June 1, 2010, - 1:06 pm

Quote of the Day – HAMAS Gaza Flotilla

By Debbie Schlussel

The world’s double standard: It’s OK for Iran to stockpile nuclear weapons and threaten Israel, the Middle East and the World, but it’s not OK for Israel to protect itself from Iranian rockets smuggled into Gaza via Turkey under the cloak of “humanitarian aid.”

–Jaime Levine on Debbie Schlussel Facebook Fan Page.

Amen, Jaime.

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HAMAS “Naval Police” Exercised Protecting the NON-Neutral Terrorist Flotilla

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16 Responses

‘The world’s double standard: It’s OK for Iran to stockpile nuclear weapons and threaten Israel, the Middle East and the World, but it’s not OK for Israel to protect itself from Iranian rockets smuggled into Gaza via Turkey under the cloak of “humanitarian aid.”’

My take on this is going to be different from most peoples.

Yes, it is OK. That is just how the world is. It isn’t right, its anti-semitic, and its downright dangerous for all of us (not just Jews/Israelis) since the barbaric, misogynistic, bigoted death cult known as Islam will not stop with Israel. However it is what it is. Deal with it. Complaining about it is just a waste of time.

I_AM_ME on June 1, 2010 at 1:17 pm

You’re right, complaining about it is a waste of time. That’s why I’m so glad the Israelis boarded the boat and killed the a-holes. They should have sunk the entire lot of them! Since it is open season on Christians and Jews, I believe its time the Christian right started fighting back as well. I hear alot of complaining about the Mosque being built near Ground Zero, and the Muzzies were in mass over the weekend demonstrating and calling for the death of the Jews in Times Square, so Where are the Christians screaming death to the Muzzies in Times Square?????? It’s about time and long over due that we take the battle to the streets just like they do.

perception of truth on June 1, 2010 at 1:29 pm

I’d like to know what genius sent boarders armed with paint guns. That lack of concern for the safety of the soldiers reminds me so much of my time in Viet-Nam.

Mack on June 1, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Debbie, sweety you are so correct on this short article, the vermin in the left wing media for years have been saying that Israel shouldn’t defend itself, and the rest of the middle eastern countries are allowed to have nuclear weapons, it’s nothing but double-standard and hypocrisy by the american left wing in this country. Israel should defend itself, since you have the Iranian-Hitler in Iran who just about everyday of the week he threaten’s everybody by him saying that he’s building nuclear weapons and he wants Israel to wiped off of the earth, and threatens us (USA) and our leadership in this country does nothing. On the other hand you have North Korea threaten us with nuclear attacks, etc. and our leadership does nothing, and BTW, it’s China who’s using North Korea to use their nuclear weapons on us, South Korea and the rest of Asia!

And Andy Pales, could you wake the hell up and see what’s really going on around and turn off your pornography movies & internet pornography and see reality for a change, typical left wing progresstard-communist!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on June 1, 2010 at 2:07 pm

It’s funny how Israel’s critical issues are brought to the public attention only when Israel is forced to deal by itself the countless threats posed by the islamic world.

The world’s still blind and antisemitic.

Enkeleid H. on June 1, 2010 at 2:20 pm

More exactly, it is NOT OK for Israel to defend itself under ANY circumstances.

A unique rule applied only to Israel.

NormanF on June 1, 2010 at 3:06 pm

Mack writes, “I’d like to know what genius sent boarders armed with paint guns. That lack of concern for the safety of the soldiers reminds me so much of my time in Viet-Nam.”

It was unloaded guns in Beirut in 1983 that prevented guards from stopping a bomber that took the lives of some 241 of our Marines. And apparently it’s policy in some units in Afghanistan – guns unloaded, nothing in the chamber. IDF troops in some parts of Judea/Samaria (aka the West Bank) operate under very restrictive rules of engagement too.

But lots of folks in Israel are asking the same question Mack poses. And here’s an interesting note from an article in today’s Ynet:

During the interrogation, in which Interior Ministry officials took part, the detainees did not look like people bringing humanitarian aid, Edelstein said.

“It was clear they had come to provoke,” he said. “During the questioning, not a single one mentioned the issue of humanitarian aid. They all said they had come to demonstrate. We found papers in their pockets on which they had prepared clear messages for the press. There was also a more extreme group of Islamists; you could really see the hate in their eyes. We were shocked by the level of hate and by the things we heard against the existence of the State, and about Israel killing children.”

Some detainees have refused to identify themselves, but most have done so after passports were found on the vessels.

Raymond in DC on June 1, 2010 at 4:36 pm

LMFAOOO, straight up Israel told them to dock at the Ashdod port because they were not authorized to go to an area that is under naval blockade. the ship they declined. Obviously they ISraeli navy has to get involved and i watched the video’s on youtube, they were attacking the IDF soldiers throwing them off the ship and what not.
if any ship, plane or car is about to enter an unauthorized area they will be greeted by officers. and if you attack the officers(with live Gun power) its obvious the officers will stop the threat in any means necessary.
who ever is siding with the Mavi marmara is just a brain washed idiot. Thank you. : )

Eastpack on June 1, 2010 at 4:53 pm

The world’s hyprocritical condemenation of Israel is sickening.

Thank you, Debbie, for staying on top of this story.

JeffE on June 1, 2010 at 9:10 pm

Dibbie Ae you for real , you are compairing Iran to a small ship carying food and medical Aid to the people in GAZA . first where you on the ship to see the rockets in if it’s true that there wher Rockets do you think that Israel would release 123 people to Jordan about to return them back to there country or 20 turkes back to turkey come on wake up and stop you hate to the palestinian people who are just want to live there life freely in there own country

liz on June 1, 2010 at 10:37 pm


watch this video.

I know this isn’t exactly related to the post but seriously, how can Israel (the gov’t, not the people) treat others like this? Not every Palestinian is a terrorist. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Not every Jew or Christian is a terrorist. Stop promoting hate speech. Respect one another. Don’t create stories. Please think for yourself about the situation of the people around the world. Reflect on why people hate each other. Don’t let anything come in between loving one another.

i on June 2, 2010 at 12:48 am

The world’s double standard: It’s OK for Iran to stockpile nuclear weapons and threaten Israel, the Middle East and the World,

Cracking quote! Let’s look at why.

1) Iran doesn’t actually have nukes (Israel does) and isn’t stockpiling them. I know, I know. They’re easily confused.
2) What are all those sanctions against Iran about? So, “the world” is actively trying to stop that from happening. Up to, and including, military action, you will find.

but it’s not OK for Israel to protect itself from Iranian rockets smuggled into Gaza via Turkey under the cloak of “humanitarian aid.”

Even the Israelis don’t believe there were missiles on this flotilla. Can you get any more wrongness in one quote? Really?
Keep it up Dubbeh, and Dubbeh fans — you’re pathetic attempts at victimhood are doing as much as the Israelis to turn people off an evil, evil regime.

Ally on June 2, 2010 at 6:35 am

    “Even the Israelis don’t believe there were missiles on this flotilla. Can you get any more wrongness in one quote? Really?

    Really, yet, Really. Hamas has fired hundreds and hundreds hundreds and hundreds of rockets into Israel since Israel withdrew from that territory. Also, I did not know that you had such special intelligence sources about what was on those vessels. Would you care to share your source? The organizers of that “Flotilla”, including Turkey, were told that they could ship their “aid” overland to Gaza from an Israeli port. This offer was flatly refused. This whole incidnet was never about aid, but simply creating an incident. Your Islamist spin is really falling flat here.

    Worry01 on June 2, 2010 at 10:10 am

It appears this is the latest rumor, “RT is still reporting that turkey is sending another ship that will be escorted by the Turkish navy. I have seen a couple of other reports say this, but not seen any source. Anyone know anything?” Me thinks this could become a real problem since two more ship from Ireland are now en route to Gaza as I type. Israel has already said they plan to stop them both.

Atlee Yarrow on June 2, 2010 at 11:44 am

The BBC reports, “It is reminiscent of the British assault in 1947 on the Exodus, a ship carrying Jewish refugees hoping to break the then British naval blockade on Palestine.” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/middle_east/10203333.stm

Atlee Yarrow on June 2, 2010 at 12:18 pm

If Hamas turned down the aid why are they sending another Flotilla?

Why can’t the news Ask that question now before they change their mind?

Fred on June 4, 2010 at 8:27 am

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