March 15, 2010, - 11:33 am

Four Things I Warned You About: The Jihad Jamie Story

By Debbie Schlussel

Over the weekend, the story broke about “Jihad Jamie” a/k/a Jamie Paulin-Ramirez–the Colorado single mother who converted to Islam and hauled her young son to Ireland, where she married an Algerian Muslim, was allegedly part of the plot to kill Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks Wilks.


Jihad Jamie: Same Old Story

What isn’t stressed in most news stories covering Jihad Jamie, however, is that Ms. Paulin-Ramirez’s step-father, George Mott–the one who is shown on TV interviews all over cable–is also a convert to Islam.  And now he’s shocked–shocked!–that his step-daughter got curious, also converted, and became part of an Islamic terrorist plot.  Plus, now, her mother is shocked–shocked!–at her daughter’s “stupidity.”  Um, what about the mother’s stupidity in marrying a Muslim convert?  Go figure.  This is a messed up family.

But none of it is a surprise to me, nor should it be a surprise to you.  Her story illustrates at least four things I’ve been warning you about on this site . . .

Beware of stupid blonde (and those of other hair-colors) American chicks who convert to Islam.

I’ve written about dummy after dummy like this–these stupid, lonely, and mostly desperate American women who look for something in their lives.  And the only place these gullible, naive cretin-ettes can find it is with Muslim men who aren’t interested, but fool them and use them.  In this case, it’s a 31-year-old overgrown child with a child of her own.  How sad.  But this is where America is, these days.  Women want to feel important . . . even if their “importance” is in a murderous jihad.  Sorry, but that’s the ultimate in feminism, whether Gloria Steinem admits it or not.

A few years ago, I wrote about a gushing People Magazine profile, glorifying these blonde chicks who convert to Islam.  It told us of the “over-reaction” to the conversion, usually encompassed by the families of these women, who asked them if they were going to  bomb someone or turned over their cellphone numbers to the FBI.  In this case, had Paulin-Ramirez’s family done that, they would not have been over-reacting, but would have done their daughter a service, just short of kidnapping her and sending her to deprogramming.  They asked her the same questions about whether she was going to bomb someone, and she responded, “if necessary.”  Giant clue, parents.  Giant clue.

The Jihad in Ireland.

The timing is interesting since we’re just days away from the celebration of the Irish holiday of St. Patrick’s Day.  But as I’ve warned for several years on this site, while St. Patrick may have chased all the snakes out of Ireland, he didn’t chase out the Muslims.  Islam, as I’ve noted for several years, is the fastest growing religion in Ireland.  And like everywhere else, the Islamic community there is extremely radical.  Like the U.S., the Irish government (and the rest of the UK) does nothing and sticks its head in the sand.

Given that, it’s no surprise that Ms. Paulin-Ramirez chose to head to Ireland and put her young son, a 6-year-old, in a radical Muslim school and that this kid told his grandparents that, at age six, he’s learning how to shoot, fight with other arms, and how to construct a bomb.  Even if this kid is brought back to the states and rehabbed, he’s gonna be messed up forever.

Luck ‘o the Irish.  And, sadly, our luck, too.

“New” concerns about homegrown terrorists.

For more than a decade–since well before 9/11–I’ve warned about homegrown terrorists.  I’ve noted that there is nothing about Muslims in America that is unique or different from Muslims anywhere else in the world.  The constructs set up by the naysayers, who claim “our Muslims” are moderate, are phony.  “Our Muslims” are exactly the same as “their Muslims,” but for critical mass, which they are fast achieving because we did nothing to stop that.

But what gets me isn’t just that obtuseness.  It’s that since last week, when news of Jihad Jane a/k/a Colleen LaRose broke, we’ve been hearing about how authorities–“counterterrorism officials” and Homeland Security people–are worried about this “new” threat of homegrown terrorists ready for jihad.  Huh?

“New concern”?  Did they forget about the Lackawanna Six or the Muslims who trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan but were born in California and Washington State? How ’bout Adam Gadahn and John Walker Lindh?  PUH-LEEZE.  Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that the “threat” of homegrown jihad hasn’t been a threat for many years, but a reality.  There have been hundreds of examples.  They’re just discovering this?

And these are the people who are gonna “keep us safe”?  Good luck with that.

Nothing to see here.

I’m thinking of a replacement rap song for “Pants on the Ground” . . . “Heads in the Sand.”

This is the most important and disturbing part of all of this saga:  that they let her go.  Yup, Ms. Paulin-Ramirez is as free as a jaybird.  They released here, despite the fact that Irish law allows authorities to hold suspects without charges for up to seven days.  Yet, far less than that, they set this woman–who is connected with convicted terrorist Najibullah Zazi and indicted terrorist Jihad Jane a/k/a Colleen Larose–free.  HUH?!

More head in the sand.  I wonder how Guiness plus sand tastes.  Apparently, the Irish counterterrorism people have a yen for it.

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36 Responses

[Sorry, but that’s the ultimate in feminism, whether Gloria Steinem admits it or not.]

Don’t be so spiteful! Committing crimes against humanity isn’t part of femminism but it’s certainly found in the Torah and the Koran. The Torah and Koran are exactly the same in principle.

And just remember this, it was the feminists who first warned us of the Taliban in the nineties. They were the ones who first exposed the treatment of women in Islam.

NB: Disgusting and completely ignorant. 1) The Koran is ripped off from the Torah and the New Testament. 2) But they are not “exactly the same in principle,” not even close. Followers of the Torah haven’t flown planes into buildings to murder thousands of innocent Americans or tried to forcibly convert hundreds of thousands (in fact, Judaism is against proselytizing and conversion is discouraged). Our religion is peaceful. Your comparison is ridiculous. PUH-LEEZE–The feminists to date still won’t admit this is about Islam, and from day one, they never ever did a thing but whine about the Taliban. Only our fighting men went toe-to-toe with them. Wake. The. Heck. Up. DS

Norman Blitzer on March 15, 2010 at 12:03 pm

    After the initial whine, did feminists come out in support of Bush’s closing of RAPE ROOMS & FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION?…… NO!
    These confused women remained SILENT. Your argument does not hold water, Blitzer.(if there’s a relation to Wolfe from CNN, the Crescent News Network, that explains everything)

    esther on March 16, 2010 at 6:41 am

[DS: But they are not “exactly the same in principle,” not even close.]

Then I encourage anyone to read both books and come up with those big differences in principles and post them here.

[DS:from day one, they never ever did a thing but whine about the Taliban. Only our fighting men went toe-to-toe with them.]

What else were the feminists supposed to do?

Norman Blitzer on March 15, 2010 at 12:24 pm

    “…but it’s certainly found in the Torah and the Koran. The Torah and Koran are exactly the same in principle.”

    You made the mindless assertion above.

    “Then I encourage anyone to read both books and come up with those big differences in principles and post them here.”

    Then you demand that people bail you out from the mess you are in afterwards. The onus is on you to prove that the Koran and Torah are the same in principle, since you made the assertion. You are too old to have other people change your diapers for you.

    Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    How about enlisting? Aren’t the femis big on women going into combat? Oh, I forgot: they support the new “feminized” army and will argue the Taliban to death.

    Julian on March 15, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    The feminists could have shown Islam the same love they show Evangelical Christians; only, in this case it would have been justified.

    Occam's Tool on September 22, 2011 at 9:13 pm

That’s what happens when the trash gets out of the trailer park.

R. Taylor on March 15, 2010 at 12:25 pm

What concerns me about this story is that it will strengthen the left’s views on profiling. “See, not everyone who blows up a building is an olive-skinned man.” The media will tout this as anyone American can become a jihadest – when in fact most sane and healthy minded Americans – of any creed – would pale at the idea.

Reuel Sample on March 15, 2010 at 12:33 pm

Ms. Paulin-Ramirez was release, which is the worst thing of all. Will anyone be held to account for this act if this woman decides to slaughter some innocents? Is pandering to Islamists more important than protecting the public from Ms. Paulin-Ramirez? Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, how many boys have you killed today Erie?

Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 12:40 pm

[Then you demand that people bail you out from the mess you are in afterwards. The onus is on you to prove that the Koran and Torah are the same in principle, since you made the assertion.

Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm]

The proof is right there in those books.I can’t help it that you’re both foolish and illiterate. Have you read both books? If not then STFU!

Norman Blitzer on March 15, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    “The proof is right there in those books.I can’t help it that you’re both foolish and illiterate. Have you read both books? If not then STFU!”

    It is so obvious that you are incapable of explaining it or demonstrating it in any manner, right? Your little tantrum at the end is truly charming. By the way, did your caregiver change that diaper for you yet?

    Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 7:52 pm

It looks like the CIA has another rendition to take care of. At least Jihad Jane isn’t in the U.S. right now – that means Holder and his muslim-appeasing comrades can’t give her Constitutional rights, yet. She is a traitor that needs all information extracted from her before her execution, oops, I mean accidental death.

Jarhead on March 15, 2010 at 12:43 pm

Perhaps they will re-arrest her when she blows herself up. “How does this thing work? Push this button?”

When I lived in Saudi Arabia it was always so sad to see those American women who married Saudi men and the surprise they got when they arrived there.

NB – if that is the best you can do when reading then perhaps you should give that up.

Terry on March 15, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    [NB – if that is the best you can do when reading then perhaps you should give that up.

    Terry on March 15, 2010 at 12:44 pm]

    Read them for yourself, Terry.

    Norman Blitzer on March 15, 2010 at 12:47 pm

With a face like that Muslim is her best choice for a religion. She needs to keep that face covered.

Lancaster on March 15, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    Face of evil. It literally turns my stomach. I can’t look at those eyes. Full burka for her.

    mk750 on March 15, 2010 at 3:01 pm

YES, Debbie!!!…Heads in the sand! Do it. I’m your 1st fan!

esther on March 15, 2010 at 1:35 pm

very sad story… it will happen again.

Noah David Simon on March 15, 2010 at 1:59 pm

Unattractive lonely women – these women remind me of the ones who marry guys in prison for life. It’s “love,” you see.

Kelly on March 15, 2010 at 2:22 pm

Women like this make me sick…becoming traitors just because they have daddy issues or do not want to be alone. Suck it up and work through it like any NORMAL person would do. Some women are just so STUPID, insecure and naive and if ANYONE gives them any type of attention they jump right on it. Way to go…keep giving these nasty Muslim guys their green cards. You will see soon enough that they are using your dumb ass. Try getting a hobby instead of whining

Angela04 on March 15, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    @ Kelly & Angela04

    Unfortunatelly, I know women like that. Just can’t be without a man for two seconds it seems. They need the constant attention, even when 99% of it is bad. Not sure if it’s low self esteem, their need of a father figure or just plain stupidity.

    theShadow on March 15, 2010 at 7:50 pm

      All of these above. These women may not be “stupid” academically, but they are stupid in life.

      Julian on March 16, 2010 at 10:36 am

well, i’m not shocked because after looking at her pic i have no doubt she’s crazytown… look at her oddly shaped, carny-person noggin’ and it’s obvious.

howardroark on March 15, 2010 at 2:41 pm

“Committing crimes against humanity isn’t part of femminism but it’s certainly found in the Torah and the Koran. The Torah and Koran are exactly the same in principle.” Absolute rubbish.

The directives for conquest in the Torah, for example, were limited in time and place. And the harsher directives of the Torah have been contextualized or interpreted away. The Koran’s directives to conquer, to bring the world under Allah, remain in full force everywhere and for all times.

All of *our* prophets were fully human, who sin and make mistakes; we are to learn from their mistakes. Mohammed is deemed “perfect” and worthy of emulation – so go ahead and steal from, deceive, or kill the unbeliever to advance Islam, and “marry” a child while you’re at it. Mohammed did it, so it’s OK.

Here’s another example: There is no Golden Rule in Islam – not in the Christian formulation (“Do unto others …”) or the Jewish formulation (from Hillel: “That which is hateful to your neighbors …”) Islam, after all, distinguishes between believer and non-believer and the respect due to each.

And here’s another: Jews have for millennia followed the principle of “dina d’malkhuta dina” – which means “the law of the land is the law”. Islam does not grant legitimacy to secular, man-made laws. That’s why they try to impose Islamic values and rules wherever they live even when a minority.

Raymond in DC on March 15, 2010 at 3:08 pm

“People will always side with a strong horse” – O. bin Ladin.

Maybe that’s why some non-Muslim women wind up in ‘love’ with Muslim men. The more brutish, the more they are attracted. Add to that the faith of working for a hard-ass Allah, a stable role that defines who you are (no need for ‘examining your ‘inner-self’ BS anymore) , a dash of ‘grievance-based violence and anger’ to kick in the sympathy, and their little hearts melt. Their old families need to mourn them as dead.

Not Ovenready on March 15, 2010 at 3:33 pm

She looks like a drag queen!

Julian on March 15, 2010 at 4:09 pm

Not Without My Daughter should be required viewing for all these people, as well as for some of the contributors to this particular post.

Little Al on March 15, 2010 at 5:46 pm

[Here’s another example: There is no Golden Rule in Islam – not in the Christian formulation (”Do unto others …”) or the Jewish formulation (from Hillel: “That which is hateful to your neighbors …”) Islam, after all, distinguishes between believer and non-believer and the respect due to each.
Raymond in DC on March 15, 2010 at 3:08 pm]

Here’s the prophet Mohammad’s (pbuh) last sermon:

“…You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity.”
” Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.”

If only Jesus(pbuh) spoke out against racism like Mohammad(pbuh) did!

Norman Blitzer on March 15, 2010 at 5:58 pm

I’ll tell you about a person I know. My one neighbor is an absolute witch. I live near her. She too was a Muslim convert.
I just put up some flyers you see criticizing Islam and my dhimmi parents say the Corry Police Department will come and arrest me. What would you do about it?
She tells me that Nazis are Christians and some shit like that?
I am from Corry, a town south of Erie in the USA.
Corry is a small town. She says things, that I know and you all know aren’t true, like Islam means peace. She threatens to terrorize me with white supremacists at my church because she is a Christian, claiming my placards will incite the whole town to attack her, which so far no one has.

why don’t you tell her that if you assholes hadn’t started this shit, we would have other people trying to attack you.
The police in my town of Corry, Pennsylvania are dhimmis.
Somebody on Jihadwitch wrote a comment, that if the media doesn’t tell the truth, put up flyers.

That’s what I was doing. Putting up flyers. My mother said the police wouldn’t care about free speech, at all. They would call it harassment to silence criticism of religion.
She tried to accuse me of singling her out because of being a South Asian. I was criticizing another religion, she’s white anyway. She accused me of singling out that ethnic group.
To deflect criticism of another religion. I was trying to warn everyone else about it. She was in the neighborhood. I am not a racist. You can look at my placards if you want.
It’s bad enough I live near them in my town.
I hope you understand me.

Justin on March 15, 2010 at 7:02 pm

Would you ever say the same thing about my neighbor if she ever did anything like what this woman is doing?

It would be a damn shame, because I live near that woman and it would be damn frightening if something like it happened.

There’s a damn good reason they divorced, too. She still doesn’t see that Islam is evil, even though he might have done things to her.
She likes to say her kids will be harmed if I do this. YEAH, SHE SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE THE MUSLIMS SLAUGHTERED SOMEBODY’S ELSE’S kids, too? Huh. She should have thought of that too, before the Muslims went around slaughtering somebody’s kids like in Palestine, Bosnia, and such places.
You know what I mean.

Justin on March 15, 2010 at 7:07 pm

What concerns me about this story is that it will strengthen the left’s views on profiling. “See, not everyone who blows up a building is an olive-skinned man.”
Reuel Sample on March 15, 2010 at 12:33 pm

They already do this. Always bringing up instances such as Oklohoma City, the Unibomber, blowing up Abortion clinics, shooting of abortion Doctors, etc., forgetting that the targets are focused on certain people not the general public. There is a difference of course. Killing someone you hate is wrong, killing someone you don’t know, who means you no harm, is just plain evil.

So, BTW, as in the case of “Jihad Jamie”, how do you profile ‘stupid’?

theShadow on March 15, 2010 at 7:40 pm

My one neighbor said that she was going to kill me if criticized Islam.
She told me that she was married to a Muslim and converted just to be married to him. He probably did bad things to her, which is probably why they divorced.
She still thinks that Islam is a religion of peace. I got on the internet and told her, “we won’t take your religion and your fundamentalist love of “religions” crap and your Taliban fundamentalism in our country and have a theocracy shoved down our throats. I told her too, if you love your third world shithole so much, then get out and so on. If you think your third-world shithole of Bangladesh is so much better than America, you can go live there, you know.
I hope you get it. And that things like that you see.
I despise that woman. I think she is an evil wretch and witch and I wish that she would leave my neighborhood. My parents told me, that she would do evil things to us.

Justin on March 15, 2010 at 9:35 pm

It was not politically correct to talk about American Muslims when they can blame conservatives, anti-abortion, anti-tax, and returning vets as the worry behind homegrown terrorism.
Obama and company would rather keep fighting the right then go after the real enemy. Then again with his view on standing with “The Brotherhood” as stated in his books should let you know that A: He IS a Muslim and B: Will support any muslim over American citizens.

martin fee on March 16, 2010 at 7:52 am

It’s not just lost blondies(peroxide or otherwise) who take up with Islam and or muslim men. I know LOTS, LOTS of american girls of every ethnicity and socioeconomic background who convert or become fascinated by Islam and in particular extremists views. This is also true in Europe. In my own family, one gullible girl converted to Islam when she got engaged to an african guy. The irony is is that he is very open-minded and liberal and she is some kind of born again muslim, shaming him when he doesn’t follow the fundamentalist type of salafi islam she has taken up with, mostly because that is what she was exposed to at the local mosque in NYC-he was raised in the US and his own family in is quite liberal. Before she converted and married him she was a lost little girl who took on the identity of whatever guy she was involved with. She went from goth to vegetarian marathoner to rapper chick to hejab wearer in 4 years. I think these girls have preexisting issues and find, like many who join cults and brainwashing groups like the Mormons, structure they lack, and more importantly a raison d’etre. People like this have weak self-identities and often cannot discern for themselves what their morals or limits are, nor do they think logically. Terrorists, regardless of type or cause, find it expedient to recruit types that defy profiling. Chechens have used females for several decades now and Israel has screened for these types for a long time now.

O' fabian on April 2, 2010 at 5:30 pm

the so called farewell ssermon is not genuine-show me the text from original islamic sources like the Sirat or Bukhari hadith- you cant. Read it in wiki and believe it What a fool

leigh on April 5, 2010 at 6:01 pm

My goodness, what a jaw on this girl!

Occam's Tool on September 22, 2011 at 9:14 pm

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