t/don’t do and we depend on the people who do these jobs. Given that I work a lot in construction and heavy industry, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time but have never quite figured out how to articulate it.

I don’t know what other thoughts you’re taking from this story, but I saw the Tom Brady column and was thinking about this.

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47 Responses

You might not care for the story and the hype – and neither do I – but I do agree your reader is onto something here… mining is one of the few dangerous occupations still done by men. And I guess part of the fascination with it in our increasingly feminized society is a want for real male role models.

How many of ’em have we seen lately? Its a good point and I suspect myself there more than a little part to this that’s been driving this miners’ story.

NormanF on October 13, 2010 at 1:09 pm

I feel we should take some pride in this as it was an American who drilled the rescue hole with American equipment & know-how.
I’d like to see some gratitude from the Chileans in spite of what BO thinks of America.

My Wife’s Italian forebears beacame coal miners in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The was a long-standing superstition about women in the mines…they simply were not allowed in there. I don’t know how deeply that’s imbedded in the mining culture today but I would not be surprised if it still stands.

Shootist on October 13, 2010 at 1:44 pm

I too am sick to tears of this story. They made it, whoopie for them. It’s a classic “all news all the time” story. THere isn’t any other “breaking news” that they can show so they show this. snore. How’s Gary Condit and Chandra Levy doing anyhow?

KayserSozay on October 13, 2010 at 1:45 pm

I guess you may peg me as a hopeless sentimental sap, but I am not tired of this story, expecially at this point,when things could still go bad before they are all up top safely.(I agree with you about your examples of when TV coverage went mad.)
I think this situation is different and deserving of our attention for a few different reasons.
Everyone is working together with good purpose. It’s not a war. These men seem to be religious. I am a woman of faith and I support any story about faith that does not make us look like superstitious fools.NASA has helped with this rescue. No one can argue that this is a waste of money or resources.
I will be finished with this story when the rescue is completed. I do not want to see all 33 of them on stage with Oprah or on the cover of People magazine (which I admit to reading about twice a year).
I hope each of these men live a long,productive,and private life.

pam siegel zarte on October 13, 2010 at 1:51 pm

Hi Deb and thanks for posting my comments.

Personally, I’m not sick of the story because I don’t think it’s a small task to drill a 2000+ foot rescue shaft through solid rock in 52 days to bring out 33 miners. While I think the miners’ “ordeal” is turning out to be not as bad as many thought, the ordeal of the rescue crews in the first 17 days was stressful beyond imagination.

You see, the rescue crews had no idea if their actions were killing the miners. OTOH, once the miners heard the probe drills nearby, they knew they’d be rescued even though the first 6 attempts failed to find them. Once they got the initial probe hole in place, it was TV, cold beer and video games for the next 52 days. Some ordeal! Eh? OK… I exaggerate, but not by much. And I guess there was that little inconvenience of having to wear those… er… uh… adult diapers due to lack of toilets etc.

Yah! I think this rescue is a very cool thing. Chile has been kind of an economic tortoise in Latin America with Brazil getting all the sex appeal for a growing economy. Yet Chile has a higher GDP per capita than either Argentina or Brazil; the two economic powerhouses of S. America. Look around you and you’ll see more than just Chilean Kosher wine in your local Jewish grocery. Monsanto’s secondary seed farms are in Chile. Anheuser-Busch’s secondary hops farms are in Chile. If the N. American and European hybrid seeds or hops fail, Chile provides the backup.

While a lot of American technology was used to rescue these miners, much of it was made in Chile and never before had it been employed to this scale.

So while the LIB media focuses on all those mushy “human interest” stories that I’m sure you sick of, the REAL story is that people are noticing (some for the first time) that Chile isn’t just another slouch Latin American dictatorship like Venezuela.

There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 2:37 pm

No. I was already sick of it before 8:00 PM central. If you were bad, I guess that would make me Satan!

CornCoLeo on October 13, 2010 at 2:40 pm

Maybe we should be focusing on how all the miners made it out alive after the collapse. And should be celebrated. The USA has collapses frequently where there are fatalities.

We should be concerned with why so many American miners die. How many times do we hear about the safety violations of the mines they were working at? The Sago mine collapse (2006-13 deaths) had had 208 violations in 2005 and 68 violations in 2004, but managed to stay open. The Upper Big Branch Mine (2010-29 deaths) had accumulated more than 1,100 violations in the past three years.

Personally, I am tired about hearing about these mining accidents in general. Especially since they seem to be so avoidable.

Lee in IL on October 13, 2010 at 3:39 pm


    As I’m sure you know, MSHA makes OSHA look like a cream-puff safety organization. MSHA is America’s toughest safety enforcement organization (IMHO), but they can’t do it all. They can’t do it everywhere; all the time.

    There are those who believe that MSHA has gotten lax over the past 10 years and note the coincidence of the Bush Administration. I’m not qualified to make that judgment.

    I agree that we should be thankful that the Chilean miners got out alive. It’s rare for miners to survive mining accidents. Technology is better so that always helps. Still, rescues like this are rare. I think Chile has good reason to feel proud and blessed that from this disaster, a great rescue came about due to the courage AND collaboration of many people.

    As a general rule, the USA’s mining safety record is good. We have mines that slip through the cracks in the system. The record is never perfect. MSHA screws up from time to time. In the mean time, over 2,000 Chinese miners died at work last year; we’re at least doing better than that. Eh?

    My thesis remains the one which Debbie posted: Mining is MEN’S WORK and the lack of women in the field demonstrates that there are still many important jobs women can’t/won’t/don’t do. I’ll also offer NormanF’s corollary (as best as I can interpret it) and state that the story’s emphasis on men and men’s work might have added to the story’s appeal.

    But I’ll also admit that I share Pam’s sentimental interest. I also have my own interest in the physical construction feat of boring from scratch, a 30″ diameter shaft 1/2-mile in 52 days AND rescuing all the miners. And finally, I’ll come full circle and note (again) that the overwhelming majority of the rescue workers were MEN doing a job women can’t/won’t/don’t do.

    Os-kee-wow-wow GO ILLINI


    TINSC (aka There is NO Santa Claus)

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 10:39 pm


Trust me, this story ain’t over. Once the euphoria of the rescue dies down, the recrimination begins. Think BP/O’Bama, who’s-to-blame and “why wasn’t the government enforcing regulations?”.

Was the mining ministry investigating mine safety adequately? Did the mining ministry enforce their standards and rules? Are retired mining ministry officials now enjoying high-paying jobs as “consultants” to the mining company. (These retirees were supposed to be enforcing standards over the past years; these accidents don’t necessarily happen overnight.)

All the mushy stuff will be over even if (Gd forbid!) some of the miners make an appearance on Oprah. It won’t carry on very long.

However, a scandal seems to already be in the brewing as the miners complained about mine safety before the accident occurred. We also know that the rescue operation was slowed by inaccurate mapping (A no-no by U.S. mine safety standards). Assuming there’s a paper trail, this story won’t be over and the epilogue might not be as pretty.


Thank you for your compliment. I would merely strike the words “real male role models” and replace them with “real men”. After all, we don’t really know whether all the miners’ personal lives fill the definition of “role model”. Debbie has already offered a hint that at least one miner might not fill that definition.

There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    Debbie may be right not all of them are. But a take a moment to ponder that if men didn’t do backbreaking, dangerous and life-threatening work, women and children wouldn’t have the quality of life in this world that they do today. And our society doesn’t give enough men enough thanks for performing this kind of work so every generation can have a better life than the one before it had. And without men doing these kinds of jobs, we won’t have a strong country. It goes back to what Debbie wrote about no matriarchy having ever survived. Women are not just capable of doing really strenuous work no matter what the feminist party line says. The Chilean miners’ saga points that truth out for all of us to witness.

    NormanF on October 13, 2010 at 8:00 pm

I don’t have to watch TV all the time like you do Debbie…I don’t have one, so I can’t be overwhelmed by the 24/7 idiot news on this.

What I can do that you can’t is be selective on what I read here and other sites…Those miners are not hero’s they are survivors…the hero’s are the ones who made this happen like that ‘American’ whose technology this would never have happened. (Yes I just read today it was an ‘American’ and his technology that made this happen…and I was reading off and on about this for 2 months! Where were the journalist? That’s right…softball questions and covering up for their elite ‘hero’s’…am sick now need to throw up…)

Anyway, God was with all in Chile — start to finish…Amen!

YeahRight on October 13, 2010 at 5:07 pm

You guys are so numbed out… saturated with extreme, altogether contrived special-effects, Hollywood manufactured, violence, monumental disasters, exploding cars, and all those intense rip-roaring shoot-em, blast-em, kill-em playstation games, that (yawn) when a true real-life drama unfolds before your eyes there is no place in your hearts or minds where it can register. The dumbing of your emotions is so complete my guess is that only a terrorist mass murder a couple of blocks from where you live will light a spark in you eyes. Meanwhile you will let half-baked intellectualizations explain why the events in Chile don’t touch you.

Arn on October 13, 2010 at 5:18 pm

I didn’t watch but I heard one guy wanted to stay down below and not surface. Why?

Both his wife and girlfriend were waiting… for him.

As goes on October 13, 2010 at 5:46 pm

I could not care less about Chile or Chilean people. Charity begins at home and we have way too many problems that kill way more than 13 people over 2 months right here in the USA.

Let Chile deal with Chilean problems.

united states of sharia on October 13, 2010 at 6:04 pm

Personally,I don’t mind the story. It had Americans helping to save the lives of those miners so I don’t have a problem with it. Hopefully,the technology used to rescue those miners there,might help get trapped miners here.

Ghostwriter on October 13, 2010 at 6:25 pm

This is truly a great story. The Americans who helped make this rescue possible have stepped quietly out of the lime light, but they are the real hereos. As Rush Limbaugh once said, “If America is gone, where are people going to turn when they need help,especially in the area of the latest technology.” This story needs to be put in the President’s face and played over and over again with the hope that maybe he will see what a great country we live in and how blessed we are with some truly remarkable people.

Aaron on October 13, 2010 at 7:57 pm

Why did WE have to do the rescuing?

Why did none of the Communist/Left/”Enlightened” 3rd world countries been able to use their “superior” ways ,to rescue the miners? Don’t they have the “know how” that we’ve usually had?

Answer that,Ward Churchill,Bill Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn,Jane Fonda,Barney Frank,and Mssrs Penn,Roberts,Sarandon,Stone,Vedder,Santana,Redford,Maher,Letterman,etc,etc.( To which they will cynically,smugly – their nature – reply with why were we unable to save the miners in Utah last year? )

Phineas on October 13, 2010 at 8:18 pm

OMG enough already with the Chilean miners story every 10 minutes on every single news channel and every Internet news site. The coverage on these guys has gotten ridiculously out of hand.

They miners are out, they’re fine, now let’s move on to bigger and better newsworthy events and let the Chileans deal with their own problems. ‘nuf said.

Izzy on October 13, 2010 at 9:05 pm

That Utah mine collapse (from 2007) was a tragedy with 6 dead miners that were killed in another unsafe mine. The US tried hard to rescue those men, but 3 rescuers died trying to reach them. The Engineers were cited for reckless disregard. So many efforts were tried, but not stopped until they were determined the miners were dead.

Lee in IL on October 13, 2010 at 9:05 pm

Ohhhhhhhhh! Someone got up on the cranky side of the bed this morning!

Mack Hall on October 13, 2010 at 9:25 pm

Why all the Chilean flag-waving? They should be ashamed at their lax regulation of mine operations. Also, it was Schramm Engineering (Pennsylvania) that dug both rescue holes, with the aid of a Canadian drill supplier. And NASA designed the rescue capsules. As for the miners, they have all agreed to control release of personal stories so that monetary value will be increased. Apparently, unfortunate incidents occurred during the 17 day period prior to the discovery that they were alive, and those are not subject to release. Thus, the public won’t get the true picture, but will have to pay for what we get. Of course, I am happy to see the 33 being returned to their families. For me, the rescue is the entire story.

Rope Dee on October 13, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    Rope Dee:

    I was unaware that any of Debbie’s readers were intimately knowledgeable on the subject of Chilean mining regulations. Nice to know ya! Please feel free to give us a dissertation on the subject of Chilean mining safety regulatory shortcomings and how they compare to the USA’s mining regulations. I’ll make it a little easier: You need not cover the whole subject; just those that applied to this particular mine.

    I don’t know you, but I get the feeling that you are just speculating and don’t really know what the heck you’re talking about. For all I know, Chilean regulations are strict but go un-enforced. Or perhaps the regulations were enforced but ignored by the mining company. IF you’re really interested in that, I think we’ll all find out more about this later. A high profile accident like this will likely get close scrutiny. Let’s give it time and avoid jumping to speculative conclusions now. There will be accusations and recrimination. I’m certain of that.

    I’m sure there are things we’ll never know about those first 17 days. Like I told NormanF: “…strike the words “real male role models” and replace them with “real men”.

    From everything I’m hearing, you have a good point to make about the lack of coverage regarding the participation of Americans, Canadians and Germans in the rescue. BBC (I hate those guys!) made a brief comment that the cable that moved the capsule was made in Germany. I saw enough close-ups of that cable to know that it had to be a very pricey commodity given it’s length, tensile strength and flexibility.

    The rescue capsule looked similar to the one that rescued American coal miners several years ago. (I believe it was in Pennsylvania or W. Virginia; I forget. Disney made a movie about it. How American!) The news media kept mentioning that the rescue capsule was built by the Chilean Navy. I have no doubt about that. However, if someone from the USA emailed the CAD drawings and plans of the American design (a noble thing to do) I didn’t see it reported. In summary, I have no doubt that the Chileans received assistance from other countries and that this was under-reported.

    There are a lot of things that have gone under-reported in this story. As I mentioned to Pam, some of the dirt will eventually come out as the recrimination process plays out. It’s possible (I can’t quantify the probability; only state the possibility.) It’s possible that some of the Chilean government officials being praised right now (i.e. milking the situation for all they can) could be seriously embarrassed by the follow up investigation. By the time we find out, our attention will likely be focused elsewhere by the LIB media.

    In the event a juicy scandal emerges from the follow up investigation, I hope Debbie reports it and gives us a chance to rant about it some more. She’s a good sport about that stuff.


    TINSC (aka There is NO Santa Claus)

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 11:50 pm

I googled “Sick of Chilean Rescue” because I can’t stand it anymore. I’m seeing it on my Facebook, and also because even my friends agree after talking to them. Who Cares this much about 30 Strangers ? It is so weird. There are FAR FAR greater Engineering feats taking place around the world and getting no coverage. There is way more human suffering going on around the world and getting no coverage. Personally I’d rather see stories in this genre about our Volunteers in the USA Military who are in Harm’s Way every second overseas, and are away for alot longer than 2 Months from their loved ones. This story and the coverage is annoying and completely sensationalisitc. Wooof, did I spell that right.?…

Ojer on October 13, 2010 at 10:19 pm


    I won’t begrudge your personal preferences. I can only say that Chilean leftists weren’t out protesting in the streets saying: “Stop the rescue”. Chilean Muslims (all three of them) weren’t out protesting in the streets saying: “The infidel miners must die!” Rather, an entire country came together to support a single effort with a single goal. I think that’s a rather rare occurrence.

    Thinking out loud, this rescue kind of reminds me of Apollo 13. It’s certainly not identical, but it seems analogous. It was a disaster; yet courage, resourcefulness, and unity of purpose saved MEN (emphasis on gender).

    The “story” has a happy ending (but will have a nasty epilogue as I have mentioned above). No dead to bury; no “sacrifice”.

    Hey! I’m not buying into all the mushy dramatization, but there were some real moments of anguish in this story and to see it end with the miners safe and sound makes it a compelling one to tell regardless of which angle people take.

    Last week, a friend of mine lost her grandchild in Afghanistan. I was bummed out; VERY bummed out. I didn’t know him; never met him.

    This story about the Chilean miners made me feel happy today. Am I a bad person for feeling that way? Do I have my priorities mixed up?

    Wadda ya think?

    C ya,

    TINSC (aka There is NO Santa Claus)

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 11:04 pm

Chilean Sea Bass is also very high in mercury.

Little Al on October 13, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    Little Al:

    Don’t eat the food. Don’t drink the water. Don’t breath the air. It’s all poison and you might die. :+)


    TINSC (aka There is NO Santa Claus)

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 13, 2010 at 11:54 pm

Hmm…I don’t know how I feel about this story. I think the media went disgustingly nuts over the story (as they are wont to do) but I felt badly for their plight.

Anyway, I came across this yesterday and was shocked (don’t know why) but maybe ‘cuz the British media seems to find out more truths than the American lame-stream-media.


Skunky on October 13, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    Oh my goodness!

    sharon on October 14, 2010 at 1:41 am

1. I’m not in the US. I’m in Israel.

2. I am not glued to a radio or a TV news channel more than twice a day.

I will admit that in 1996-97, during a business trip to the US, I was ready to self-admit myself to a sanitarium because I had nothing but OJ Simpson coming out of my brain, after flipping the radio channels in my rented car and on the TV in my hotel room.

But taking in yesterday’s news in moderate doses, it is a happy ending and Chile has what to celebrate about. Congrats!

Debbie, you’re a journalist. Is your gripe a natural result of on-the-job exposure to toxic mass media? There should be an OSHA regulation for that! 🙂

Shy Guy on October 14, 2010 at 12:43 am

No, it doesn’t make you a bad person. If you said ” I don’t care if they ever got out of there”… that would make you a bad person. All I can think about is how I finally found a job, in the foreclosure dept…. LOL and wondering when the next pink slip will come… dear me.

sharon on October 14, 2010 at 12:58 am

Why is it that the BBC, Sky News and CNN have to destroy, abuse, belittle and erode a truly inspirational story every time ? Once the last man was rescued and in hospital the news cease becoming news and begins to becoming intrusive. Some privacy and time is required for these people to recover in PEACE, without the glare of antisocial MEDIA. OFCOM should fine these broadcasters with the regulators equivalent to an ASBO, antisocial behaviour order, demanding they cease their prying else the reporter faces a ban of 12 months and broadcaster receives a £1million fine.

What happens to the UNREPORTED events of the country and world ? Yes they remain UNREPORTED thanks to media cabal and the lies from the scribes, chasing ratings and awards for invasive coverage. Yes they are all sticking to a propaganda in order to mislead and misdirect our attention from the real issues of the day, thank god for the Internet no need to rely on these propaganda stations.

Eriko Wiess on October 14, 2010 at 4:51 am

These men will be disposed of by the media and left to deal with their PTSD by themselves.

Bronson on October 14, 2010 at 7:18 am

Let the lawsuits begin!

JeffT on October 14, 2010 at 9:47 am

TINSC — I’m a little surprised at your sarcastic comment. I have read your comments for a long time on this blog, and have found them to be enlightening and informative.

We do have choices in what we eat, and there are plenty of other fish that are healthier than Chilean Sea Bass just like there are healthy and unhealthy choices in food. As I’ve said many times on this blog, there is nothing wrong, when relevant to the post, in discussing healthy food choices. This does not mean supporting the lunacy of PETA or the Animal Rights movement. The things I mention are generally accepted by mainstream medicine, and are not fringe comments.

If people want to eat unhealthy food that is their choice, although I wish when people made unhealthy choices they would take responsibility for their own medical bills instead of foisting them onto the taxpayers or others in their insurance plan.

Little Al on October 14, 2010 at 10:03 am

    Dear Little Al:

    Forgive me for making you the brunt of one of my favorite sayings. Hopefully, you’ll hear it again so you’ll know I wasn’t picking on you personally.

    Unfortunately, there is always someone or some organization telling us that there’s something wrong with our food, water supply or air quality. If I listened to them ALL, I wouldn’t eat, drink water, or breath.

    Hence the sarcastic saying: “Don’t eat the food. Don’t drink the water. Don’t breath the air. It’s all poison and you might die. :+)”

    I was hoping the little smiley face was a clue that I wasn’t trying to rough you up.

    FYI, I don’t eat Chilean sea bass. As long as they don’t put it in Gefilte Fish, I think I’ll be getting my mercury from other fish species.

    Also, thank you for your kind compliment about reading my comments.


    TINSC (aka There is NO Santa Claus)

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 14, 2010 at 12:51 pm

I haven’t hooked up my TV in 17 years – at least THIS one flew over the cuckoo’s nest. The 24/7 coverage thing is a collective insanity. The John John crash was the worst because there were NO visuals just shots of millions of taxpayer dollars being spent combing the ocean. Lots of video of WATER.
And when they did finally find him. They obeyed his burial wishes and DUMPED HIM BACK IN THE WATER! That was at least a great punchline to the whole insanity.

DAN on October 14, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Debbie has never had a job where she faces death every day, like miners do. Yes, she gets death threats from evil Muslims, but not every day. The rescue was facinating, and made possible by an US technology produced drill from a US company. Without it, the miners would have been there until Christmas.

Truth on October 14, 2010 at 8:41 pm

Dear Debbie: No, I was not bored by the Chilean miner’s rescue story. Thank G-d, they all got out alive.

Being buried alive is a deep, primal fear. Someone buried alive is always news. When Kathy Fiscus, may she rest in peace, fell down that well in California in 1949, the efforts to rescue her were the first news event to receive live, on-site round-the-clock television coverage.

Nearly a century before the death of Kathy Kiscus, Charles Dickens wrote Little Dorrit. Dickens, of course, was a novelist. His works are fiction, but he knew how things happen, he knew how people react. In Little Dorrit, when the Clennan house collapses and Mr. Flintwinch is thought to be trapped beneath the ruins, Dickens describes people standing around to watch through the night, and rumors, before there was radio or television, much less Internet, racing through London.

Miranda Rose Smith on October 15, 2010 at 4:17 am

    Nearly a century before the death of Kathy Fiscus, Charles Dickens wrote Little Dorrit.

    Miranda Rose Smith on October 15, 2010 at 4:23 am

im not surprised. youre a bitch whore

Nariman on October 15, 2010 at 6:41 am

Fox News went on an orgy of coverage on this story. Yes, it is a wonderful human interest story with a happening ending, but pre-empting hours of regular programming for “gavel to gavel” coverage was not necessary.

Timothy on October 15, 2010 at 10:44 am

Has anyone tied up the torism rights yet?

american entrepreneurship is alive??

maybe bungy jumping down the chute?

Seriuosly a great ending, so uncommon in this sad world.

Barney on October 16, 2010 at 1:56 am

    Has anyone tied up the torism rights yet?

    Don’t you mean “tourism?”

    Miranda Rose Smith on October 17, 2010 at 6:02 am

As I keep reading your blogs, I could not help nut noticed how much you would have wish the rescue had happened in the US, so that you as a broken nation could come together with cinical expressions of hope for all the world to see. Specially now that the US is in urgent need of international respect and credibility.!!
But It happened in Chile, a developed country, and the red, white, and blue flag with the lone star was waving in front of your faces..!!!!
Amen, and I hope you use your brains to elect a more suitable president the next time around.!!!!

Chileno on October 17, 2010 at 12:05 am

    so that you as a broken nation could come together with cinical expressions of hope

    I believe you mean “cynical,” you (sic) man.

    Miranda Rose Smith on October 17, 2010 at 5:58 am

The news and the manner in which we entertain our selves with it sickens me.

My local morning Kron 4 reporting understands our down falls..

They recently gave a long time reporter a promotion to head anchor. Just so happens she appeared in her new position with some new boobs. Yes yes yes we all love boobs!!! Kron 4 morning news has the decency to dress her up and situate her in front of the camera as to accentuate these fine new appendages. I sit and gaze and imagine… Otherwise my attention span would have been breached at her first utterance of this so called news reporting.

This leads me to think and hope that the beauty of debbies boobs dwarfs that of her face. I can’t imagine how a “talented” reporter like that with such creative and in depth insight, which speaks to and emphasizes our nations down falls, could gain such a platform. Baffled, are you?

Merica, The great!!! One news headline at a time!

Im movin to Chile!! C ya YEEE HAWWW!!!

Zander on October 20, 2010 at 1:50 pm

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seo companies on March 16, 2013 at 3:55 pm

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