April 30, 2010, - 11:37 am

Big Fat Liars: People Mag Picks Morbidly Obese Actress as “World’s Most Beautiful”

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s one thing to be against the government getting involved in what you eat or how much you weigh.  Big Brother shouldn’t be in our kitchens or on our dinner tables.  But it’s entirely another thing to be subject to the constant, intellectually dishonest promotion of fat people as “beautiful” and “sexy.”  They aren’t . . . unless you’re a chubby chaser.

The Real Notorous B.I.G.: I Hope the Silkworms Got Paid Overtime to Make This Dress

And so goes the lying, latest issue of People Magazine, its “World’s Most Beautiful People” issue, which is on the stands today.  The magazine’s completely dishonest editors chose disgusting-looking, morbidly obese actress Gabourey Sidibe as one of the “World’s Most Beautiful People.”  Come on.  You know they don’t believe that.  And we don’t believe she’s among the “World’s Most Beautiful People,” either.  (In an appropriately-designated “Special Double Issue,” no less.)

This girl’s weight is sickening.  She’s gross to look at.  And it’s unhealthy.  But People is engaging in the usual affirmative action for fat people because the editors clearly feel bad for Sidibe.  She was correctly dissed by Howard Stern, who said on his satellite radio show that she would not find more acting work.  This choice by People is in response to his and others’ on-target comments. It’s the whole reason this mediocre actress was nominated for an Academy Award this year.  But Stern was incorrect, only because the hypocritical, usual Hollywood types felt bad for this fat chick the way they’d never feel bad for a wounded American soldier in Iraq or a victim of Islamic terrorism.

And part of it is because she’s not just any fat actress, she’s a Black fat actress in a ghetto movie  promoted by Oprah and based on a “gangsta lit” book.  Let’s face it:  there have been plenty of equally ugly White fat actresses, like Camryn Manheim.  And People didn’t lie to us and tell us they were the “World’s Most Beautiful People.”

Regardless of race, I’m beyond tired of the conventional Hollywood types telling us that being this fat–the girl is morbidly obese–is “beautiful.”  If they really believed this, they’d cast Sidibe as a romantic lead in movies like “Somewhere in Time,” as superheroes’ girlfriends in movies like “Iron Man” and “Superman.”  But that never happens.  Because we’d never stop laughing.  No-one would buy it.

It’s also beyond tiresome to tell people–particularly girls and women–that weighing over 300 pounds, as Sidibe does, is okay.  Stores like Torrid discourage weight loss and healthy lifestyles by selling cross-your-heart hammocks (in place of bras) and thongs that look like true-to-size Golden Gate Bridges to these humongazoids.  They fool girls into thinking anyone wants to see the world’s largest hamburger buns in this stuff and will think it’s “beautiful.” And now this People Mag stunt.

Enough already.  It’s not hot.  It’s not the “World’s Most Beautiful,” or even beautiful at all.  It’s not even cute.  Building morbidly obese fat people up to think so, only sets them up for health problems, and–more severe–extreme romantic and social disappointments.

Sorry, Gabby Sidibe.  You’re not the “World’s Most Beautiful.”  Just the world’s most artificially and unduly hyped fat chick.  The hype and the lies are the only things bigger than you.

I’ve never seen a larger Empress with no clothing.  Or rather, with no tent.  It isn’t a pretty sight.  And definitely not the “World’s Most Beautiful.”

If you wanna gorge yourself into oblivion or beyond that into a size 524, that’s your business. If you wanna tell me that’s the “World’s Most Beautiful” . . . excuse me while I have a good laugh.

For those who say I’m shallow because I’m attacking her for her looks, that’s not the case here. On the contrary, I’m faulting People for doing the exact opposite: lying about her looks and promoting them as “World’s Most Beautiful.” It’s dishonest.

Next, they’ll be telling us Barack Obama deserves the Nobel Prize. Oh, wait . . . .

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162 Responses

A woman is beautiful if she is kind to others, cares about her fellow human beings, loves her family and animals, does something meaningful in her life. Fat and thin are irrelevant to this definition.

Ruth Witty on July 18, 2010 at 8:28 pm

Debbie is right this girl disgustingly fat

shaun on July 19, 2010 at 2:09 pm

She looks better than your ass for sure.

bob on August 2, 2010 at 12:53 am

The overwhelming sense I’m feeling after getting through this is that Debbie is extremely pissed that despite her ongoing, desperate attempts at faking it in an attempt to trick us all into thinking SHE is the beautiful one, a fat, black woman just had to be herself to get the deserved recognition.

It sickens her to lay eyes on this woman because she thinks fat (and perhaps, black) people don’t deserve success or affirmation. If this fattie is getting awards and accolades and Debbie isn’t, the problem must be with the rest of the world, right?

Sarah on August 4, 2010 at 2:24 pm

Lol. That fat chick in People magazine is ugly and I think this blogger was just speaking her mind.

I can’t understand why people would even diss the author, she’s just telling the truth. 🙂

Lalalala on August 9, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Umm… what the hell is wrong with people? Are you serious? HAS GABBIE EVER DONE ANYTHING TO YOU BUT ENTERTAIN YOU IN A MOVIE???? GOOOOSHH!! people make me sick!!

Just because a person has more fatty tissue you say she’s disgusting? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? I just…. I JUST>….. want to flipping explode with anger in your face and bash your head in because that’s all it’s really good for.
On the INSIDE and on the OUTSIDE Gabbie Sidibe is beautiful!
Anyone who thinks different can go F themselves and sit in their own pile of toxic waste.

Get a life/brain/heart and then maybe you’ll be worth something.

Debbie.. HA flipping crank.

idiots on February 6, 2011 at 11:09 pm

Lets not mangle the English language, she may or may not be a good person but she is not beautiful.

This reminds me of “Mere Christianity”, C.S. Lewis was discussing the usage of the word Christian to describe a good person verus one who follows Christianity and was comparing it the word gentleman.

The argument is as follows: A gentleman was originally a man with landed property and a coat-of-arms. Then someone came along and said surely the important thing about a gentleman is that he behaves as a true gentleman should. Now the word gentleman doesn’t give useful information about a person but tells you about the feelings of the person who uses that word, a way to pay a compliment.

This process of redefining words can be called spiritual, charitable, etc. But not useful, we already have words like; good, kind, charitable, virtuous, etc to describe inner qualities.

It is NOT useful to water down the word beatiful.

sg on February 27, 2011 at 11:06 pm

Debbie–while it’s obvious that you spend quite a bit of time working on your outward appearance, it appears that your inward humanity is sorely lacking. You may want to work on that.

Jennifer Starr on March 12, 2011 at 7:57 pm

Chill out, it’s beautiful from a metaphorical stance.

Oh and also fuck you.

Jermzy on March 24, 2011 at 8:53 am

I think she is beautiful…

Maybe it’s because your white and you are blind to her beauty, but it’s there. She is beautiful in every sense of the word. I think her weight suits her very well. I really think what you have an issue with is that she doesn’t meet your white standard of beauty… I bet you hate her nappy hair too? Calling people liars is unfair in your part believe it or not there us a whole world of different beauty standards that do not match your own. What right do you have to dismiss them or ignore them?

L.B on March 31, 2011 at 11:18 am

I think that Gobourney is different. Different CAN be beautiful. I think People makes an effort to present different types of beauty. Not everyone likes the same thing. I dont necessarily call Ms Sabourney beautiful, because I honestly dont think so. But other heavy actresses, such as Jill Scott and Melissa Mccarthy are. I genuinely think Jill Scott is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I am a fat woman. I am by no means Ms Sabourney’s size, but I am priviliged to have several people who find me attractive and even beautiful. Just because you dont find someone attractive, doesnt mean others are liars because they think so.

Diana on April 10, 2011 at 2:09 pm

This reminds me of a fan blog I like her acting and many ooh yeah many guys would give anything to fuck her. Shes not bald she lost alot of weight she has clear skin good looking makeup no ugly scars her teeth are perfectly set makeup done on point. The only thing that should be changed is her dress it looks terrible they should have chosen a plum color and some
gold undertones. Good job adverting her on the net your making her shine brighter.

I got me some baby meat on January 24, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    You are absolutely right in everything you say. Although I can understand the author’s frustration about promoting an unhealthy body size. She is rude and wrong in her effort to do so. The reasons i call her rude are quite obvious. Wrong… well scan this (or do a find for “fat”) http://www.alternet.org/health/149702/why_diets_make_you_fatter_–_and_what_to_do_about_it/?page=entire

    No one knows about how Ms. Sidibe lives her life, and until they do, they have little right to speak about her.

    *Sigh* on January 27, 2012 at 8:47 pm

Stupid bunch of judgemental people, grow up people come in all shapes and sizes, walk a mile in there shoes before judging people, not every one is plastic and a size zero which by the way is equally un healthy, and Debbie honestly your face doesn’t light anyone’s day, shut your stupid blonde mouth and stop judging people it’s not your life it’s there’s if they want tobe over weight it’s none of your concern, there body may be un attractive but so is your face concentrate more on that before attacking other people

Bunch of morons on April 10, 2013 at 6:18 am

I was just wondering if this author still has her panties in a bunch. Despite being in agreeance with Howard Stern’s egregiously inaccurate prediction and her dismissal of Push as a “lil ghetto book this gross fat chick hasn’t stopped working since Precious. ????????????????????????

HaHa on January 28, 2015 at 9:36 pm

People may come in all shapes and sizes but nobody is obliged to find all of them beautiful. Those fat-glorifying watchdogs attacking the author for speaking her mind ought to stop barking. She has the right to her opinion.

Aquarius Moon on August 6, 2015 at 3:01 am

I agree that the actress is overweight and unhealthy, but this was a highly mean-spirited article and its not like we don’t have enough cruelty in this world.

Caggles on February 24, 2016 at 5:57 pm

I have trouble understanding. When I look at her I see a young woman who is probably going to have a drastically short lifespan due to being morbidly obese. I’ve never seen her movies. Nor do I know anything about her, but nowhere in my definition of beauty does dying at 40 show up. Everyone’s entitled to own opinions though

Dustin on March 28, 2016 at 1:00 am

Thank god someone finally said it. Gabourey Sidibe is good for exactly nothing except making people vomit in their mouths and teaching kids that it’s perfectly fine and healthy to expand wider than they are tall. I’d list her measurements but I’m not sure numbers go that high. People is not only clearly blind, they are socially irresponsible to promote this landwhale as “beautiful”. Like someone above said, now some nasty, 200+ pound 18 year old will go out to the bar and think she can hit on the hottest guy in there because “I’m fat and that means everyone wants to bang me!”. Then the poor guy she targets has to waste his time rejecting her and she goes home and cries into a family sized bucket of chicken or five.

Slpngkt on April 12, 2016 at 10:33 am

I could not agree with you anymore Debbie. She is repulsive to look at…literally its gross. And for her own health she should lose weight. Also, all these people appearing shocked to hear that she shouldn’t of been one People’s Sexiest…SHE SHOULDN’T!!! You maybe able to be beautiful on the inside, but ya can’t be sexy. Gabby is is the opposite of sexy. this article is saying what so many people are thinking, but are afraid to say b/c god forbid someone has a different opinion that isn’t PC these days.
I get this is from 2010 but its more prevalent now (2016) than ever. Enough PC nonsense. Everyone is so sensitive.

Mike D on May 24, 2016 at 11:17 pm

    Feel happy now do you? You are a narcissist and I know people like you feel better about themselves when they insult people in such a nasty way as you have. Of course you would not say that out in public or to her face, just when it is nice and safe and no one knows what a total dick you are. Enjoy your sad life.

    melanie on June 14, 2016 at 4:29 pm

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