April 29, 2010, - 2:53 pm

Video of the Day: Many Weathermen Think Warming is Globaloney

By Debbie Schlussel

You’ve heard from many of these people before, including Weather Channel founder, John Coleman.  But it’s a very nice compilation of the many prominent weathermen (am I still allowed to use that “sexist” word, or must I say the PC “weathercasters”?) and a very fair and balanced report from . . . ABC News?! In short, many of the top guys think global warming and climate change are pure bunk. They deal in science and actual figures and stats. Not junk science and empty fads.


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17 Responses

Weathermen is fine. We’re weird, not politically correct. However, I always appreciated the title of meteorologist. I took the time to earn the actual degree.

(Plus, it’s kind of fun to screw with people who think that you studied meteors.)

cirrus1701 on April 29, 2010 at 2:59 pm

I disagree w/ you that this is a fair and balanced report from ABC. I think the tone is ironic as if to say “these weathermen (some who even appear on, *GASP* fox news) are crazy” meanwhile the “climate scientists” know whatsup. While the report tries to appear fair and balance, the bias is nuanced, and promoting a subjective POV that global warming exists and reflects real science, while we shouldn’t listen to lowly “weathermen” some of whom only have bachelor of science degrees.

David on April 29, 2010 at 3:24 pm

See? This is THE PLACE to eat!

goldenmike4393 on April 29, 2010 at 4:20 pm

I wish the Nobel Prize was an Indian giver committee when it comes to Al Gore. Currently, the prize is now a fraud. What’s scary is that Gore scammed his unscientific, know-nothing, buddy lawyers- who pick their asses in the house and senate- into believing his BS!…on his way in becoming the first carbon “billionaire.” Return it Al!!

Patrick on April 29, 2010 at 4:55 pm

A clearly leftwing biased report. Mann is a liar, he invented the “hockey stick” and hide obvious data that contradicted his wanted “conclusion”. Additionally, the reported did not interview Ian Plimer or Prof. Lindzen about AGW.

FrenchKiss on April 29, 2010 at 5:29 pm

C’mon Debbie, The founder of a weather channel somehow an expert on climate change? Read up on the guy.

apparently people still believe crap retelling, after it has been debunked over and over to ad naseum. But ofcourse, you’ll tell it again, – damn facts.

How is this story new? Get a deal on old newspapers?

more silliness like this, I’m done reading.


clint on April 29, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    @clint (Clinton) on April 29, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Bill, is that you?

    re: “The founder of a weather channel [John Coleman] somehow an expert on climate change? Read up on the guy.”

    I did a search on him. The worse information that I read about him is that a couple of far-left websites–including at least one that’s George Soros funded–says that he’s discredited based solely on the reason that Mr. Coleman dares to contradict the Global Warming line and instead calls a spade a spade in pointing out that Global Warming to be the scam that it is.

    “How is this story new?”

    The news is that ABC News in the clip above reported it. Even those I disagree with Debbie in saying that it is “very fair and balanced”, it does do a good job in giving coverage to the weathermen who pointed out Global Warming to be the scam that it is.

    “more silliness like this, I’m done reading”

    Do you mean this website, or period?

    JeffE on April 29, 2010 at 10:58 pm

      Correction: “those” should read “though”.

      JeffE on April 29, 2010 at 11:00 pm

When I was a kid I didn’t see how anyone could believe in Lysenko’s garbage in the Soviet Union, or how a whole country could be enthralled by Lysenko. But with the global warming hoax it is easier for me to understand how a political agenda can trump science. If civilization survives, people will look back at this as one of the great hoaxes of all time.

Little Al on April 29, 2010 at 6:00 pm

The story ended with a delusional Warmists totally ignoring the lack of evidence for AGW. Very sad. There is little more irritating than an arrogant sucker.

pat on April 29, 2010 at 6:44 pm

Every scientist and politician that have tried to foist this Global Warming scam on the American people should be fired and prosecuted for conspiracy to commit fraud.

This scam has already cost the American public millions and million of dollars of unnecessary fees and increases in energy costs like electricity.

ScottyDog on April 29, 2010 at 8:41 pm

Yes, there’s a difference between weather and climate.
A meteorologist finds out in 24 hours if he or she is right or wrong. A climatologist will be retired or dead before he or she finds out they were wrong. Therefore, climatologists can be hired to cook data to support and market all sorts of money-making scams masquerading as science.

Don’t just sit there reading blogs, go out and buy your feel-good curly light bulbs and tell yourself you’re saving the planet. Go ahead…move along.

Mike Rophone on April 29, 2010 at 9:13 pm

Excellent post, Debbie–but with one caveat.

The ABC video report is not “very fair and balanced”, but, as a couple of other people pointed out above, has a left-wing bias, albeit nuanced. For example, the tone that the ABC News narrator used in saying “folks [weathermen] you trust every night with that five-day weather forcast”, implied that because they dare say that Global Warming is a scam, that therefore, they should no longer be trusted, or at least, shouldn’t be trusted on this issue. Also, Michael “Hockey Stick chart” Mann, got a more respectful/favorable coverage, than do the weathermen.

JeffE on April 29, 2010 at 10:05 pm

The major force…err…farce behind the globaloney “Al Gore the money whore”, the one who tells you to use them screwy light bulbs and flush your toilet like once a day just had another home built with fountains, a heated in-ground pool and something like 13 bathrooms among the many eccentricities. He’s gonna need those toilets for all the crap that spews from his mouth.
With all the proof against this man-made “Convenient Lie” any idiot who still really beleives in this man-made global warming BS needs their head dunked repeatedly in some ice cold toilet bowl water. Frankly, I wish it was real. It’s been proven that global warming brings new enriched life to the planet while cooling (ice age) brings draught and famine. Plus it’s much easier to adapt to a warmer climate, and that goes for all life, including polar bears that are BTW, NOT drowning!

theShadow on May 1, 2010 at 8:54 pm

The obvious lie in the video was that “serious scientists” all agree with AGW. This is, simply, a lie, unless one defines “serious scientists” as those who believe in AGW, in which case it becomes a tautology.

skzion on May 2, 2010 at 12:26 pm

As one person said, “Michael “Hockey Stick chart” Mann, got a more respectful/favorable coverage, than do the weathermen.”

It might be worth noting the bias of the man as depicted in the youtube videos.. “Hide the Decline” which depict him so well, he is thinking of suing them because the videos touch a raw nerve he has on it. The first one had his image in it:


The second one kinda didn’t.. and was more effective as a message, I think:


Gil on May 4, 2010 at 2:33 am

Yes, there’s a difference between weather and climate.
A meteorologist finds out in 24 hours if he or she is right or wrong. A climatologist will be retired or dead before he or she finds out they were wrong. Therefore, climatologists can be hired to cook data to support and market all sorts of money-making scams masquerading as science.

islamicnet on May 6, 2010 at 7:50 am

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