June 28, 2010, - 1:29 pm

Would You Eat Lion Meat? Lion Burgers Under Fire in Arizona

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve written about a similar matter before, when a Missouri legislator wanted to legalize horse meat packing plants in the state.  I wrote that I was all for it.  Because of that, Bonni Intall, the crazy woman who owns and runs Bare Naked Islam, went nuts, attacking my readers in the comments section, saying she’d eat their dogs, making bigoted statements against religious Jews like myself for keeping kosher (claiming it was okay for her to be anti-Semitic b/c she has Jewish heritage), and calling all of you readers “gullible” and stupid in an e-mail to me, in which she continued to viciously and fallaciously attack religious Jews and kashrut (the noun form of kosher).   (If you visit her site, that’s what you’re supporting.) **** UPDATE: Bonni Intall of Bare Naked Islam responds in a long, unhinged e-mail, “You are a c**t.” [Asterisks inserted by me.] You stay, classy and sane, Bonni. ****


As I said then, I would not eat horse meat because it is not kosher, and it would turn my stomach to eat it, even if it was not prohibited by my religious diet.  But I see eating horses as no different from eating chicken or beef.  They are all animals, meant to be consumed or otherwise serve man.  The same goes for lions.  They’re now serving it in Arizona in honor of South Africa and the World Cup.  Cameron Selogie, owner of Il Vinaio restaurant, is serving African lion meat burgers.  I wouldn’t eat it–religious rules prohibit me from doing so, and if they didn’t, I still wouldn’t eat it.  But I see no reason for the outcry about it.  Lions are no different from any other animal.  If people choose to eat it, enjoy.

Selogie is doing big biz with his lion meat entree.  Reservations are sold out for a chance to eat lion burgers at his establishment.  There is a waiting list of 100 diners.  But animal rights activists picketed him and have sent him death threats.  The same happened a while ago when a Dunedin, Florida restaurant also served lion meat and that of other exotic animals.  As I’ve noted before, there is nothing special about lions or horses that makes them any more worthy of being spared the dinner plate than a cow, a salmon, or a chicken.  And the typical animal rights activists, like PETA–or as I call ’em, PUTAh a/k/a People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals And humans–don’t want you eating any of those, not just the the lions.

Would you eat it?  Apparently, this is not commonly eaten in Africa, unlike the way dogs, cats, and snakes which are frequently eaten elsewhere.  Reports say eating lion meat is shunned in Africa, and that the animals are only hunted for trophies, which seems to me to be counter-ethical, since the consumption aspect seems more worthy.  Lion meat is very lean–so lean that Selogie must mix 20% ground beef into the burger.  He described the meat’s taste  as “slightly gamey, “like savory beef jerky.”  What?–Not the usual “tastes like chicken”?

For me, I’ll stick with the standard fish, chicken, (very rarely) beef, dairy, and plant-based diet.  No exotic foods for me.  So glad my religion keeps me away from this stuff.  Yuck.  But if you like it, eat to your heart’s content.  I’m very libertarian on that stuff.

Again, would you eat the lion burgers?  Is there any kind of meat you would not eat?  What is the most exotic thing you’ve tasted?  Did you enjoy it?  Why or why not?

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61 Responses

Lions eat us. I don’t see any reason why we can’t be as open-minded about them.

BernardL on June 28, 2010 at 1:46 pm

Lions are different, they’re carnivores. Even among the non-kosher animals, most people limit themselves to herbivores. Lion is not a norman diet anywhere. It’s for the hedonists who need a new and costly thrill.
Before I was strictly kosher, I ate Caribou steak. The animal is kosher but slaughtering it under kashrut is almost impossible so I have not eaten it since. I guess to Americans the most exotic animal I’ve eaten that is kosher is goat.

mk750 on June 28, 2010 at 1:47 pm

You oughta try Venison. There used to be at least one place in New York where you could get it Kosher, and I believe you still can.

I_AM_ME on June 28, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    That would be at Levana.

    Shy Guy on June 29, 2010 at 2:22 am

I’m not in NY. I’m in Israel. Can’t get it here. But I don’t know how you’d capture a deer humanely and keep it still long enough to slit it’s throat without stunning or drugging it, both of which are not permitted.

mk750 on June 28, 2010 at 1:58 pm

I think it’s because they’re a protected species. The guy who was selling them said they came from a free range lion farm in Illinois, but it’s a pretty shady story and he has a history of illegal dealings with big cats (selling tiger and leopard meat and claiming it was lion meat).

hellcat on June 28, 2010 at 1:58 pm

And for once I agree with mk750; it’s for rich hedonists who want to prove how edgy and cool they are without regard to the ethics of the situation.

H: While I agree on the hedonism/faux-edginess take, my question is: what are the “ethics” of the situation? Why is it less worthy to eat a lion than a cow? What’s unethical about it (if you assume the lion meat was not improperly procured? DS

hellcat on June 28, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    The ancients thought eating a carnivorous animal meant absorbing something of the essence of the beast in question. (“You are literally what you eat,” to use an old expression.) If you look at what the Torah prohibits, it prohibits the consumption of all animals that eat the flesh of others – sharks, birds of prey and any mammal that is not strictly herbivorous. While no one else cares about the kosher part, with few cultural exceptions, is one taboo that seems to be widespread among mankind, generally speaking.

    NormanF on June 28, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Oh. Because I AM assuming it was improperly procured – because the guy who’s providing the meat has a pretty widely-reported history of shady dealings with this kind of thing (as I said before, stuff like claiming tiger and leopard meat are lion meat, etc, although that may just be rumor). And because I had originally read that lions are a protected species, although now I’m finding that the reports on that are inconsistent – some places say they are, some say no. However, all in all, it does look like it’s not quite on the up and up, and that’s what I was referring to, ethics-wise.

    Personally, I am a little squicked out by the idea of eating lion, but you’re right that logically there’s not much difference between eating cow and lion.

    hellcat on June 28, 2010 at 2:37 pm

My opinion is expressed by this billboard.


Rhymes With Right on June 28, 2010 at 2:05 pm

Lion meat? Not unless I was starving.

The line up of edible animals was established centuries ago.

Oscar on June 28, 2010 at 2:09 pm

The most exotic food I have ever eaten is crocodile. When my wife and I were in Kenya on a Photo-Safari, we were taken to a restaurant in Nairobi, conveniently named Carnivore, where we were given small portions of various meats to taste, then choose whichever we wanted for our entree. It was quite delicious, and my thoughts were “better for me to eat crocodile, than vice versa”.

Gerry on June 28, 2010 at 2:12 pm

There’s a reason religious people – Jews, Christians and Muslims don’t eat the flesh of a carnivorous animal. You have to draw the line somewhere. I find the thought sickening. But while I don’t keep strictly kosher, there some things too gross for me to contemplate eating – if I want to remain in G-d’s good graces.

NormanF on June 28, 2010 at 2:15 pm

I’ll have to take the same stance on this as with homosexuality…it’s not for me, but I don’t care what anyone else puts in their mouth.

peter on June 28, 2010 at 2:15 pm

just curious about kosher dietary laws; what makes deer or lion or horses not kosher but beef and chicken is?

howardroark on June 28, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    I think its an ethical distinction between peaceful and violent animals. Now when I look at my cats sure they are cute but their cousins are among the most dangerous beasts on the planet. The Torah is concerned with more than just health questions; it is concerned with who man is and what he eats is just as important as what he does.

    NormanF on June 28, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    [howardroark – just curious about kosher dietary laws; what makes deer or lion or horses not kosher but beef and chicken is?]

    Deer (Venison) is Kosher assuming the proper procedures are followed.

    I_AM_ME on June 28, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    howard, there are two levels to kashrut. First the animal itself must be “clean” Remember Noah took 7 of the clean animals and only 2 of the unclean? Which BTW would make eating of non-kosher animals forbidden to Noachides too since there obviously was a distinction back then. Anywho, the second part is how the animal is slaughtered. kosher animals must be humanely slaughtered by a quick expert slash to the neck that kills them in one cut. The knife blade must be without defect and scalpel sharp. We believe that stunning an animal causes suffering so it must not be done. Sedation introduces a foreign substance into the meat and that must also not be done so as I said, it’s pretty hard to capture and kill a deer in a kosher manner although the animal itself is
    kosher. Hunting is prohibited in Jewish law because “Treif” which is the opposite of kosher, means “torn.” Any meat that is torn, is not kosher.

    mk750 on June 29, 2010 at 1:25 am

Alligator is great and does taste a little like chicken.

Federale on June 28, 2010 at 2:30 pm

How petty!

We are in WW III and we are going to lose. You’ll be a dhimmi or beheaded.

And, you have TIME to worry about such nonsense?

Shame shame shame

As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 28, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    Smith and Wesson will insure that I will not get beheaded.

    I’m not abiding by Sharia either.

    Sam Adams on June 28, 2010 at 3:55 pm

      Don’t get me wrong: I will shoot my way out too.

      But, I just saw Knight and Day. I’d like to exchange my SW 38 for some of those weapons. The guns in Knight and Day were the highlight of the movie 🙂

      As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 28, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    **** UPDATE: Bonni Intall of Bare Naked Islam responds in an unhinged e-mail, “You are a c**t.” [Asterisks inserted by me.] You stay, class and sane, Bonni. ****

    “Bonni Intall” is one more fascist. Live and let live. Eat and let eat.

    I have WAY BIGGER FISH to fry – like muzzies springing up everywhere I look to worry about NONSENSE.

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 28, 2010 at 5:32 pm

      If you want to know the dietary laws of the Old Testament, you can go to Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter 14. I am under the New Testament.

      “And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, does fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment [clothes], or skin, or sack [storage container], whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so it shall be cleansed. And every earthen vessel, whereunto any of them falls, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and you shall break it. Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water comes shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean. And every thing whereupon any part of their carcass falls shall be unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be broken down: for they are unclean, and shall be unclean unto you.”

      Leviticus 11:32–35

      As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 28, 2010 at 6:07 pm

Excuse me, but if properly slaughtered, deer are kosher. Incidentally, all venison served in virtually all restaurants across the USA are raised on farms. Same with turkeys and other game animals. It is the requirement in most states.

Jon Grant on June 28, 2010 at 2:50 pm

If it weren’t for kashrut laws, I’d love to try lion and bear and alligator. The idea of eating something that would love to eat me appeals to me.

As it is, it’s next to impossible to find kosher goat, and goat is a kosher animal. I’ve been looking for a couple of years now.

Lisa on June 28, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    [Lisa – As it is, it’s next to impossible to find kosher goat, and goat is a kosher animal. I’ve been looking for a couple of years now.]

    I did a quick Google search and found this where you will find kosher goat:


    If you cut off the URL right after “www.westsidekosher.com” you will get the homepage (I am not doing that here because if you submit a comment with more than one URL Debbie has to approve it).

    I_AM_ME on June 28, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Lisa, any goat is kosher, what you need is a “shochet.” A Kosher slaughterer who will take the live goat and do the job for you. If you get a Sephardic one, he’ll probably be trained in removal of the sciatic nerve and then you can eat the whole animal, not just the forequarter. If you live near a large Jewish area, call any orthodox synagogue or Chabad House and they can find you one.

    mk750 on June 29, 2010 at 1:30 am

Most exotic meal I’ve ever had was at The Buckhorn Exchange in Denver. Nothing too, crazy, but exotic for me. Appetizers were fried alligator and the entree was elk and bison. And a Rodney Strong Cabernet.

I may have had more exotic meat than that when I used to buy the budget-minded “all meat wieners”. Hah.

This discussion reminds me of a riddle:
What did one lesbian frog say to the other lesbian frog?
I’ll be darned, we do taste like chicken.

Richard on June 28, 2010 at 3:31 pm

I don’t know if lion, bear or alligator would love to eat you, Lisa. I think if you wandered into their territory they’d probably eat you, but humans are pretty gamey and not, like, a delicacy in the lion/bear/alligator world. Generally, we’re more of a threat to them than they are to us, what with the poaching, etc. Not saying I’d want to run across one in an alley or anything, just saying they don’t really hunt humans unless they’re seriously ill or starving.

hellcat on June 28, 2010 at 3:44 pm

Not all animals are created equal, Debbie. Dogs, for example, have a symbiotic relationship with man. Each species helped the other into its modern-day form. We would not have prevailed as we did without early canines/lupines assisting us and vice-versa. To this day, dogs still guard us and our property, lead the blind, sniff explosives and earthquake victims and capture criminals. Cultures that can find no better use for dogs than to eat them are inferior. Cats, while not domesticated for as long a period of time, controlled rodent infestation in our food stores and helped curb the spread of bubonic plague in the dark ages.

Comparing these type of animals to, say, chickens or cattle who have no loyalty or affinity for their human masters is short-sighted, awful and cruel.

DS_ROCKS! on June 28, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    Dogs are specially crafted by the Hand of God for human companionship. I taken on every restaurant that allows off the menu ordering (dog). They don’t know what hit them.

    Can’t you find a live ocopus to eat or something???

    As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 28, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    You don’t know what you’re talking about!

    Shy Guy on June 29, 2010 at 2:28 am

In the climactic scene in the movie “The Freshman”, diners to the exclusive “Gourmet Club”, are hosted by a good-hearted Mafiosa. The guests pay $250,000 to feast on the last Komodo dragon, but it’s a scam. They’re actually getting turkey and salmon! But those guests are much like those who would feast on exotic lion.

Yes, there is a difference between eating lion and cow. The latter are domesticated and bred for this purpose, so their numbers make them nowhere “endangered”. Not so with lions who properly require a meat diet, which means more animals must be killed to raise that lion. And if eating lion becomes “fashionable”, it only encourages poaching, which puts more animals at risk.

Natan Slifkin, aka. the “Zoo Rabbi” has written extensively on matters zoological, including the lessons we’re to draw on why certain creatures are permitted and some not. We don’t consume those animals which inflict violence on other animals, which steal from others of its own kind, which live in filth, etc. We aren’t even permitted those “clean” animals which die a violent death – a sheep killed by a wolf, for example – as we shouldn’t benefit from their suffering.

Raymond in DC on June 28, 2010 at 4:24 pm

Whooping crane tandoori! Deeeeelicious! Similar to Bald Eagle flambeau.

Jay LeTroll on June 28, 2010 at 5:19 pm

It is my belief that sentient creatures should not be eaten, especially those creatures which possess considerable intelligence. Lions, certainly, meet this criterion, as do, surprisingly perhaps, octopi. I do eat beef and chicken, but I do so because I do not have the time or inclination to prepare strictly vegetarian meals, but I would prefer to avoid meat altogether. I see nothing wrong with eating eggs or consuming dairy products. Ditto for such invertebrates as shrimp or mollusks, although they contain high levels of cholesterol and should, therefore, be eaten relatively sparingly. I would also have no problem eating alligator or crocodile, as they evoke no feelings of warmth or sympathy within me. I used to have no inhibitions about eating fish (which I still eat) but a while back I was in a pizzeria watching this large fish swimming around in an aquarium while I waited for my order, and I KNOW that the fish was watching me watch it. The poor fish, I realized, has awareness – it can think. I truly respect and admire Hindus for their forbearance with respect to eating animals. They practice strict vegetarianism out of a reverence for life, and out of a need to treat all creatures with kindness. Sadly, I find their cuisine, at least those dishes that I have tried, to be largely detestable. At a recent wedding, one dish featured fried breaded green olives. Ecch.

commonsense on June 28, 2010 at 5:35 pm

Not only would I eat lion, but I would ask if I could first hunt it down and kill it on a real hunt – and not on some stupid game preserve for 80 year old men.

I’ve gotta add a good one that they should serve the muzzies in Gitmo. Down in the southeast I have eaten pig brains. They kinda look like scrambled eggs. Wouldn’t that make for an interesting morning once they found out what they had eaten!?!

Jarhead on June 28, 2010 at 6:20 pm



Bob Porrazzo on June 28, 2010 at 6:35 pm

As to exotic or different foods, I’ve had eyeball soup, dolphin, whale, shark, bear, snake, horse, alligator, the hearts of various animals and various parts of pigs that you would normally associate with what is in your standard hot dog (brains, stomach, skin,…)

Jarhead on June 28, 2010 at 6:36 pm

But I myself would not eat lion meat nor any other kind of wild game. It’s just chicken, fish or beef for me!

Bob Porrazzo on June 28, 2010 at 6:37 pm


Anyone who has ever grown up on a farm knows that a chicken, cow or pig can make an excellent pet, especially if said chicken or cow was raised from birth or infancy (or in the case of chickens, hatching) by a child. A chicken raised as a pet from a chick will be every bit as loyal and loving as a dog or cat.

I am sorry. Actually, I am not sorry. Animals are for eating. In India, you have people starving to death who won’t eat cows because of their religious beliefs. You also have in some places of the world people who won’t kill rats and mice because of their religious beliefs, and those vermin wreak havoc on the food supply, devouring and spoiling badly needed grain.

We have these “progressive” attitudes towards animals because our culture has gotten so wealthy and lazy. 100 or 150 years ago, especially during crop failures, wars and droughts, virtually any member of the population would have gladly eaten a dog, cat, bear, catamount, or any other animal they could get their hands on, even if it was a carnivore or traditionally a pet, if the alternative was starving to death.

Also, what about FISH? Fish are carnivores. (Actually, they are omnivores.) THEY EAT OTHER FISH! Ever been FISHING? Well, YOU USE SMALLER FISH AS BAIT! And what about birds that eat worms (not exactly plants), fish, mice, and smaller birds?

Now as to the kosher thing … that is an issue for Jews alone. Apart from that, animals are for eating. Genesis 9:2-4 reads “And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”

See any exceptions there made for lions and dogs, or even CARNIVORE FISH? Nope, didn’t think so.

Gerald on June 28, 2010 at 7:48 pm

Gerald: yes: farm animals can be fine pets, but a chicken or cow would never pull an owner from a burning building or protect you while you sleep.

DS_ROCKS! on June 28, 2010 at 11:07 pm

Gerald: oh, and 150 years ago, my ancestors would not have eaten a dog if they were starving – they would have been smart enough to use the dog for hunting to corner and catch elusive game and also the dog would have protected them from other starving would-be criminals while they slept. Only Godless cultures eat or kill dogs.

DS_ROCKS! on June 28, 2010 at 11:11 pm

For those who are interested, more information about Kosher dietary laws can be found here:


David on June 28, 2010 at 11:40 pm

I would not try Lion meat. For some reason, I find the idea of that repulsive. I do not adhere to a religion that has strict dietary laws, but I do understand and agree with the concept of “Kosher” even though I do not practice it. What we Christians refer to as “The Old Testament”, some, or all of which Jews consider part of their holy scriptures, ban certain kinds of foods. Now, some Christians, myself included, do not believe that the Old Testament dietary laws are purely symbolic or put there as some kind of test of obedience. We believe that part of the reason for them is because the prohibited foods are not good for you. It is my personal opinion that Pork, shellfish and the meat of predators is not good for you. There are scientific studies to back that up. I believe that G-d gave those instructions for the benefit of mankind. As a Christian, I am aware of the scriptures that appear to dismiss the dietary laws. I am not disputing them, but I believe them to be G-d looking out for us, yet again, by taking the guilt away from consuming prohibited foods out of desperation, and as a way to break down cultural barriers and a statement against the concept of “Salvation by works”.

RT on June 29, 2010 at 12:42 am

At least you can still eat fudge right deb? Fatty

Alan Ion on June 29, 2010 at 8:46 am

I’m surprised that no one has asked if Lion meat can be hallal? LOL

mk750 on June 29, 2010 at 9:37 am

Of course I’d eat lion meat. I’d eat every single kind of meat available given the opportunity.

Chris Clement on June 29, 2010 at 9:39 am

    OK, Chris. The twelve year-old in me had a blast with that one.

    hellcat on June 29, 2010 at 11:20 am

I’ve eaten buffalo, alligator, turtle, goat, shark, octopus, and possibly others that I can’t remember. All were good. Octopus, if not cooked properly, is tough and rubbery. If it’s cooked properly, it’s great. If the opportunity arose I’d try the lion meat, but I wouldn’t seek it out.

I think the points raised by most here are good, but for me it all goes back to God giving man dominion over the earth. I think that while some meats are more convenient and perhaps more logical choices, I don’t think that anything should be ruled out, especially in cases where food is not plentiful.

My aunt and uncle lived next door to people with a farm, who, when their ewes would shun their lambs, would give the lambs to my aunt and uncle. Taking care of them was like taking care of a baby – lots of making bottles and feedings throughout the night, making sure they were getting enough vitamins, salt, etc. My aunt mentioned that after having raised those adorable little sweeties (they were so cute!) that she could never eat lamb again. I could – I just wouldn’t want to eat one that I knew.

KerryB on June 29, 2010 at 10:50 am

I’m a Leo, I would never eat a lion.

Jewish Marksman on June 29, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Jewish Marksman!



    As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 29, 2010 at 1:30 pm

I’ve cooked up a dead roadkill skunk I found on the road. Some people call me a lowlife, but I disagree.

Truth on June 29, 2010 at 12:24 pm


    You’re even funnier than Jewish Marksman.


    As goes Israel - so goes the World on June 29, 2010 at 1:31 pm

I would eat it. I was just in Sardinia, Italy and they had pizzas with horse meat on it. I almost ordered it (to the horror of my tour mates – LOL) but ordered the seafood instead. They bring a pizza with shrimp (with shells still on) and other seafood in shells (interesting). I had to peel them but the pizza was awesome. Wish I had tried the horse too though.

CJ on June 29, 2010 at 12:48 pm

Kashruth laws were based to the most part on the knowledge,at the time,of the health risks involved when eating certain animals. Knowledge which was probably passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation for thousands of years.
I would therefore be very weary of eating some of these amimal’s meat even though times are different and even though I do not watch these laws too carefully myself.

RG on June 30, 2010 at 2:58 am

“Dogs are specially crafted by the Hand of God for human companionship.”

No. Wolves or the first canines may have been created by God, but dogs were created by man by breeding and culling (killing) canines to mold them into tools for our use.

“Not all animals are created equal, Debbie. Dogs, for example, have a symbiotic relationship with man. Each species helped the other into its modern-day form.”

And cattle, sheep and chickens haven’t helped us? We’ve used cattle as beasts of burden, kill their calves so we can drink their milk, sheep provide wool for clothing, and we eat the eggs of chickens and use their feathers.

“We would not have prevailed as we did without early canines/lupines assisting us…”

We wouldn’t have prevailed without cattle or sheep either.

“To this day, dogs still guard us and our property, lead the blind, sniff explosives and earthquake victims and capture criminals.”

Not all dogs. Some dogs maul, bite and kill us, and we kill all dogs who do not enjoy the company of humans. They also do not do these things consciously. A dog does not know it is sniffing for dangerous explosives or finding criminals who could kill him. It thinks it is playing a game. It does not know the danger it is in.

“Cultures that can find no better use for dogs than to eat them are inferior. Cats, while not domesticated for as long a period of time, controlled rodent infestation in our food stores and helped curb the spread of bubonic plague in the dark ages.”

There is nothing wrong with raising dogs for meat. Your statement is ridiculous. It would be like if someone from India said a culture who can find no better use for cattle than to eat them are inferior. Also, cats can be big pests and spread disease, and they also kill natural predators and decimate native bird populations. In Wisconsin alone, radio-collared cats were estimated to have killed 19 million song birds in one year. Snakes, birds of prey and rat traps do a better job of controlling rodent populations than cats do. We are not in the middle ages anymore. Cats are not needed to control rodent populations, and stray and feral ones are a big problem.

“Comparing these type of animals to, say, chickens or cattle who have no loyalty or affinity for their human masters is short-sighted, awful and cruel.”

Chickens and cattle can become bonded to people as well. I had a pet quail that followed me around and liked to sleep on my lap. However, I never tried to tell anyone they couldn’t eat quail just because I liked them! Pet pigs can also be affectionate creatures. Why should an animal’s “loyalty” even matter? Does that mean you’re fine with eating dogs and cats who do not like humans?

“Gerald: yes: farm animals can be fine pets, but a chicken or cow would never pull an owner from a burning building or protect you while you sleep.”

How do you know? How many people have pet cattle and poultry that live in their house? My uncle had a rooster that would attack people that got near him. Does that mean no one can eat chicken now? I’ve also heard stories of pet pot-bellied pigs waking their owners during house fires.

“It is my belief that sentient creatures should not be eaten, especially those creatures which possess considerable intelligence.”

A cow or pig is just as sentient as a lion.

I find it sad how people can be rude to others just because they enjoy eating different animals.

Michelle on July 12, 2010 at 12:02 am

Hmmm, since I have IBS, I stay away from most weird stuff. I don’t eat anything exotic, not even when I lived in New Zealand. But Debbie, the Kiwis didn’t butter their popcorn. Not available.

In addition, the Kiwis prohibit kashrut except for chickens at this time. Verminous scum.

Occam's Tool on May 16, 2011 at 12:38 am

The number of lions is steadily declining (there’s only around 20,000 left), and studies have shown that the hunting of a single lion can and does result in the death of others, as their complex social structure makes them rely heavily on one another. That’s why they shouldn’t be eaten, and what makes them different from cows, chickens, and horses. So to just say that “they are all animals” is not only simplifying an extremely complex issue but is also doing it in a way that is misleading. If we hunt lions for food, we could become responsible for the destruction of an extremely iconic species, and I don’t think anybody wants to see that happen.

Ben on October 13, 2011 at 10:58 pm

Debbie, et al.

My bro ate meat from this BUTTHEADS store and now he has been in the emergency room at the hospital 4 times in 3 weeks for problems stemming from ingesting this crap! The guy was cited back in Feb 2011 by the FDA for improper handling, mislabeling and improper and wrong use of cutting implements to handle the damn meat- which nobody has ANY idea where it was sourced from! READ AND DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE ENCOURAGING OTHER PEOPLE TO EAT IT! http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm242890.htm

JJJ on January 1, 2012 at 7:21 pm

Is leopard meat edible?

squeezeemee on November 16, 2016 at 9:28 pm

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