June 8, 2010, - 2:00 pm

“There is No Plan B”: Just Got Back From . . .

By Debbie Schlussel

. . . a critics’ screening of “The A-Team.”  Stay tuned for my review, later in the week.  For now, here’s the trailer:


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10 Responses

A-Team…the movie?…huh?

Should’ve been released straight to dvd

ebayer on June 8, 2010 at 2:43 pm

i really really hope you like this movie.

harry on June 8, 2010 at 3:07 pm

I haven’t seen it, but I have never been a fan of remakes being old enough (not old, mind you!!) to have seen the originals. To me, it’s just not the same without the original actors and actresses. I’ve seen a remake or two, and none seem to have the screenwriting skills of the originals.

I agree with Ebayer – should have been released straight to DVD.

Dirk on June 8, 2010 at 3:17 pm

I saw the trailers and I could be wrong but these guys playing the characters seem not to have the same chemistry that the original television actors had. Typical Hollywood that can not come up with their own ideas. Keep the title, rearrange the characters with “issues”, throw in some major money, and you got a typical Hollywood remake. I MAY watch this when it’s on DVD.

Mr. M on June 8, 2010 at 5:01 pm

The A-Team is no match for the Zohan.

Jewish Marksman on June 8, 2010 at 5:28 pm

Deb –

OK. You have opened my classic TV as movie floodgate!
I still miss ‘Magnum P.I.’ (Selleck is a Detroit Tigers fan I believe….)

This spring on a flight I read the only ‘Magnum’ book I am aware of – Larry Manetti’s ‘Aloha Magnum’

In it he mentions that Tom Clancy had written a movie reunion back in the 1990s – no surprise that Hollywood killed the conservative Magnum movie off…

Nick Fury on June 8, 2010 at 5:38 pm

Oh, no! Was “Face” wearing a kaffiyeh scarf in that one trailer scene???

I’m not ashamed to admit that I LOVED the “A-TEAM” TV series. It was pure campy fun, machismo and cheap stunt explosions. I don’t go to the movies very often and was really hoping they’d not ruin this one with PC political garbage. I promised my daughters we’d go to see this one at the movies, but I may have to renege if it turns out that this has an islamo-pandering plot or features the tired plot of the Western, evil white male victimizing people of color or muslims.

Debbie’s review decides wether I see this movie. .

DS_ROCKS! on June 8, 2010 at 7:25 pm

Hmmm, no clues from Debbie? This one might actually be pretty decent! Not a HUGE fan of the show but I’m with DS ROCKS!, it was good for what it was. Hope it’s better than say, Mission Impossible. Loved the show, but the movie?…Yikes…I’ll never figure it out. Was there actually a plot?

theShadow on June 9, 2010 at 12:27 am

I really hope this movie is good! As a kid I used to enjoy the show. I loved Mr. T. Cheesy I know but, hey I’m an ’80’s kid

One_Irish_Jew on June 9, 2010 at 12:45 am

Well, I hated the television show it was too predictable and 3 minutes in I could tell you how it was going to end. I wouldn’t waste my money on this trash.

What is rather obvious is that Hollywood has lost it’s edge. They have no more new ideas. They are forced to steal films from other Countries and put the American spin on them. For quite some time they’ve relied on old television show like Mission Impossible (lost the campiness of the show), The Brady Bunch, Charlie’s Angels, the Addams Family (lost it’s campiness), The Beverly Hillbillies, Bewitched (horrible), Dragnet, the Flintstones, The Fugitive and Miami Vice to name just a few.

Hollywood is in need of new blood to bring new ideas but they’ve made it harder and harder to get your foot into the door. So, we’re stuck watching this tripe.

They’ve been saying they would do a big screen movie of Magnum, PI. But they cannot decide on how could fill the scandals of Tom Selleck. I cannot think of a current actor who has his presents, charm or sense of humor. Donald Bellisario sold his rights to Tom Selleck so he no longer controls the rights. Selleck does so he’ll have a say in who will play Thomas Sullivan Magnum. He most likely would want to keep all the original characters, because of his loyalty to the show. I had heard the only other character they wanted was Higgins, so he turned it down.

On a funny note Donald Bellisario wanted to cross over two of his shows. Magnum and Quantum Leap, where Sam would leap into Magnum’s body. I saw the film of that in the early 1994. It was good. Unfortunately, NBC constant moving of the show, it was canceled. Bellisario got bored with the show by the third season and was also going through a divorce with his third wife and fellow QL producer Deborah Pratt, so he sold the rights back to Universal; when Deborah and Scott made an offer to buy him out.

Ireland on June 9, 2010 at 11:54 am

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