November 29, 2006, - 4:36 pm
Just Saw the New Rocky Movie
By Debbie Schlussel
I just returned from screening, “Rocky Balboa,” a/k/a Rocky VI. It’s not bad. But Girlie-Man Alert: Did we really need to see Rocky cry? Et tu, Rocky?
Parts of it were a little slow (like the first hour) and kinda cheesy, but it was okay. If you liked the Rocky quintology (Yes, I made up this word), you’ll like this one. The boxing part is fun (with real-life boxer Antonio Tarver playing Rocky’s opponent). And I wonder how much Mike Tyson got paid for his cameo. (To me, that was the funniest part of the movie, though there are some good lines, too.) Michael Buffer (“Let’s Get Ready to Rumbllllllllllllllle”) is in it, too, as well as some familiar sports commentators.
The new version has everything you expect in a “Rocky” movie. It is vintage Rocky: Rocky running up and down the steps in Philadelphia in front of the museum to the tune of “Gonna Fly Now,” Paulie (now painting water colors?!), etc. As I said when I wrote about this movie in January, Sylvester Stallone looks pretty good for a 60-year-old (the Black hair is a little to Grecian formula, though; a little gray would have been fine).

No “Yo, Adrian,” though. She’s dead (though he does utter it once to her tombstone and she’s shown in flashback footage).
Remember, the original “Rocky” movie is almost 31 years old! Feel old?
Stay tuned for my complete review when the movie debuts. Fave Rocky character: crotchety trainer/manager Mickey Goldmill played by the late Burgess Meredith (who also makes an appearance in Rocky 6, in flashback footage).

Tags: Antonio Tarver, manager, Michael Buffer, Mickey Goldmill, Mike Tyson, Philadelphia, real-life boxer, ROCKY, Rocky 6, Rocky Balboa, Rocky VI, sports commentators
Debbie I always loved Mick the Jew in the Rocky movies. BTW with all the plastic surgery and homogenization I don’t know if we’ll ever see the outwardly Jewish mega stars like Dustin Hoffman, Elliott Gould, Babs and Bette again. It’s a real shame.
Anonymous1 on November 29, 2006 at 7:21 pm