April 12, 2010, - 5:56 pm

PBS Remembers the Holocaust by Remembering . . . Muslims?!

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday was “Yom HaShoah,” Holocaust Remembrance Day.  And in recognition of that–and to pander to its far-left Jewish donors–tonight at 10:00p.m. Eastern, PBS (a/k/a Palestinian Broadcasting Service) is presenting “Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust’s Long Reach into Arab Lands,” about the few Arab Muslims who saved Jews from Nazi camps in North Africa.  It follows Robert Satloff, the liberal Jewish author who wrote a book by the same name


It’s nice that a few Muslims saved Jews.  They were heroic and risked their lives to do the right thing. But they were the exception.  Not the rule.  And it’s kind of disgusting–an in-your-face PBS haha moment–to remember the Holocaust by insisting that the exception, the exception that is part of the Jewish people’s most fierce, unprovoked enemy today, is something to be respected over the general rule.  The fact is this:  the majority–the vast majority–of the Islamic world hates and wishes for the destruction of the Jewish people and Israel.  If they could, they’d kill us all. That there were a few exceptions in North Africa doesn’t negate or change that.  In fact, it’s just red herring propaganda.

Also a fact:  that the majority of Muslims–not just in North Africa, but in Europe itself, including two Muslim SS units–helped the Nazis in their mass murder of six million Jews and torture of countless others.  And it’s not just the two Muslim SS units, or the majority of Muslim Arabs who helped enslave Jews in North Africa.  It’s also the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Muslim leader who met with Hitler, inspected the SS Muslim units, begged Hitler to speed up the Final Solution of the Jews, and urged him to expand it to the Middle East.  That is the rule, not the irrelevant exception PBS will be showing you tonight.


Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, Hangs w/ Hitler


Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Proudly Inspects Muslim SS Unit

The first half of Satloff’s book tells of the brutality against the Jews and conspiracy with the Nazis in which most of the Arab Muslims willingly participated, many of them with their typical savage enthusiasm.  I doubt we’ll see much–if any–of that part on PBS tonight.  There’s a reason the American Islamic Congress is one of the financial sponsors of tonight’s fake-umentary.  It’s propaganda.

Another fiction put forth by Satloff, in his book and probably tonight, too, is the claim that before the establishment of the State of Israel, Jews and Arab Muslims lived in peace.  Really?  Tell that to the Jews who suffered pogroms throughout the Muslim world throughout their history, not to mention forced conversions, rapes of their daughters, and forced marriages of them to Islam.  Nauseating that anyone who claim these things didn’t happen.

Satloff, who heads the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, feels that recognition of the few heroic Muslim Arabs who saved Jews will help end anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial in the Arab Muslim world.  What’s he smoking?  In fact, many of the Arab Muslims don’t want the recognition, the heroic saviors’ families are embarrassed their ancestors saved the Evil Zioinists.  That’s the Muslim world that we know.  That is the reality.

Any other portrayal–such as the one, tonight, on PBS–is merely distraction.  And a fraud.

Oskar Schindler was not an Arab, not a Muslim. And the only list on which the Jews exist in that world is a hit list.

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44 Responses

…it would of been more honest not to single out just the Muslims who decided that genocide wasn’t cool. Could you imagine if PBS had shown the German’s in the same light? PBS is not consistent

Noah David Simon on April 12, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    I am grateful that PBS has shown this wonderful documentary, Among the Righteous, based on the book of Dr. Robert Satloff.

    Some of you wrote about the film, without seeing it.

    The documentary was well researched and well done.

    It’s about time that someone tells the story of the Jews of European North Africa in the Shoah – a story which has been neglected at Yad Vashem and other Holocaust museums and centers.

    It’s very unfortunate that the historiography of the Holocaust has been controlled by
    Ashkenazi/European Jews
    prejudice against Sephardic victims in Europe the continent
    extreme prejudice against Sephardic and Oriental victims in imperialist Europe (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Iraq)

    I don’t know of one Holocaust center which has presented the history of the Holocaust/Shoah by looking at the historical REALITIES of the period.

    Satloff’s book and documentary are correcting a historical injustice, by telling the stories of Holocaust victims and Holocaust survivors in European North Africa.

    Thank you PBS and thank you Satloff!!!

    Edith Shaked, Holocaust educator

    Edith Shaked, Holocaust Educator on April 16, 2010 at 5:30 pm

Reading about this movie being shown in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day is a punch in the gut. Perhaps if Satloff gave himself another decade of research, he might even find a righteous Muslim for every finger on both his hands.

This is the abuse of history…overemphasizing a few heroic and humane Muslims won’t bring Arabs and Jews together by having each recognize the others humanity and decency. How does that change what is in the Koran, the Hadith and the example of Muhammad? People like Satloff can’t bring themselves to understand that Muslim desire to destroy Israel, and take over the rest of the world, is core and authentic Islam. As long as Islam remains what it is, and Arab culture continues to reinforce those same values. there is no hope for altering how Arabs view Jews.

What this movie can accomplish, unfortunately, is lead more Jews, more Americans and more infidels of all shapes and sizes to believe that the threat from Islam in general–and the existential threat to Israel–is overblown, and that all things can be worked out through dialogue. Yes, there are good Arabs and Muslims–no doubt about it. But I’m not risking my life nor that of any other infidel betting that Muslims, given the power of life and death over infidels, will act more like the people featured in the movie than the masses who chant death to Israel, who dream of nothing more than to be martyrs for Islam, who are working to destroy the United States from within.

4infidels on April 12, 2010 at 6:36 pm

why don’t they show that ARAB nations were rabid ZIONISTS who loved the opportunity to rid their lands of JEWS- they got what they wanted JUDENFREI lands- of course confiscating all JEWS land business and money first? YES and that MUSLIMS volunteered for SS and loved the NAZI’s –that MUSLIMS LOVED and supported the idea of ISRAEL and never daid one thing about wanting it until it was a success? Why didn’t they show Amedinejhad rubbing his sweaty little palms together gloating about loving the facct of all JEWS in one small place he could dispatch with one big bomb? (soon to be completed by the world’s indiffernce) WHAT NEVER AGAIN? it’s here- today- NOW- and the same reaction from lib JEWs and USA- apathy- neglect- disbelief-

Isahiah62 on April 12, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    Isahiah62…have a little more faith. There is no movement or spokesman to give voice to the undercurrent that truely exists in the United States, and more importantly, the armed forces of the United States. When it comes to Israel, it will be God’s hand that guides them, not a man sitting in Washington.

    Cassandra on April 12, 2010 at 7:31 pm



Isahiah62 on April 12, 2010 at 6:40 pm

Maybe Satloff and his buddies feel (not believe, feel, since these feelings would not be justified by rational thought) that these heroic Muslims of the past have a lesson that we can all learn today. Just as there were these heroic Muslims of WW II, so Fatah today is willing to negotiate with Israel, and if Israel could only try to work with them, the peace process would be successful, and peace and benevolence would reign everywhere. The stubborn Israelis just have to learn to recognize peaceful Muslims today, and perhaps by being reminded of the past, these stubborn Israelis like Netanyahu who won’t even attend a conference to promote nuclear harmony, will learn something.

Given the arrogance of these people, something like that would not surprise me.

Little Al on April 12, 2010 at 6:40 pm

[Also a fact: that the majority of Muslims–not just in North Africa, but in Europe itself, including two Muslim SS units–helped the Nazis in their mass murder of six million Jews and torture of countless others]

Also a fact: The majority of Catholic Italians helped the Nazis in their mass murder of six million Jews and torture of countless others.

Norman Blitzer on April 12, 2010 at 6:56 pm

I wonder if any photos on this page will ever be posted on debbieschlussel.com?:

Norman Blitzer on April 12, 2010 at 7:00 pm

NB, first you are tremendously exaggerating the role of the Italians in the Holocaust. Though certainly they have responsibility, nothing like the Muslims.

Secondly, and much more important, if you had approached this in a logical way, Satloff is not making a documentary about the role of Italians in the Holocaust. His nitwit production is about Muslims in the Holocaust. That is the subje ct of this post. It is a non sequitor to talk about Italians in this post, just as it would be to talk about Poles, Croatians or any other grouping. Though all these groups have responsibility, they are not the subject of the post or the documentary.

Don’t know why I bother, except that others may read this.

Little Al on April 12, 2010 at 7:29 pm

For what purpose did Satloff write this book but to push a pro peace party Arab agenda- I dunno? Satloff, Robert. Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust’s Long Reach into Arab Lands. New York: Public Affairs, 2006.

Read the book when it came out in 2006 and I could not understand then, why Satloff cared enough (for what?) to honor the only one (1) Tunisian Muslim (out of millions) that he could even locate in all of North Africa who tried to help Jews during WWII. Dhimmitude was the same everywhere throughout Muslim countries where Sharia was and remains the only law of the land.

The Arabs supported the Nazis during WWII and then during the Cold War the emerging Muslim states sided with the Communists against the United States, so this fiction that America keep paying Egypt over 21.3 Billion dollars a year began with Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat. Holding western civilizations as well as the Jewish State hostage is very lucrative for the Muslims. Anyway, Hitler was so popular with the Muslims that Mussolini became pathologically jealous of the German Fuhrer. Read about Hitler’s popularity with the Arabs in the book: Hirszowicz, Lukasz. The Third Reich and The Arab East. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966.

A great cannot put this book down is Tom Reiss’s unbelievable but true story of a Russian Jewish family coming of age in Baku during the Russian revolution…
Reiss, Tom. The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life. New York: Random House, 2005.

Finally in the book: Sabar, Ariel. My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2008. I am surprised that this book has not been reviewed.

Ariel is the prodigal son who hurts his father and then when he comes of age he tries to make it up to his father after he becomes rich and famous, so he researches his father’s history as a Iraqi Kurdish Jew and tries to locate his father’s missing little sister who has been stolen by the Muslims. What got to me was the incident at the end of the book when Ariel’s father who returned to Iraq is surrounded by Muslims and he is asked if he is a Jew, one can feel the fear coming from Areal’s father as he hesitates to answer the Muslims “yes I am a Jew,” knowing full well that admitting if he is a Jew leaves him vulnerable to being killed.

Good post Ms Schlussel

James Just on April 12, 2010 at 7:44 pm

[Though certainly they have responsibility, nothing like the Muslims.
Little Al on April 12, 2010 at 7:29 pm]

The historical fact is the Muslim world had very little to do with WWII and the Holocaust. The original axis of evil was Germany, Italy and Japan so I’m not exaggerating Italy’s role in the Holocaust since Hitler asked Mussolini to put Italian Jews in camps and Mussolini did just that! Have you ever seen the movie ‘Bugsy’? American gangster, Bugsy Siegel, wanted to kill Mussolini for killing Jews!

[That is the subje ct of this post. It is a non sequitor to talk about Italians in this post,]

If you’re going to mention that Muslims helped Hitler then let’s put it in perspective.

Norman Blitzer on April 12, 2010 at 7:52 pm

[The Arabs supported the Nazis during WWII and then during the Cold War the emerging Muslim states sided with the Communists against the United States,
James Just on April 12, 2010 at 7:44 pm]

James, you are really stupid. Remember Afghanistan, dumbass?

Norman Blitzer on April 12, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    “Remember Afghanistan, dumbass?”

    Do YOU remember Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, and Sudan…ALL of which cozied up to the Soviets during the Cold War? Citing one exception doesn’t disprove the rule, dumbass.

    Rick Nordstrom on April 12, 2010 at 8:31 pm

There were a few decent Arabs. That doesn’t negate the fact the vast majority hate the Jews and would gladly kill them if it was within their power to do so. Pogroms have taken place in the Arab World long before the establishment of Israel and the Jews were always powerless dhimmis, to whom anything could be done and they had no means of self defense. Jewish life in the Muslim World was always precarious and uncertain. Its amazing Mizrahi Jewry survived as long as it did but none of them ever want to go back to those days again. I don’t have to wonder why we won’t see peace in the Middle East happen in our lifetime.

NormanF on April 12, 2010 at 8:32 pm

Ms Norman Blitzer

You should take History 101 and literature 89, because you cannot deconstruct what you read, in fact besides not being able to read you also seem incapable in parsing your arguments. There are two thesis to every argument, what exactly was your thesis Ms Blitzer- you don’t say. Pardon me but I see only feminine cognitive dissonance in your other statements also.

Umm… even leaving out your profane polemics, which are very rude, I still cannot figure out what you were trying to say (pointless). Instead of contributing to the discussion you seem intent on maliciously inciting other readers. For what purpose I might ask? Sorry but I with my PhD in Middle East History do not have time to explain the intricacies of historicism to High School Freshman.

Again, its quiet obvious- viewed in plain text- that you missed that I clearly wrote using only one verb…”The Arabs,” no-where did I write too include anything about the Pashtuns or the Persians, or any other Muslim Group. Nor did I mention the Turks either even though they sided with the Germans during WWI and WWII (but changed and became part of the western alliance during the Cold War).

Have a nice day Ms Norman Blitzer

Ms Schlussel I like your blog.

James Just on April 12, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    Contradictions, contradictions. What the fuck is wrong with being a woman, dumbass?

    Sarah on July 4, 2010 at 5:13 pm

    “Again, its quiet obvious- viewed in plain text- that you missed that I clearly wrote using only one verb…”The Arabs,” no-where did I write too include anything about the Pashtuns or the Persians, or any other Muslim Group.”

    Well Jimmy, your Ph.D. obviously didn’t teach you much–“ARABS” IS A NOUN, NOT A VERB.
    You use “too” when you should have written “to,” and are apparently ignorant of the fact that the plural of “thesis” is “theses”–which makes me wonder whether you ever really wrote a doctoral thesis at all.
    I don’t care much for Mr. Blitzer’s comments either. But his comments are not completely without merit. To insinuate that someone needs to educate himself is mere hand-waving; especially when that suggestion is part of a post like yours which is so full of errors.

    Wulf Richardson on September 10, 2011 at 1:12 pm

[Do YOU remember Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Libya, and Sudan…ALL of which cozied up to the Soviets during the Cold War? Citing one exception doesn’t disprove the rule, dumbass.

Rick Nordstrom on April 12, 2010 at 8:31 pm]

Iraq? America cozied up to Iraq in the 80s, Rick, you stupid twit.

[no-where did I write too include anything about the Pashtuns or the Persians, or any other Muslim Group.
James Just on April 12, 2010 at 8:55 pm]

Then you need to take some English writing courses.”Muslim states”, get it?

[Sorry but I with my PhD in Middle East History do not have time to explain the intricacies of historicism to High School Freshman.]

James, I suggest you return your PhD for a full refund since you obviously learned gibberish.

[Have a nice day Ms Norman Blitzer]

You hate women. It looks like you have more in common with Muslims than you realize.

Norman Blitzer on April 12, 2010 at 9:28 pm

It is pandering, and nothing more. Also, you can imagine what outcasts those Muslims would have been in their own communities if their acts became common knowledge.

Worry01 on April 12, 2010 at 9:49 pm


“Iraq? America cozied up to Iraq in the 80s, Rick, you stupid twit.”

Are you really that stupid? Do you believe that the Cold War started in 1980? Perhaps you should google Abdul Karim Qassim and the Arif brothers. These three miscreants served as Presidents of Iraq from 1958 until 1979. They were indeed very cozy with Moscow.

The only thing even more annoying than someone who is full of bovine excrement is someone who is full of bovine excrement, is shown to be full of it, and STILL tries to defend said bovine excrement.

Rick Nordstrom on April 12, 2010 at 10:38 pm

[Are you really that stupid? Do you believe that the Cold War started in 1980?
Rick Nordstrom on April 12, 2010 at 10:38 pm]

You are definitely stupid, Rick. Learn to read what you write:”…during the Cold War…”.

Pinning the charge on Muslims that they always side with evil like Nazism and Communism just because they follow Islam is just plain stupid.

[It is pandering, and nothing more. Also, you can imagine what outcasts those Muslims would have been in their own communities if their acts became common knowledge.

Worry01 on April 12, 2010 at 9:49 pm]

I hope you saw it. There was a story about an Arab Muslim who owned a bath house and he saved a family of Jews from the Germans. The son of that man was found and he was extremely proud of what his father did and was quite liberal in his thinking towards Christians and Jews.

Norman Blitzer on April 13, 2010 at 12:44 am

Abraham had two sons. One properly (Isaac), and the other because of lack of faith,(Ishmael). Ishmael’s and Isaac’s descendants are cousins. Obviously Ishmael the father of Arabs, and Isaac being the jews.

Anywho, God said of Ishmael “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren”

Ishmael felt envy and rivalry toward his half brother, feelings that tribally have survived down through the centuries and which affect the politics of the Middle East today.

Plus, you have the Jacob and Easu issue. They did not get along that well. Easu hated Jacob for taking his birthright blessing. The descendants of Esau (also called Edom, Genesis 25:30) intermarried with Ishmael’s descendants, their bitterness and resentment against Jacob’s descendants intensifying through the centuries.

Esau’s grandson Amalek (Genesis 36:12) was the father of the Amalekites, who became bitter foes of the descendants of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Israel. A prophecy about Amalek foretold endless war between them “from generation to generation” (Exodus 17:16). Some scholars believe that many of today’s Palestinians are largely the descendants of the Amalekites.

Now children, the moral of the story is. Don’t disobey God like a jackass. Also, treat your siblings in a kind way. Because God does not play.

Christopher Nelson on April 13, 2010 at 1:45 am

DS: “The fact is this: the majority–the vast majority–of the Islamic world hates and wishes for the destruction of the Jewish people and Israel. If they could, they’d kill us all. ”
Please. You are too kind. If ordinary Muslims could, they would torture, kill, rape, torture again, all non-Muslims. They are taught to do this since the day they are born. No religion takes pleasure in the pain of others except Islam.

pat on April 13, 2010 at 2:56 am

Norman. You are a fool, are you not? Someone of sub-normal intelligence, no education, and no ability to strive for more. Really you should stick to subjects you are more familiar. Perhaps wrestling shows.

pat on April 13, 2010 at 3:00 am

I was unable to view the PBS show “Among the righteous”. Debbie’s speculation that they omitted Muslim and Arab support for the Nazis is reasonable given PBS’ history.

It wouldn’t surprise me if many of the “Arabs” of North Africa who saved Jews were Berbers. Berbers were the dominant ethnic nation until the Arab conquests and have been assimilated (both forcibly and voluntarily) over the centuries.

It’s known that Berbers fought bravely with the Allies in during the invasion of Sicily and the Italian campaigns.

While it is true that the Muslims and their leaders generally sided with the Nazis, the issue in N. Africa is complicated by the fact that N. African Arabs and Berbers disliked the Italians. The Italians occupied Libya for decades prior to WWII and were known for their harsh treatment of the rebellious population. My guess is that PBS probably put more stress on this than the Mufti’s alliance with the Nazis.

There is NO Santa Claus on April 13, 2010 at 8:25 am

LMAO… I read the first part and all I could think of the reast of the way was the phrase, “Mertz with skirts”.

Atlee Yarrow on April 13, 2010 at 9:02 am

I would love to know if the Muslims that saved Jews during the Holocaust were actually practicing Muslims.
I have a hard time believing that somebody that prays towards Mecca five times a day and reads his “holy” book that tells them to kill Jews would lift a finger to save anybody except another Muslim.
I strongly suspect that the Muslims that did the saving were cultural Muslims. Meaning that they were Muslims in name only, but were in fact probably agnostic.

SMG45ACP on April 13, 2010 at 9:30 am

Satloff clearly had an agenda and, determined to find something to defend his thesis, ultimately he found it. But Debbie is right; the few examples he finds are exceptions that prove the rule.

The book was better than this piece of PBS political correctness, as it shows how many local Arabs took the opportunity to manifest their *real* attitude toward the Jews, to seize their property, etc. It also shows the callousness of some of the Western “liberators” toward the local Jews.

One thing it seems no one has mentioned yet: While the liberal Satloff and PBS are promoting this revisionist history, the US Holocaust Museum refuses to deal with real history – of widespread Arab anti-Semitism (the “fuel” for the next holocaust) or with Arab collaboration with the Nazis, including that of al Husseini, who actively wanted to extend the Holocaust into Palestine.

Raymond in DC on April 13, 2010 at 10:08 am

every time the media does these things we should all go to their offices protest, throw things, light fires, break property, make death threats…….every single time, after a while they would refrain from running this propaganda

seems to work for the muslims………..too bad everyone has jobs or we could have some good protests

drew299 on April 13, 2010 at 10:45 am

Also, an Arabic-language translation of Mein Kampf, released about 1990, has sunk without trace – probably because the introduction claimed that once Hitler had eradicated the Jews he would have come for the Muslims. Improbable – every dictator needs hired thugs.

Frugal Dougal on April 13, 2010 at 11:51 am

What a ridiculous mission of his part! The Arabs (most of them) would love nothing better than to see him hanging from a tree and he makes nice. To so many, this man seemingly comes across just as ridiculous and idiotic and his mission… He may find 1 or 3 Arabs out of millions upon millions…and so his story would be? A man with a conscience? one out of how many?????

Vardit on April 13, 2010 at 1:47 pm

All I can truly learn of this entire page is bias. I can assure you all that my family and religious background transcends a great many wrongs. Wrongs “we” committed and had committed against “us” and yet I bear no ill will to any of groups involved.
Feel how you wish about the actions of individuals but most seem to just perpetuate hate.

MBlack on April 13, 2010 at 3:48 pm

i hope you all watched the doc…it does show that many arabs willingly took part in the holocaust

satloff had to work really hard to find those that helped the jews

uncle joe mccarthy on April 13, 2010 at 5:18 pm

So, if they made a show about Germans who helped Jews in WWII, would you object to that? Germany had a much larger part in persecuting the Jews in WWII than Muslims did. There were very few places around that were really interested in helping out Jews in WWII, so should we recognize no one that helped the Jews?

There were righteous individuals during WWII, and some of them were Muslim. You’re a real ingrate if you don’t believe they should be honored just because of their co-religionists.

Dan on April 14, 2010 at 12:04 am

    Dan looks for a strawman and misses the point altogether.


    Shy Guy on April 14, 2010 at 12:25 am

[Dan looks for a strawman and misses the point altogether.


Shy Guy on April 14, 2010 at 12:25 am]

If that’s all you got from Dan’s comment, you are illiterate.

Norman Blitzer on April 14, 2010 at 11:13 am

What the apologists for Islam such as Blitzer ignore is that while European nations under Axis control did assist in the extermination of European Jewry, the outcome of WWII was the defeat of these regimes and a post-war political determination that Europeans were wrong to treat the Jews as they did. As a result, holocaust denial is illegal in European nations such as Germany, and holocaust remembrance is observed. On the other hand, the Arab Muslim role in the holocaust and the difficult aftermath for the remnants of European Jewry has been ignored (that doesn’t count as “perspective”, Norman)and the Nazi’s muslim allies were never properly held to account. Now the evidence is growing that the Third Reich’s decision to exterminate European Jewry rather than permit their exile (to places such as the Palestine Mandate as promised by the League of Nations, a promise having the force of international law)was precipitated by the urgings of al-Husseini, the self-styled “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem. Read up on this black-hearted fanatic, Norman, and investigate his role in instigating anti-Jewish progroms in the Palestine Mandate prior to WWII, Nazi-controlled areas of Europe during WWII, and anti-Israel agitation after WWII. The upshot of this is that while the European’s feel shame and contrition for their behavior, no such signs of responsible humanity have emanated from the Palestinian followers of Husseini, nor from the Arab Muslim world generally.

downtownrod on April 15, 2010 at 1:11 pm

I was disappointed by this documentary. I was hoping that it would show that hatred of Jews was not universal throughout the Arab world, but it was unconvincing. It glossed over the activities of the Grand Mufti and the connivance with the Axis by other parts of the Arab World. What it did show were some isolated exceptions, in a RELATIVELY tolerant and moderate part of the Maghreb, far removed from the Middle East. The situation has always been different in Morocco, and perhaps Tunisia, but I was hoping that there would have been some stories of opposition to the Holocaust by Arabs in countries closer to Palestine, but there were not. Satloff did a tremendous disservice by not saying more about the Mufti and his ilk. In fact, I could not even understand why he was thinking he could somehow change opinions in the Arab world by making such a documentary. It obviously didn’t work, and won’t.

BethesdaDog on April 18, 2010 at 9:11 pm

I would like to clarify that Satloff wrote about the Holocaust in Europe’s possessions in North Africa (French Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Italian Libya)- those countries were under the rule of Nazi collaborators or Nazi allies:

French Vichy, ruled by a Nazi collaborator government) ruled Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,and extended there the same anti-Jewish laws implemented in France.

Italy, Germany’s ally, did the same in Libya.

Other Arab countries were not considered part of Europe.
Edith Shaked, Holocaust educator

Edith Shaked, Holocaust Educator on April 19, 2010 at 1:49 am

You have a very black/white and plainly wrong view of Muslims if you think they all want Jews dead. I think you need to talk to more real Muslims and learn the truth. Your “they’re out to get us” bias does nothing to promote peace and communication.

otowi on April 23, 2010 at 7:12 pm

Debi, please contact me confidentially. I am a 30 year victim of hate crime against my father via one of these people who the IDF believes dead, but whose early black and white photos are hauntingly similar to photos of my “dad” after the murder. He underwent a huge personality shift, dropped several accomplished talents and revealed himself to be a chronic woman and jew hater and anti-black. I believe he is one of the many who have pursued holocaust survivors and I believe that this is only the tip of the iceberg. I have contacted the feds with this info and am met with sarcasm, ridicule and implications that I am nuts. If I gave you all the details though, you would know that my story sounds very familiar to the one you posted here.(religion of peace and the one about the 90 year old holocaust survivor murdered recently by muslims) You will forgive me for not remembering everything I hope, as I have just crammed about a dozen of your stories in a row in my head in the last 30 minutes. This is urgent. I know others will read this, but I am seeing no other way to contact you. I am, of course, using an pseudonym.

Pleasant Jaymz on August 12, 2010 at 9:01 pm

Debbie: Do you think the hundreds of millions of Muslims in Africa, Indonesia, Bangladesh etc also want the Jewish people gone? I would guess they are too far removed from the Middle East to have a firm opinion. What about the Ottoman Empire which was largely a safe haven compared to Europe and Russia? Even the US banned Jewish refugees at one point.

pokemon on October 5, 2010 at 2:13 pm

I find it telling that not a single poster here who decries the PBS film has addressed any of the points raised here by Holocaust Educator Edith Shaked.

Wulf Richardson on September 10, 2011 at 1:15 pm

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